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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Name - Atom

Weapon grip - Heavy Blade

Faction - Sentients


The name derived from the Atom Bomb, signifying extremely destructive explosive power. A heavy blade with a disc that can be placed as a land mine and explodes when detonated and on its own when enemies are within its range. The sword creates explosions on slam attacks and combo slams.

Deals impact, blast, and puncture. Blast being the highest damage and puncture damage being the lowest.




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Edited by (XB1)Tylers Legend
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Description:A simple sword and shield made to train early Tenno.

Combining the lightweight Skana with the Pridwen proved to help the Tenno learn more challenging weapon types easier. Made from a steel type material and obsidian inlays, the shield was light enough to not inhibit movement, but strong enough to take and deal out damage.

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Faction: Tenno:lotus:

Grip: Sword and Sheild

Name: Atla & Terrus

Concept art via my tumbler: http://d1g1t1z3d.tumblr.com/image/158177960367

An ancient tenno weapon carried by high ranking guards, not only is it a symbol of status that commands respect but a guard against all who would oppose the tenno. Springing into action the Terrus shield extends when the blade is drawn to further protect the bearer. With a sharp curved blade the Atla easily reaches around opponents guard hitting them when they least expect it.

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Here's mine

Name: Twin Gregazz

Faction: Grineer

Type: Fist


Modified from simple Grineer buzz saw for combat. Slaves was forced to fight to their death with these weapons for high ranking grineer's amusement. Heavy, not the fastest weapon to wield yet deadly. Charge attack makes the blade spins faster and triggers slash proc. Victim's left with deep scars and dies from the loss of blood.



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21 hours ago, DevoKarasu said:

Faction: Corpus 

Name: Kinevis

Description: If you love the sonicor, you'll love this one too. The "Kinevis" is an fist-based weapon that is designed to send enemies flying across the map through emitting a sonic pulse during physical contact.

Each punch ragdolls your enemies afar. You may be asking "but devo, what if they are still alive after getting ragdolled across the map and start sniping me??", fear not because this weapon also DISARMS the enemy after the first hit (ragdoll), thus they will come back running after getting addicted to your fists. When your weapon is holstered, it deactivates the barrier which covers your warframe's fists, and activates when you equip just so you don't get sore knuckles while punching. 

Tap button/ normal attack: Ragdolls one enemy per punch.

Jump slam attack: Enemies around you will fall to the ground.

Charged attack: You build up pulse and punch a short AoE version of a normal punch, making it possible to ragdoll more than one enemy. (During charge, the outer parts of the weapon may spin, requiring custom animation). 

Specialty: Disarms the enemy once they are ragdolled once.

Grip: Fist


This... I want this

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On 3/3/2017 at 2:30 PM, SoulXZero said:

So I came up with this pretty awesome idea (atleast i think so)
think about a weapon that works a little bit like nidus (when i say nidus i mean with transformations that are determined by some kind of given value)
i thought about a weapon that would transform (doesn't have to be a big transformation visually)
I came up with this because I really liked the concept of nidus and thought why couldn't there be weapons like this in the game
here are early concept (sorry for rough lines still trying to learn how to draw in drawing programs. and sorry for no colors still didnt come up with good color combination for the weapon) drawings by me I hope you like them

In this picture you can see the "base form" and the "awoken form" of the weapon (awoken form will be determined by how many kills you get)
base form is nothing special but the awoken form makes the magatama engulf in flames aswell as the three horn like structures
In the lower part you can see demonic like scales growing out of the weapon.
in my mind i thought that this weapons awoken form would increase its range aswell as its damage output and has a low chance to set the enemy on fire for a set amount of time(the numbers dont have to be high just and idea)

Ok so now to the point

Faction: Tenno Demonic Weapon

Brief description:   A Tenno Made Weapon That Bring Fierce Destruction And Flaming Disaster To Any Enemy That Will Come In Range This Weapons Devastating Claws Will Tear Any Enemy That Comes In Its Way This Weapon Feeds On His Enemy's Blood To Grow Stronger. This Ancient Weapon Was Wielded By The Strongest And Fearless Tenno During The War

Tapping Melee Should Use The Fist Grip Animation. Charging Should Do A Strong Punch And While in Awoken Form It Will Shoot A Short Range Fire Projectile Forwards From The Teeno If The Enemy Is Stealth Killed there should be an animation where the weapon goes strait through the enemy's heart

i'm gonna give you an up vote not because of the concept.....but because you must of watched Twin Star Exorcists anime! :D

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H1vu8ZO.jpgName: Elysium Tsurugi

Faction: Tenno

Stance: High Noon/ Bullet Dance

Description: Newly found Tenno, Corrosive, Gun blade which sings through the air and can destroy the best of enemies defenses. Lost through age old war and trade, this weapon is of unknown origin and potential not to be underestimated.

Personal thoughts: Reviving two (somewhat) dead concepts, Ether Weapons and also Gun blades

Slow, scales to the size of The Gram, has innate corrosive damage, lots of critical/status chance, unique projectile

halo swing sound effect

like this: 


Edited by (PS4)Viqtor125
Needed more specificity for understanding the end product
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Faction: Tenno
Brief Description: This destructive Gunblade utilizes a miniaturized magnetic launch system derived from the Velocitus Arch-gun to accelerate shrapnel/slugs to extreme speeds from the palms of your hands. Includes honed edges for when you want to get up close and personal.

Name (suggestion): Impetus. A Latin synonym of Momentum. A function of Mass times Velocity.


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Name: Arashi

Faction: Tenno
Brief Description: The weapon is a Glaive. It is a special Glaive with 2 functions. The normal Glaive throw which happens when you are holding the weapon, and a new function that splits the Glaive's blades into 8 pieces that automatically attacks nearby enemies. Ideally the size of this Glaive should be much larger than the normal Glaives, and should be fitted on the back, but the normal arm placement works too.

Original Artwork:


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16 hours ago, WEREsandrock said:

Name: Panza and Pice
Faction: Corpus

Grip type: sword and shield.
Description: Panza and Pice were developed by the Corpus. The Pice is a pickaxe like tool, which is used for mining by the
workers who were enslaved by the Corpus. The shield uses the same plating used on MOAS. It emits a hex-grid Aura when dodging bullets.

On Charge, the Pice overloads and emits a ray of super hot Plasma that stabs / burns the enemy. (examples can be found on the second picture)

Concept art:




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Faction: Grineer
Grip/Type: Scythe
"Originally made as farming equipment for Earth colonists, it was redesigned into a Grineer tool to dissect scrap in detail.
It took little time to discover that the tool could also dissect the living... And un-living."

The design is based off of a brush hook (AKA Kaiser Blade, Sling Blade, Not the Movie, etc.), which did begin
as a tool to consolidate brush. The curved blade acts much like a scythe, as it traps and draws material back and into the cutting edge.
It is also featured with a tip, to use as a pseudo fork, using applied pressure to stay stuck to the hook.
It is claimed that the brush hook handles better than an axe/hatchet.

The name 'HEGEMON' comes from the definition of the word-- 'a leading world power, or
one with the ability and practice of predominating influence over others'
The name tickled my fancy of wordplay. I saw it as being a light play on the word 'hedge', as well as
a synonymous meaning to the word 'Kaiser'.

I used the designs of the Dual Cleavers and the Machete to influence the design of this weapon.
I used the lore behind the weapon Serro to influence the created lore behind this weapon; a tool is eventually recognized as an implement of violence.

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Now Now. I'm not the greatest of artists so my concept needs a lot of imagination.

But clearly to see is a fist holded melee weapon that can put out some punch as well as defend a team behind its steel.

The Idea is, that the two armor plates of the gauntlets fit together and form a shield. On the shield can be any sign.

And fighting-addressing I'd say, or wish, that it would give you more than just punches. I'd make it a weapon for knock-down and crowd control, where you can grab and throw your enemies at others and play bowling with their bodies, or simply smite them into the ground.

Feels Tenno, don't you think? All the - My Body is a Weapon - thing. Right?

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Original art work concept

Name - TATTVA  (element)

Faction - Grineer.

Brief description - Heavy blade/Heavy axe stance and holstering , Elemental damage type. Depends on energy color like Chroma Warframe.
                               Changing energy color changes elemental damages.
                               Fire is molten lava like blade.
                               Ice  is crystallized thick ice blade.
                               Electric is lightning like blade.
                              Toxin is poison gas cloud like blade.

original sketch and dimension comparison image


Charge attack buff for player and allies (inspired by Zenistar heavy blade disc):
-Fire elemental blade stuck in ground creates fire wall 20 percent strength boost for all weapons within radius.
-Ice elemental blade in ground = snow globe like formation. ice dmg buff for player and allies and slowing down enemies within radius
-Electric elemental blade in ground = lightning barriers. magnetic effect deflects enemy fire.. enemy stun or electrified.. shield increase for allies and player
-Toxin elemental blade in ground = gaseous clouds around player and allies within radius.. health regen for duration.. enemy health steal and corrosive damage.

Charge attack functions (rough depiction)


Melee stats

Damage               - 130 (based on elemental color assigned, fire/ice/electric/toxin)

Attack speed        - 0.976

Status chance      - 40%

Critical chance     - 10%

Critical multiplier  - 2.0x

Slam attack          - 260

Slide attack          - 260

Wall attack           - 260

Polarity                 - V

Stance/polarity     - V polarity
                               Stance mods(Tempo Royale, Cleaving whirlwind, Rending crane)


I hope that I ve met all conditions for the contest.. Hope the players like the idea of it..

Thats my submisison for the contest..

Thank you..


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Faction- Tenno
Grip Type- Fists
Description- Coming from the same family as the Kronen, these new weapons will help any tenno scratch that special itch when they can't decide between Punching something, or Cutting it to pieces. 





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Weapon name: Cephalon Kung Fu

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: a slow heavy hitting glaive type weapon, the weapon is two orbs that orbits slowly around the player when not in use. The weapon deals puncture and slash proc.  When attacking, the orbs guides the movements of the player with the orbs going through whatever is in its way. As the combo counter increase, the orbs grows larger, brighter and orbits faster until a charge attack can be unleashed to combine the orbs and the combined orbs violently swings out the orbit randomly and explode. 

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in game name : baldestrom   

platform: pc

faction : tenno

two horizontal blades linked with a chain based on nanriki and metteor spinning hammer (metteor frestyle hammer) ...the gripp is bassed on whips with a left to right hand switch animation and both hands when sliding .. for finnishers u can use the choke animation of nunchucks 

sorry for bad art but im doing it with sketchtoy and a mouse :P 


PS: id suggest to give it the double attack speed of average whips and half damage and make it a slash and impact only weapon 



Edited by baldestrom
forgott to say my ign and platform
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im no good at art and the contest says i can't borrow from other sources, so i figured i would discribe it and if someone likes the idea they are more then welcome to draw something up and enter it for themselves

Faction: Tenno

Grip: dual sword


dual swords/whips (like with some of the guns middle mouse click swaps it between to two modes)

as for changing fighting styles i would suggest maybe making the whip fighting style mod not count towards the overal mod points, that way when swapped it also changes fighting style. while in swords mode enemies killed with critical hits drop health orbs but while whips are active enemies killed by critical hits drop energy orbs

the basic look would be two swords with lines horizontally down the blades, when changed to whip the swords disconnect along the lines and extend out to form the whips (if i could draw i would make the connections between the blade chunks be energy or something cool)

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