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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Ether Battle Ax

Fraction: Tenno

Grip Type: Heavy weapon 2 handed

Brief Description: Swing speed 1.06 High slash (60*) and moderate Puncture(10*) Ground slam does Radiation Damage

Image 1:



Image 2:



#MoreEtherlove :thumbup:

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22 hours ago, DownStreamDevil said:

Korag_zpsvpypvb2q.jpgName: Korag


Description: Heavy Blade, used by Grineer officers to execute disobeying soldiers. The sword has built-in heating mechanism (charged attacks make the blade glow red and deal bonus heat damage), used to cauterize the wounds it causes.

I love this, if only cause the Kora sword is one of my favorite historical sword designs

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Here is my submission :3

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: Grip-type is Hammer (Crushing Ruin seems best to me).

This is a magnetic Tenno Greatscythe. The reactors replacing the edge emit concentrated magnetic waves. A charged channeled strike of this Greatscythe cancels currently active abilities and effects of the target, e.g. Nullifier Bubbles, Eximus abilities,(New players - spoiler:) Phorid's scream, Stalker's absorb, [...] (possibly warframe abilities in conclave?).

Original Artwork: 

Edited by Dark_Sp00n
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I saw this contest and i said, OMG I HAVE TO PARTECIPATE, got a hype super high , ok here's my weapon, hope you guys will like it :

NAME : Eclypsius


GRIP TYPE : Heavy Blade (tempo royale suggested)

BRIEF DESCRIPTION : "A weapon found on Lua and hidden by the Lotus long time ago; use it to reap foes like a heavy blade or throw the blade to shred enemies in pieces "

- The weapon comes folded like a kama does, opening only during attacks;
- The user holds the weapon like would do with a normal scythe like anku, but movements and combos are heavy blade's ones;
- The weapon deals mainly slash damage , with a bit of impact and a poor percentage of puncture (suggested 70%S - 20%I - 10%P) (for other stats i'd suggest a high crit multiplier like x3-3.5 but a low crit chanche like 5-10% and a high base status chance);
- The blade can be thrown like a glaive charging the attack (similar to zenistar charge), causing : multi-hit, knockback and a chance to proc bleeding on hit (channeling increases flight speed and range), the weapon then will return back on the hilt;      


I'll add more detailed images ongoing time

Edited by (PS4)Lord_C_AlucarD
images update
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Faction - Orokin

Grip - blade and whip

description - the anchor is held in the right hand and the harpoon in the left, my idea is that this weapon was created for the Orokin for use by the original tenno (specifically the ones that piloted the Hydroid warframe)

the slam attack would have a splashing water effect to match Hydroids abilities

the charge attack will throw the harpoon ahead of the user and pull first target hit, as with the Mios and lacera


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Name: Requiem.

Story: The mournful song of these blades as they fly through the air brings back the stories of the noble Tenno, before the Fall.

Faction: Tenno

Description: The sword is based off of Cloud's Fusion Swords from Final Fantasy, as well as Penny Polendina's swords/cannon from RWBY. It uses a different grip type, where the Tenno doesn't actually grip the weapon. They sort of direct the parts of it to do their bidding.

Basically, there are # of swords (This can vary. I was thinking 7, but that can mean high latency with all the moving parts? So I suggest 3 or 4 swords. Drawings show 3.) They are stored in a single sword on the Tenno's back, and when they come to use, they spread out of the left side like a wing. (this can be modified with holster options?)

This weapon strikes with all swords at once, in a sweeping, slicing blow. Mainly Slash damage. Quick melee attack is a fast airborne sweep that cuts everything in its range (medium to high range, these are flying weapons after all. Also, high attack speed.) Equipped melee is where the swords float in the air, either circling around the Tenno or moving with them.

Images here:

I made this in Powerpoint, don't hate on meh pls.

Thanks for reading, I hope this gets submitted!

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Name: Requiem.

Story: The mournful song of these blades as they fly through the air brings back the stories of the noble Tenno, before the Fall.

Faction: Tenno

Description: The sword is based off of Cloud's Fusion Swords from Final Fantasy, as well as Penny Polendina's swords/cannon from RWBY. It uses a different grip type, where the Tenno doesn't actually grip the weapon. They sort of direct the parts of it to do their bidding.

Basically, there are # of swords (This can vary. I was thinking 7, but that can mean high latency with all the moving parts? So I suggest 3 or 4 swords. Drawings show 3.) They are stored in a single sword on the Tenno's back, and when they come to use, they spread out of the left side like a wing. (this can be modified with holster options?)

This weapon strikes with all swords at once, in a sweeping, slicing blow. Mainly Slash damage. Quick melee attack is a fast airborne sweep that cuts everything in its range (medium to high range, these are flying weapons after all. Also, high attack speed.) Equipped melee is where the swords float in the air, either circling around the Tenno or moving with them.

Images here:

I made this in Powerpoint, don't hate on meh pls.

Thanks for reading, I hope this gets submitted!

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On 04/03/2017 at 5:00 AM, [DE]Megan said:


The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!

The best defense is a good offense! We’ve asked for your Melee weapon designs in the past, and we loved them, so we’re asking for more! It’s time to design a Melee weapon that you would be proud to carry into battle.

How to enter:
In this thread, submit original concept art and criteria for a Melee weapon (using an existing Warframe grip type) that you would like to see in Warframe!

Your submission must include:
Faction: Clearly label which faction this weapon belongs to
Brief Description: Include a grip-type and description of your weapon (max 100 words)
Original Artwork: Maximum 2 images
Need an example?
Silva & Aegis Original Concept Art:

Silva & Aegis in Warframe:


●    One submission per player
●    Artwork must be original and not taken from other sources
●    The weapon must use an existing grip. Melee weapon types that are not already in Warframe are not allowed
●    Do not reserve spots in this thread
●    Only post submissions in this thread
●    Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
●    All submissions become property of Digital Extremes
Selecting the Winning Design:

Call for submissions will be closed on March 30, 2017 at 1:00 pm ET.

Lucas Hug, Senior Artist at Digital Extremes, will choose a batch of favourite submissions. You can see some of Lucas Hug’s work on Warframe weapons here: http://www.lucashug.com/warframe-02
The Design Council will then determine the winning Melee weapons by submissions selected by Lucas Hug. Design Council voting will begin on March 31, 2017 at 1:00pm ET and run for one week.

The winning designs will be interpreted by our artists who will make tweaks as needed to ensure that the overall design remains true to the Warframe style.

The completed melee weapon will then be put into Warframe!

Good luck, Tenno!

Can it be archwing melee?

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15 minutes ago, Dr._Thrax said:

Faction: Wild

Description: This fine specimen of nature deals primarily impact damage, with a touch of slash.

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The best part is that you get it when the lotus gets angry with you and you have to go outside and pick one, but if you get one that's too small, lotus will whip you with it and make you go get another one!

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The Pyra Skorpius

Faction: Tenno (Ether & Boltor Technology)
Grip Style: Gunblade

Brief Description: Contrary to the design of the Silva and Aegis which is to endure conflict, the Pyra Skorpius is designed to end it (with the 
resounding crash of a body pinned to a wall). The Pyra Skorpius is a pyra-based katar with the stopping power of a boltor. Using the gunblade stances, 
the Tenno can burn through the chaff and save well-timed boltor shots, imbued with the element of the pyra, for the tougher targets. Any Tenno using this weapon 
cannot block; the only way forward is through the enemy. 



Side notes:
The only problem that I foresee is that this cannot be equipped with the sonicor without causing a head ache in the equipment clipping/overlap. However, I'd want to equip this weapon without anything else. :D

If I could draw better, I'd put more geometric details like with the Silva and Aegis elements.

Anticipated damage:
-melee strikes are fire damage (in order to keep it in alignment with pyra technology of the Silva and Aegis)
-the boltor shot is puncture damage + a fraction of the melee elemental damage (or just melee dmg type for simplicity)
-an awesome quirk of this would be to have a high crit chance or innate punch through on the boltor shot
    -(it would make the kick back in the gunblade stances have a little more "umpf")
-I won't suggest any numbers, but it would be awesome if this weapon doesn't end up as Mastery fodder.
-To offset what could be high damage, this weapon should offer minimal to no protection from blocking

Note about the name: Skorpius for scorpion. Name is partly for scorpion-like elements in the design of the pyra channels and the boltor spike in the barrel. The other part is a reference to the portable Roman ballistae known as Scorpions/Scorpio.

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On 04/03/2017 at 8:24 PM, SkylineXful said:

Name: Iron Crescent (?) not good at naming stuff

Fraction: Corpus for its mechanical look.

Type: Scythe

Description: a new deadly corpus weapon made to bring chaos and destruction to its enemy from afar with great area of damage



this is the idea of my drawing and here is a somewhat painted one (not good at painting)




PS: weapon has to be bigger than normal scythe in-games, around warframe size (use tenno to scale), i want a big scythe >:3 to bring Tenno peace to the system (double the size of normal scythe in game i would suggest)


thanks! Keep the amazing work!

it from RWBY ...

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On 3/4/2017 at 8:30 AM, SoulXZero said:

So I came up with this pretty awesome idea (atleast i think so)
think about a weapon that works a little bit like nidus (when i say nidus i mean with transformations that are determined by some kind of given value)
i thought about a weapon that would transform (doesn't have to be a big transformation visually)
I came up with this because I really liked the concept of nidus and thought why couldn't there be weapons like this in the game
here are early concept (sorry for rough lines still trying to learn how to draw in drawing programs. and sorry for no colors still didnt come up with good color combination for the weapon) drawings by me I hope you like them

In this picture you can see the "base form" and the "awoken form" of the weapon (awoken form will be determined by how many kills you get)
base form is nothing special but the awoken form makes the magatama engulf in flames aswell as the three horn like structures
In the lower part you can see demonic like scales growing out of the weapon.
in my mind i thought that this weapons awoken form would increase its range aswell as its damage output and has a low chance to set the enemy on fire for a set amount of time(the numbers dont have to be high just and idea)

Ok so now to the point

Faction: Tenno Demonic Weapon

Brief description:   A Tenno Made Weapon That Bring Fierce Destruction And Flaming Disaster To Any Enemy That Will Come In Range This Weapons Devastating Claws Will Tear Any Enemy That Comes In Its Way This Weapon Feeds On His Enemy's Blood To Grow Stronger. This Ancient Weapon Was Wielded By The Strongest And Fearless Tenno During The War

Tapping Melee Should Use The Fist Grip Animation. Charging Should Do A Strong Punch And While in Awoken Form It Will Shoot A Short Range Fire Projectile Forwards From The Teeno If The Enemy Is Stealth Killed there should be an animation where the weapon goes strait through the enemy's heart


Somebody has been watching twin star exorcists but you could have made it a little less obvious still cool concept

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An ancient Tenno tool of both dance and war. The Arashin is a bladed fan that allows for great gusts of wind to be created.

A dual weapon that utilises the same grip as the dual cleavers. Charging a channelled attack knocks down enemies in a 4m cone in front of you.

Edited by kyeplayfair
Actually added the image this time.
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i rushed this a bit but you'll get the general idea.

Weapon Name: Exxacus

Faction: Tenno
Grip: Dual swords/heavy blade

Desc: A recently developed split sword to help combat the kuva forces in the ongoing war.

this weapon when combined deal slash damage, and when split deals heavy puncture 20170309_195858.jpg

Edited by BlazefireBlood
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Faction: Tenno

Weapon Type/Grip: Greatsword

Emits musical notes when charged to distract the enemy from it's large blade that will soon cut them down. Size is comparable to Galatine in length just a lot wider. Designed to cut swathes of enemies in pieces in a single swing as it's a multi target sword. "This is Tempo, the songblade. Can you keep up with the beat, Tenno?"


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Faction: Orokin

Grip/Stance: Scythe

Description: Unlike ancient designs, this Orokin weapon is designed for piercing rather than slashing. Stab through your enemies and cut them in half with a single swipe, before you unleash the Tempest by charging and unveiling its powerful plasma core, devastating those around you.


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