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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Faction: Grineer
Grip Type: Polearm
Attack style: Fast, high puncture and slash damage (I wont ask for high crit chance, but that would be gravy)
Temporary Name: Hellebat

Designed with the intention of keeping crowds of enemies away from an objective (and the Tenno), this halberd dispatches foes at a safe distance without gulping precious ammo. The head is designed to be swung or thrust forward into the enemy, causing slash and puncture damage with it's fast attacks. A squad of halberd wielding Tenno would be an impenetrable guard for any Cryopod or Terminal they were set to defend.

Make any changes necessary, I just want a stabbing polearm. This opens up the game for a new polearm stance too, give the motion capture folks another fun project.

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 A sword & shield design inspired by Grineer Shield Lancers. The description could be something like when firearms falter become the Grineer that adapts to Tenno trickery. Don't got anything to do a design for the sword... Charge attack charges forward and smashes enemies w/ the shield (like Grineer Shield Lancers).

Edited by (PS4)DaysatHome333
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Faction: Tenno, ether axe and shield. 

Description: This weapon use the sword and shield grip. They both have "blades" like the ether sword. When deactivated, the shield turn off and only the "skeleton" remains visible (something like the Silva and Aegis's fire). You can switch the combat style with the alternative fire button, the axe and shield become a big two handed axe, with the shield placed upside down and folded in half at the top of the axe, upon the blade. It have a high slash base damage and 15% crit. prob. The big axe ground slam release an earthquake.  

Another link on my art stration page.




Edited by Devinalh
Missing images
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2 hours ago, GentleTenno said:

Thanks for your return. You're right, but i understood " existing Warframe grip type " like "just pick un Existing Stance". And it is. 
I guess my blueprint isn't enought similar ? ... :sadcry:

Maybe I understand something wrong in your concept, but I don´t see this wotking with any existing stance.

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On 04/03/2017 at 3:00 AM, SilverBones said:


(Blade and Whip Grip) This slow-swinging, militarized version of a boarding tool embodies everything about the Grineer approach to warfare; It’s vicious, it’s destructive and serves in multiple functions simultaneously. The super-heated, sickle-like plasma blade can carve through hardened armor, the explosive, cable-bound weighted end can clear debris and attackers in equal measure and even the heat vents can be used to maim and kill. It is the embodiment of murderous, Grineer ingenuity. When in use, the vent plating slides back to protect the users hand from the heat, then moves back to guard the plasma nozzles when stowed.



Personal Note: While I appreciate the concern that my name is not listed next to the Silva & Aegis, I have never asked for it, nor felt like it was deserved. I just doodled the idea. Tennogen guys actually create the stuff, while the animation and art team at Warframe did most of the glorious work for the S&A. I am totally fine with how the Silva & Aegis is listed!

OMG... Cool weapon, awesome concept art... I really like this art

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On 04/03/2017 at 7:52 AM, Casardis said:



Faction: Infested

Brief Description: An infested amalgamate that evolved into a Gas-breathing hammer, this biological hazard digests matter, turning them into noxious particle bombs to spit at its foes. Combo counter doesn't give damage multiplier, but instead fills its Gas reserve. All attacks that create ragdoll blasts (Shattered Village combo...) send high-status, short-range Gas bombs in an AoE around you.

Explosion is affected by mods, including Reach and elements, but projectile range isn't. Number of projectiles is three times the combo multiplier, rounded up. With 1.5x, it throws 5 bombs.


Non-important trivia:

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Name taken from Sepsis.
Design inspired by Nidus, Caustacyst, Thorac Syandana, the Boiler and the Juggernaut.
The weapon is more of a heavy mace, but for the sake of identifying, as per DE's request in the OP, it's a "hammer."
Image layout inspired by RedSkittlez.

For more details, check the fan concept page.

No words for this art... PRO!

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On 07/03/2017 at 2:59 PM, Khobi said:


Faction: Grineer

Type: Rapier (devs probably would have a better idea where it fits)

Desc: Rocket lance

Sketchfab Link  (see it in 3d)

Artstation  (other models you can look at)

The Galahad rocket lance was a project I worked on for a personal group in another game however the group had other plans and so the model has been sitting in my portfolio collecting dust I recently decided to reskin it, to make it look grineer and make it all fancy looking for you all. The idea behind it was to have three functions:

(keep in mind that this would use the rapier animations or similar thrusting anims gathered from other stances/combos, but the speed would be vastly slower with a higher damage output in order to give the animators a break, but still allow it to act slower like a proper lance)

Basic lunge: a pretty basic combo of lunges/swings what have you

Dash lunge: rockets boost from behind causing the wielder to burst forward dealing puncture to enemies in path. (the arm and the wielder are protected if held correctly. I can make gesture drawings for an anim if you like)

Throw: Throws the rocket going through enemies in path impaling like a shish-kebab, and when hitting a surface it explodes dealing incendiary damage.

edit: I just added a Grineer skin, and went the extra mile and made a background for my sketchfab, and changed some lighting settings in the 3d preview.


Great work!

Edited by azak
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8 hours ago, Kthal said:

More of a mechanical concept than an artist showing off:


Secacor, Cephalontech Glaive. (although better names could be had)

Artists can go nuts, this is only a very basic concept. (Old image, uses Synoid parts since that was the point of the image at the time)


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As far as the appearance of the weapon, since it has multiple bodies, rather than remaining as a fixed disc in flight, the projectile has the appearance of a vortex (like the tip of the Heliocor), with the three (or however many) edge blades and other intermediary bodies chasing it.


Weapon has high damage on melee (50-75), low damage on throw (50-75). Base damage type Magnetic, with guaranteed Shock procs on throw and detonation.

The reason for the low throw damage, it collects items along the projectile's path (instant pickup, objects are not moved) with a radius of 5m from the projectile, as well as all pickups within the radius of the detonation.

As an extra bonus, 5% x3 crit stats. +95% base crit chance when hitting an enemy with a completed codex entry. This would give it the characteristic of scaling with a part of account progress unrelated to Mastery Rank or Syndicate affiliation.


Even if this doesn't really suit the feel of the contest, it could make for a fun weapon some point down the line.

that's actualy a pretty nice design, would love that over the hammer.

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Name: Knox & Blight

Faction: Infested

I wanted to create an infested styled Mace & Shield. The weapon would use the same grip as the other sword & shield weapons in the game. Its special mechanic would allow you to block incoming damage, and then release a toxic cloud around you, similar to the clouds Mutalist Ospreys leave behind. This effect would only occur once every 10 seconds or so. It could also perhaps do this instead while blocking and channeling.


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Weapon Name: Sitara

Faction: Tenno

Grip: sword

Description: An Ancient Gauntlet that Lets out a plasma energy blade, capable of cutting objects like butter. The blade can further increase it's length with the infused energy of the user. Also it has destructive charge attacks that lets the user rush through enemies, leaving piles of bodies behind them.This weapon was hidden after the old war due to it's bloodshed. Some say it was forged with the energy of a star. Needs a blocking animation.


Edited by (PS4)Ryomaru6591
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Tossing my proverbial hat in the ring here, though I'm not sure if the arts are needed or not, I'd be more than happy to add something later on or if somebody more art-prone finds the concept worthy f lending their talents that would be lovely

Name: (translation - jagged teeth)

Dentibus Serratis

Faction: grineer* Infested
Stance: Claws (Four Riders)
General 'Features'
- Heavy gauntlets with a cluster of infested 4-6 'rover disks' made of teeth and claws.
- While all disks are mounted they deal impact/slash/toxin as the disks are launched out that damage changes to piercing/toxin as poison covered spikes remain to strike
- Less disks mounted conveys an attack speed boost, inversely more is slower. 0.8 - 1.2
- Charge attacks will launch off one of these living buzz blades that wander in a small range seeking out enemies that get near to deal slash/gas dmg.
- A charge attack performed with no bladed disks on the gauntlets will recall them early, otherwise they have a 26 second wander time.
- Performing combos successfully will release the full load of toothdisks.
- Ground slams shoot out radial spray of teeth shards
- Relatively low crit and status 10% each

Rend_them_with_TOOTH_AND_CLAW_gauntletx2 Edit#2: second gauntlet with disks faded for clarification. I am not good at the art, sorry.



Edited by TrueDracora
uploaded image submission, unfortunately what comes out on screen is not what's in mind, hopefully there can be an actual artist rendition of these voracious renders, they deserve to fight tooth and nail for their virtual existence!
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Faction: Tenno ( Orokin Technology)

Brief Description: The scythe uses Reaping Spiral. The scythe alone is too unstable for a single tenno to handle, to use such a weapon the tenno had to chain it into a pocket dimension, to only have the weapon reveals it's self as it is summoned to attack it's enemy. So a chain is attached on the tennos arm, when attacking, a portal opens releasing the scythe from its pocket dimension, until the tenno stops attacking (scythe goes back into the portal). The scythe is a long scythe (Galatine prime long).



Yes I know I have absolutely no drawing skill's whats o ever laughing out loud, so please don't be to harsh on the drawing xD. 

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grip Dual Tonfa Weapon

orokin IconOrokinB

the dual rigors a forgoton wepon of the orokin left in the past slice threw enemys with ease of the rigor and stab threw with a charge



...I feal like I embarrassed myself there is so many amazing models sry if I'm jst taking up space wt mine


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On ‎3‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 5:32 PM, (Xbox One)So Si1ky said:

  Behold THE Tellimiur Mace.  (Telli•mirror)  Faction: Orokin.  Grip type: Hammers. Description: " A powerful, rare mace use long ago during the Orokin Era. It is rumored that this weapon was once use as a part of the Continuity ritual that gave that gave the Orokin Empire immortality." -Statistics: (Impact:53) (slash:NA) (puncture:72) (Status chance: 10%) (Attack speed:1.08)(Wall attack: 125) (Spin attack: 185) (Leap attack: 465) (crit multiplier: ×1.5) (critcal chance: 20%) (channeling damage: 1.5×) (channeling cost: 5) -What this can look like!yC43Vw2.jpgRequired matterial: (15-Tellurium), (7,000 Rubedo), (11,000 Ferrite), (7,000 Salvage) MR:8, 9, or 10 required to use.     -Personal notes: I want it to be large ( around the size/length of the Sibear)  It should have a constand radiant glow thats bright red (or the color of the energy you apply to the weapon). I also would like to have some kind of effect with slam attacks. For example the twin Basolk has a fire status applied when slam attacks are preformed. I think a similar thing should happen with the Tellimiur Mace but insted of fire it would apply a puncture status that would last 9 to 10 seconds (unaffected by status duration mods). It should have a HUGE slam radius (around 9m).  <Range of swings> basic combo: 3.5 to 4m-Spin attacks: 5.5m (stagger on leap attack)

coolest idea ever <3


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Faction: Infested


Infested claws that deal mainly corrosive and slash damage. The body of the weapon is made of flesh and bone that has started to blacken and leak corrosive toxins into the bodies of the enemy.


Edited by peppermintneko
Meant to write 'corrosive' rather than 'caustic' in the first sentence.
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Name: Gale

Grip: Halberd/Pole-arm

Faction: Tenno

Description: The Gale is a halberd with a blade made of razor-edged feathers splayed out in a plume much like a peacock's tail.  It normal attack deals primarily Slashing damage with secondary Piercing damage.  It's special feature is the charge attack.  Any nearby enemy in front that's not hit by the initial swing is blown away and knocked-down by the wind created by the giant, fan-like blade.

Concept Art Description: Sadly, I'm not much of an artist.  This idea was inspired the peacock's colorful feathers and by Zephyr's wind abilities.  In my mind's eye I imagine an almost oversized blade at the top of pole, made of metallic green feather's, each with a blue, energy eye-spot at the top.  If any talented artist would like to use this idea, please, be my guest.

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23 minutes ago, vladchima said:



Faction: Tenno

(according to Shadow_of_The_Prime)"Brief" description: This is the Destana, this is a katana/sword that uses both sword and katana stances. when you choose sword stand, your damage decreases and your attack speed increases, and when you choose a katana stance, your damage increases but your attack speed decreases. note that the handle is protected by the blade. the white parts are energy, grey is secondary, brown is tertiary, and black is primary colors. the writing on the blade translates to "vladchima", the creator of the weapon idea and design.


Special thanks to Shadow_of_The_Prime for helping me putting this together and cleaning it all up.


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