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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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6 minutes ago, Xamerzan said:

It only looks like they'd be Venka grip most likely because of the little example sketches I have in there. I promise you, it's intended to be a Duel Swords Grip. =)

i changed it to be a venka/dual swords grip leaving D.E up to that decision but if i have to i'd choose Dual

Edited by Killshredder
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Edited by getsuei
It was necessary to add images
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Grineer Hammer

A nice crabby hammer, combining Pierce and Impact damage. Smack enough mooks to loosen the hinge, then grab someone with the claw! Hurl them back into their friends!

Hours of fun are sure to follow!

Edited by ikefrog
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10 hours ago, (PS4)Ryomaru6591 said:

Weapon Name: Sitara

Faction: Tenno

Grip: sword

Description: An Ancient Gauntlet that Lets out an plasma energy blade, capable of cutting objects like butter. The blade can further increase it's length with the infused energy of the user. Also it has destructive charge attacks that lets the user rush through enemies, leaving piles of bodies behind them.This weapon was hidden after the old war due to it's bloodshed. Some say it was forged with the energy of a star.


Me wanna!!!

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I doubt my comment will get any recognition but I would like to like to direct DE attension to an idea & this is a melee thread.



The concept im about to propose isnt a whole new melee type but instead gives a new way to something that already exsist. The Shield & Sword.

Ive thought for a long time. Warframe should have a shield by itself as a melee type. But instead of giving it its own row of melee weapons. It hit me. Give Shield & Sword the same treatment you gave Dark split Sword.

Shield & Sword will now be able to use 3 different types of stances. One handed stance, Shield and sword stance & Shield (A new stance) stance. One handed stance will drop the shield and keep the sword & vice versa with the Shield stance.

With this treatment. You will be able to use Shield and Sword 3 different ways. Plus Shield as a own melee weapon! Of course stats will change when you switch.

I dont know if DE will go through every single page in this thread but it would mean Alot if I heard from DE themselves reguarding this concept.

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Fist

Description: Dealing slashing (main)+puncture (sub) damage in quick succession. Like Sarpa and Redeemer, it is able to shoot 5 shuriken (energy-based; electric+puncture damage) with its charged attack, from the energy on the top side of the glove.




Edited by Razgris05
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Here's Mine  

Name : Kraki

Weapon Type : Heavy Blade

Faction : Tenno 

Brief Description :  This Big Massive Axe going to chop your enemy head clean off. 


I did this just for fun. I didn't expect this to be in the game anyways.

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My Submission: Sentient fist-gauntlet-thing (Current working title is "Anguish")

Damage: 25% impact, 25% puncture, 25% slash, 25% electricity (eg, 100 damage total, 25 Impact/Puncture/Slash+25 electricity)

Faction: Sentient

Stance: Fist

Passive 1: On status proc, enemies are "marked" for 5 seconds. If that enemy is killed within that time, they drop a "spark" that, when picked up, releases a healing pulse that regenerates 2% of max health per second for 15 seconds to all allies in 7m range(yourself included). This heal also increases max health by 5% of base health and the effect stacks up to 5 times. However, while under the effects of 5 stacks, attack and movement speed are reduced by 15% for the duration of the effect. Healing range is affected by reach, but caps at 12m.

Passive 2(if Passive 1 is too extreme): Charged attacks unleash a forward energy wave that forces a stun effect on all enemies hit by it, opening them up to finishers. Enemies affected by this stun are marked by a special energy effect, and when killed by a finisher, they release a healing pulse that heals for 20% of damage dealt by the finisher. The wave has a base range of 7m, and the healing pulse has a range of 5m. Both of these are affected by reach.

Concept pic made whilst tired:


Edited by Arn-Solma
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Name: Paralakka

Weapon-type: Claw


weapon element: Slash/Toxin

Discription: A hungry set of infested claws that feeds on the blood of your enemies. when channeling it gives the tenno more adrenaline at a cost of it eating away at the tennos health but feed it enough it might give back what it took from you...No automatic alt text available.



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1 minute ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

I'm learning the basics of 3D modelling, so actual image of the weapon is coming later. 

The basic look of the weapon is a fancy Tenno-style sword, energy emitting from the top of the hilt. 

The blade has runes written in orokin language saying: "Ready for all, yield to none."


The swod has an alternate form. Pressing the assigned button, the hilt releases energy, covering the blade, transforming it to a huge heavy blade. 

To stay in this form the weapon drains your warframe's energy. 


Story of the sword: (Still working on it, it will be the brief description, currently it's too long. Also have to revisit it to make it accurate to the lore.) 

The Tenno has been dreaming for ages. They have reforged X, their enemys' worst nightmare. 

X was the glorious blade that has never touched blood. The sword's energy used to unleash and feed Excalibur's (or Excaliburs') Exalted Blade.

The sword has fallen with the Orokin.  The Tenno reforged and  remodelled it with some new mechanics to make the sword adaptable to any enemy they confront. 

Weapon Stats (Exact numbers coming later)

In Sword form, it is fast and has high crit chance. Damage is shared evenly between IPS. 

In Heavy-Blade form it is significantly slower, has 5% crit chance, but very high status chance. Damage is shared evenly between IPS. 

Now the "unique" mechanics. 

In Heavy-Blade form the weapon's energy color affects it's elemental damage type, like Chroma's. Elemental combinations made by mods are not effected, it is a separate damage source. 

Chanelling in Heavy-Blade form is possible, but drains significantly more energy.

Slam/Ground attacks will release a burst of energy in a large area, applying the energy-based elemental proc to all enemys affected. 

As for Dark Split-Sword, you'll have to(?) use Sword and Heavy-Blade stances too.


Please note, that this is only a base concept, I still have left plenty work to do, figuring out acceptable stats, making an image of the sword etc.

Also doing some research: Haven't came up with a name yet, I'd like to give it a meaningful name. Description need some lorewise research too. 

i think you should read rules with more care, i dont know why people are adding stats thats DE choice, also its 100 words i think you overdid there you have around 200, you can explain what you want with less, add a image is more eye catching than a wall of text, if is in the works a fast sketch should be ok for time be. best luck

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Frozenfenrir said:

i think you should read rules with more care, i dont know why people are adding stats thats DE choice, also its 100 words i think you overdid there you have around 200, you can explain what you want with less, add a image is more eye catching than a wall of text, if is in the works a fast sketch should be ok for time be. best luck

It is more like a placeholder. I've added stats because it represents the way I imagined this weapon working in action. I'm aware of that they won't matter at all in the end. 

Also, it looks like that you didn't even read my post before you quoted it, as I clearly explained why does it look like the way it is now. 

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I am a horrible artist, so sorry about the lack of photos

Name: Terrisrill

 Faction: Infested-Orokin (if that's not allowed, just go with infested.)

Bio: The Terrisrill was a Orokin whip found and left in a Orokin derelict with infestation creeping in. Many years later, the elegant whip's design has taken a bizarre twist thanks to the infested.

This whip should be held like the lectra. High slash with a portion of toxin.


Edited by (PS4)cool_cat_100
Typos kill me
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2 minutes ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

It is more like a placeholder. I've added stats because it represents the way I imagined this weapon working in action. I'm aware of that they won't matter at all in the end. 

Also, it looks like that you didn't even read my post before you quoted it, as I clearly explained why does it look like the way it is now. 

●    One submission per player
●    Artwork must be original and not taken from other sources
●    The weapon must use an existing grip. Melee weapon types that are not already in Warframe are not allowed
●    Do not reserve spots in this thread
●    Only post submissions in this thread
●    Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
●    All submissions become property of Digital Extremes

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3 minutes ago, R.o.D_Pr1destalker said:

It is more like a placeholder. I've added stats because it represents the way I imagined this weapon working in action. I'm aware of that they won't matter at all in the end. 

Also, it looks like that you didn't even read my post before you quoted it, as I clearly explained why does it look like the way it is now. 

i did, but seems like i didnt srry if thats the impresion, so you will remove the some text when adding image because i got the impresion of you will adding more.

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Just now, (PS4)Frozenfenrir said:

i did, but seems like i didnt srry if thats the impresion, so you will remove the some text when adding image because i got the impresion of you will adding more.

Yes I will change my post once I've done with the concept. 


4 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

●    One submission per player
●    Artwork must be original and not taken from other sources
●    The weapon must use an existing grip. Melee weapon types that are not already in Warframe are not allowed
●    Do not reserve spots in this thread
●    Only post submissions in this thread - Is your comment a submission?
●    Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified
●    All submissions become property of Digital Extremes


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Name: Tessen (Rename at leisure, I’m bad at naming)

Grip Type: Glaive

Description: Ancient Tenno folding fan, designed to be used in locations where open arms are forbidden. 

It’s name is simply the name of Japanese War Fans. I can’t come up with any names that fit in Warframe.


I’m no artist, and there are definitely some inconsistencies in my art, but I tried. The light blue and the Tennobet are affected by Energy Color.




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  • Name - Mutilos
  • Type - Rapier 
  • Faction - Infested
  • Description - Once used by the most skilledTenno, this rapier has only gotten stronger after fusing with the infestation. It's edge remains as sharp as ever. This weapon's charge attack inflicts viral proc to enemies nearby. 


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My Entry. Anyway, sorry if it isn't look good, just basically used a paint brush this time. Hope you liked it.


Added Notes >>> during holster or unholster animation, the energy surge are nein. But when idle (or unholstered, but unused) the energy surge blinking, staying longer according to the combo the player currently has (eg. at 3x combo the energy looks brighter and stronger).


Oh, it's sounds like Excalibur anyway. Pardon me, Hexa = 6 which is sum of 1+2+3. use Exalted Blade (4) and it's the ultimate combination. But I'll leave naming to the Pros 'aight.

Actually : Hexa (6) Liber (Liberty/Freedom) which is The Sixth Freedom. The freedom to do whatever you want without being concerned about winning or losing.


Edited by HaVVocado
finally found the name's meaning.
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