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An idea that wouldn't go away: a Werewolf Warframe


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Hello. I love Warframe and find it very fun to play.

While I was playing with some friends we where discussing what frames we would like to see.

The frame I wanted was a Werewolf warframe. I looked to see if others had the same idea and there where some ideas for a werewolf frame, but non matched the one in my head.

So with out further delay, I give you my ideal werewolf warframe:


Fenrir, the Werewolf Warframe.

Fenrir is a unique warframe. He has the ability to change his form.

His base form is primarily used for stealth. Stalking enemies, getting close without being detected and performing stealth kills without anyone knowing he was there. Fenrir can blend in and hide among his enemies, going unnoticed and undetected. He can trick enemies into fighting each other or get them to follow him away from others, making them easy prey. If injured all he has to do is get away from his attackers and allow his regenerative ability to heal him, before returning to hunt again.

Despite his abilities even he can be found out and when he is backed into a corner he uses his ability to become a werewolf. His werewolf form is pure combat. In his combat form Fenrir can't use any of his gear or weapons, he can't hack consuls and has no shields. However increased health, armor, speed and regeneration help to balance the disadvantages. Enemies bitten by Fenrir in his combat form are infected with a virus that will turn them into werewolf minions. The health and armor of the minions will be the same as his.

Stealth Form states
Armor: 100
Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Power: 200 (290 at rank 30)
Shield: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Sprint speed: 1.00
1 Heal rate (3 at rank 30)

Combat Form states
Armor: 400
Health: 250 (750 at rank 30)
Power: 200 (290 at rank 30)
Shield: 0
Sprint speed: 1.25
5 Heal rate (15 at rank 30)

Passive abilities
Stealth Form: Fenrir disguises himself as the last enemy bitten by his combat form. Enemies see Fenrir as an ally until he attacks or is seen attacking.

Combat Form: Fenrir can perform one of two unique stealth kills on living enemies. First: If tapped Fenrir bites the enemies throat to kill them. Second: If held Fenrir bites the enemy in the shoulder paralyzing and infecting them with a virus that will turn them into a werewolf minion in 30s. (Only 3 minions can be alive at once, after that it just paralyzes them).

Dual abilities

First ability: Shape-shift.
Stealth form: Fenrir transforms into his combat form or into his disguised form.
Tap to change in and out of disguised form (disguised form has no duration). Hold to change into combat form. When changing into combat form Fenrir will let forth a howl that deafens and stuns enemies for a short time.
Cast cost: 0.
Energy per second: 18 (rank 0); 12 (rank 1); 6 (rank 2); 0 (rank 3).
Range: 20m.
Stun duration: 10s.

Combat form: Fenrir transforms back into his stealth form or disguised form if he has bitten a living enemy.
Cast cost: 0.

Second ability: Accuse & Hunt.
Stealth form: Accuse.
While disguised Fenrir accuses an enemy, causing all other enemies to attack the accused.
Cost: 25.
Duration: 10s (rank 0); 15s (rank 1); 20s (rank 2); 25s (rank 3).
Range: 15m (rank 0); 20m (rank 1); 25m (rank 2); 30m (rank 3).

Combat form: Hunt.
Fenrir uses his enhanced senses to locate all nearby enemies.
Cost: 25.
Duration: 10s (rank 0); 15s (rank 1); 20s (rank 2); 25s (rank 3).
Range: 20m (rank 0); 40m (rank 1); 60m (rank 2); 80m (rank 3).

Third ability: Follow & Howl.
Stealth form: Follow.
While disguised Fenrir commands a enemy to follow him.
Cast cost: 25.
Duration: 10s (rank 0), 15s (rank 1), 20s (rank 2), 25s (rank3).
Range: 20m (rank 0), 25m (rank 1), 30m (rank 2), 35m(rank 3).

Combat form: Howl.
Fenrir howls to bolster attack speed, armor and damage of himself and allies. his howl will also stuns all enemies within range.
Cast cost: 25.
Duration: 10s (rank 0), 15s (rank 1), 20s (rank 2), 25s (rank 3).
Range: 20m (rank 0), 25m (rank 1), 30m (rank 2), 35m (rank 3).
Attack speed: 10% (rank 0), 15% (rank 1), 20% (rank 2), 25% (rank 3).
Armor: 10% (rank 0), 15% (rank 1), 20% (rank 2), 25% (rank 3).
Damage: 10% (rank 0), 15% (rank 1), 20% (rank 2), 25% (rank 3).


Fourth ability: Calm & Enrage.
Stealth form: Calm.
While disguised Fenrir orders enemies to stand down, returning them to an un-alerted state so long as the alarm is off.
Cast cost: 100
Range: 25m (rank 0), 50m (rank 1), 75m (rank 2), 100m (rank 3).

Combat form: Enrage.
Fenrir enters an enraged state. In this state his attack speed, movement speed and damage greatly increase for a short time, but after it wears off he will be returned to his stealth form.
Cast cost: 100.
Duration: 11s (rank 0), 12s (rank 1), 13s (rank 2), 14s (rank 3).
Attack speed: 20% (rank 0), 30% (rank 1), 40% (rank 2), 50% (rank 3).
Movement Speed: 20% (rank 0), 30% (rank 1), 40% (rank 2), 50% (rank 3).
Damage: 20% (rank 0), 30% (rank 1), 40% (rank 2), 50% (rank 3).


If you see any mistakes I've made please say so. I like this frame and want to make it better. Thank you.

Edit 1: Needed to add 'While disguised' to some Stealth abilities to make clear Fenrir does not have those abilities out of being disguised.

Edit 2: Altered the first ability for better use to the warframe.

Edit 3: Further update to first ability.

Edited by (PS4)AmunWolf
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1 hour ago, ssj782 said:

Is there any kind of reason that this frame supposedly built based on a werewolf only has mind control type skills other than the transform? It makes no sense.

While the abilities seem like mind control, what they do is fool the enemy. But you are correct that I made a mistake in that I did not specify that the abilities would only work while Fenrir was disguised. Its implied but not stated, I need to fix that.

Edited by (PS4)AmunWolf
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29 minutes ago, (PS4)AmunWolf said:

While the abilities seem like mind control, what they do is fool the enemy. But you are correct that I made a mistake in that I did not specify that the abilities would only work while Fenrir was disguised. Its implied but not stated, I need to fix that.

That's fine. You also put above that 'bitten' enemies become minions. Then you said you can only bite using your 4 skill. So you have to use your expensive ability to even begin using your cheaper ones? Having a primed flow start you with over 100 energy is an absolute must for those that don't want to waste energy pods, then.

You also left out how you're supposed to bite in the combat form. Is it from stealth attacks? Is it part of a divine weapon type claw combo? It seems pretty important to all your other moves, considering you've left out how it's accomplished.

I'm not being snarky, I'm just pointing out what I either don't like (starting with your 4 skill), or what didn't make sense to me (how do you bite?).

Edited by ssj782
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21 minutes ago, ssj782 said:

That's fine. You also put above that 'bitten' enemies become minions. Then you said you can only bite using your 4 skill. So you have to use your expensive ability to even begin using your cheaper ones? Having a primed flow start you with over 100 energy is an absolute must for those that don't want to waste energy pods, then.

How you bite an enemy is in the passive ability of the combat form. The 4 skill is basically Fenrir going berserk, it is a last ditch skill to deal with a powerful enemy or a large group of enemies that are over whelming him.

27 minutes ago, ssj782 said:

I'm not being snarky, I'm just pointing out what I either don't like (starting with your 4 skill), or what didn't make sense to me (how do you bite?).

That is fine. You point out what you see wrong and I see how or if it needs fixed. I am interested in knowing what you don't like about the 4 skill.

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)AmunWolf said:

How you bite an enemy is in the passive ability of the combat form. The 4 skill is basically Fenrir going berserk, it is a last ditch skill to deal with a powerful enemy or a large group of enemies that are over whelming him.

That is fine. You point out what you see wrong and I see how or if it needs fixed. I am interested in knowing what you don't like about the 4 skill.

How the heck did I miss that passive?

And yes, I was misunderstanding that combat form was only the 4 skill. 

Ok, now I mainly have one issue left. He has very little use in a party. After running with so many pugs, I can definitely see getting groups that rush in and not let you get your stealth kill in the first place. You'll also never be able to use it in defense or survival missions due to the fact that enemies can't be 'not alerted'. He seems like he's limited to solo play of exterminates and spy missions. He could do a few others, but those are the only ones that he could get full use in.

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11 minutes ago, ssj782 said:

Ok, now I mainly have one issue left. He has very little use in a party. After running with so many pugs, I can definitely see getting groups that rush in and not let you get your stealth kill in the first place. You'll also never be able to use it in defense or survival missions due to the fact that enemies can't be 'not alerted'. He seems like he's limited to solo play of exterminates and spy missions. He could do a few others, but those are the only ones that he could get full use in.

You have a point about the stealth form not having much or any use in survival or defense, but that is the point. Each form has strengths and weaknesses, you just have to work within them. As for the party, I know what you mean. With teamwork Fenrir can get a stealth kill, but other wise it will be difficult.

I need to think on whither the stun of Howl should enable Fenrir to stealth kill the stunned enemies or not and if so how it should work.

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)AmunWolf said:

You have a point about the stealth form not having much or any use in survival or defense, but that is the point. Each form has strengths and weaknesses, you just have to work within them. As for the party, I know what you mean. With teamwork Fenrir can get a stealth kill, but other wise it will be difficult.

I need to think on whither the stun of Howl should enable Fenrir to stealth kill the stunned enemies or not and if so how it should work.

How about making his shift into wolf form allow back attacks even on alerted targets? That way it only requires a small amount of change to still work. It would even be viable on survivals and defenses. OOOOO! Even better. Have the shift stun the surrounding enemies in a few seconds of terror if they're close enough so that you can finish them. Like Inaros' 1 does. I can definitely say that if I saw a 6 foot mechanical man turn into a larger wolf creature, I would be stunned for a bit.

Edited by ssj782
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