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Nyx Assimilate fix is a massive nerf


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5 minutes ago, Treebiter said:

I appreciate your passion here, but let's not resort to threats quite yet. There's still a discussion going on and no word from DE yet that they won't revert (don't forget it's the weekend).

I'm glad Tactical Potato has added his weight to the issue - that should give it even more credence. I also wouldn't be surprised if H3dsh0t chips in as well, as it's one of his main frames.

That's right! This is one of H3dsh0t favorite frames!

Maybe he'll throw his hat in the ring.

Of all the things that I currently would like to see changed, this was NOWHERE near the list.

Or even thought of for that matter.

It has never seemed overpowered or broken in anyway, and it finally gave me a reason to actually use Absorb lol.

Hopefully DE does see this and reconsider. 

No friendly-fire really should just be part of the Augment. 

Edited by KX297
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Was this brought up before the Assimilate fix?


Because nowhere does Assimilate state it stops Nyx from absorbing friendly fire. So it being fixed was clearly on the radar.


Not that i am disagreeing with people, but it sounds more like Nyx's ability Absorb was always the issue.

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13 minutes ago, Treebiter said:

I appreciate your passion here, but let's not resort to threats quite yet. There's still a discussion going on and no word from DE yet that they won't revert (don't forget it's the weekend).

I'm glad Tactical Potato has added his weight to the issue - that should give it even more credence. I also wouldn't be surprised if H3dsh0t chips in as well, as it's one of his main frames.

Simply put: DE nerfing "Assimilate" is like Trump placing a ban on peaceful Muslims. "Fixing" something that is tantamount to nerfing the main reason most players use Nyx for? What the F*** is the point in that? It's not even borderline OP to begin with. Energy Leeches, for instance, can just as well sap energy while them and the rest of the fucks attack the bubble.

Legit, Nyx being as unused as she is, that's more than enough reason for the augment to be left untampered, so that people would wanna use her more, in team missions, 

Hopefully more of the "mainstream" Warframe YouTubers chime in on this, because narrowing our choices down for certain missions/situations should never be the way to go, or else, it makes the game a whole heck of a lot less interesting, and that's one of the reasons why people quit Warframe.

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9 minutes ago, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

I start to think that everyone opens same topic just to get upvotes -.-". There are so many Nyx Assimilate topics right now... like what the... Use that search function for once, jesus.

Well, for your info, I ain't asking for upvotes to seek attention. I'm asking for them because I feel that the nerf is inane as F*** and hope that it gets noticed enough to make certain changes.

As for the rest of the community who started, or will start, Assimilate Nyx topics, a few, perhaps, are just to get Upvotes. The rest, I would state, are voicing out their disenfranchisement.

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This just points out more and more that maybe more time should've been spent towards a rework or a better balance instead of an insta-nerf....

I don't think this assimilate "fix" needed a fix at all but forget that. Devs it's just time to step your game up overall. Imo, if you guys feel that this is an exploit, (someone plz show a vid of this supposed "exploit" please btw) take your time and come up with a sensible way to fix it or rework it. (As you did for nidus.) 

Honestly, other than nidus, the recent nerfs have just seemed to be lazy  "fixes" (well, your definition of "fixes" not mine) with no immediate intent to actually balance it out. You know.. nerf now and maybe fix it waaaay later. I just think if you think something needs to be fixed then you guys should actually wait until you come up with a well thought out sensible "fix/balance/rework" and THEN implement it into the game. I mean cmon guys. 50% less movement speed PLUS friendly fire towards assimilate?! You pretty much rendered your own mod that you worked on useless.

In the end, this "fix" was not needed. And just from now on please stop rushing to nerf things and actually spend time coming up with well thought out ways solve these types of issues. We know you guys are capable of doing it right.(nidus) You're better than this. This is why I'm crazy nervous about the gas/stealth nerf.


Edited by (XB1)Slimm qp ReapeR
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DE, PLEASE fix real issues like Valkyr's armor not scaling properly to match high level mission enemy levels instead of "fixing" something that made Nyx be more of a team player?
She is, despite the fact that most people refuse to use her, one of my favorite frames and this was what made her useful for team missions and while I understand your concern about the issue of cheese in kuva farms and such; I myself never used her for such cheese in Kuva farms and chose to use her in regular missions because I enjoy her and as has been previously stated, Wukong does the same thing with the rage mod and can scale infinitely while Nyx is based on her energy running out.

I know you're worried about this making the game less challenging but thisis not the answer and if you want to make Nyx be used even less then she already is then this is deffinately how to do it.
There are too many AOE powers controlled by other warframes that basically make Assimilate Absorb unusable now because they drain her instantly making her run out of energy in seconds. This is a very bad decision and makes me really question why I still keep playing if all you guys do is fix things like this and focus on more trivial aspects (like the grass needing to look prettier or "The Treehouse" in New Loka existing) and neglect major issues like parts of maps having random holes that drop you through the floor and instant fail you or that awful revive glitch where youre stuck reviving people even after theyve been revived. And Im sure I'm not alone in this.

You guys focus on stuff like making earth look nicer yet it took you 2 years to figure out that Nef Anyo was appearing as The Sergant in the Sorties Menu and you nerf dive a character that barely anybody wants to use and the few who do like myself passionately love straight into hell but you wont fix the damage scaling for certain enemies in regards to armor. Seriously DE PLEASE stop attacking non-issues and start working on making things BETTER. We need more people to use Nyx not make her less desirable.

#MakeNyxGreatAgain #TerminatorNyxLove #BulletSpongeTheSecretBoss

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I don't get why DE nerfed this.

I'd personally say the bigger combination PLAGUEING the game is Mirage + Simulor and that should have seen some adjustments first.

(We have ways to nerf the combination but not to the point of destroying it, IE - Make it so the Clones simulor shots don't actually combine like the REAL mirages would, but are still fired and would do the damage.)

Nyx was unneccesary and uncalled for in my opinion - She was already underplayed as it was, and for those few who DID decide to run assimilate, they no longer can do so reliably.

I feel for those guys who mained it, I really do.

Edited by Latiac
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32 minutes ago, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

I start to think that everyone opens same topic just to get upvotes -.-". There are so many Nyx Assimilate topics right now... like what the... Use that search function for once, jesus.

The more threads that are made, the quicker DE will notice the communities thoughts.


In a single thread it doesn't really get as much attention, Look at the Saryn changes back along for example, the thread was getting replies MONTHS into the change of people stating their dislike for the change and then DE randomly closed it without speaking a word.

Viver was similar a few years back, enough threads were made showing the players mass dislike for the changes and as such they were reverted, rather swiftly infact.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

My God, can't you guys just make a Megathread or something? The multiple topics were funny at first, now they're just annoying.

The reason there are so many threads is because people can all see this is a mistake on DE's part and they are reasonably upset.
and the only way to get things done in this community GENERALLY is to talk complain loud enough about it.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

My God, can't you guys just make a Megathread or something? The multiple topics were funny at first, now they're just annoying.

The more threads mentioning the dislike for the changes, the more likely DE will answer or atleast reply.

We've seen megathreads before without a single word (IE Saryn) that were locked and forgotten about - This change has upset ALOT of people, the influx of threads showing their dislike should be of no suprise.

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Just now, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

From the 9,000 topics created on this situation, I can inform you that Assimilate got nerfed up the Clem, and now, it can't receive Friendly Fire and add it to the damage pool. 

Is that such a bad thing? I mean, it's mainly used as a defensive power. The trade-off for being able to move while channeling Absorb is the slowness, but it can still absorb enemy fire.

The point does stand, why would they change that?
It doesn't seem logical, as it wouldn't really affect anything.

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Just now, Latiac said:

The more threads mentioning the dislike for the changes, the more likely DE will answer or atleast reply.

We've seen megathreads before without a single word (IE Saryn) that were locked and forgotten about - This change has upset ALOT of people, the influx of threads showing their dislike should be of no suprise.

Well, if it worked for the Ignis Wraith, it will work for Nyx. Yhprum's law.

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Just now, Equinaught said:

Essentially Nyx's assimilate mod is now affected by friendly fire which drains your energy from 500+ to 0 in like 30 seconds IF THAT.

Oh, it's the OPPOSITE?! Okay. Now I can see how that's a problem.

Just now, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Is that such a bad thing? I mean, it's mainly used as a defensive power. The trade-off for being able to move while channeling Absorb is the slowness, but it can still absorb enemy fire.

The point does stand, why would they change that?
It doesn't seem logical, as it wouldn't really affect anything.

Never mind what I said, because apparently I didn't read those 9,000 topics right

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1 minute ago, Equinaught said:

Essentially Nyx's assimilate mod is now affected by friendly fire which drains your energy from 500+ to 0 in like 30 seconds IF THAT.

Wait. So Nyx's Assimilate absorbs friendly fire now? I'm confused.
Did it not do that before?

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