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Update 9: Vor's Revenge


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"Make a good weapon, than release slightly better" - Digital Extremes in a nutshell. I heard that there wont be alot of prime gear/frames, and than we have 250% more weps than it was before. Plus they are quit expencive. Yeah, we know that you want our dosh, but could you at least act like you are making it for fun, huh?


And some other stuff:

- "AURA" mods is not a great idea. At least at its current state.

- Interface changes where it least needed. Still no Arsenal UI redesign/fast modswapping, foundry became even worse imo.

- Cpt Vor lvl 116. Wut?

- New "boss" drops nothing at all. 

- Game is still crashing after alt+tab.

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This, really needs to be looked at. Otherwise, great update!



As the leader of a 50+ person clan, I was very excited to hear about the new Dojo tiers. But now with U9 released, I have a number of issues that need to be addressed before I feel comfortable building ANYTHING or telling my clan members to contribute.


 My clan was able to finish building the following BEFORE U9:

-1 reactor

-3 Cross connectors(one building in progress at release of U9)

-1 T-connector


-1 energy lab

-1Chem lab

and finish the research on:






At the time of U9's Release we had the following builds in progress(Screenshots of AFTER U9):


-Our 2nd reactor:

-Our 3rd Cross-section:r8e2if.jpg

-Supra: i5dxfa.jpg




So my questions:

1)What happens to the Negative values and the Values(Supra), and the values that are Improper Fractions(Reactor), and the values that are just flat out wrong(Ignis: I wish I had taken screenshot before U9 came out, but we had EVERYTHING maxed out on the ignis except the polymer bundles, so I have NO idea where those numbers went)?


2)What happened to the Clan vault I heard Steve talking about in a forum post(I will find that post if I must)(EDIT: here it is: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/69362-still-waiting-on-dojo-fixes/#entry741863)


3)What about all the resources we've put in so far?(I heard about if you destroy a room, the resources will go into a clan vault so you can use them later, BUT when I select "Destroy room" it still says  that the resources will be lost)


4)What... What do I do?


My Opinion:

Since DE declared the Dojo's as "Alpha" I see no problem with resetting ALL clan's Dojos, as long as the resources that were contributed were put in this "Clan Vault" I've heard so much about, and the clan was given the "Instant Build coupons" that Steve was talking about.


I don't understand the bugs that are in there now, and i don't understand why the Dojo cost reduction wasn't done the way I stated above.


I don't think I'm being overly picky and I've done alot to accurately describe my problems. I WANT to do so much with the Dojo, with finishing rooms, finishing weapons, and even adding the new decorations. But I can't do that with all these unanswered questions. The amount of resources my clanmates have put in is way too much for me to put them at risk.



A Loving Player and Clan Leader



its a long post.... sorry for no TL;DR

EDIT: spelling errors, its 1:20am at the time of this post

EDIT2: 2:30am found the Steve's post I was referencing(it didnt take me that long, Im just killing the new Europa boss a couple times)



I seriously hope someone addresses this in a timely manner, along with the resource drop rates being nothing but polymer bundles and morphics ON ALL PLANETS. I had  no idea that a UI rework would completely bork resource drops. I find it convenient that when all these shiny new weapons are released, all of a sudden you can no longer farm the necessary resources to buld them, leaving you with 2 options, A) already have the resources prior to the massive resource derp. or B) purchase one of the conveniently timed, PLAT ONLY, resource bundles...... I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but wtf....

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I noticed when i was clicking on my profile stats and clicked lore it would not let  me our normally without using my clan key to see my clans tower it got me out of that lore menu so honestly there needs to be a back button in lore.


So yeah......not liking alot of this new update it's made it less fun and just yesterday I was having a good time trying to get my banshee helmet blueprint so i can make the banshee now I'm less then thrilled and not sure I want to keep playing at all.


You can get out of the lore by pressing Esc on your keyboard. Don't worry, those problems you talked about will get fixed sooner or later

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Is it just me or dosen´t the new Boss drop anything?



All I got was Theif's Wit which is really lame. Killed 3 out of 4 of our party and that's all we got? Come on now you can do better then that. I was hoping to find Nova's parts at new boss. Can anyone tell me where they are please?

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I don't like the aura mode system I liked how we had a free card that applied to every warframe and now it sucks &#!. Its because when do you have an increase pistol ammo on a waframe it should have gone to your secondary weapon not your warframe. Now it has a polarity slot that  makes it even worse there's very little that u can put in that slot.I think it should have gone back like it was before because its not worth having it .I did like that you can level it up besides that it sucks.    


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My hub got frozen during a nightmare mision in mercury and i had to finished like that while my health was drained; lol, no map, energy, ability or weapon indicator. at the end i got a new mod called RENDING STRIKE for melee and its the same exact mod as MELEE CHANNEL, same description text with different values, i dont fully understand the purpose of that.


having the artifacts as mods is great so we can improve them but setting a polarity by default to the slot and making it part of the frame points is not suitable.


I can see the gigantic effort you guys put into this game over and over and im very happy of being part of this community and this whole experience, Thank you!!

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Well, after playing for a bit. The only highlight is the Dojo resource update. I can actually do something with it now. I'm slightly irked that I cannot add an emblem to my clan even though I'm the Warlord. Is there a size restriction for emblems? Is my 5-man clan not eligible? If not, eh, it's not like I'm missing out on anything.


Everything else, to put it lightly, I'm not too thrilled with.


-Aura system:

   *Seriously? Instead of having 4 or 5 pages of mods, I have 25 clogging up mod selection in both the Inventory Mod List and the weapon/frame/sent mod list. It really slows down the search for whatever I'm looking for.


   *And what is this? It pulls from the mod pool of my frames? Okay, that's just insulting.


  *Furthermore, aura slots are polarized so you have to use mods that better "fit" the frame? One word: PASSIVE. Now, I have to polarize just to use the Auras I want without a penalty, whereas the old system let me use any Artifact with any Frame.



  *Nova had better be God-tier with the ridiculousness that is Raptor. Insta-kill rockets with large damage radius, regularly becomes invincible, and drops fly everywhere and tend to disappear since their timer expires before you find them. It even killed my team THROUGH Snow Globe.



  *Twice I have tried it, twice I have failed. Once because of the exits not opening, once because the game crashed and took 20 seconds to get its act together and say it crashed (versus 5-10 seconds).


  *Great, traps everywhere. Every single bloody door has a trap a foot on either side. Given how the game reports my position +/- that foot, I trigger them unless I fly over with a jump spin attack.



  *While I like the categorization, it feels very disorganized. Indicators that "make sense" don't. Naturally, this is a big UI change, so I'll need a week to get a better opinion on it. I just really dislike how the UI is broken up.


  *The UI uses up so little of my screen (1680x1050). Compared to how big the previous UI was, I feel like the new one is wasting space.


  *What happened to having the frame BP followed by it's component BPs? Now, all I see is a hodge-podge of pretty icons.


  *It takes too long to go through all the animations to load the UI or switch categories. As sleek as it is, it puts a hamper on my flow.



  *Jump spin attacks are unreliable. Again. I'll jump, crouch, hit melee and immediately go into a flying air slam. So, my momentum isn't completely killed like last time. Instead, it is halved and I fall into the abyss.


-Lobby UI:

  *Small thing: I find the initial hiccup when logging in an annoyance. I have to wait a few seconds until I can select a mission because every single planet's mission list is being loaded at once.


  *In the old UI, I could freely swap between Alert Missions. Now, I have to back out of mission selection because the alert listing disappears once I choose one.


  *There are no vote indicators. That is extremely annoying due to not knowing who selected what and where.


  *The mission icons are too freaking small. Compressing the system in the previous update was tolerable, if cluttered and hard to read, but this is just stupid. I have little dots on my screen that magically make banners appear.


  *Mission description banners keep popping up randomly when my mouse isn't over them after making a selection. They just slide in and out irrespective of my mouse position after I've selected a mission.


  *There are no ways I know of to cancel a vote aside from leaving the group. All I wanted to do was look at the mission screen, not cast a vote.


  *Forming a void group is still cumbersome. If you find a good PUG and want to do a Void run, you have to add them to your friends list or /invite them instead of just selecting a key and having at it. With the recent post about how long friends/clan lists are causing performance issues, why not allow PUG Void groups? I don't know who half the people on my friends list are anymore.



   *Enemy Scaling? Ugh. Sometimes I want to be an overpowered ninja blasting through things. It was one of the main reasons I played. Now, my polarized Afuris barely dent enemies where previously they would perforate them.



Wow...I didn't think my post was that long.

Edited by Rand0mNumbers
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Real patch notes : 


-Added a polarized aura slot with purposedly bad polarities to get that sweet forma money rolling.


Lol, as they say. Read this, DE. This is what we think of your aura system.




Love the new splash screens.

Like new new system map.

Would like the resource names back on the planet and system screens .. don't want to memorize all the icons. Memorize enough game trivia already ..

Obviously, it's raining morphics, and not much else. Don't think this is intentional.

The new Grineer tiles are great .. even the rather hard parkour room.

Why u no warn me to start my orthos last night?

At least I have enough morphics to make a gorgon now .. although the 5k other stuff is still bizarre.

Undecided about difficulty changes .. need to consult with some of my less gonzo friends. Seems ok to me so far.


Not sure if the new boss is just affected by the general removal of non-morphics drops, or if he's punting his drops into crates or the cliffside some of the time or what.


Aside from polarization, the UI for loading mods on frames is a little cluttered now. Maybe give the auras a seperate row from the normal frame mods?

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Buying credits and materials for platinum is disgusting. So much for no Pay to play.


What the hell are you doing, DE? The content is great but people can just sink money in and not play at all now!

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Why you make's warframes weaker to boost up difficulty? Slot for artifacts takes energy needed for regular mods which makes game harder ... From psychological point of view, would it not be better idea to ad some missions with higher difficulty than reducing warframe powers to make game harder? Than everybody would wont to get stronger to handle higher levels missions now it's just annoying to get weaker ...


Besides the worst update ever regards to bugs. First mission has crashed my computer, I had to do restart ... Sometimes I cant mark mods, my friends ember is running on her own and he can't stop her and many more ... The worst below, now I cant do any mission! :/ I love warframe, original concept, most graphic art, mood etc and thumbs up for you guys for doing something unique, keep it going but this update looks like need some major fixes. First overall impression very bed :/


Just something new pop up - after restart I have old foundry from version 8, the rest is from version 9 :/





ps: Just to keep balance besides those all ah's and oh's above ;) 

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