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Coming Soon: Weapon Balance Pass.


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1 minute ago, KubrowTamer said:

Your over-exaggerating about the nerf, but more would about maiming nerf. Considering both options fix the problem then the only other factor to consider is player reaction. Id personally go with their choice and try to avoid the crazy entitled players.

Both options will fix the problem? Really now?... No. You have the simple option, and the more complicated one. The more complicated one involves nerfing many melee weapons that a lot of people like/love and use all for the sake of not pissing players off for one mod, that probably not a lot of new players have.

And then you have the simple option which involves nerfing one mod. 

6 minutes ago, KubrowTamer said:

Id personally go with their choice and try to avoid the crazy entitled players.

You should probably take what they're doing to Tonkor for example(adding self damage for balance). A lot of people will be angry, but the change was doomed necessary. Do you seriously think they balance the game for the "crazy entitled players"? If so then your logic is flawed.

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1 minute ago, KubrowTamer said:

i know its cheesy, but the only advice i can give you is "get gud and learn how to aim"

Literally the only way your advice 'helps' is if we assume nobody uses Multishot or Heavy Caliber on their builds, only fires in open areas on stationary targets from at least 25 meters area, and that they have no teammates, kubrows/kavats/chargers, specters, invasion allies, or syndicate allies nearby. And that the enemy isn't killed and does not move at all.

When I said "they bounce everywhere" I wasn't exaggerating. The only way to avoid that is to take off two of the top three damage mods in the game, run solo as a CC frame, and then always fire from 25+ meters away because they USUALLY won't bounce back and kill you then. Of course, any single tiny bit of level geometry, allies, the enemies not standing afk, or lag will instantlly kill you, but it's all worth it for that sweet sweet da- oh wait we removed the best damage mods and had the damage nerfed already so it doesn't even have that.

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The Simulor changes are a nerf in that it will force a change in playstyle of the weapon. Simply spamming orbs everywhere won't work anymore (damage and radius is much lower). To get the optimal damage out of the simulor, users will now have to regularly use the alt-fire detonation function to crreate the massive explosion and high damage that we were used to (hence why they also reduced the number of orbs needed for a vortex).

This means simulor use will be more deliberate. You need to position vortices more precisely and detonate them. This means overall lower DPS. The rest of the stat changes compensate for this slightly (what with that crazy 35% status chance)

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6 minutes ago, Luhcs said:


flux rifle,nukor there still lot of weapons to "rework".also people complain about nerfs.c'mon guys give chance to old weapons to be on meta.in my point of view i want see tennos play all kinds of weapons not just the strong ones,so DE keep doing this. 

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1 hour ago, ajuanjojjj said:

What if we had formed all 3 of the nerfed weapons, we'll get only 3 formas?

Probably 9 forma 3 for each. Also it's not like we have to change all the polarities, Serration and Split aren't going anywhere.

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3 minutes ago, Dusteon said:

Literally the only way your advice 'helps' is if we assume nobody uses Multishot or Heavy Caliber on their builds, only fires in open areas on stationary targets from at least 25 meters area, and that they have no teammates, kubrows/kavats/chargers, specters, invasion allies, or syndicate allies nearby. And that the enemy isn't killed and does not move at all.

When I said "they bounce everywhere" I wasn't exaggerating. The only way to avoid that is to take off two of the top three damage mods in the game, run solo as a CC frame, and then always fire from 25+ meters away because they USUALLY won't bounce back and kill you then. Of course, any single tiny bit of level geometry, allies, the enemies not standing afk, or lag will instantlly kill you, but it's all worth it for that sweet sweet da- oh wait we removed the best damage mods and had the damage nerfed already so it doesn't even have that.

ill have to point you to your other reply and one of the changes coming to the tonkor

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Just now, Jeoxz said:

Probably 9 forma 3 for each. Also it's not like we have to change all the polarities, Serration and Split aren't going anywhere.

They clarified: it had been 1 forma bundle max (so whether you owned all 4 weapons being nerfed or 1 you would get 3 forma) and changed it to 1 forma per weapon owned (so if you owned all 4 weapons being nerfed you would get 4 forma).

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Seems like a coverup for the "changes" to Tonkor, Synoid Simulor and Telos Boltace, than a "weapon balance", assuming rivens were supposed to address that?

On the other hand Jordas Verdict HUD bugs still persist.

Let's just add self damage to the Tonkor, or make Telos Boltace a cheap Vauban Vortex.

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Just now, Jeoxz said:

Probably 9 forma 3 for each. Also it's not like we have to change all the polarities, Serration and Split aren't going anywhere.

That would be nice but i think its not the way that will be done. And, i dont think that i will have to reconfigure my tonkor, but instead think of getting a one of the new buffed stuff or buying a riven. The KYS mechanic is why i stopped using the explosive hikou in anything other than defense

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RIP my Tonkor. I loved you. You will be missed.

I am a little salty about the nerf, but I'm not going to complain, because as much as I tried to tell myself otherwise, it probably deserved it. I do, however, wish for a true reset of the weapon, and one for every weapon on the nerf list: Any resources channeled into the weapon refunded. 4 Forma, a Catalyst, and a Naramon Lens into the Tonkor are a fair investment, and I'd really appreciate it if they were taken off my Tonkor and put into my inventory. Please consider it.

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1 minute ago, Ioannisv said:

Seems like a coverup for the "changes" to Tonkor, Synoid Simulor and Telos Boltace, than a "weapon balance", assuming rivens were supposed to address that?

On the other hand Jordas Verdict HUD bugs still persist.

Let's just add self damage to the Tonkor, or make Telos Boltace a cheap Vauban Vortex.

LOR and LOR NM hud bugs are there too, its nice being the carry and stop seeing the bomb charge %

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Synoid Simulor nerf?  Thank God.  Mirage Spamulors have worn my eyes and ears down to a point where if I see one, I exit the game.  Too much visual and audio pollution.   

If DE wants people to actually use the Ogris that's not the way to go.  Giving it the homing capability that the Grinner have access to would do wonders.  Make it the shining example of 'huge damage/huge risk' launchers.  It should be nearly as powerful as the Tonkor is now.

As for the Tonkor it's unusable to me without Adhesive Explosives.  I don't care about the critical chance nerf as much as DE addressing the incredible bounciness of the grenades.  Hopefully what's listed is enough.

Not sure why the Glaxion range was decreased.  

Other than that just want to say that the Conclave team does a pretty good job at balancing the weapons' raw stats.  If only Warframe was built with PvEvP in mind from the start. Dark Souls has balance issues but nowhere near as severe as Warframe.  I can dream.

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Well, the "trash" weapon are becoming mediocre and the "useful" weapon are nerfed to "trash-level" (Well, some test are needed of course when the changes comes out, but thats all I feel after reading all the "buff" and nerf), well done community, by suggesting all kind of nerf to weapon that a lot of us are putting effort, forma and TIME into making these weapon to "kill things more effectively" in a mainly PVE game.

I was actually happy when Octavia news and her abilities being announced, but after this thread is posted, all I feel is disappointed. The main problem in the game are ignored *cough* enemy scaling *cough*, and all we got were the Fun taking away from us after each "changes" and unnecessary "fixes", yes im talking about Assimilate Nyx....My friend that start the game with me already quits the game. and tbh, with each patch comes more disappointment than excitement itself for me. :sad::sadcry:

"oh and here's a forma for some weapon that is nerfed that you put effort to make it good, and some booster so you can forma other weapon and extending your game time by a bit"


Edited by SANYA501
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1 minute ago, Endless_Destruction said:

Any resources channeled into the weapon refunded. 4 Forma, a Catalyst, and a Naramon Lens into the Tonkor are a fair investment, and I'd really appreciate it if they were taken off my Tonkor and put into my inventory. Please consider it.

Or at least, it should be an option. This way someone can invest resources into something completely new, if they want to abandon the weapon, or if they don't they simply maintain the weapon as-is.

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Cool changes, but i only see some QoL changes for some weapons which will not increase their popularity a whole lot, at least i do think so.

For example the hind, the alt fire may sound interesting but it wont be enough to bring the baguette back into our lunch, only damage does this, power creep love and so on.

Also the miter only receives some neglectable crit buffs (which honestly dont change anything) and some nice QoL changes to the flight speed and charge rate, however imo the richocet mechanic should be addressed to make the miter more interesting, because when it comes down to combat performance the miter is only a projectile weapon like any other, because those richocets hit nothing than the ceiling and the floor. smth like slight homing on the richocet would be awesome, to make the miter more interesting.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Alright, let's give some preemptive feedback!

Honestly, apart from the much quicker charge-shot, the buffs sound kind of... modest?
And sorry for sounding a bit grumpy about this but: I assume you still haven't fixed the hitbox issues on charged shots?

Sounds like good QoL buffs to a rather powerful, but clumsy weapon!

I assume the semiauto is TOGGLED? If it is a direct firing button, it's not gonna be used much.
But no other stat buffs? It's still a rather underwhelming and ammohungry weapon after all.

Conceptually, one of my fav weapons... and overall, those are some really nice buffs all around, I must say!
I really like the ammocost reduction, and the big increase of crit/status on secondary fire.
How much is the fire rate increased by though? Like doubled? Currently I run it with Shred and Speed Trigger (+90% RoF), and then it feels rather nice to use.

Those might seem like rather mild buffs, but that status buff (and tether range!) is... sweet! That just gave it 100% status chance with all 4 dual elemental mods. On a toxic weapon. Shooting in quick bursts. This might become a surprisingly strong weapon, can't wait to try it out!

Mutalist Quanta
Never was a big fan of this gun, and I don't think I'll be one even after these changes either. But, it does sound like a rather interesting mechanical change, who knows, I might grow to like it after taking it out for a spin (those horrible puns! :P)


Statistically: Nice, nice and NICE!

Mechanically: Homing Beacon only sticking to NPCs and Characters HEAVILY reduces creative use of the weapon. I'd rather have it changed so that the first beacon shot  launches a homing beacon, while the second shot removes it (and add some non-aimed indicator that you have something tagged or not). That way, you can quickly reposition it however you like and still allow it to be used creatively as well. Please reconsider this? :)

Question: The critbonus with the beacon, is it additive or multiplicative?


Sounds like (some much needed) good buffs. But is that range nerf really needed?

Dat status! Finally a launcher-niche for the Ogris!
Shame you didn't add something like a laserguide toggle (like the rocket launcher had in Half-life 1) on its secondary fire (toggle between guideable but slow rockets, or straightgoing but fast rockets), that would've been fun.
Other than that, great statistical buffs!

Nice! I much prefer the looks of the Attica over the Zhuge, so to see it becoming more of a sidegrade sounds awesome. Sidenote: I would've preferred a reloadbuff over a magsize buff though (I really hate long reloads), but that's just me I guess?

Sounds like quite reasonable changes. I would've preferred a straight damage nerf over a critchance nerf though (I really don't like relying on RNG), but since I'm not a heavy user of it anyway, I'll let the Tonkor-lovers speak up for it instead.

Simulor + Synoid Simulor
Nice. The active use is buffed, passive is nerfed. Sounds like the perfect way to tweak it, imo. This would hopefully teach those Miramulor's to clean up their mess better :P

Telos Boltace
Less brainless, more CC-reward. I like it!

Overall, these changes look very promising.

Edited by Azamagon
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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


The Miter is one of the oldest examples of killer concept with lackluster results. The next Update will bring the following:

  • Increased chance of dismemberment on kills.
  • Increased speed of Projectiles.
  • Charge time has been halved.
  • Critical Chance of 5% for a quick shot.
  • Critical Chance of 10% for a charged shot.
  • Mastery Rank increased to 6.

So are you guys gonna fix the projectile width bug on charged shots too? Because good stats aren't useful if the weapon literally cannot damage anything

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Meh, was about finished with Warframe anyway. Tonkor RIP, Atterax is gonna be the new Telos Boltace and Ignis is a pretty good substitute for Simulor. I only ever used Simulor to quickly clear normal missions anyway, so it won't be missed.

It's not a pvp game guys. Fix armor scaling, buff the least used weapons (needs to be a significant buff, those buffs are not significant) and fix some of the more game-breaking bugs while you're at it.

Edited by uxx0
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> The Tonkor now deals self-damage like all other launchers.

> Junkrat no longer hurts himself from his own explosions.

The balance of the granade launchers in the gaming world must be kept in harmony.


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1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Weapon Balance Pass.

We have nerfed 3 weapons (plus 1 variant) that we feel disrupts the co-op setting and pace of gameplay for most groups:


The Tonkor's rocket jumping mechanic has long been obsolete since the introduction of bullet jumping. This weapon is a launcher by nature, and we've made adjustments to that end.

  • The Tonkor now deals self-damage like all other launchers.


Ever since the Tonkor was added (some time 2015?) i was like "it's so unfair that this launcher just doesn't do any self-damage!" So while everyone was having a "blast" with the tonkor i was holding off thinking that DE would "fix" the Tonkor soon. But then it was 2017 and i accepted that the tonkor is and ever will be this launcher that doesn't follow the rules of self-damage. So just a few weeks back i got myself the tonkor and put a potato on it and a forma. And NOW DE thinks its time to fix the tonkor.

Don't get me wrong. This is a good change/fix. It's just TOO LATE!

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