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[Update 20] Octavia Feedback Megathread


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Unfortunately, her biggest problem (imo) is that she's supposed to be a buff-er frame, yet her only reliable buff is her 4.

If she performs the actions for her 3, it should give it to everyone in the radius instead of them having to guess when the notes of one of the thousands of Octavia songs.

As everyone has already stated, her 1 and 2 don't work together at all.  They should probably try to attack the roller if it has a mallet on it.

I don't have an issue with the LoS on Mallet, I can understand why they did it, but I do wish enemies would attack it sooner : /

My only other complaint is the fact that mallet is hindered by playing in a team, since team mates can't charge it up at all, and if you have a team, enemies aren't going to shoot at mallet at all really.


Otherwise good frame :D very fun

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My only issue with octavia mechanically is how many shots you have to take, and how many melees you have to perform, to get the buff. With the vaykor hek, it was taking me ~6+ shots to proc the bonus, which only lasts a short time. I appreciate the idea here but it needs to be FAR easier to proc those bonuses.


It also seems like for half of the song (the first half?) correctly timed actions will not even give you the bonus, or progress towards it. In addition, it often feels like metronome's counter is not on the beat or melody that you are trying to match. Way too many times I've hit a shot perfectly on-note and gotten nothing.

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After playing with Octavia for a bit, I think I have enough suggestions worthy for a post.

1. Her first ability.

Octavia's first ability depends on the enemy AI to target and shoot it so that it does damage. While this is a good mechanic that allows for the ability to scale, the problem is that the Warframe enemy AI won't always shoot at her 1). At times in missions, her 1 feels useless as the rest of the squad kill enemies too fast for it to take any damage to reflect. I feel that her 1) should have a base damage, even if it's very low, that adds the multiplied input damage to it. This way, even it if isn't shot very much, it's useful on the field.

2. Her second ability.

Octavia's second ability works well with her 1), but at times is a hinderance to it aswell. The mechanic of her 2) makes enemies docile, and while this is great for crowd control, it nullifies the 1)'s ability to multiply damage taken. Taking note from some of the other posts in this thread, the ability to hit "x" on the roller to either make it carry or drop her 1) (It would not pick up on spawn, but require you to press X on it for the couple seconds it stays at your side before charging into and charming enemies) would be very useful. Another suggestion would be to make the enemies charmed by the 2), but still able to shoot at the 1) which is attached to the 2).

3. Her third ability. 

I love how it works right now. It's not too hard to hit the beat correctly if you try, and it's rewarding to do so. One thing I've noticed is that uneven ground will commonly cover up the visual of the ability, making it hard to align your movements with the beat. This is more of a visual fix, but it would be nice if the wave visual was rooted to the floor, fluctuating over the ground imperfections, rather than be a rooted at a 90* angle to Octavia. This would make it easier to see in a lot of situations.

Thanks for reading. @ me if you have suggestions/remarks.

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Am I the only one seriously disappointed with Octavia? I've spent some time playing her and I really don't get why people are wetting their knickers. Let's look at her abilities real quick:

Her 1: This ability gives her a damage boost and gives light CC (making enemies damage the source, but is not reliable). Idk about you guys, but given the arsenal of powerhouse weapons in this game, I have rarely ever needed a damage boost. And if I'm fighting stupidly high level Void enemies in endless, Octavia isn't going to give me the damage boost I need to kill them. At that point, I bring Nova or Banshee. In addition, there is no real zone control with this ability. Other frames do this much better such as Nova who also speeds up / slows down enemies. Nova's ability serves dual purposes (both of which are useful).

Her 2: Wow, you can summon a roller ball that flies off the map, gets stuck behind terrain, and generally goes where I don't want it to go... and it takes my Mallet with it so I have to recast it. Brilliant. I call this the "waste my energy and my time" button. The only good thing is the light CC which, again, I find tends to be unreliable.

Her 3: I would argue that this is her most useful ability which grants speed, cloaking, multi-shot, and/or melee damage buff all with an armor bonus. Out of these 4 abilities, only the cloaking is useful, but at that point I'd rather just pick any frame and slap Naramon on it for invisibility and I don't even need to play a crappy DDR or endure eye strain.

Her 4: To be honest, I don't completely understand how this ability works so correct me if I'm wrong. This basically doubles damage and range of your Mallet (making it so you don't need to build for much range) and then amplifies damage buffs. So this power is basically a buff for her buffs. Yo, dawg. Sorry, but this just feels lazy as if they couldn't think of a 4th ability for her.

Her passive: I like it. It functions well with Zenurik and Energy Siphon. This might be the second best passive in the game next to Banshee's.

Overall, I feel she is more gimmicky than useful. There's no real reason to use her aside from annoying your friends with meme music and I honestly don't find her fun to play which is disappointing since I was anticipating her release. It's cool that you can make your own music, but once the novelty wears off, I just mute my audio when I see an Octavia is on the team and then wash my eyes with holy water, afterwards.

So was the 225p worth it? Well, it was worth bypassing the grind. Cool quest, though and the weapons / syndana are nice.

P.S. If there's something that I'm not getting or not seeing, please let me know.  I want to like this frame.

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Her 1 attracts the enemy fire, is like loki decoy with infinite health, that is the main purpose of that skill.

Her 2 is very disappointing indeed, it need a tweak, it would be better that instead of picking the mallet just run around attracting the enemies while doing some CC.

Her 3 is a buff skill, the only problem is that you must do the action exactly with the rhythm to fill the % of the buff so you can gain it but if you fail that % decrease that, to gain those buff requires you to spend time looking to octavia which is annoying and a waste of time.

Her 4, yep this one is the less noticeable, the double dmg of your 1 and 2 are lame and the damage buff doesn't notice also i hear that this skill is dependant of the lvl of sound where you cast it.

I like her only because of the mandacord mini-game but nothing more.


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Edit: So! I have been playing Octavia for 2 days and a half now.

All I see is [DE]Danielle dancing lol.


 To be honest, This Warframe is not what I expected it to be.

 Also, I hope we will be seeing improvements towards the Mandachord.


I was at the first Wagon on the Hype train, not gonna lie xD


My opinion about her abilities so far:

Passive: Compared to others, this passive is actually really good, I really like it.

Description is misleading though.


Mallet: I love this one, decent CC in a small area because of the Aggro it generates and great damage in a big area when the enemies deal damage to it.

Description is also kinda misleading.


 I wish the damage could bypass environment obstacles and maybe just deal reduced damage.


 It would be awesome if it had a minimun base amount of damage, just like the Resonator does.


Resonator: This ability as of right now only serves as a hard CC tool, I mean it deals damage but this is really not necessary, Resonator is not fulfilling its purpose, it is instead messing up the Mallet.


 Resonator's charm is stronger than the Mallet's Aggro, so enemies prefer to chase down the Resonator rather than attacking the Mallet which is on top of it.


 Resonator AI is really bad at the moment, I wish it was kinda like an Infested Charger's AI or an Isolator Bursa's, these follow their enemies no matter where they are.


 Metronome: I really like the idea behind this ability, the idea of you taking your time to dance in the middle of a battle xD.


 Right now you need to be very precise with the actions, I think it would be great if it gave you some more room.

 Example: Counts as correct if you did the action ~0.3s earlier or later, rather than at that specific moment.


AMP: Just... fantastic!

This ability is soooo good.

 The description should give us more details though.

 It creates kinda like a dancing floor which is awesome xD.


Mandachord: I love it... Simple as that.

 There is a lot of potential in this system. This is what we were all waiting for.


To make this system perfect, I can only think of: 

 1. Longer Songs! Please!

This is the #1 issue with it and I'm pretty sure it's not just me.


Instead of 8 seconds long, make it so we can expand the song to up to... I don't know... 16 seconds at least! This would open possibilities for more variety and less repetitive songs.

 Also, isn't it possible to just save the songs on the player's PC/Console?

This way we can have more than 5 songs maybe?


 2. Traditional instruments like Piano and Trumpet. 

This is the second issue right now, sadly.


 3. Ability to change song in missions.

Come on! Octavia has the Mandachord right there! xD


 4. Ability to place notes from different instrument onto the same Percussion, Bass and Melody.


AND that's pretty much it!

 It's not like I don't appreciate the work but this is not the "Thanks, I love you DE" Session of the forum lol.

Edited by 0meg4x
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Now before I start. I like the frame and she's rather good, but there's something with her that just bug the crap out of me and makes it hard to actually enjoy using her.

My problem is with Metronome, her 3. A metronome is the general beat to a song. So why is it set to be controlled by the melody of the song and not the percussion? The ability is about doing things in beat with the song. Having it set to the Melody and not the actual beat of the song makes no sense to me.
My other problem with Metronome is how exact it needs to be. Compare this to a game like NecroDancer, a game all about doing all your actions to the beat of the song or risk taking damage, Metronome requires nearly, if not, perfect sync to the notes. It comes off rather inconsistent on if it gives the buff. While trying to practicing it I found it often would do the buff tick noise and show the particle effect for gaining a bit of charge towards the respected buff, but no charge would actually build as well.


My only other gripe with Octavia is her instruments. But not all of them. Specifically the ones used for the Melody. Even the Druk Instruments, which give a great Percussion and Bass, give what always just makes me think of a machine farting that someone just saved to a sound board to attempt DJing with.
Just everything involving the Melody just feels like heck.....

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#1- Volume slider for her specifically, some songs are too quiet to hear in game, some are actually too loud, so being able to lower or raise it from the current volume would be great- this would also let people getting annoyed mute it- which leads me to...


#2- Some way to either change song mid game, or have it change automatically after like 15 minutes or something. I had a song I really really did like, but after a deep run as Octavia and the same like 7 second loop for about an hour everyone wanted to blow their brains out. Being able to change the song is really really needed if the loops are going to be so short; and we want to maintain buff uptimes.


Please consider, thank you.

Edited by Echorion
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I really want her to be able to change her songs mid game. I mean they are only like 7 second loops, we did a run earlier for almost an hour and at the end of it people wanted to blow their brains out because it was the same loop over and over and over and over and over....

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Please for the love of all that is holy let us change songs in game, or give us a volume slider for her- or both.

I did an hour run earlier with the Mortal Kombat theme, and I love that theme....but after the same 7 second loop for like over an hour everyone wanted to jump off a bridge to end the suffering.


On a side note, maybe consider bringing her abilities closer to the same duration.

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i have a somewhat different gripe. against infested atleast (havent used her anywhere but akkad yet), the resonator, makes her mallet useless. the charm effect supersedes the taunt of the mallet. enemies dont attack the mallet, they just follow the ball. and since they dont attack it, it never does any dmg

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1 hour ago, Echorion said:

I really want her to be able to change her songs mid game. I mean they are only like 7 second loops, we did a run earlier for almost an hour and at the end of it people wanted to blow their brains out because it was the same loop over and over and over and over and over....

I think the whole music creation theme should've been an addon for the liset as in a music box or even a gear based craftable accesory. I think it was a bad decision to build it around a warframe.

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I don't really know how to put this into words but please give octavia music "real" notes. Everything sounds synthetic and not like an actual, physical, instrument. Drums and Guitar notes just don't sound that good when they sound like some midi you would find in a sonic fan game.

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I love the idea of all of Octavia's skills, and I enjoy pretty much all of them, even Metronome's beat-hitting concept.

Problem is, that beat hitting concept falls short: It goes off of the melody track. 

Now I'm no music aficionado by any stretch of the imagination, but I've logged a few thousand hours in rhythm games. Any other rhythm game (which apparently WF is now, I'm pretty happy with that) uses the beat, the generally consistent, steady rhythm that runs through the whole song. Check out Crypt of the Necrodancer, every single track does it well. If Octavia's Metronome used the bass track while Resonator picked up melody, a whole lot of the issues with not being able to see the rings at your feet would be fixed. It'd be easier to hold a steady rhythm, and would make it so players don't look like utter morons trying to bob to a melody that has notes at inconsistent intervals.

Here's an example in the spoiler for the 3rd level of Necrodancer, it shows how a rhythm game is normally handled. If it used the melody instead of the beat, the movement would be all over the place and really wouldn't be fun, but since it uses the beat, you can focus on everything else that's happening, plus it lets songs have more variety instead of easy to match but boring to hear melodies.





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We really need a better way to see when to crouch/shoot etc.

The current system covers all the map with rings with songs using a lot of melody notes. 

These rings disappear when you get close to walls, stairs, map obstacles etc. Also It's too easy to lose them, and it's kinda hard to time the shoots while looking at the ground.

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I haven't finished building my Octavia yet, but as I was formaing Limbo several times in Akkad, I noticed something interesting about the different Octavia's in the group. The most useful ones were the ones who just had a song that basically just spammed notes as fast as possible. This allowed you to completely ignore the song/rhythm and automatically benefit from it because you constantly had opportunities to gain stacks. You didn't have to do anything at a specific interval/rhythm, you just constantly got stacks from performing any of the actions at any time (as long as you were in her range). Everyone basically had a permanent multishot buff just from shooting. If you wanted stealth you just spammed your crouch key and got it quickly and easily.

This seems to mean that the Octavias who have fun and make their own song are actually far less useful than the ones that just spam notes constantly to give their team easy constant access to all her buffs. I more or less ignore the ones with actual songs because it's too annoying to try to deal with, but get a huge benefit from the ones that I assume just set their songs up to basically be constant spam (not sure if that's how easy it is or not as I don't have mine to test yet).

If they end up nerfing that method of easy buff access she may go from an extremely powerful support (easy perma stealth + multishot + armor + damage multiplier etc) to a frame people just ignore because it's too much of a hassle if you have to actually pay attention to the song. It is kind of unfair to the Octavia's to have to give up the fun factor of making an actual interesting song to be more useful/practical. Not sure what a good solution would be outside of just making it easymode to get the buffs regardless of the song setup. 

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overwhelmingly id like to see 2 changes to octavia. first would be allowing us to select what ability uses what part of the mandachord. metronome is a nice ability idea but its tied to melody, which doesnt every have a rythmic series of notes (what a metronome does is keep a rhythm). as a result its hard to have a song that sounds good and is still easy for you and teammates to get the buffs from.

the other part would be to add a mute option, that way when you get some one with a troll song you dont get stuck with listening to it the whole game

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