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[Update 20] Octavia Feedback Megathread


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2 hours ago, Borg1611 said:

I haven't finished building my Octavia yet, but as I was formaing Limbo several times in Akkad, I noticed something interesting about the different Octavia's in the group. The most useful ones were the ones who just had a song that basically just spammed notes as fast as possible. This allowed you to completely ignore the song/rhythm and automatically benefit from it because you constantly had opportunities to gain stacks. You didn't have to do anything at a specific interval/rhythm, you just constantly got stacks from performing any of the actions at any time (as long as you were in her range). Everyone basically had a permanent multishot buff just from shooting. If you wanted stealth you just spammed your crouch key and got it quickly and easily.

This seems to mean that the Octavias who have fun and make their own song are actually far less useful than the ones that just spam notes constantly to give their team easy constant access to all her buffs. I more or less ignore the ones with actual songs because it's too annoying to try to deal with, but get a huge benefit from the ones that I assume just set their songs up to basically be constant spam (not sure if that's how easy it is or not as I don't have mine to test yet).

If they end up nerfing that method of easy buff access she may go from an extremely powerful support (easy perma stealth + multishot + armor + damage multiplier etc) to a frame people just ignore because it's too much of a hassle if you have to actually pay attention to the song. It is kind of unfair to the Octavia's to have to give up the fun factor of making an actual interesting song to be more useful/practical. Not sure what a good solution would be outside of just making it easymode to get the buffs regardless of the song setup. 

The reason people spam notes, specifically the Metronome notes, is because its inconsistent to get the buff to build up in the first place. So its easier to just have it spam notes and just spam whatever action is needed, eventually you'll get enough to activate them.
Part of this is because of a bug I've noticed. Whatever the base duration is, the ability will try to end there, restarting if you've boosted your duration at all and repeating. This throws the beat if your metronome off. Making it harder because the beat has shifted off cycle slightly. Enough atleast to screw with how precise it wants the actions.
This bug seems to effect her 1, 2, and 3. Her Ult being uneffected because its not using your music to toot. So there's no cycle is has to worry about.

Outside of the metronome, spamming notes doesn't really do much. The DPS remains the same. Many notes results in many low damage ticks. While fewer notes result in beefer ticks. This can be seen even in her 3. Where a note every 4 provides significant charge for the multishot bonus, while rapid notes generate far less.

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  • Buff Stats are all over the place in the UI
  • Using Resonator lowers the damage of mallet. Mallet should override Resonator effect
  • can we also make mallet natually hover at a higher elevation so enemies can see it and shoot it more.
  • Lower multiplier for Amp but allow it to affect WF powers and remove mallet 2xdamage cap with amp
  • Can we increase the duration of her powers?
  • Can we get a more subtle effect for Metronome? It's eye cancer when you're jumping around evenb with black energy color
  • i would like to hear my songs over terrain but not sfx. s this possible with additional audio options?


  • Not enough song 
  • Remove 16 note limit
  • Need an option to export and import
  • possible cross functionality with app
  • Can we make longer songs?
Edited by _Rue_
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1st Ability, Mallet: while the idea is nice it does not aggro enemies enough to where they rust run right past it, maybe having it aggro them more will help it. Second while the damage is nice a stagger every few seconds will be nice. Also the ability to deploy 2 or three at a time would be nice.

QOL change show the stored damage in the ability hud kinda like how it shows frost globe health and rhino IS health.

2nd Ability,Resonator: while its nice the AI does need work.

1st and second Ability combo: First off it seems that enemies just don't seem to want to shoot it, it seems the second abilities "pied piper" ability overrides the mallet's making it kinda worthless in a damage aspect.

3rd Ability,Metronome: Overall the buffs are okay but the way you acquire them are annoying at best. In pub groups your allies dont really bother because unless you design a song to make it easier to proc they wont even bother. Secondly in the heat of battle when you need to proc these abilities the most(due to their relitivly short duration) its nearly impossible due to the chaos of having enemies shooting at you so you cant play a game of dance dance revolution to get buffs. In addition burst weapons I.E Sybaris and Burston, their bursts count as individual shots and not one so if you hit the mark with a burst the second bullet will erase the proc progress because it counts as a separate shot.

4th Ability, Amp is pretty good as is

QOL change it would be nice if the Mallet resonator combo preferred to stay within range of amp so it would keep getting the double damage.

Overall change:

please add a Octavia only audio slider.

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I was going to suggest your point 2 as well. I think having the ability to manually/automatically change songs mid game would be great, as it would allow you to create longer songs and break up the repetitiveness that is inevitable from being restricted to a short loop. I am really loving Octavia, but this change would make things soo much better.

Maybe the songs could change automatically after they loop for a set number of times (which you could set?)? So after a song loops for say 8-16 times, it swaps to the next song in your list. This would allow us to set up a series of loops that make up parts of a longer song. This would give us more creative freedom and help to break up the repetitive loops.

I think your volume option is ok too, as sometimes songs from different Octavia's can clash with horrendous results, and it would be good if there was a way to reduce this. One possible solution could be as follows As Octavia, you only here your songs, but as a none Octavia frame you only here the song of the closest Octavia, maybe with some line of sight logic in there too?

The only trouble with reducing volumes of other frames, though, is it prevents 2/3 Octavia's working together to make a more complex song together, which is a great feature. I would love to create a 3 man Octavia group that each contributes to the one song as we play. Not sure how to fix the song conflicts issue without removing or reducing the ability for teams to create songs together.

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Octavia's fun, but I find it a bit trying to only bring 1 8 second song into a mission at a time; even good songs can get old quick if they're overplayed. Is there any way that in the future, players could make a playlist out of saved songs so that all 5 songs will play in order of how they're saved? It would diversify the songs to make going on longer missions much more fun with her. Doing this, we could end up making 1 40 second song if someone cared to map it out properly.


Or more likely spam every meme at one time which I wouldn't mind so much, but wouldn't seem as impressive in the end...

Edited by BootScoot
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My first impressions of Octavia are pretty mixed so far.

1) Mallet: Great utility, bad damage. It is rlly good to hold a point but useless on the move.

2) Resonator:  My biggest problem with her so far. The roller tends to pick up the Mallet. Which is great, but then it runs off to the other side of the map most of the time. There needs to be an option to tell it to stay close or hold a point. That would fix the problem with Octavias mobility aswell. On a side note: If the bass runs off with the drums most of the melodys you can create with the Mandachord don't sound that good on their own.

3) Metronome: If you use anything other than black as your energy colour you can not aim down while this is active. Please tone down the effect colour a little so you can see through it. Trying to time your actions with the music while playing is a lot of fun and very rewarding. You can not do it with each and every weapon, but still, if you pull the timing off you can become an invisible death-machine.

4) Amp: Set it and forget it. A bit boring to be honest. Yes it provides buffs and increases the range of your mallet, but since the roller will run off with that one anyway, the 4 does not do a whole lot.

5) The Mandachord: I was soooo hyped about this, but it turned out to be: Far. Too. Simple. Not much else to say about it. Huge disappointment. I know you want to stop people from trolling, but restricting us to 4 bars and only a few notes won't stop a determined troll. Don't get me wrong, you can create songs that sound good at first with this tool, but in a mission the repetition gets boring veeery fast. If we can't have a better Mandachord could we at least bring more than one song with us?

Edited by Gwandriwog
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To make my criticisms short and sweet, since I'm sure they were already said:

  • Too few bars. Four? Eight or more should be the standard. Maybe give it as an optional slider.
  • Note range is quite limiting, but not a deal breaker.
  • Sounds we currently have aren't enough. There's just not enough variations. We should also be able to use different sets for "bass" or "melody" at the appropriate octave.
  • Note length. If I want a whole note, why can't I? 
  • BPM needs to be a slider as well. 80-180 would cover pretty much cover every player's desires for style of music.
  • Her first and second abilities have terrible "synergy". You have to throw out mallet and let it set before you can even consider to toss the roller out. Otherwise, it deals zero damage. 
  • Have a separate slider in the audio options for her. Tying her to music makes sense in theory, but is terrible in practice. 

Other than those, she's pretty decent. She will be a heavily underplayed frame after the hype dies, but will have a cult of people who love her. Might as well go all out and make her great so even those who can't make music can enjoy her being around. She's far from finished, in my opinion. I can't even call her acceptable right now because she could be so much more. 

Edited by RafaelFuchs
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Please, add note PITCH (3 levels per note: high, normal and low.   If note is 1, then high is 1,5 and low is 0,5),

Volume (2 levels per note) and Length (Ability to draw note bar without intervals...for more smooth sounding bass lines and such).


These will increase flexibility (especially Pitch...Coz it basically adds extra notes without ruining pentatonic scheme.  And it doesn't require to record extra sounds.)





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Personally, I like where the mandachord is now. At most I won't bat an eye if they change it up to 8 bars. But if you want free range to create your own beats, download Fruity Loops, Acid Studio, or another program of similar nature. What the mandachord offers at the moment is incredibly generous despite Warframe not being a music or rhythm game. You also need to consider simplicity so it's easier to rework Octavia's abilities if need be. Anything too complex may make it harder to make adjustments or for their effectors/expressions to read.

I do think having a separate slider for mandachord sounds would be a welcome addition, not everyone wants to listen to that music and may prefer the default Warframe music.

I think Octavia's mandachord gimmick will drop off as the momentum of the warframe dies down. Once it gets to that point, I doubt many people would care about how basic the mixing is.

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What people forget is, if you add more note etc it make getting the buff from metronome impossible or just a mess.

The point of it being able to make any song is also so people can make their own adjustment to make the buff easier to get for them or their group. Made the mistake with my first song to add too much, it sound good and all but not really great if you try to get any of the buff aside for melee and multishot.

Keep things simple.

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Tbh, octavia should get nerfed to the ground, enough AOE dps to kill lvl 140 units, long stealth, AOE energy regen, CC, 700%+ dmg buff and few others...

We can sell all the other frames now, there is no need for them.

Oh, and stealth is also AOE.

Edited by [DE]Taylor
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I've not read all pages of this thread but I am sure others have already said this: I would like the ability to link songs together during a mission, to create one long song out of the shorter loops you create. Maybe an option to set how many times a song loops before it switches to another song in your list.

I really like Octavia, but during longer missions, and even short ones sometimes, the short loops can get a bit repetitive. Having an option to join multiple loops together into one song would be great, and would open the door for more creative use of the Mandachord, without adding any more complexity to it.

Edited by Rin01
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Wouldn't it be much better if metronome worked from percussion and mallet from melody track, not the other way around? Percussion track is usually more regular and easier to rythmically hit. Feels more organic that way.

Edited by Meesha_Eko
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3 minutes ago, Imaru said:

Yeah but try taking a hit with her at any decent level. Sure she can hit hard but she can't take a hit. Stealth helps but even there you've got aoe to deal with. 

You can stand invisible in next room, enemies attack your Mallet (which make it deal more and more dmg) so they wont come to you with their AOE. Hell, if you still cant survive even with that, then take Limbo to team up, you will have even more energy regen and your abilities works while in Rift.

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