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[Update 20] Octavia Feedback Megathread


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Some issues that I've come across with Octavia:

I'm quite sure that many have come across and complained about the problems that we are having with Octavia, so I will try to surmise problems and intentions of the abilities, and what should probably be changed.

For the sake of consistency, "ABILITY DURATION" should be replaced with "POWER DURATION" in her power descriptions.

1. Mallet

  • Punch Through should be applied to this ability, since only one mallet can be out at a time.
  • Power Description should be changed to better describe what it actually does: 
    • "Rhythmically draws enemy fire and plays back the damage it receives with amplified results"  

2. Resonator

  • Reduce the movement speed of the roller when Octavia is within the charm range.
    • I have found that the mallet + resonator combo fails to work due to the roller moving too fast and making enemies only follow it - not shoot it.
  • Minimum charm radius does not work. Mallet should be priority target.
    • enemies do not attack when charmed, even when they are inside the minimum charm radius. This is probably a bug.

3. Metronome

  • metronome's rings effects should be applied to all allies, or a visual indicator for the melody should be added for allies.
    • this suggestion poses problems when there is more than one Octavia on the team.
  • In the power description, secondary buff values should be displayed as percentages
    • mods describe melee damage, multishot, and sprint speed in terms of percentages, not decimal values.

4. Amp

  • power description uses the word "decibel" incorrectly; should be changed to:
    • "Draws power from the sound intensity in the area to amplify the damage of Octavia and her allies. It also doubles the damage and range of nearby Mallets."
  • AMP currently can stack with other AMPs, when it really shouldn't. This is probably a bug.
Edited by Magtone
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Aye! This is a must have option imho. Long missions will be torture always running the same tune. So please, add a playlist. Seccond, it would be kind to add a proper scale (C-D-E-F-G-A-H-C )  for bass and melodie

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4 hours ago, (Xbox One)DeluxeKnight831 said:

isn't that the point ? she is not a true bard . she's a machine duplicating musical instruments. she's supposed to sound synthetic 

To an extent yes but certain tracks are just so awful and certain noises can't be replicated without the actually intrusment.

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Love the concept of this frame! But it could be even better:

Please add a full scale (example: C-Dur: C-D-E-F-G-A-H-C ) for bass and melody.

Please add the possibility to create a playlist. Allways the same track is quickly getting boring.

Mallet: Is bugged. Don't affect enemies even sligthly below or above in hight. Please be more precise how damage is affectet by Percussion. Stronger charm would be much valued.

Resonator: Useless (most time) as it is now. The buff it gives to AMP is not worth the damage-sacrifice of Mallet. And i see no use to it, when it picks up Mallet, so long we have no control where the crazy bullet runs to. Hmm.... when i think at it.... a slowing/speeding effect to the enemy would be nice (like Nova), scaling with the rhythm of the percussion part. A quartile of the mandachord has 16 slots in one row. 8 = normal Speed. 16 used slots = +20%. 1 used slot = -20%. (just an idea).

Metronome: Buffs by dancing.... Hate it. ^^ But this is my personal opinion.

AMP: Nice

Thanks for your attention DE.

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If I sound like I'm attacking, I am not, but rather very blunt with my opinion.

Octavia's all 4 powers are both visual and auditory annoyances.

1. There no way to disable the sound coming from Octavia, perhaps a slider, which in itself sounds strange to have for a single frame, but that's how you designed her to be so this is a genuine feedback (we have a Ordis slider after all). You guys have a music team that creates unique music depending on the faction and even tilesets, but it's ruined by extremely repetitive Mandachord songs. It doesn't matter too much if the player made a good soundtrack for it's very short, making it sound annoying very quickly (especially in Endless missions).

2. Her powers visuals, in all sincerity, looks very much like mediocre effects from some other game, not Warframe. It intrudes with the beautifully crafted design of the tilesets with bland colored rectangles protruding from the ground, or right in your face. Additionally, her "aura" power causes issues similar to how Banshee's new Soundquake did when you guys updated it not long ago (thanks for fixing that by the way).

It can be extremely jarring depending on the energy colors and makes me unable to see some of the floor at times. It's worst than most powers because of how fast the animation repeats itself, and how bright it is. This, combined with the low quality and out-of-place looks of her other powers, will clutter the whole screen in an unpleasant way, unlike most PhysX power effects.

3. Her buffs icons tell me nothing, and simply clutters the UI. What in the world is "Forte?" What is "Nocturne?" I asked an Octavia player who was buffing us what they were and even they couldn't tell me with certainty. Why do I have to check the wiki for such information when it should be somewhere in the game, at least in Octavia's power menu perhaps? Speaking of which, not even the wiki states what a "Forte" is, so am I just to guess by checking when this "Forte" appears?

It's not intuitive. You could at least give us some kind of legend somewhere, or additional buttons within the Warframe Abilities menu in the Arsenal if a power has more than one effects. That way we can see what each thing is. This is a criticism in general too. Titania, another support-buff Warframe, also suffers from the same thing with her Tribute ability, but at least she isn't causing as much visual and auditory disturbances, not to mention the wiki has the info for all 4 buffs on her.


I know you guys had a lot of fun making her, and it shows, really! However, this kind of unrelenting passion put in design will ultimately cause quality-control problems, and that shows as well.

Edited by Casardis
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8 hours ago, zeroichi92 said:

Tea bagging to a dubstep in the middle of firefight hoping you'll be invisible before being tear apart is hilarious indeed. :crylaugh:

LOL, that's what happened to me; tea bagging to my music, hoping I'd be invisible, but was killed in the process. I learned to just run, jump and tea bag in the air was much safer.

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Yeah, let's nerf one of the few scalable frames. 

Her 1 takes time and relies entirely on the enemy's damage potential. If the enemies don't shoot at it, the damage won't rise. When you are in a squad of 4, not many of them will focus on her ability. 

Her invisibility buff is long if you build for it, but you lose either a lot of range[narrow minded] either a lot of strenght [overextended].  Plus, it takes time to achieve that buff, it's not instant. 

She's well balanced, she's scalable, she's fresh and unique. Please stop dramatizing everything so much, she's not game breaking or ridiculously OP.  If you really wanna see an OP AOE nuke, try Nova's 2 with a [Sancti] Tigris [Prime]. 245k damage to everything in its range with low cost and 0 build-up except the 2 shot neccesary. 

Edited by aligatorno
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My Octavia has
80% efficience

209% duration

154% range

190% damage

600 max Energy

4x1 node per repeat on first ability


its (nearly) enough range to get all 3 spawnspots on simulcrum (combined with 4).

energy is easy to hold.

with that stats a corrupted heavy gunner lv 135 (with ripped armor) did killed himself with 1 of his own meleehits. he did get over 50k dmg back.

now tell me one reason why that shouldnt easy work on enemys with lv 4000

balanced.balanced for what exactly?



edit: 20 shield drones are actually enough for the charmdmg to kill 1hit lv 135 shield drones (stacked on the ball. idk if that is a bug or how that exactly works)

Edited by SerionSerian
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I think there are a lot of well fleshed-out ideas in this thread already, so I just want to throw one more vote for some alterations to Octavia and the Mandachord system - maintaining her abilities is, for me, a bit of a chore. I really just want to be a jukebox, if I'm honest, and every time I miss the skill refresh part of me dies a little. Also, having more notes to work with, being able to set your own tempo, and having more note lengths would all be truly awesome. I'm a practiced musician (none of the musical claims to fame like many posters, but I understand music) and I am struggling to create or re-create any of my favorite tunes.

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1 hour ago, aligatorno said:

Yeah, let's nerf one of the few scalable frames. 

Her 1 takes time and relies entirely on the enemy's damage potential. If the enemies don't shoot at it, the damage won't rise. When you are in a squad of 4, not many of them will focus on her ability. 

Her invisibility buff is long if you build for it, but you lose either a lot of range[narrow minded] either a lot of strenght [overextended].  Plus, it takes time to achieve that buff, it's not instant. 

She's well balanced, she's scalable, she's fresh and unique. Please stop dramatizing everything so much, she's not game breaking or ridiculously OP.  If you really wanna see an OP AOE nuke, try Nova's 2 with a [Sancti] Tigris [Prime]. 245k damage to everything in its range with low cost and 0 build-up except the 2 shot neccesary. 

Inv buff or any other (maybe ths speed) is instant ... with all the notes you can spam and do it in less than a second  (people that speak about her seems that they dont even use it ) .


2 hours ago, (PS4)rowansprite said:

Right, but once Nidus has his stacks, he'll be doing it much quicker.


That was my point ... it's not , even with 100 stacks .

Edited by Yagamilight123
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9 hours ago, Bloomspark said:

I think it would be great if the visuals are 2D, as a HUD element. One little example that I'm imagining is note bars will run horizontally at the (near) bottom of the screen from both left/right sides towards the center. So for one note there will be 2 bars, those bars will appear from the sides and will meet at the center where it will play the note.

I'd like something like this instead of current light rings covering all of the screen - these are too much visual noise for me. Also this HUD element could be shown to other players when they're in range for the buff.

And a separate volume sliders for Octavia's music and Warframe music would be welcome, as was suggested in other comments.

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So what Octavia's roller, or Resonator, does is that it charms enemies to follow it, but not attack it. This is quite good for CC, but it's not good to combo with her Mallet. Resonator also deals damage to enemies within its AoE, scaling with how many enemies are charmed.

Mallet places down a little beacon that when it gets hit by enemies, it absorbs and amplifies the damage and then deals that damage to any enemy in range. Because of this, Mallet is able to kill groups of enemies in seconds, no matter their lvl

When Mallet is used in tandem with Resonator, however, enemies stop attacking, and so there is no damage that's being absorbed to kill enemies with.

An easy way to fix this, and to actually make the combo into something more useful than CC, is turn the charm into a taunt.

From what I've seen, the charm is not an aggro effect. It mostly just makes enemies follow it in a conga-line and overall makes the enemy AI stupid. If the charm was changed into a taunt, enemies would be forced to attack it. This way, the combo is actually a tool that rewards players with CC and also damage. 

Edited by Xionyde134
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I quite like the idea, actually. I also have a problem with the Roller itself, though. The AI in Warframe is not exactly known for being particularly smart (as even you mentioned), and this power is no exception. Often times it'll run in a path away from enemies or the objective, and can also entirely wander away from you, leaving Octavia with no form of mitigation or aggro control (happens a whole hell of a lot in endless missions). 

I'd suggest having the ball always roaming within 5-10 meters of Octavia, that way it could serve as reliable mitigation instead of random chance for it to wander close enough to your enemies to grab their attention. As-is, it's simply not effective. I can forgive Mallet its flaws because that works for me, but Resonator just doesn't do what it seems like it should. 

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I do believe that enemies do indeed continue attacking.  I know today that on a few occasions I had oculysts which sent me running after a few stray shots hit me when I was helping people farm octavia.  This after dropping my mallot and Resonator together in a 1,2 fashion.   

Also had the same issue on ODS when ancients would hook me after I'd dropped my Mallet and Resonator  when my ball decided to come back and say hi after a bit when dropping it.  (This is what also taught me that it's good to use 3 when I have the energy so that I go invis ... less chance of being hooked by them xD ) 

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9 minutes ago, GlitchedGirl said:

I do believe that enemies do indeed continue attacking.  I know today that on a few occasions I had oculysts which sent me running after a few stray shots hit me when I was helping people farm octavia.  This after dropping my mallot and Resonator together in a 1,2 fashion.   

Also had the same issue on ODS when ancients would hook me after I'd dropped my Mallet and Resonator  when my ball decided to come back and say hi after a bit when dropping it.  (This is what also taught me that it's good to use 3 when I have the energy so that I go invis ... less chance of being hooked by them xD ) 

My experience has been the opposite; even when the Resonator gets stuck in a corner and the bad guys are right next to it, they are still not firing or attacking.

Right now, the best way to use the two together is to drop Mallet first, wait until it starts killing enemies, and then drop Resonator to pick up up and deliver it to the baddies that were lucky enough to be outside it's radius to start.

However, it appears that either Mallet's damage expends absorbed damage, or the damage has some form of decay, because eventually the only damage the combo does is the per enemy tick that Resonator does to those that are following it, and the Mallet part of the combo is wasted.

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Hi, just started playing Octavia, and I'm finding the Mallet out of sync with the Resonator, so the music sounds like a mess.  Is it supposed to be some sort of quicktime thing where you throw out the balls bang on time or something?  I thought they were supposed to automatically sync up?

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Hmmm strange - next time I stream it, I'll go back and watch it to see exactly how it works that way I can confirm and replay it.  Heck, I may have to go log back in and play a few more rounds just to make sure I'm not crazy. xD 

Okay, I must be crazy - or on the past few runs I had good luck and the mobs decided to attack it and thus kill themselves.   I entered a quick exterminate and dropped my abilities, and the first few mobs pretty much did the cha-cha after the ball including the first oculyst.  I'm including a link to the video here.  You can see that the last occulyst however does attack it, following around whacking at it with it's little stick hands xD  

Perhaps it's a bug in the AI?  Video

Edited by GlitchedGirl
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There's always these topics when a good/normal warframe drops. It takes a while from most of the people to notice the cracks on it. Like Nidus, everyone was calling OP but all the change required was no maggot auto-explode and higher revival stacks costs.

Octavia has faults, but you won't find them fighting 20 whatever on a controlled simulacrum.

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