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Warframe became a childish space comic game?


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3 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

The warframe right before Octavia was Nidus. In my opinion, it doesn't get more dark or grim than a living plague weapon full of exposed tendons and bone.

I honestly think Octavia is scarier than NIdus, on a deeper level. I mean, yeah, Nidus is OBVIOUSLY dark and grim. But Octavia take the killing to a psycho kind of level; Dancing and "moving to the beat" while slaughtering enemies left and right...

12 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Someone likes to hate books because of their cover.

You really don't see how perverse and insane Octavia is being shown?


Hah, so I'm not the only one thinking of Reservoir Dogs? I mean, that's EXACTLY the mental image I got from Octavia too, and why I consider her to probably be the most psycho Warframe to date.

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21 minutes ago, K0bra said:

True.Nidus is a very badass awesome character and grim but i cant see the ninja there :D

Maybe i have to live with that the game will never be dark grim ninja again but the Devs should think about why Ash and Excalibur are the most loved warframes of the community of all times  :)

Excalibur is not ninja

hes a knight/ samurai

because ninjas hardly used swords, and the nikana is obviously the samurai infantry sword

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1 hour ago, ViolentDuck said:

What you have is not a critique, but an opinion

A critique is an expert's opinion.  He already stated he was bad with english, not is first language.  Don't get hung up on semantics.  Its also a perfectly valid opinion.

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1 hour ago, K0bra said:

Now everything is shiny,bright and has absolutely nothing to do with ninjas anymore.

You definitely haven't been watching the prime videos if you think this is true. Like Valkyr Prime trailer that came out just before this (and after Banshee prime trailer for whatever reason)

You're knitpicking, the dark trailers are there too, the selection is just more diversified. Why? Because Warframe itself is more diversified now. Especially because now it's also on consoles with a huge dedicated following due to the fact that its been around since near the beginning of the current console generation - back when there's wasn't much selection in games and Warframe became next-to-essential in every console library. Rather than being exclusively a niche free to play on the PC.

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48 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

Someone likes to hate books because of their cover.

You really don't see how perverse and insane Octavia is being shown?



I agree. There is something dark and sinister about murdering en masse to cheerful, bouncy music and then dancing among the corpses. I like it. :satisfied:

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Hey OP.  

I hear what you are saying, but I think all adults here have to remember that most of DE's funding comes from screaming 12 year olds who yell to mommy that they need more plat and to open her wallet for real cash payments to DE.  I have noticed this more and more in the last year (Hint: to avoid having to rub shoulders with said obnoxious mini-people, play late-late at night).  This has resulted in a "toning down" of the darker elements, and what is even worse IMHO is how they are making some previously hard elements now WAY too easy.  Yes we will always have the Sorties, endless runs to level 200+ monsters, etc, but for example they are now throwing Rhino at new players.

Anyway, still love Warframe and I get that DE is trying to come up with new ideas all the time and maintain a schedule of seasonal releases, which I think is great.  We may not like every Warframe, but in all honesty DE is also paying attention to "lame frames" and giving them a much-needed re-work.  Just look at the new Limbo (previously my least favorite frame).  Look at Vacuum on Sentinels.  Slowly but surely DE fixes the low points, and not everything turns out to be a winner (e.g. Javlok - great idea but lame in practice).  It's almost like they need a few items to be Mastery fodder and nothing more.  Original plain Machete anyone?

More than anything else I just wish that DE would DEEPEN THE STORY.  If a comic helps do that then I am ok with it.... but lets have a REAL 30+ page Comic Story, not some 6-panel, above-the-fold trickle of an idea.  Even better, my dream would be for DE to create a Full Campaign for the Tenno.  Yes a ton of work for DE and may not ever happen, but one can dream....  :)

Personally I think Octavia will be awesome, goofy, and great fun to play.  Might not be an endgame frame, but at least she will be entertaining.  
And the idea of killing to music is straight out of the movie KICKASS  :D
(*Now if only DE got the rights to the Banana Splits theme song......*)  

Edited by (PS4)BMWWOW
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58 minutes ago, Firetempest said:

You really don't see how perverse and insane Octavia is being shown?


Don't forget how they're actually meat puppets being controlled by child soldiers. lel.

But yeah, Warframe is losing some of it's edge. Even Lotus isn't the same bloodthirsty Valkyrie she used to be. Exterminate missions actually let you mercifully allow the enemy to flee now. Comic relief characters are often placed in media so that the content isn't too overwhelmingly depressing for the audience, but when you have too much relief, there's no tension.

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58 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

I honestly think Octavia is scarier than NIdus, on a deeper level. I mean, yeah, Nidus is OBVIOUSLY dark and grim. But Octavia take the killing to a psycho kind of level; Dancing and "moving to the beat" while slaughtering enemies left and right...

Hah, so I'm not the only one thinking of Reservoir Dogs? I mean, that's EXACTLY the mental image I got from Octavia too, and why I consider her to probably be the most psycho Warframe to date.

I dance to the screams of the dieing and welcome the red spray in the air that washes over me! 


Yea ear I can see psycho.

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1 hour ago, K0bra said:

Its like making Quake to a game with Flowers and puffy wuffy Power Puff girls and rainbow unicorns.

While I get your points I think you are a bit late with your complaints.

We already have Titania. She hovers like a ballet dancer, butterflies are everywhere and her quest requires you to scan flowers. 


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First thing first, Warframes are not all warriors with gritty themes. Octavia was more of a commander, staying in the towers participating in ceremonies (Like Cephalon conversion). From that point I can see Octavia being like she is, now if some tenno makes techno-rock-pop music for killing and proceeds to dance between the corpses, their choice, that made Octavia's trailer very disturbing for me, even more than the video above it.

Second, Have you seen Mirage? She's a Buffon themed Warframe and was out there tearing sentients apart bare handed. The game is only lighter if you look at it superficially.

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18 minutes ago, Jeoxz said:

First thing first, Warframes are not all warriors with gritty themes. Octavia was more of a commander, staying in the towers participating in ceremonies (Like Cephalon conversion). From that point I can see Octavia being like she is, now if some tenno makes techno-rock-pop music for killing and proceeds to dance between the corpses, their choice, that made Octavia's trailer very disturbing for me, even more than the video above it.

Second, Have you seen Mirage? She's a Buffon themed Warframe and was out there tearing sentients apart bare handed. The game is only lighter if you look at it superficially.

Yeah, Mirage's idea of a "prank" is to booby-trap items in the environment so that people are blown horribly to bits.  Titania's idea of a "prank" is to make someone float in the air like a balloon, hypnotize people to follow it, then explode the "balloon".

Sometimes I look at what we're doing in the game and think how utterly horrible all the things we're doing to the nice virtual people are.  Warframes are terrifying, nasty and vicious, no matter which way you look at it; and increasingly, we're so OP we're bullies on top of it.   It's not like we're warriors competing on a roughly even playing field, but with a bit of an edge, it's more like we're invincible gods tormenting flies sometimes.

It's a thing I've been reflecting on increasingly with videogames as they get more and more realistic.  In the old days, "killing monsters" was a "harmless" thing when monsters looked like a bunch of abstract pixels.  But as games get more and more graphically realistic, it's like the actual violence becomes more and more realistic, and one wonders what it is precisely one is glorying in - is it really so "harmless" any more?  I mean, obviously it's harmless in a real world sense, but is it quite so harmless in a psychological sense?

But at the same time: we have that aspect to us.  We have the capability of being violent and vicious, and it's probably good that we have safe outlets for these tendencies.

I don't think it's actually a problem - I don't think that videogames "make people violent" any more than they "make people sexist" - but it's an interesting moral thing to think about and we should all probably ponder it a little bit.

Edited by Omnimorph
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I really want to ask what part of space ninjas and silly tyranny clones you thought was super serious and mature in the first place.

We are baffling weirdos in strange suits who hop all over the place, rummage in the bins for treasure, and kill thousands of people. It's ridiculous from the start. That's why it's great.

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16 hours ago, Firetempest said:

Someone likes to hate books because of their cover.

You really don't see how perverse and insane Octavia is being shown?


Hehe I thought it was the gun shooting the bullets that killed the cop. Not the music and his dancing;)

If it was the music and his dancing that would be kinda silly no?

Edited by RoninJed
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13 hours ago, Night10194 said:

I really want to ask what part of space ninjas and silly tyranny clones you thought was super serious and mature in the first place.

We are baffling weirdos in strange suits who hop all over the place, rummage in the bins for treasure, and kill thousands of people. It's ridiculous from the start. That's why it's great.

he is talking about the design. Even Geoff said it on the last stream, a year ago he said no dancing and now look. .


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16 hours ago, K0bra said:

Maybe i have to live with that the game will never be dark grim ninja again but the Devs should think about why Ash and Excalibur are the most loved warframes of the community of all times  :)

Function over form. Ash was very easy to use, Excalibur is still devastating as well as a starter frame. Their "dark grim ninja" appeal is secondary to the fact they could/can wipe rooms of high level enemies. If Ash or Excalibur came in a Trinity dress with ribbons on their helmets people would still use them because they were/are effective.

17 hours ago, K0bra said:

Am i the only one who sees it and not really like it? Octavia is the new cherry on the cake in that direction...Its like making Quake to a game with Flowers and puffy wuffy Power Puff girls and rainbow unicorns.

Acting cool and edgy and mature is really not a priority for most people. From your post, you seem to feel your manliness is in question based on a music Frame with pink highlights. Frankly that says more about you than the game, really.

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17 hours ago, -Temp0- said:

Back in the days it was a murky grey mess with mediocre graphics.

Why are you saying this like it's a good thing?

I really don't understand these complaints. I like darkness. Darkness is good, especially when it's in the story. After all, what's the point of a story if no one suffers or dies?

But despite the flashy new colours, Warframe still has a fairly mature and dark storyline. The appearence is bright, but the reality is still the same. And that's how I want it. If I wanted pure darkness, I'd play Dark Souls, not Warframe. Warframe isn't DS, and vice versa. That's how it should be.

16 hours ago, K0bra said:

Maybe i have to live with that the game will never be dark grim ninja again but the Devs should think about why Ash and Excalibur are the most loved warframes of the community of all times  :)

I don't know what universe you're living in, but last I checked, the only thing that happens when an Excal or Ash show is 'Aww man, there goes my fun.' They're cheesy and overpowered, and I doubt that they're "the most loved warframes of the community at all times."

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