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Warframe became a childish space comic game?


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If I want to play something grim and dark I play solo games like witcher. If I were to expect this game to be edgy and grim I would just get pissed off that they're forcing people to think beauty has beastly strength on her own so meh, just take the fun you can have from F2P game such as this and look for other sources for your grim and dark pleasures.

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I actually like this change of concept. Warframe still does things pretty dark and "mature" like the main quest. The side quest can be sometimes funny or doesn't take itself seriously. And you know? I'm fine with that. 

I appreciate a few breaks from all the seriousness. For me, having some funny moments can make the game feel more personal.

I liken this to this popular manga called Berserk. The first arc has super serious moments, but the next arc introduces some sidekicks that takes the drama and tension away so as not to make it 24/7 angst moments. It was tough to swallow at first (and quite shockingly at the author's decision to add a naked elf), but the far I went on, the more I appreciate this change of style. Now, if you were to ask me if I want the author to bring it back to how it was the first time or keep the funny and sometimes not-so-serious moments of Berserk, I would say I prefer the latter.

Edited by JCperfect
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10 hours ago, WhiteVox said:

like OP, i was referring to the whole game and its atmosphere in general. Also 'bright and fruity' doesn't necessarily mean colorful, like when you call someone fruity (although i admit it could have been worded better). Some of us just enjoyed the dark, depressiing atmosphere there used to be, before the relays and such. But seeing the responses in this thread, it seems we are but a minority. 

Alright, I'm gonna post this and be done with this whole conversation. I posted this in another thread and this is pretty much all I have to say about Warframe "not being dark and depressing anymore".

1. We're playing a race of beings that were forced to endure mental and bodily torture, were brainwashed into servitude and then commenced to massacre the ones they protected....and right afterward, got brainwashed AGAIN. (This knowledge was told to us quite recently.)

2. These people now fight for balance....which means we're mercenaries fighting for any and all sides - killing, pillaging, and destroying anyone who isn't currently either paying us or are simply not lucky. We are literally homicidal maniacs with a crooked sense of justice.

3. This game has depicted many, many, MANY atrocities - both done by us and by the other factions. Brainwashing, assassinations, forced slavery, clone armies, hate-filled vendettas, corporate greed, and so...so many more has been on full display. The only thing I've yet to see is sexual deviancy. Hell we just finished an event where we had to save "defective" Grineer from assassins and infested. If we let them get overwhelmed, they literally became infested right in front of us. We were shown the price for our failure and it was pretty gruesome.

4. The warframes people like you seem to enjoy pointing out are "childish" all have extremely tragic beginnings, from Limbo being torn apart piece by piece and flung across the galaxy, to Mirage being captured, shackled, and, while Lotus tried desperately to save her, utterly destroyed before her very eyes.


All this, coupled with the very obvious fact that gore is constantly flying all over the damn place ingame due to the insane arsenal of weapons and abilities we have at our disposal, tells you just how wrong you are.


And that's all.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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I as always under the impression that the game was about stylish combat with weird character designs. In that sense, the game is as true to its tone as its ever been.

I'll never understand the obsession with making things darker and edgier. I prefer a deep story with a light tone to a shallow one that obsesses itself with getting more and more grimdark/grimderp.

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but you can change your warframes color and make it more dark and edgy.  Even your landing craft can be made dark and gritty

I don't see the problem here.

Octavia might be colorful and flashy with her music but you forget the fact that she's still considered a killing machine

Edited by Coldie93
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You just need to stop and remember exactly how terrifying a dude who can make himself invincible between dimentions or fling you violently into one leaving you helpless or freezing you in time before cutting your head off really is. ._. Also having your face exploded by sound waves is pretty graphic as well. She just slaughtered a bunch of people and danced around their corpses like a psychopath. Martial Arts and Dance is closely related anyways. :) Her music is still not as powerful as the guqin assassins in Kung Fu Hustle though who could use their music to decapitate and chop up people with sound waves. 

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2 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

Alright, I'm gonna post this and be done with this whole conversation. I posted this in another thread and this is pretty much all I have to say about Warframe "not being dark and depressing anymore".

1. We're playing a race of beings that were forced to endure mental and bodily torture, were brainwashed into servitude and then commenced to massacre the ones they protected....and right afterward, got brainwashed AGAIN. (This knowledge was told to us quite recently.)

2. These people now fight for balance....which means we're mercenaries fighting for any and all sides - killing, pillaging, and destroying anyone who isn't currently either paying us or are simply not lucky. We are literally homicidal maniacs with a crooked sense of justice.

3. This game has depicted many, many, MANY atrocities - both done by us and by the other factions. Brainwashing, assassinations, forced slavery, clone armies, hate-filled vendettas, corporate greed, and so...so many more has been on full display. The only thing I've yet to see is sexual deviancy. Hell we just finished an event where we had to save "defective" Grineer from assassins and infested. If we let them get overwhelmed, they literally became infested right in front of us. We were shown the price for our failure and it was pretty gruesome.

4. The warframes people like you seem to enjoy pointing out are "childish" all have extremely tragic beginnings, from Limbo being torn apart piece by piece and flung across the galaxy, to Mirage being captured, shackled, and, while Lotus tried desperately to save her, utterly destroyed before her very eyes.


All this, coupled with the very obvious fact that gore is constantly flying all over the damn place ingame due to the insane arsenal of weapons and abilities we have at our disposal, tells you just how wrong you are.


And that's all.

Honestly these things don't seem too dark to me if anything overly dramatized by you :P
Not to mention alot these themes (killing,pillaging,torture,assassinations,gore) were already present during the old days.
Albeit the 'killings' weren't done by some fruity dancer...

But seriously, compared to the times where they would show excalibur getting cut to pieces on screen and sold
to the highest bidder all this text based 'gritty stuff' seem pretty tame. 

Of course it won't make me quit the game or anything, but that bolder visual presentation of warframe is what made me love this
game in the first place. Just an opinion.

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33 minutes ago, WhiteVox said:

bolder visual presentation

I think you mean "darker and grimier". "Bolder" is exactly what Octavia is. Clearly visible with colours that stand out.

35 minutes ago, WhiteVox said:

text based 'gritty stuff' seem pretty tame.

What about the finale of the Second Dream, where your Warframe tears a sword through itself to save you? Or the Banshee Prime trailer, which has a group of Grineer killed in complete silence? Or the War Within, with the Red Queen driving a Kuva drill into your head to replace your mind with hers? To say nothing of what happens if you let the Golden Maw catch you...

Hell, the Anthem quest features several characters having their minds trapped and controlled by a hostile intelligence. That in itself is quite nightmarish.

A happy ending does not preclude darkness.

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I will starting by saying that being critical of something you enjoy, can be a good thing because it shows that you are willing to point out the flaws in something in hopes of making it a better thing overall.   However in the case of this, I do feel that you are slightly off target.

Let's begin with the most obvious and work our way down.     At the very face of this - you are comparing an old promotional video which is pre made from beginning to end without game play, or even discussing the game's features and comparing it to a video whose purpose is to introduce a latest update and features?    At this point you are simply comparing apples and oranges.  

The soul purpose of the first video was to whet people's appetite for the premise at what Warframe was about, and get their attention so that they might check it out.   It discussed nothing of the features at the time (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Update_7 - the beginning of the open beta features) which would have made it a bit less serious if you showed people coloring their frames due to new color palettes, or even the introduction of pets.  

I digress however at the risk of straying too far off topic, and let's attempt to compare apples to apples - as best as we can that is!  Rather, let's talk about the thing that both videos have in common which is fighting and killing one's enemies. The first video is pretty self explanatory and really doesn't need much mention.  In the second video however when it does introduce the frames you have Octavia - a brightly colored frame dancing... an introduction.  The next clip you have of her is throwing out an ability which kills her enemies with sound waves (Mallet) , followed by her killing enemies with her signature primary weapon - the Tenora.  Now what does she do after she kills them with the Tenora? She is shown dancing among the corpses.     The video then cuts to her next weapon the Pandero which involves her killing more of her enemies, and not even just killing them but  literally fragmenting the corpses into smaller parts before they even hit the ground. 

From there it then cuts to a brief clip of Limbo killing more enemies, and is finished off by showing a dancing Octavia.

So what you have at face value is an individual who is brightly colored who makes their initial appearance whilst dancing, and who proceeds to kill their enemies, and then dances among their corpses.  Proceeds to kill enemies using two more styles of weapons, in quite a gory fashion... and is still dancing by the end of it.   So tell me, how is this not kind of dark?  

If your answer is no, then take a look at this clip.   " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OufCgFZCyU " .  In it you have a man talking to a brightly colored man ... you'll recognize him as the Joker.  The Joker proceeds to simply shoot the man, give a short monologue, and then mocks him in a dance and exits stage left.    Despite his bright colors, and foolish behavior is he not any less dark, or out right insane?

All the above being said.  I don't feel that the introduction of a brightly colored character means that this game is any less dark than it was.    Now if this doesn't convince you.  There are other replies here detailing other dark elements about the lore of this games.    

Needless to say, I don't think that this game is any less serious, or become child friendly because of the introduction of a single brightly colored killer. 


Edited by GlitchedGirl
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My clanmates were just discussing this in discord. 

From the feelings I get, the actual mechanics of the game are becoming more tailored to customization and identify of the player themselves (aka why you can totally run a hot pink rhino with mirage idle stance and stillbe completed justified as you plaster your holiday kubrow glyph across the solar system.)


The actual theme of the story, however, outside of those personalization mechanics still stand as a rather grim and hostile story. Like image if you removed personalization, the game wouldn't be nearly as vibrant. (Except for a few of those silly quests but those are negligible.

how cepholon might just be  people locked in computer programs. How some dark entities are just orokin who have purchased their way into a new body. How stalker still has wishes to slay operators tho he was (is?) one himself. How the infested are still an ever growing hivemind that consumes anything they can get their ting hands on except if you are those weird corpus people who live with the infested AND THATS QUESTIONABLE

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2 minutes ago, Corvid said:

I think you mean "darker and grimier". "Bolder" is exactly what Octavia is. Clearly visible with colours that stand out.

What about the finale of the Second Dream, where your Warframe tears a sword through itself to save you? Or the Banshee Prime trailer, which has a group of Grineer killed in complete silence? Or the War Within, with the Red Queen driving a Kuva drill into your head to replace your mind with hers? To say nothing of what happens if you let the Golden Maw catch you...

Hell, the Anthem quest features several characters having their minds trapped and controlled by a hostile intelligence. That in itself is quite nightmarish.

A happy ending does not preclude darkness.

yes that golden maw is the only thing that caught me off guard recently. i wish they'd do more scenes like that so it actually stays true to its 18+ rating (i mean kids getting mauled by giant skeletal monsters? damn). the rest of tww, second dream content: meh.

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38 minutes ago, WhiteVox said:

yes that golden maw is the only thing that caught me off guard recently. i wish they'd do more scenes like that so it actually stays true to its 18+ rating (i mean kids getting mauled by giant skeletal monsters? damn). the rest of tww, second dream content: meh.

And see, that's where our opinions differ. I see no point in doing gore and violence for the sake of shocking the audience. Something can be 18+ without being gratuitous, and I think Warframe has struck a nice balance.

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22 minutes ago, Corvid said:

I see no point in doing gore and violence for the sake of shocking the audience.

Except it doesn't have to be there for shock value at all. Gore and violence CAN have artistic values. And it's not like we need to overexpose it at every opportunity,but it is part of the game.

i have to ask. How do you feel about the golden maw scene? Do you think it was unnecessary?

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On 24/03/2017 at 11:59 PM, K0bra said:


I know its critique but it deserve it.I still love the game just saying.

Whats up with warframe?Back in the days it was a dark grim universe with space ninjas.Had a similar atmosphere like the old Quake series.Very nice.

Now everything is shiny,bright and has absolutely nothing to do with ninjas anymore.Where is this universe gone?

Why the original concept changed so much?

My english is not so good but this 2 videos explain all...

Back in the days :


Now :


Am i the only one who sees it and not really like it? Octavia is the new cherry on the cake in that direction...Its like making Quake to a game with Flowers and puffy wuffy Power Puff girls and rainbow unicorns.

Soon rated 6+ for small child

It would be so nice when we could see more darker themed warframes in the future that fits more the original concept of warframe.


Just 2 cents...


From Gothic brutal to Asian cuteness.


From someone that prefers listening to normal music while playing Im not sure that rythm counts when in a team with Sona, I mean Octania.


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5 hours ago, WhiteVox said:

Honestly these things don't seem too dark to me if anything overly dramatized by you :P

Then you're either desensitized to the world or you're too ignorant to understand how much of an impact such tragedies can have on said world. Either way, I feel sorry for you.

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30 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

Then you're either desensitized to the world or you're too ignorant to understand how much of an impact such tragedies can have on said world. Either way, I feel sorry for you.

Desensitized to a video game world? Maybe. Desensitized to the real world? No. But hey, at least i know where to draw the line.

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2 hours ago, WhiteVox said:

Except it doesn't have to be there for shock value at all. Gore and violence CAN have artistic values. And it's not like we need to overexpose it at every opportunity,but it is part of the game.

So... surely the levels that are currently in the game and in the recent trailers fits that? It's not overdone, but it's still present. The amount of gore is exactly what is needed.


2 hours ago, WhiteVox said:


i have to ask. How do you feel about the golden maw scene? Do you think it was unnecessary?

No, because it served a clear purpose: to show the consequence of failing. It wasn't drawn out, nor was any particular attention brought to it.

I do wonder why you want there to be more gore, other than for its own sake.

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I %!00% agree with this thread. The best way i can sum up Octavia without triggering people and sounding rude is just.... cringy. That and that fact that seizure warning should come in her description, her abilities are about as obnoxious as that jerk, talking and laughing like a hyena in the seat behind you in the theater. I have nothing against the devs being edgy and trying new things, but if Octavia is to stay without some small (or large who knows) uprising, then for gods sake please tweak her a bit. Right now her dancing like a complete dork has made WF as night and day as Empire Strikes Back vs. Phantom Menace. "Now THIS is War framing!" (dances a jig while playing music)

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ahwell, syandanas where frowned upon back in 2013 because it didnt "fit in"

similar arguments where made

doesn't belong in warframe

ninjas don't wear scarves

and i guess everyone is using/enjoying them now.

but this 


eventually lead to this


no offence to the creator..

but i don't think this would've ever been accepted back then.



so i wonder...

what is this going to lead to ?


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