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Warframe became a childish space comic game?


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You've explained it sort of awfully, but i get it, i guess.

It has got to do a lot with how both warframes and the game changed. The music and sounds specifically, are not as dim and serious as warframe in the beginning. 
The players too, instead of being portrayed as murderous ominous killing machines, are being often portrayed as heroes or in the case of the war within teenagers with a tantrum. 

This isn't bad by any means, just the product of the warframe shifting from a less personal protagonist to an: avatar of ourselves. Plus the EXTREME reduce in GORE.
Hopefully DE brings the dark and unease feeling that warframe once had, but till then.. meh

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

It does have rainbows (Mirage) and kittens (Kavats and Gersemi/Valkyr).

DE has adopted a modern superhero mythos...

You can create almost ANYTHING now if you simply factor in the qualifying prepositional phrase at the end:

"of death"

Try it.  Hilarious!

Rainbows of death

Kittens of death

Pirates of death

Magicians of death

Children of death

Musicians of death

I think you've stumbled upon part of DE's idea development process.


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On 3/25/2017 at 10:12 AM, Xekrin said:

I still get to slaughter hordes and slice up bodies and spurt blood everywhere but the packaging is getting more and more childish and flowery with lovey dovey glyphs and chibi art everywhere in the game itself.  Leave that to the concept artists to do, give us more grit and death. 


Yes the packaging is getting more and more childish and flowery with lovey dovey glyphs and chibi art everywhere in the game itself. 

But i don't find this too hard to take, its all the forced activities. I mean sure you always needed to run bosses, and kill them; I call that core gameplay; but we keep having more and more optional gameplay shoved down our throats. Kuva, hacking... stealth; sure have them there; but also allow players to complete missions as they wish, and not only as the dev's demand! (That's childish.) ooo we have to manually hack this complex code with our spacebar... ooo sooo realistic; we couldn't use an advanced cypher cause... eah, well eah ahhhh hmmmmm eah...

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I have to agree that this game doesn't have much to do with "ninjas" anymore. Space or no space. When I think "ninja" the image that pops to my head is Splinter Cell. But DE took "ninja" in the Gaiden sense. Their prerogative. 

As for the darker aspects of the game, it might seem like a jarring difference. But that's same with everything that changes over time. The differences in what it was originally and what it is now can be surprising. But when you look at it as a length, you see that it's a process of smaller, logical changes. Much is tied up with aesthetics too. The used to be dark, the maps poorly lit. That adds a lot to the feel of the game but makes very little sense in a "in-world" sense. 

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Things evolve, change, OP, it's as simple as that. You don't like it, which is your opinion, and based on that opinion you have the freedom to provide DE with critique.

The old ''dark gritty'' was much more then just Warframe themes off course, by all accounts, Nidus fits into the dark and gritty with his nature and abilities, though off course his release was overshadowed by the hilarious cyst thing. Dark and gritty also has to do with the general graphic direction of the game, back in 2013 most of the lighting was a lot darker, giving off a more sinister vibe.

Edited by Artorius-Alter
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2 minutes ago, zerofourdelta said:

So simple It's far more profitable to market to kids... hook 'em while their young... just a greedy corporate tactic... pity they had to ruin the game to do it! 

This game is nowhere near kid friendly. Please stop with this baseless rhetoric.

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15 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

This game is nowhere near kid friendly. Please stop with this baseless rhetoric.

baseless? world of warcraft which is a kids game introduced a bard class and it pissed off the entire player base, until they found out it was an April fools joke.

so even a kids game found this concept too childish.

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Just now, zerofourdelta said:

baseless? world of warcraft which is a kids game introduced a bard class and it pissed off the entire player base, until they found out it was an April fools joke.

so even a kids game found this concept too kiddy.

This isn't world of warcraft, and bard classes aren't "inherently kiddy". They use music to literally mind control their enemies or kill them outright in typically gruesome fashion. How are they kiddy? Because you say they are? Who are you, exactly?

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20 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

This isn't world of warcraft, and bard classes aren't "inherently kiddy". They use music to literally mind control their enemies or kill them outright in typically gruesome fashion. How are they kiddy? Because you say they are? Who are you, exactly?

not just me kiddo!

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On 25.03.2017 at 0:59 AM, K0bra said:



Mkay, here’s a short elaboration of what happened to the “grim n’ gritty” atmosphere – narrative shift.

It happened slightly before TSD quest, so it is reasonable to divide WF’s “lifetime” in two: Warframe a-la vague edge n’ doom (Mar. 2013 – Nov 2015) aka “old WF” and Warframe a-la manga-simplisticus (Nov 2015 – now) aka “modern WF”. Numerous game elements vary drastically between these two, but I’ll highlight the most noticeable elements like “overall setting”, “protagonists”, “story progression”, “designs”, and “mechanics”. These elements will be compared below.


Overall setting

Old WF: Former social rejects and then combatants of an eldritch empire seeking for their place in the new bizarre world where humans and post-humans are fighting for the scarce resources and influence, justifying this fight via conflict on the ideology levels. There is no black and white from the moral standpoint and even tenno themselves are heavily hinted to be a fairy sort of b@stards (stalker codex) suffering on amnesia. There seemed to be no single personified “Big Bad”. Main themes: adaptation to new reality, seeking for a purpose, forging distinctive group identification, embracing responsibility for ones and collective actions (I’ll elaborate this a bit lower).

New WF: The realm as $hitty as it used to be, but now it is clearly black & white instead of gray & gray . We have an eldritch “big bad” ( Hunhow), the orokin empire depicted as a clichéd fictional evil empire, the SD reveal, shift of the protagonists self-identification (and identity ). Cliches, clichés are everywhere. Main themes: saving the world (or at least own species) from ancient evil agenda, maturing (TWW), discovering how mistreated the tenno were (and so receiving justification to all atrocities ever committed provided by the plot magic), responsibility moment is now individualized (karma-meter).



Old WF: as mentioned above – a mysterious, exosuit-wearing martial artist (older frames were designed as actual armor suits, while the newer ones are clearly of inhuman shapes) from the deep past, working as a system-wide vigilante or a nihilistic merc. Stoic, non-whimsical, professional, suffering on the Gordon Freeman syndrome, total b@dass.

New WF: Whiny, childish, impulsive, and with the horrible sense of humor (or just plain dumb), space-magically enhanced.  


“Story progression”

Old WF: events. Massive events, when a player is but “a drop in the sea”, but a meaningful drop nevertheless. (Eyes of blight, Gravidus dilemma). Some of the events had impact on the game universe, same as the invasions (remember the times when detron / brakk were introduced? Funny old times). The world does not spin around you – it is vice versa. The responsibility is rather collective (Strata relay. Never forget )

New WF: cinematic quests. You are THE HERO. The world spins around you. All other tenno are non-essential (if even canonical).  You - aka the player - drive the universe forward, but, ironically, your actions have no impact on the universe; the only thing that changes is your protagonist’s degree of edginess/sweetness. Basically, this is the single game plot built in the diverse multiplayer game (which is absurd IMO).



Old WF: warframes look like actual armor suits, design lines for various factions are very distinguishable and strict; no or little absurdly themed warframes (it changed with hydroid, however)

New WF: artistical liberty, original design is not a dogma anymore; silly warframes themes (Octavia is only the brightest example of them), warframes are bestial/robotic;



There is a constant trend: DE ignites with an idea of a new mechanic, play with it for a season or two, introduce it, and forget about it once the novelty is gone. This was, is, and will be happening as long as WF exists. This trend has its explanation and the explanation is simple: DE’s decision maker(s) are of ISFP personality type (read the description, if you want. I’m not going to rewrite the explanation), which means DE has no image of the finished product. For them, Warframe is the never-ending canvas where they exercise their creative powers regardless such things as design discipline on the final vision. They WILL experiment furthermore, making WF more diverse (and random) with each portion of new content. I’ll even say that the current status quo will cease to exist when the authors will grow bored of it and decide to make yet another twist (“the third dream”). This game is an eternal beta not because the developers want to dodge the bullet of responsibility for their product, but because there is simply no final image of the game in existence and there simply can’t be one with the current developer.  Warframe is not as much of a product as an artistic odyssey of Digital Extremes.


Conclusion: yes, the game has shifted and changed drastically and it will change again since DE despises discipline, long-term planning, and conformism (with controversial results), and final goal orientation as phenomenon.  The game will grow even more random/silly as the developer braves new creative tides, so brace yourselves.

What can we do? Accept the game and developer for what they are or move along with the light heart if our expectations stop to be met.

Edited by Teloch
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On 3/25/2017 at 1:59 AM, K0bra said:


I know its critique but it deserve it.I still love the game just saying.

Whats up with warframe?Back in the days it was a dark grim universe with space ninjas.Had a similar atmosphere like the old Quake series.Very nice.

Now everything is shiny,bright and has absolutely nothing to do with ninjas anymore.Where is this universe gone?

Why the original concept changed so much?

My english is not so good but this 2 videos explain all...

Back in the days :


Now :


Am i the only one who sees it and not really like it? Octavia is the new cherry on the cake in that direction...Its like making Quake to a game with Flowers and puffy wuffy Power Puff girls and rainbow unicorns.

Soon rated 6+ for small child

It would be so nice when we could see more darker themed warframes in the future that fits more the original concept of warframe.


Just 2 cents...


Did you forget? ITS A GAME, so it's not mind blowing if it started to look childish like.... Well... A game xD

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1 hour ago, SoulEchelon said:

This isn't world of warcraft, and bard classes aren't "inherently kiddy". They use music to literally mind control their enemies or kill them outright in typically gruesome fashion. How are they kiddy? Because you say they are? Who are you, exactly?

A Space Teenage Superhuman that controls Space Ninja Robots to commit mass genocide in a daily basis.

Yeah, this game is just like Anime ;P Kiddy! (Ignore Berserk and its rape scene, Psycho Pass and its... Psychopaths + gore, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and it's gore + fabulously manly men)

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I just can't wait to see how the next frame will look now that we have a new art director. I hope it goes back to it's root and gives us frames that looks amazing again cause I find the newer frames designs disappointing. 

Would love to see a darker atmosphere to this game again as well. Feel dread, the loss of companions, fear of the unknown after waking up hundreds of years in the future to a different era. Where is the emotion from that? 

The War Within was a huge let down with how it was building up to be something terrifying to finally see the Grineer Queens after so long but in the end they were both comical and predictable.

Infested are just running sacks of flesh waiting to be popped without a single shred of emotion. Save annoyance getting stuck in those puddles. Heck even the Sentients are a joke now...who even takes them seriously as a threat. There's nothing terrifying in this game's universe at all. Nothing to explore and feel at awe and wonder with. 

I guess I just want DE to focus and spend more time on creating a solid universe where we as players feel the dangers and fear of death rather then spending so long just to make a gimmicky frame with nothing new to prove her worth in.

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Warframe still has its dark and grim side. Yup, they added some colors and bright, but they don't oblige you to paint your warframes in full pink and play "Nyan Cat" theme on your Mandachord, right? This game looks exactly how you want to it to look, and if you see only your glowing syandana, welp... then I have a bad news for ya ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Yesterday I did Uranus capture and I accidently found a grineer guy died on the floor in capture target escape room. He lies just near the escape console. There's a few cloning capsules, one of them is broken and empty, and seems like that grineer guy tried to escape from it, but he didn't survive the outside air.
Eerie details are everywhere. You just need to keep your eyes open.

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