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Aura = Poor Dev Move. [Screenshot Added]


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Giving it some thought I don't mind this system, it is after all what the forma was meant for, to let us decide which thing we want. The Aura cards cost very little with the right polarity, just do some defence get some keys and get some forma, I've managed to get 5 in the past week through alerts/login/key missions. The best part is now players have reasons to use something other than Energy Siphon, also being able to see the exact %'s is nice. They do need to add a few more eventually though, really lacking on some slot polarities.

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Nothin' but a blatant Money Grab. WTG DE force'n people to buy forma to have 'zactly what they had before.


 Or you could - you know - farm up some Void Keys. You know - the ones that drop like candy in Defense missions.


 Then you could run Void missions and snag Forma there.



 I'm sitting on a pile of 9 Forma BPs that I had 0 actual use for until this update. Now I've got a pretty good excuse to break those bad boys out.

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Thats just a bandaid and solves nothing


Restore the flexibility of picking an aura on ANY frame based on the mission/team composition. That was a nice tactical feature thats is simply just GONE. 


Forma only allows to fit a specific aura in a specific build. I have 12 BP of the dam things, it doesnt matter. Wanna change build? Or change aura because a new one came out and it's pretty and shiny? Or maybe now you want to play a melee loki, with steel charge? You have to forma and lv to 30 AGAIN. TO CHANGE YOUR BUILD.


Really, THIS is the elephant in the room, and i can't understand how ANYONE would be ok with it

Edited by Egioh
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I love how a feature is brought into the game and money grab is instantly yelled. As it was artifacts were a bit lack luster, now they have a bigger impact and scale a lot better with levels. I think they needed a buff and this is a great way for it (Rifle damage etc). The time to re-forma doesn't take much and getting forma doesn't either, more time spent to make your frame perfect is more game time which I think is always a nice thing.

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Meh... just meh.



Make it so that you get certain amount of Aura poitns for lvlign the frame - at 30 you get enough to use a max ranked aura in  polarized slot.

By default it has no polarity for everyone.


So thats 7 for max ranked aura.

You start with 1 aura point at level 1.

Then get +1 every 10 levels so you have 4 points at lvl 30.

This is enough to equip lvl 7 polarity aura.





This polarity is just wrong.

Dont mind my build tho... It is quite survival heavy for a loki :D


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I severely dislike that it costs energy. Yes, you can upgrade the mod, but it's rather intrusive to force the player to think outside of perfecting his mods. 


Note that Saryn has a defensive slot...When she NEEDS energy siphon.

It's not intrusive. 

It just makes you choose, unlike some cheap RPG's elements where you progress and eventually you dump in every point so that in the end choice doesn't even matter. 

We are not supposed to equip every NEEDED mod into our char. We must choose and adapt to the situation (too bad it's pain in the &#! to move mods around, would be nice to have preset profiles) 

When you farm Mats - you equip mods for that purpose. 

When you kill a boss - you equip mods for that purpose

When you go defense - you equip mods for that purpose. 

That's how it should be, but right now it's kind of imperfect system, but still better than what you are REQUESTING. 


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I was just about to make a thread about this until I saw this one.


It's a terrible change. I had barely any capacity left over as it was. This addition pretty much requires you to buy multiple Forma in the long-run. There's no way you can fill all of your mod needs, as well as equip an Aura without buying 2-3 Forma. This is gonna start to get pricey. And for the people that don't buy plat often, they're just screwed.

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I love how a feature is brought into the game and money grab is instantly yelled. As it was artifacts were a bit lack luster, now they have a bigger impact and scale a lot better with levels. I think they needed a buff and this is a great way for it (Rifle damage etc). The time to re-forma doesn't take much and getting forma doesn't either, more time spent to make your frame perfect is more game time which I think is always a nice thing.


I wish I lived in your world, where the Forma are free for everyone, and they hand them out like candy. It is a money-grab.

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I would be fine if the aura slot didn't already have a polarity. As it is now, literally every warframe I have is going to need forma to fix this problem because the artifact i used on them regularly is a different polarity than the slot is, not only that, but the auras that do the same thing for different enemies are different polarities too so I can't switch auras on my frames like i used to to combat more effectively against each faction!


Still, I don't like that the auras require mod slots, my Rhino is literally maxed out and I have no room to put an aura on him which means he has been nerfed... AGAIN though this time it's not been done directly but rather as a result of a new mechanic that all other warframes have fallen victim to as well.


On a side note, adding an aura slot to the sentinels would certainly go a long way towards alleviating my frustration, I rarely max those things out so being able to put an aura on those (possibly a second also?) would be a huge help as well. I mean, the sentinels use the same technology as the warframes, and even utilize the same modular upgrade system, so why not? This would certainly make sentinels more valuable to the community too!

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Imo, the Artifacts had the advantage of beeing switched every now and then, what now is nearly impossible to do. I would suggest, making the standard polarity for every warframe's aura slot a neutral polarity (no polarity). By this, you are kinda free tro switch between the different auras. And if you want to further specialize, because you know, that you will want to use THIS aura in particular, you can Forma it to the according polarity.


Further, I must agree that another up to 7 mod cost strongly hinders warframes, especially non-supercharged ones. Those are already limited by their given polarities. But I must also say, that I strongly dislike maximizing mods (skills yeah but rest of the mods no, because you gain too little for the cost). I can save up to six points by that, which can easily be spend on an artifcat.


I also like the idea of having to forma most of my frames. This allows me to use some of my many Formas (you really can get lots of them), as well as let's me play warframes I liked again with a purpose. Beofre the update it felt like "meh I want to play my Trinity but I won't really gain something fdrom that. Better level my Rhino" and now I have more ambition to replay my older warframes, so they can become stronger now.


As for the new Artifact powers: Cleary the Devs aimed to make them stronger, but if they didn't attach an increased cost to the process, the artifacs couldn't have gained such a powerup for balance reasons.

Edited by Denvert
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I was just about to make a thread about this until I saw this one.


It's a terrible change. I had barely any capacity left over as it was. This addition pretty much requires you to buy multiple Forma in the long-run. There's no way you can fill all of your mod needs, as well as equip an Aura without buying 2-3 Forma. This is gonna start to get pricey. And for the people that don't buy plat often, they're just screwed.

This is a free to play game some people just don't get it. You are never forced to buy anything and warframe is one game that you can play and farm and get all the power that a paid person would achieve. The only difference is buying forma for the sake of time and convenience. You can get forma for free.

Edited by DuncanMcleod
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dont bring the "its a free game" poitnless argument here (you can get a  80m $ yaht too !!! you just need to farm for the rest of your 10 lives).

It is not enough to justify money grabbing changes.



Even if there is n ocompetitive pvp - there still is the difference where in pug a certain new player, who barely knows who to play got better mods and gear and everything then you have, even tho you have played for months.


Lets separate F2P and paid players then while at it - just like in real world (slums vs million dollar houses).

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I've complained about Aura system on another thread, this is what i wrote:


I can't find a negative word that would describe my feelings towards Aura system, it has to be invented, to bad Shakespeare isn't alive anymore.

Polarity slots have no sense, they only restrict player, team and the whole gameplay.

Aura cost is ridiculously high, there is no way for player with unpotatoed frame to use it.

Whole system was good as idea, but execution is pure fail.


Since then i played few more mobile defenses + some other secondary mission stuff, and players don't use Aura at all, If they do use it, it's not Eng Siphon, and It is horrible!!!

Frame lvl30 with potato doesn't allow player to use all slots with maxed out mods, only forma can allow that. As if this wasn't enough, now there's extra mind blowing cost of "Aura" mods. Even if Aura cost is reduced, most players will not use it. I welcome new Aura mods and ability to level them, but they need to be FREE as they were before.

Edited by seth
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Lets separate F2P and paid players then while at it - just like in real world (slums vs million dollar houses).

Dude... It's not like that. The most powerful weapons (in certain ways) aren't purchasable through platinum, etc. and the platinum costs for materials/resources is ridiculous. No one getting a distinct advantage (power wise) in this game by having more platinum and spending it in the market. Also, a million bucks doesn't exactly buy you such a great home nowadays. ;)

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