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U9 - All The Things De Did Wrong. *everything*


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Ok so, we got a bunch of really neat(broken) things in this update, and to top it off they fixed(broke) a bunch of other already neat(bad) things in the game! Pretty great(S#&$tacular), right?!


On a serious note, U9 is out! After fooling around with it for an hour or so, I was annoyed enough to make a new thread. Let's discuss!




Firstly! Aura slots! Whooooooooooooohoooooo. Remember when they teased it in livestream *insertnumberican'tbebotheredtorememberhere*?! I do! I thought it was gonna pretty decent, just a quicker, easier way of equipping and changing your artifacts. 


Nope! Instead we have a new way to waste Warframe power. Everyone that's been playing this game for any decent length of time already has their loadouts min/maxed and tailored to their liking, with every damned drop of power accounted for. You know what we don't have room for? Artifacts.


Why the F*** would anybody use them in this current state? Not only do we not have room for these things, but in order to make room we'd have to downgrade our builds to use something that was free of charge before! Oh, and those polarities. You're really funny DE. Every damn artifact has a polarity, many of them are different. How do we change polarities on these new slots? Forma! So while everybody is busy using Forma for important S#&$ like making weapons and decking out their favorite weapons and frames, we need more Forma to get the @(*()$ Auras to work!


DE loves our money, huh?





Second! Loot tables! Ohhhhhh the joyyyyyyyyyy(seething anger and/or crushing disappointment), when we all realized that DE broke the loot tables! Again!


Remember that time when you didn't have enough Ferrite, or Poly Bundles, or Morphics, or Detonite Ampules? Well get ready to forget them, because that's all the drops! Yes, yes I know you need other things to craft all that new goodness, but who cares? Morphics.


Nova's out guys let's go F*** up Raptor! *10 boss kills later* "Where are the damn drops!?" They don't exist, friend. DE broke that too, so maybe, just maybe, if you're the luckiest bastard the Sol System has ever seen(trust me, you're not), you can get your very own Nova bp! 


All this plus glitched mods!





Third! Nightmare mode! Who isn't up for a bit of extra-uber-hardcore-360noscope-ladderstall-l33t-1337 difficulty?! DE. DE was clearly not up for it. Let's all join a vampire defense mission and DIE while wait for the new round to starrrrt!


HAHAHA, DE too casul......




Fourth! UI Changes! Foundry, that thing you use to craft all your things. That thing that makes you wait days on end to craft things because DE wants moar money.... We're all pretty fond of it right? DE wasn't.....


Who doesn't want a brand spanking new UI to confuse the S#&$ out of you?! I do!





Fifth! Things that are still broken:


1) Platinum is still too @(*()$ expensive. $15 for Sobek? HAHAHAHA no. $5 for a new helmet that probably doesn't do anything better than your current alt helmet. HAHAHAHA no. $15 for a new warframe? No thanks, I'll wait for a steam sale and buy about 3 different games that provide me with far more entertainment.


2) Mod drops. Yes, I know Streamline is still a thing. Yes, I know that Chaos is still a thing. Yes, I know that Pistol Gambit is still a thing. You know what I don't know is thing? Everything new.


3) Would it kill you to give us some more damn slots? Just 2 to 4? I'd like to try the new guns without deleting my potatoed Braton I spent ages Formaing into God Tier status.





Sixth! Do you people playtest? At all? Your game is nicknamed things like "FarmFrame" and "WarFarm" by your community and you didn't check to see if the loot table was still operational? Are you @(*()$ kidding me?


What about the damn nightmare mode? Did you bother to think "What if they can't survive between defense rounds because they can't KILL ANYTHING?"






Disappointed again,



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You know a lot of this could have been broken due to them uploading it to the servers, while it worked fine while testing it.


And a lot of the other stuff seems to be a bug. Hopefully it will be fixed.


Cool off a little there Love :P

Edited by Dtexas
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Yes you made all your points & I completely agree with you. I just want the artifacts back not the aura. It's a cheap way for the devs to squeeze money out of us to buy lots of Forma. DE STAHP!

Edited by czaczaczar
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You know a lot of this could have been broken due to them uploading it to the servers, while it worked fine while testing it.


And a lot of the other stuff seems to be a bug. Hopefully it will be fixed.


Cool off a little there Love :P


No facepalm is enough for your first line.


No facepalm.


Will ever be enough.

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I agree for the most part, most of these changes just need a hot fix to...errrrr....fix them. Meaning they should be easy enough to change. But was the temper tantrum necessary? 

Edited by Ellysium
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Funny, when I read your post I couldn't help but hear my cousin with down syndrome's voice.

i actually have a sexy voice thank you.... i can whisper in your ear tonight if you want... put you right to sleep ;D

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So.First things first.

Calm the hell down lol.

You done that?


Now. Aurora slots. Meh, Im not a big fan of them either, so maybe if the whole community speaks up, then they would probably change it...

Next. All I can say is RNG. The end. They said they are going to fix RNG but considering the whole game revolves around that, it wont happen anytime soon (if they decide to start right now)

3rd. Nightmare mode. Sure they will 10000000% guaranteed on my life they will fix that.

4th. UI changes, you WILL get used to it in like 2 days, and personally I LOVE IT.

Next, Its a F2P game and YOU WILL LIVE YOUR LIFE with a paying system in a f2p and considering you can get everything in the game except slots and colors for free ... it seems alright. They can change the prices, but did they mention any S#&$ about changing prices IN U9? NO. Umm RNG yadayada, more slots? OMFG SHUT UP. I SAW LIKE 50000 threads on this all by new players. So go search those up.


Lastly, do they playtest? Probably not. THEY FREAKING GIVE IT TO US TO PLAYTEST. Then we GIVE FEED@(*()$BACK. God.

How hard is it to... nvm.


Disappointed again by threads like these,

~ Deaths Reap3r

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Yes you made all your points & I completely agree with you. I just want the artifacts back not the aura. It's a cheap way for the devs to squeeze money out of us to buy lots of Forma. DE STAHP!


Hell, they didn't even really succeed at that because while I would've forma'd the artifact slot to switch its polarity (or strip it entirely), I have no reliable way of telling which one is the artifact slot. Genius idea guys.

Edited by Taranis49
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I agree for the most part, most of these changes just need a hot fix to...errrrr....fix them. Meaning they should be easy enough to change. But was the temper tantrum necessary? 

I was trying to make a point.These bugs shouldn't be in the game at all. If they playtested properly and actually waited until they had everything sorted to release this, it wouldn't be in such a sorry state. DE consistently breaks the game in massive ways every time they update.


Also, please don't be a condescending #$&(%. If you think this is a temper tantrum, you clearly don't know what a temper tantrum is.

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no one said you had to buy things. but there is the artifact thing which i knew was going to happen. plus seeing what they were in the lobby let you customize which you wanted to use per misson.

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So.First things first.

Calm the hell down lol.

You done that?


Now. Aurora slots. Meh, Im not a big fan of them either, so maybe if the whole community speaks up, then they would probably change it...

Next. All I can say is RNG. The end. They said they are going to fix RNG but considering the whole game revolves around that, it wont happen anytime soon (if they decide to start right now)

3rd. Nightmare mode. Sure they will 10000000% guaranteed on my life they will fix that.

4th. UI changes, you WILL get used to it in like 2 days, and personally I LOVE IT.

Next, Its a F2P game and YOU WILL LIVE YOUR LIFE with a paying system in a f2p and considering you can get everything in the game except slots and colors for free ... it seems alright. They can change the prices, but did they mention any S#&$ about changing prices IN U9? NO. Umm RNG yadayada, more slots? OMFG SHUT UP. I SAW LIKE 50000 threads on this all by new players. So go search those up.


Lastly, do they playtest? Probably not. THEY FREAKING GIVE IT TO US TO PLAYTEST. Then we GIVE FEED@(*()$BACK. God.

How hard is it to... nvm.


Disappointed again by threads like these,

~ Deaths Reap3r

Oh for the love of... Why is it acceptable that DE breaks the game everytime they update? Especially when it's preventable if they had just taken the time to check it. And yes it is F2P, your point? I don't understand how terrible pricing is excused by this. It only hurts the game. And wow, I spent like 15 minutes composing this thread on 2 hours of sleep and a migraine, can you please form coherent thoughts?

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no one said you had to buy things. but there is the artifact thing which i knew was going to happen. plus seeing what they were in the lobby let you customize which you wanted to use per misson.

Yes, but SOMEONE has to, no? They can't run this game off of a handful of players blowing a couple hundred dollars on it.

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Oh for the love of... Why is it acceptable that DE breaks the game everytime they update? Especially when it's preventable if they had just taken the time to check it. And yes it is F2P, your point? I don't understand how terrible pricing is excused by this. It only hurts the game. And wow, I spent like 15 minutes composing this thread on 2 hours of sleep and a migraine, can you please form coherent thoughts?

yo have you played any other games on the internet? post-patch bugs are common

Edited by Chiro3
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Did anyone else notice the 90 plat for 30k credits thing in the market now?


Anyone else think it was a bad idea?




Right then, I'll show myself out...

Whoa.... hold on. They're actually charging $6 for 2 void runs worth of credits? Ladies and Gentlemen of jury, I rest my case!

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You got to understand producing something of this size with so many players and staff. Bugs happen, and deadlines are present, if the community begs for U9 and if they have a couple of minor bugs when releasing tons of content its both theirs, and players fault for urging them to release it.

The aura system is actually perfect and balanced out because the artifacts before we as strong as a Rank 1 or 2 new Aura mod so for those with Potato'ed WFs and mod room, can get 37.5% rifle damage compared to the old useless 10%.

The community loved the new UI when they previewed it, again blame them.

Its a F2P game, the gameplay experience will always be better if you pay money, I don't know any game that doesn't have a alike feature with a similarly large staff. The DE's do have a lot of 50% sales and the founders pack is a good deal so next time a sale happens you can go beg your mommy for 5 dollars and get enough platinum for 5 extra warframes and 14 extra weapons :)

Most things in this game you can get without spending, just like in life spending money makes you not have to wait and "grind" for it.

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I think a point is made much better when it is made in an approachable way. Most would probably stop paying attention halfway if they see a angry rant as opposed  to a well constructed disappointment. The updates do of course end up changing and messing up things, but DE does seem to jump and fix them or modify them quickly. That and they have to deal with problems and bugs that weren't there before.  


Some things are, however, things that should not have existed. The pricing needs adjustment and this new artifact system is inherently flawed.  


Condescending would imply I feel a sense of superiority, I don't. I agree with what you are saying in your post, just not the way it was said.

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