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U9 - All The Things De Did Wrong. *everything*


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Hell, they didn't even really succeed at that because while I would've forma'd the artifact slot to switch the artifact slot's polarity (or strip it entirely), I have no reliable way of telling which one is the artifact slot. Genius idea guys.

THIS. SO MUCH THIS. I mean, they were idiots enough to make the slots polarized in the first place (and the AURAS polarized in the first place) but we can't even change it because they didn't think to upgrade the forma menu to show which slot is the Aura slot. I mean, really? I guess it's just an oversight, but I'm already frustrated over the new Aura system from the start. So now I essentially can't use any of the Auras I actually used to use as artifacts because I can't even forma my suit to match their new crappy system. My Trinity has a triangle shaped polarity on the Aura slot, and most of the Auras I want to use, like Enery Siphon, have a bar shaped one. My frustration was immense at having to forma and relevel it in the new, tougher environment initially. Learning it was a russian roulette chance at actually polarizing the Arua slot and not one of the normal ones I want to keep a triangle only intensified this.


It's just sloppy, and it's sad because when I heard about them redoing artifacts I was excited about it. However, this really doesn't feel well thought out. It seems to me as more of a way to force people to cash shop and/or sink further time into the game by farming Void mission/alerts for Forma blueprints (which you can only build one of every 12 hours, which further causes the time sink/cash shop issue). On top of that, said farming will now take even longer because of the fairly rediculous buff to all missions. I mean, we all like a challenge, but a level 100 boss in a rank 5-10 (or so) mission is just rediculous, especially when MAX level is 30 (and don't give me BS about how potatoing/forma-ing your warframe/weapons makes it "easy", because it's still far harder than it should be even with those things).


None of this feels right, at all. Don't get me wrong, there's stuff I'm totally psyched about, but this is ruining me fully enjoying it, especially the loot table issues that make it impossible to even experience much of the new content (like Nova, new prime weapons, and the new mods, ect.). It all just feels really ill thought out, and it's disappointing. I can only hope much of this will recieve a (speedy) review and fixing.

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yo have you played any other games on the internet? post-patch bugs are common




Almost every other F2P game on the internet to ever exist. You give the game to the players, To find the bugs for you. Then they fix them in hotfixes, Like DE does. A F2P PC game is not the same as a normal Console game/PC game that gets updates/dlc every once in a blue moon.

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Almost every other F2P game on the internet to ever exist. You give the game to the players, To find the bugs for you. Then they fix them in hotfixes, Like DE does. A F2P PC game is not the same as a normal Console game/PC game that gets updates/dlc every once in a blue moon.

That's not an excuse for not learning from your mistakes so you no longer make the same one over and over. Loot table issues are almost always a problem in thier updates. Personally, I would expect them to have learned that by now and planned updates around that being a possible issue AHEAD of time, so if it DOES show up, it can be fixed expediently, or preferably, immediately (or preferably before that, fixed before the patch goes live).


Being a free to play game and because everyone else does it are not, and never should be, excuses for anything.

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Almost every other F2P game on the internet to ever exist. You give the game to the players, To find the bugs for you. Then they fix them in hotfixes, Like DE does. A F2P PC game is not the same as a normal Console game/PC game that gets updates/dlc every once in a blue moon.

F2P is now equivalent to terrible quality? And you're ok with that? 

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I just don't like how hard things are now. I don't like the aura change, I don't like this unfair crap to solo players.  The game i founded was so awsome. Actually I played that game first and loved it so much I gave them 250 dollars!  That game does not exist. not the one I was backing because that was the game I wanted.


ps- it's definitely console-like now. Lame.

Edited by BloodDoll
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F2P is now equivalent to terrible quality? And you're ok with that? 


No, But I am rather saying,


Don't expect P2P/subscription quality, In a F2P game.


Makes sense, No?

Edited by SJunior
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^my post what i think is bad



artifacts and the clunky map system that was console-ized. when u click on a map you are staring at a splash screen and can't zoom out, and can't see where teammates voted etc

Using the esc button to force yourself "back" works, but I haven't tried it in a party so I'm not sure if you'd end up leaving the party completely to zoom out fully or not. I'll have to check next time I play with a group.

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No, But I am rather saying,


Don't expect P2P/subscription quality, In a F2P game.


Makes sense, No?


Multiple finantial studies have shown that in general F2P games make far more money than P2P and/or Subscription models.


The only exception would be the WoW, but no game is as big as that.


So to be honest, no, it doesn't make sense.

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Frankly speaking , I am very disappointed with U9 , I hate the aura system , the scale up enemy level seems too much , and what happen to our forma we spent on ? previously it was 5 forma for a T shape connector , now only 1 forma? what happen to those who spend plat on forma to build the dojo? seriously wasted.


DE seriously need to revert back to U8 , U9 seriously sucks

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I just don't like how hard things are now. I don't like the aura change, I don't like this unfair crap to solo players.  The game i founded was so awsome. Actually I played that game first and loved it so much I gave them 250 dollars!  That game does not exist. not the one I was backing because that was the game I wanted.


ps- it's definitely console-like now. Lame.



I agree with you , U9 really sucks this time

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I think the only thing truly good in this update is the added lore with cinematic's, and the overpriced(not that part) helmets( this part). Now everything else is a good concept, but needs to heavily fixed and modified in order to work . The u.i for example looks great, but it's missing the little things which makes it annoying. Like seeing squad mates vote for example. 

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Where is the lore stuff?

Why is Vor lvl 93?

Why are they selling control modules and other mats for plat, yet the drops are derped as usual?

Why would I pay/forma my frame to fit an aura that was free before?

Why is plat so stupidly expensive?

btw DE, the game is STILL boring as sucking a rusty nail.-

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No, But I am rather saying,


Don't expect P2P/subscription quality, In a F2P game.


Makes sense, No?

I don't see why it should be any different. Both make millions. I don't expect lesser quality because I choose not to pay monthly.


Look at this way, games are kind of like dojos, you "vote with your resources" on what you want built. With a dojo, it's stuff like forma, with a game, it's time invested in playing, and money.


With a subscription, you pay large doses of "resources" up front, once a month. As such, the gaming company (dojo) gets a lot of consistant payments at relatively long intervals, and you feel like you have to sit and play a lot to get your money's worth, since you pay ahead to play. You won't just up and leave because you already payed your subscription at the begining of the month so you might as well make use of it before you quit. Subscription based titles know this, it's part of how they keep people playing. They know that as long as you pay for that month you're going to play for that month, and they bank on it.


With a free to play game the stakes are higher for the company. You can put whatever "resources" you want to in at a time, even none at all. So if you don't like how things are going, you vote with your LACK of resources. This means, you can walk away whenever you want to, because you don't feel OBLIGATED to play, like you would if you payed $30 up-front for a month of a subscription. So in order to keep your attention (and your money and time), free to play games have to make you WANT to play, because they can't rely on you feeling obligated to log in every day because of your monetary investement.


So if anything, does it not make sense that free to play games shouldn't be lesser quality. If anything, they should be better because they have to EARN our money in smaller, more frequent doses. They have to keep us involved because we AREN'T paying a subsciption. We aren't OBLIGATED to play. Instead, THEY'RE obligated to investing in us to keep us around by providing us content worth spending our time and money on.

Edited by Jeahanne
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Ok so, we got a bunch of really neat(broken) things in this update, and to top it off they fixed(broke) a bunch of other already neat(bad) things in the game! Pretty great(S#&$tacular), right?!


On a serious note, U9 is out! After fooling around with it for an hour or so, I was annoyed enough to make a new thread. Let's discuss!




Firstly! Aura slots! Whooooooooooooohoooooo. Remember when they teased it in livestream *insertnumberican'tbebotheredtorememberhere*?! I do! I thought it was gonna pretty decent, just a quicker, easier way of equipping and changing your artifacts. 


Nope! Instead we have a new way to waste Warframe power. Everyone that's been playing this game for any decent length of time already has their loadouts min/maxed and tailored to their liking, with every damned drop of power accounted for. You know what we don't have room for? Artifacts.


Why the F*** would anybody use them in this current state? Not only do we not have room for these things, but in order to make room we'd have to downgrade our builds to use something that was free of charge before! Oh, and those polarities. You're really funny DE. Every damn artifact has a polarity, many of them are different. How do we change polarities on these new slots? Forma! So while everybody is busy using Forma for important S#&$ like making weapons and decking out their favorite weapons and frames, we need more Forma to get the @(*()$ Auras to work!


DE loves our money, huh?


Why? Well, because now they have a larger benefit. Increased rifle damage, more ammo recovery, faster siphon power, etc. That's why.




Second! Loot tables! Ohhhhhh the joyyyyyyyyyy(seething anger and/or crushing disappointment), when we all realized that DE broke the loot tables! Again!


Remember that time when you didn't have enough Ferrite, or Poly Bundles, or Morphics, or Detonite Ampules? Well get ready to forget them, because that's all the drops! Yes, yes I know you need other things to craft all that new goodness, but who cares? Morphics.


Nova's out guys let's go F*** up Raptor! *10 boss kills later* "Where are the damn drops!?" They don't exist, friend. DE broke that too, so maybe, just maybe, if you're the luckiest bastard the Sol System has ever seen(trust me, you're not), you can get your very own Nova bp! 


All this plus glitched mods!


Bug. We know this. It's getting a fix. You need a calm pill.





Third! Nightmare mode! Who isn't up for a bit of extra-uber-hardcore-360noscope-ladderstall-l33t-1337 difficulty?! DE. DE was clearly not up for it. Let's all join a vampire defense mission and DIE while wait for the new round to starrrrt!


HAHAHA, DE too casul......




Fourth! UI Changes! Foundry, that thing you use to craft all your things. That thing that makes you wait days on end to craft things because DE wants moar money.... We're all pretty fond of it right? DE wasn't.....


Who doesn't want a brand spanking new UI to confuse the S#&$ out of you?! I do!





Fifth! Things that are still broken:


1) Platinum is still too @(*()$ expensive. $15 for Sobek? HAHAHAHA no. $5 for a new helmet that probably doesn't do anything better than your current alt helmet. HAHAHAHA no. $15 for a new warframe? No thanks, I'll wait for a steam sale and buy about 3 different games that provide me with far more entertainment.


2) Mod drops. Yes, I know Streamline is still a thing. Yes, I know that Chaos is still a thing. Yes, I know that Pistol Gambit is still a thing. You know what I don't know is thing? Everything new.


3) Would it kill you to give us some more damn slots? Just 2 to 4? I'd like to try the new guns without deleting my potatoed Braton I spent ages Formaing into God Tier status.


Legit complaint. You could still calm down. Ranting helps nobody.




Sixth! Do you people playtest? At all? Your game is nicknamed things like "FarmFrame" and "WarFarm" by your community and you didn't check to see if the loot table was still operational? Are you @(*()$ kidding me?


What about the damn nightmare mode? Did you bother to think "What if they can't survive between defense rounds because they can't KILL ANYTHING?"


Oh hey. There are other nightmare modes besides on defense! Look at that!




Disappointed again,


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^my post what i think is bad



artifacts and the clunky map system that was console-ized. when u click on a map you are staring at a splash screen and can't zoom out, and can't see where teammates voted etc


(still updating....after 6 hours of waiting....)

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"Everything" is a bit overly dramatic. Some things could use some changes sure, but the end of the world isn't coming and DE didn't suddenly sprout 12 heads and start stealing all your stuff. I'm not a fan of the new aura system, I was already limited with points and I like to change frames a lot so unless I use multiple formas on everything (I wont) I might be out of luck. The polarity slots don't seem to help the issue though, the things people used the most now cost them even more to equip. I'd much rather have an empty polarity slot and the choice to forma it later. Though what could also work is specific "aura mod" points as you level up, though that might complicate things more.


Anyways, I see the aura system going through a few more changes to find a balance agreeable to devs and players.

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