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U9 - All The Things De Did Wrong. *everything*


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This is just a list of insults and opinions. Especially number 4. Where is your evidence to make this criticism constructive?


Take a look at Themmostore's post. It's much closer to something that actually stands on its own and makes a valid point.


Not much I can say to counterpoint nonsensical whining.


Yes there are bugs. There are ALWAYS bugs with nearly every update in nearly every online game since the dawn of the internet. And every one of them is already being worked on. So the OP crying about them isn't going to change anything. And that was pretty much all the OP was complaining about.


(For someone talking of construction, I don't understand why you're trying to defend the narcissistic whining, but whatever.)


The only 2 "valid" things in the OP were the Aura system, which I addressed very candidly. Mods were balanced around unpolarized frames and weapons(because Forma didn't exist back them). Which means that our frames are still "overpowered" compared to what they were balanced around, so complaining about the minor loss of power is, once again, pointless whining.


As for the new foundry UI. It actually orders things unlike the previous one. It presents more on the screen at a time. It's far easier to navigate. People who are against this, are basically just people who are afraid of change. It is basically objectively better, just "different" so people who were too used to the old system are always gonna have a transitional uncomfortability. But it's better.



But my original post was very constructive. It was constructive to the community. "Whining will only hurt us." That's the only point that matters. When people like the OP whine it does 2 things. It makes DE not want to interact with the community, which hurts everything in so many ways. And it also clogs the forums, so DE members who ARE still brave enough to muddle through have to do just that, muddle. And I spelled that out very clearly the first time, if you actually read.

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Ahhh IF the players disagree, I don't think you speak for everyone, you're not the Lorax =P, I like the update therefore in my eyes I agree with DE, therefore they did right, go ahead and do your rebuttal.


Now if they were to do a poll and received results consisting of a majority of the playerbase disagreeing with this update then sure go ahead and change it back.

I don't think you understand, I will attempt to make this simple for you. I have no issues with most of the new content introduced in this update. I have an issue with DE breaking the game every time they update it. A broken game is objectively bad. The new Aura system is flawed and inconveniencing to the majority of the playerbase, thus it is objectively bad. I dislike the new UI that is my opinion, just MY opinion. But hey it is MY thread.

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Not much I can say to counterpoint nonsensical whining.


Yes there are bugs. There are ALWAYS bugs with nearly every update in nearly every online game since the dawn of the internet. And every one of them is already being worked on. So the OP crying about them isn't going to change anything. And that was pretty much all the OP was complaining about.


(For someone talking of construction, I don't understand why you're trying to defend the narcissistic whining, but whatever.)


The only 2 "valid" things in the OP were the Aura system, which I addressed very candidly. Mods were balanced around unpolarized frames and weapons(because Forma didn't exist back them). Which means that our frames are still "overpowered" compared to what they were balanced around, so complaining about the minor loss of power is, once again, pointless whining.


As for the new foundry UI. It actually orders things unlike the previous one. It presents more on the screen at a time. It's far easier to navigate. People who are against this, are basically just people who are afraid of change. It is basically objectively better, just "different" so people who were too used to the old system are always gonna have a transitional uncomfortability. But it's better.



But my original post was very constructive. It was constructive to the community. "Whining will only hurt us." That's the only point that matters. When people like the OP whine it does 2 things. It makes DE not want to interact with the community, which hurts everything in so many ways. And it also clogs the forums, so DE members who ARE still brave enough to muddle through have to do just that, muddle. And I spelled that out very clearly the first time, if you actually read.

DE has no choice but to interact with the community, other wise this game will fail. It's part of their job. Pointing out that breaking the game with every update is poor game management and development is more than just whining. 

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More along the lines to respond to each of your issues in kind. Namely them being:



The Aura system gives increased benefits from the old system in exchange for some small mod power. Fair trade to me.


We know the mods are bugged. You aren't new to that.


One that I missed being the new foundry is easy to navigate and I picked it up within a minute.


You were right about not gettign any new slots or mods and that the price is too high. Just relax and you'll have a higher chance of actually being heard.


And you don't have to play defense mode in nightmare mode, there are other maps and locations that have it right now.



1.-Energy siphon now, fused once is 3 times slower than it was before the update, you have to spend credits to fuse it to what it used to be (and get more copies) plus now takes energy from your frame to work at all.

Where are these 'increased benefits' you mention?

2.-We know something has been broken since ages ago, but we should be ok with it because it's a known issue?

Don't you think that being so far into development they should, I don't know, somehow work on fixing something that's broken or malfunctioning affecting gameplay for so long?

I mean, instead of adding all these pretty lens flares (they are not pretty) the silly helmets, omg colors, and the ability to buy mats that don't drop

(because RNG is still broken, I'm sure it's not intentional) for plat, they should allocate at least one dude to fix old stuff.

3.-On the matter of the UI....I don't know, if DE sometime in the future starts hiring people, I hope they get some graphic designers, old UI is from the 90s at best, the new one is...ugly but functional, overall idgaf.

4.-Yes, relax, don't show discontent, I'm sure that always work.


5.-Something is broken, unplayable at some level, look away, perhaps it will go away.

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I don't think you understand, I will attempt to make this simple for you. I have no issues with most of the new content introduced in this update. I have an issue with DE breaking the game every time they update it. A broken game is objectively bad. The new Aura system is flawed and inconveniencing to the majority of the playerbase, thus it is objectively bad. I dislike the new UI that is my opinion, just MY opinion. But hey it is MY thread.

Mmmm fair enough, I personally don't see what's broken I don't like the new artifact system I'll give you that but it doesn't make the game unplayable by any means and if let alone will be adapted to in a relatively short time, but I won't tell you that your opinion is wrong just thought I'd share my opinion too in YOUR THREAD.

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You know a lot of this could have been broken due to them uploading it to the servers, while it worked fine while testing it.


And a lot of the other stuff seems to be a bug. Hopefully it will be fixed.


Cool off a little there Love :P

Personally I've never witnessed something go awry in the uploading process other than .dat files getting corrupted. Which is a client side issue, and can be solved by the user 99% of the time.


Though I'm not pointing fingers, this bug is awfully convenient wouldn't you agree?

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Personally I've never witnessed something go awry in the uploading process other than .dat files getting corrupted. Which is a client side issue, and can be solved by the user 99% of the time.


Though I'm not pointing fingers, this bug is awfully convenient wouldn't you agree?

Hey hey now, you don't want the bootlicker police on your case.

They will send you to look into math or something like that.

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Mmmm fair enough, I personally don't see what's broken I don't like the new artifact system I'll give you that but it doesn't make the game unplayable by any means and if let alone will be adapted to in a relatively short time, but I won't tell you that your opinion is wrong just thought I'd share my opinion too in YOUR THREAD.

What's broken are the loot tables. Boss loot does not drop properly, all res drops are bugged so that only Morphics, Ferrite, Poly Bundles, and Detonite drop. This wouldn't be a big issue if DE had come running out of the development kitchen with a steaming hot batch of "Oh S#&$, our bad, have a hotfix", or if it was the first time. This, however, happens EVERY time they update the game in any significant sense, and they almost never patch it expediently. That is my issue.

Edited by iamLoveless
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Nightmare mode is a joke. It is way to easy. If you have a problem with it, I feel bad for you. 


I'm more annoyed that you can buy mats with Plat but not credits. I have 2.4 million credits. Nothing to spend it on. T.T

Edited by Mythblaze
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What's broken are the loot tables. Boss loot does not drop properly, all res drops are bugged so that only Morphics, Ferrite, Poly Bundles, and Detonite drop. This wouldn't be a big issue if DE had come running out of the development kitchen with a steaming hot batch of "Oh S#&$, our bad, have a hotfix", or if it was the first time. This, however, happens EVERY time they update the game in any significant sense, and they almost never patch it expediently. That is my issue.

....k well we've got a hotfix in the works already told to us by Rebecca, sadly most people don't know about this because it was mentioned in the master chat.

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....k well we've got a hotfix in the works already told to us by Rebecca, sadly most people don't know about this because it was mentioned in the master chat.

That's another issue. The entire population should have access to that info. Not just the elite founders.

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1.-Energy siphon now, fused once is 3 times slower than it was before the update, you have to spend credits to fuse it to what it used to be (and get more copies) plus now takes energy from your frame to work at all.

Where are these 'increased benefits' you mention?



How abouty 45% rifle damage?  There are other aura's other than energy siphon that are actually useful with this update,  although it really does pigeon hole what aura's I use on what frames.  Still, the fact that pretty much everyone ran around with energy siphon (maybe one person in the group with radar) was pretty telling that something needed to be changed.

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Ok so, we got a bunch of really neat(broken) things in this update, and to top it off they fixed(broke) a bunch of other already neat(bad) things in the game! Pretty great(S#&$tacular), right?!


On a serious note, U9 is out! After fooling around with it for an hour or so, I was annoyed enough to make a new thread. Let's discuss!




Firstly! Aura slots! Whooooooooooooohoooooo. Remember when they teased it in livestream *insertnumberican'tbebotheredtorememberhere*?! I do! I thought it was gonna pretty decent, just a quicker, easier way of equipping and changing your artifacts. 


Nope! Instead we have a new way to waste Warframe power. Everyone that's been playing this game for any decent length of time already has their loadouts min/maxed and tailored to their liking, with every damned drop of power accounted for. You know what we don't have room for? Artifacts.


Why the F*** would anybody use them in this current state? Not only do we not have room for these things, but in order to make room we'd have to downgrade our builds to use something that was free of charge before! Oh, and those polarities. You're really funny DE. Every damn artifact has a polarity, many of them are different. How do we change polarities on these new slots? Forma! So while everybody is busy using Forma for important S#&$ like making weapons and decking out their favorite weapons and frames, we need more Forma to get the @(*()$ Auras to work!


DE loves our money, huh?





Second! Loot tables! Ohhhhhh the joyyyyyyyyyy(seething anger and/or crushing disappointment), when we all realized that DE broke the loot tables! Again!


Remember that time when you didn't have enough Ferrite, or Poly Bundles, or Morphics, or Detonite Ampules? Well get ready to forget them, because that's all the drops! Yes, yes I know you need other things to craft all that new goodness, but who cares? Morphics.


Nova's out guys let's go F*** up Raptor! *10 boss kills later* "Where are the damn drops!?" They don't exist, friend. DE broke that too, so maybe, just maybe, if you're the luckiest bastard the Sol System has ever seen(trust me, you're not), you can get your very own Nova bp! 


All this plus glitched mods!





Third! Nightmare mode! Who isn't up for a bit of extra-uber-hardcore-360noscope-ladderstall-l33t-1337 difficulty?! DE. DE was clearly not up for it. Let's all join a vampire defense mission and DIE while wait for the new round to starrrrt!


HAHAHA, DE too casul......




Fourth! UI Changes! Foundry, that thing you use to craft all your things. That thing that makes you wait days on end to craft things because DE wants moar money.... We're all pretty fond of it right? DE wasn't.....


Who doesn't want a brand spanking new UI to confuse the S#&$ out of you?! I do!





Fifth! Things that are still broken:


1) Platinum is still too @(*()$ expensive. $15 for Sobek? HAHAHAHA no. $5 for a new helmet that probably doesn't do anything better than your current alt helmet. HAHAHAHA no. $15 for a new warframe? No thanks, I'll wait for a steam sale and buy about 3 different games that provide me with far more entertainment.


2) Mod drops. Yes, I know Streamline is still a thing. Yes, I know that Chaos is still a thing. Yes, I know that Pistol Gambit is still a thing. You know what I don't know is thing? Everything new.


3) Would it kill you to give us some more damn slots? Just 2 to 4? I'd like to try the new guns without deleting my potatoed Braton I spent ages Formaing into God Tier status.





Sixth! Do you people playtest? At all? Your game is nicknamed things like "FarmFrame" and "WarFarm" by your community and you didn't check to see if the loot table was still operational? Are you @(*()$ kidding me?


What about the damn nightmare mode? Did you bother to think "What if they can't survive between defense rounds because they can't KILL ANYTHING?"






Disappointed again,




welcome to Sony playstation 4

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