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Vex Armor is bugged, it reduces damage.


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I was playing Simulacrum, testing out stuff

I got my Kohm, built for Corrosive+ Blast.

Before, it constatnly knocks enemies down and strips armor pretty quick, green aura as evidence.

But I think after hotfix 20.0.4, When I used Vex Armor + Elemental Ward to test the Kohm out on a group of level 115 corrupt gunners and bombards....I think it only proc'd blast and corrosive in the first few shots like...5-6 or so then it stopped. Enemies didn't get knocked down, no green corrosive aura on them, only other physical damage types were proc'd (slash, puncture, impact)


This also applies to my Harpak which should proc corrosive also but no green aura, also accompanied with Vex Armor and Ele Ward.


I don't know if it's because of Vex Armor or Elemental Ward or both but I was not able to proc any elementals on enemies.

The Hind which coincidentally, recently got a sound revamp....it was not affected by the vex armor elemental ward synergy...in fact, I think it performed way better than before for some reason.

Also, I don't know if this is a lasting bug but yes. It happened.


Edited by SprinKah
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Same problem here, but it seems like it sometimes works as its supose to but other times fails complitly. I was testing my Akstilleto prime with high status not just in Simulacrum but on a mission as well with 80+ enemies. It´s impossible for Akstilleto not to proc status. Again, sometimes it was procing.


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9 hours ago, SprinKah said:

I think it's a occasional occurance.

but it did happen so yeah...I ain't crazy




I kept playing and I noticed that the damage displayed on the screen is very strange indeed. With dex sybaris showing 0 redcrit, sometimes only 22 critical damage and in others neither exhibiting critical damage (125% critical chance). So I noticed this randomness does not just happen with Chroma. The same goes for Octavia, Rhino, Oberon. This does not just happen with elemental damage, it's very strange. Something else, bodies get damage after death. The DE made a mess.

(sorry for my bad english)

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I was testing this with someone who noticed it last night, here is a quick clip of how I replicated it.

First test: no riven mod. Does normal damage when Vex is off. Once Vex is turned on and fully stacked, it increased damage as expected.

Second test: riven mod equipped. Does normal damage with Vex off. Once Vex is turned on and fully stacked, damage barely changes and it stops proccing Corrosive.

Edited by Theroxenes
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I've actually been testing a lot with this since Monday as well, and, as far as I can tell, there's no rhyme or reason to this. It's just madness. Since my current internet is too slow for pictures (and I have a lot...), I'll just post the results.

Different power strengths (so far I've tried at least 4 different strengths) and different amounts of added elemental damage (IPS is unaffected, it seems) all give different results, but I haven't been able to determine anything more specific that that.

Effects observed: severely reduced damage (even dealt some gray 0's), severely increased damage (50x+ intended values), negative damage values, and removal of certain procs (confirmed at least Corrosive and Gas in multiple tests). These results happened seemingly randomly and were caused by tweaking power strength and mods.

I just finished testing a little bit with Lanka, and here is what I saw.


For all the tests, I used a 349% power strength Chroma and used Point Strike (crits for increased visibility), Shred, and Speed Trigger on all Lanka builds (to speed it up a little, obviously). I specifically used Corrosive damage on an Infested Charger because it's a neutral damage type with a proc that did nothing.

With +105% Corrosive damage, I dealt 0 damage at 533% fury and 108706 damage at 710% (max) fury.

With +90% Toxin damage and +75% Toxin damage, I dealt 0 damage at both fury levels.

With +60% Toxin damage, I dealt 47831 damage at 533% fury and 0 damage at 710% fury.

With +45% Toxin damage, I dealt 43351 damage at 533% fury and 68979 damage at 710% fury.

What could be happening is that, at certain points (where I dealt 0 damage), the Corrosive damage was completely removed, as happens with other weapons. I'll try again with Magnetic later on tonight.

Edit: It might be revolving around Toxin-based elements. We've seen it with Gas and Corrosive, and others have mentioned Viral. Like I said, I'll test with Magnetic when I can.

Edit #2: I just tested with a Magnetic Lanka, and the results were identical to the Corrosive Lanka test. I guess it's not just Toxin-based elements.

Edit #3: The video from when I first started testing finally finished uploading. With 710% Fury and a riven that added Heat damage, I saw no Gas procs. With 710% Fury but no riven, I did see Gas procs. Do we need any more evidence, or is it just beating a dead horse at this point lol

Edit #4: It's also worth mentioning that, prior to U20, Vex Armor was already bugged. Elemental damage from mods wasn't scaling as expected, and total damage was less than anticipated against enemies but far greater than intended against Objects.

Edited by Vyrndragon
I should mention
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8 hours ago, Vyrndragon said:

I've actually been testing a lot with this since Monday as well, and, as far as I can tell, there's no rhyme or reason to this. It's just madness. Since my current internet is too slow for pictures (and I have a lot...), I'll just post the results.

Different power strengths (so far I've tried at least 4 different strengths) and different amounts of added elemental damage (IPS is unaffected, it seems) all give different results, but I haven't been able to determine anything more specific that that.

Effects observed: severely reduced damage (even dealt some gray 0's), severely increased damage (50x+ intended values), negative damage values, and removal of certain procs (confirmed at least Corrosive and Gas in multiple tests). These results happened seemingly randomly and were caused by tweaking power strength and mods.

I just finished testing a little bit with Lanka, and here is what I saw.

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For all the tests, I used a 349% power strength Chroma and used Point Strike (crits for increased visibility), Shred, and Speed Trigger on all Lanka builds (to speed it up a little, obviously). I specifically used Corrosive damage on an Infested Charger because it's a neutral damage type with a proc that did nothing.

With +105% Corrosive damage, I dealt 0 damage at 533% fury and 108706 damage at 710% (max) fury.

With +90% Toxin damage and +75% Toxin damage, I dealt 0 damage at both fury levels.

With +60% Toxin damage, I dealt 47831 damage at 533% fury and 0 damage at 710% fury.

With +45% Toxin damage, I dealt 43351 damage at 533% fury and 68979 damage at 710% fury.

What could be happening is that, at certain points (where I dealt 0 damage), the Corrosive damage was completely removed, as happens with other weapons. I'll try again with Magnetic later on tonight.


Edit: It might be revolving around Toxin-based elements. We've seen it with Gas and Corrosive, and others have mentioned Viral. Like I said, I'll test with Magnetic when I can.

Edit #2: I just tested with a Magnetic Lanka, and the results were identical to the Corrosive Lanka test. I guess it's not just Toxin-based elements.

Edit #3: The video from when I first started testing finally finished uploading. With 710% Fury and a riven that added Heat damage, I saw no Gas procs. With 710% Fury but no riven, I did see Gas procs. Do we need any more evidence, or is it just beating a dead horse at this point lol

Edit #4: It's also worth mentioning that, prior to U20, Vex Armor was already bugged. Elemental damage from mods wasn't scaling as expected, and total damage was less than anticipated against enemies but far greater than intended against Objects.


I only saw Slash, Puncture and Impact damage procs when I used Kohm...so yeah...

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11 hours ago, MENDIGOdePIJAMA said:




I kept playing and I noticed that the damage displayed on the screen is very strange indeed. With dex sybaris showing 0 redcrit, sometimes only 22 critical damage and in others neither exhibiting critical damage (125% critical chance). So I noticed this randomness does not just happen with Chroma. The same goes for Octavia, Rhino, Oberon. This does not just happen with elemental damage, it's very strange. Something else, bodies get damage after death. The DE made a mess.

(sorry for my bad english)



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When you use chroma's third ability with over 180% power strength, when you get the full buff from taking dmg to health (fury), your primary weapons no longer deal elemental dmg. I have tested this with multiple weapons such as the braton prime, burston prime and amprex. The braton prime and burston only deals physical dmg with the full buff and the amprex does no dmg at all with the full buff. I am not sure if i am the only one affected by this so please all try it out and see if it happens too.


Chroma - vex armor with over 180% power strength, spawn in a couple of lvl 100 heavy gunners, best to use elemental dmg weapons such as amprex and start firing after maximum fury buff. Your weapon will deal no elemental dmg.

note: you MUST have FULL buff of fury, if u do not have the full buff then you will still deal elemental dmg.


Edited by Shu.89
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When you use chroma's third ability with over 180% power strength, when you get the full buff from taking dmg to health (fury), your primary weapons no longer deal elemental dmg. I have tested this with multiple weapons such as the braton prime, burston prime and amprex. The braton prime and burston only deals physical dmg with the full buff and the amprex does no dmg at all with the full buff. I am not sure if i am the only one affected by this so please all try it out and see if it happens too.


Chroma - vexing armor with over 180% power strength, spawn in a couple of lvl 100 heavy gunners, best to use elemental dmg weapons such as amprex and start firing after maximum fury buff. Your weapon will deal no elemental dmg.

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2 hours ago, Shu.89 said:

also, secondary and melee weapons have no elemental dmg too but it happens with power strength of about 165% whereas the primary is affected with over 180%


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2 hours ago, Shu.89 said:

When you use chroma's third ability with over 180% power strength, when you get the full buff from taking dmg to health (fury), your primary weapons no longer deal elemental dmg. I have tested this with multiple weapons such as the braton prime, burston prime and amprex. The braton prime and burston only deals physical dmg with the full buff and the amprex does no dmg at all with the full buff. I am not sure if i am the only one affected by this so please all try it out and see if it happens too.


Chroma - vexing armor with over 180% power strength, spawn in a couple of lvl 100 heavy gunners, best to use elemental dmg weapons such as amprex and start firing after maximum fury buff. Your weapon will deal no elemental dmg.


tried it, it did proc for like the first 1-2 secs but then stopped.

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Recently got a nice Riven mod for the Paracyst and was pretty impressed with the amount of damage I was putting out and decided to try it out on my Chroma in the Simulacrum. Everything went fine until the damage buff (Fury) on my Vex Armor capped out (570% damage) and my gun suddenly dealt no damage whatsoever (hits were registering but the weapon dealt exactly 0 damage on every hit). This was extremely odd as even with Vex Armor activated, the weapon dealt its damage perfectly fine, only after my damage buff was completely capped out did it stop dealing damage. I tested this with different weapons and different mobs and the results were the same: every weapon functioned fine except the Paracyst and the results were the same no matter which mob I fought.

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I think Chroma will be killed by Lv1 Enemy with the 200%↑ Vex Armor in 1 minutes:highfive:

Ignis wraith also can't deals damage when doing Index Endurance with the same power Vex Armor.

I think Quanta vandal maybe have the same issue, too.

BTW, I think Soma p, Tigris P is working as usual with Vex Armor.

Edited by Irorhont
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I have done a fair bit of testing regarding this bug and have found sevral important bits of information that is... odd. 

1. Only certian weapons appear to be affected by this error. According to my tests it *mainly* effects crit based weapons (tested with lanka, prisma grakata), but, for reasons I am not able to figure out, does NOT effect bows like the paris prime or the dread.

2. I originally thought it may have something to do with riven mods as i have powerfull rivens for the grakat and lanka but not for those bows (hence why I decided to test with them, its also how I came to realise point 1).

3. The point at which vex armor stops enhancing your damae and starts redusing it appears to be based on the current value of the damage buff (IE at a 200% boost the damage increses as expected but then at 210% you suddenly start doing 0 or even minus damage, weird I know. These are not exact numbers but the damage falloff is roughly ). As a result, this means that a reasonable way to circumvent the bug is to play with relativly low power strength, but wheres the fun in that?

4. ANOTHER strange thing about this issue is that different enemies seem to gain immunity to damage at different %boost levels, IE corrupted bombards become invincible at around a 370-380%. The absolute strangest thing is juggernauts, they retain their standard ridiculous resistances when they are in their normal state however when they open up their weak spots they suddenly take negative damage which, depending on the weapon in use, can sometimes be litteraly hunderds of thousands of points of healing (which even weirder, DOSENT actully heal the juggernaut! it just looks like it should...)

So, for a T.D.L.R-Chromas Vex armor is bugged and depending on many different circunstances, will actully reduce or even completly negate the damage of certian weapons.

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10 minutes ago, taiiat said:

so, are you saying you believe this to be just due to Rivens?

49 minutes ago, AGingerMonster said:

I originally thought it may have something to do with riven mods

doesn't sound like it.


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@taiiat No, I believed it might have been due to the effects of rivens but after testing it dident seem to have any effect one way or the other, I tried a few different weapons, some with rivens, some without. The only thing that seems to be consistent is the fact that certian enemies become immune to damage from certian guns when used with a high power strength vex armor. At the very least I personally wasent able to figure out any way of predicting what would or wouldent be affected.

Edited by AGingerMonster
Spelling error.
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