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Vex Armor is bugged, it reduces damage.


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the 3rd ability vex armor of chroma has a bug that the damage buff does not work as intended.

for example if the buff is stacked close after 500% 600% mean like 612% some weapons like the amprex does no damage anymore. zero damage and the number is shown grey.

or the boar prime with 100% status chance and mostly corrosion damage does only do explosion procs and not a single corrosion proc in multiple clips.


where with lower power strength where the buff is stacked to 597% for example everything is fine and work like it has to


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I think I may have figured out why this is happening. In U20.0 there was a bug where negative values on riven mods could result in massive negative damage values like this. Note that this number is the same as the minimum value of a standard signed integer. In 20.0.4 which came out on March 27th, this issue was patched:

  • Fixed Riven Mods that make a weapon have a negative total damage causing the weapon to rollover and do incredibly high damage output.

With U20.0, Vex Armor was also buggy, with Fury adding much more damage than it was supposed to. Once U20.0.4 hit, people started noticing that Vex Armor was interacting strangely with elemental damage.

So what happened? I bet that the fix to riven mods changed the way damage values are stored from a signed integer (which allows negative values) to an unsigned one (which can only be positive). However, Fury is still adding much more damage than it is supposed to, so with high-damage weapons and sufficient Fury it overflows this variable and wraps back around to a lower number. 

Edited by Theroxenes
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I've done some testing in the Simulacrum with Javlok and Paracyst, using different amounts of elemental damage and different levels of Fury.

  • The amount of elemental damage added to the weapon and the value of Fury both change the point at which elemental damage is removed.
  • Single elements (e.g. Heat) don't seem to be affected, only combined elements (e.g. Viral) hit 0 damage with Fury active.
  • Two combined elements both need to hit the threshold in order for the damage to hit 0 (on purely elemental weapons).
  • The 'removal point' can happen in more than one range of Fury.

As an example, with +90% Viral on the Paracyst (using +75% toxin and + 15% cold), 0 damage was dealt between ~293% and ~408% Fury, and between ~507% and ~577% Fury. Outside of these 'bad Fury' ranges, damage was dealt.

As mentioned by others above in this thread, the elemental damage scales oddly (higher than expected) with Fury.

I've tried different values of elemental mod setups, and higher elemental mod totals combine with lower values of Fury to hit 0 damage.

  • +30% Viral hit for 0 starting at ~373% Fury
  • +60% Viral hit for 0 starting at ~323% Fury
  • +90% Viral hit for 0 starting at ~293% Fury
  • +120% Viral hit for 0 starting at ~278% Fury

(These four values were from rough tests, so they won't be very reliable.)

I also tried testing with combined elemental weapons (Tysis and Talons), and they seemed to need more elemental damage bonuses to hit 0 damage with the same amount of Fury as single-element-base weapons. (I think it was +150% instead of +120% to deal 0 damage at 275% Fury).

I'll see if I can find anything else tomorrow. In the meantime, good luck to everyone else with running tests on this bug! ^^

A couple of tips for testing:

  • Use Concealed Explosives on something like Hikou for incremental increases to Fury.
  • Corrupted Butchers tend to stand still if you stand on the Pillar between the Simulacrum Console and the first spawn point. I've had them set to level 130, and they've had enough health to do a good deal of testing on before needing to spawn another.
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Just adding to the amount of info that may help the devs nail down the bug:

Experienced this bug as well on my Chroma and a Paracyst equipped. Guaranteed repro once my Fury maxes out at about 520%. Not using a Riven. In case this is tied to loadout specifics, here are the ones I use:

Chroma (214% Power Strength, 239% when Growing Power procs)

Growing Power, Power Drift, Primed Flow, Constitution, Vitality, Fleeting Expertise, Primed Continuity, Blind Rage, Rage, Narrow Minded. All mods are maxed.

Paracyst (no Riven)

Serration, Split Chamber, Point Strike, Stormbringer, High Voltage, Vital Sense, Infected Clip, Hammer Shot. All mods are maxed.


Hope this helps!

Edited by Kharseth
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Just noticed this as well. With Blind Rage/Power Drift, damage drops and status procs on a 100% status Strun Wraith stops working. However, a crit-built (not 100% status alt-fire) Euphona Prime with a crit riven starts OHKOing level 145 Bombards with its alt-fire, who should have way too much armor to let that happen, even with Vex Armor.

Strangely, Intensify/Power Drift still lets me get my procs/good damage (obviously less of a Fury buff), while Transient/Power Drift causes the bug.

In addition, I've noticed that my overkill Euphona (115%/6.7x, 11k damage) is still doing uber damage with Blind Rage/Power Drift tier buffs. It's built for Radiation, and suffers none of the damage reduction most every other weapon I've tested has (a status Braton Prime was interesting, was inflicting literally only Slash procs; surprisingly effective). Like someone above said, is it tied to Toxin damage? I tried a 100% status Rad/Viral alt-fire Euphona build; I was inflicting all the expected procs...except for Viral.

I think the theory about overflow integers is probably right. We can now do so much damage the game makes it negative.

For now, I'm just gonna swap Blind Rage for Intensify and hope for the best.

Edited by Magneu
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4 hours ago, Magneu said:

Just noticed this as well. With Blind Rage/Power Drift, damage drops and status procs on a 100% status Strun Wraith stops working. However, a crit-built (not 100% status alt-fire) Euphona Prime with a crit riven starts OHKOing level 145 Bombards with its alt-fire, who should have way too much armor to let that happen, even with Vex Armor.

Strangely, Intensify/Power Drift still lets me get my procs/good damage (obviously less of a Fury buff), while Transient/Power Drift causes the bug.

In addition, I've noticed that my overkill Euphona (115%/6.7x, 11k damage) is still doing uber damage with Blind Rage/Power Drift tier buffs. It's built for Radiation, and suffers none of the damage reduction most every other weapon I've tested has (a status Braton Prime was interesting, was inflicting literally only Slash procs; surprisingly effective). Like someone above said, is it tied to Toxin damage? I tried a 100% status Rad/Viral alt-fire Euphona build; I was inflicting all the expected procs...except for Viral.

I think the theory about overflow integers is probably right. We can now do so much damage the game makes it negative.

For now, I'm just gonna swap Blind Rage for Intensify and hope for the best.


maybe that's the case...who knows...

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Alright, I just did some testing in the simulacrum based on what I've noticed during gameplay and what I've read in this thread, and here are my findings:

  • Power strength between 100% and 151% (8/10 Blind Rage, max Intensify with Overextended) does not cause the bug.
  • Power strength 155% (max Transient Fort) or higher triggers the bug.
  • Weapons will have all combined elemental damage (radiation, corrosive, blast, etc) removed.
  • Single element damage is unaffected. A 100% status blast / corrosive Tigris Prime only dealt physical damage / procs, whereas a 100% status corrosive / cold Strun Wraith dealt both physical and cold procs.
  • Weapons with ONLY a single element damage are unaffected (Tested with Zenistar and Dual Ichor)
  • Weapons with ONLY a baseline combined element are unaffected (tested with Synoid Gammacor,  Dark Split-Sword, Mara Detron)
  • Affected weapons will only do physical and single element damage /  get physical and single element procs until Vex Armor expires.
  • Riven status does not affect the bug, unless it causes elemental damage to combine.

Strangely enough, I noticed a few weapons that were either partially, or completely unaffected during my tests:

  • A radiation / viral Atomos did 0 damage, a heat / corrosive Atomos did only the heat damage and procs, but a heat / corrosive Ignis and Ignis Wraith both were unaffected and dealt full damage with both types of procs. However, a radiation only Ignis did 0 damage.
  • The Dual Ichor did no damage modded for corrosive and worked with toxin only, whereas the Dark Split-Sword worked fine modded for both radiation and corrosive damage and saw both kinds of procs.
  • A blast / corrosive Zenistar disk was also affected and did no damage, but a corrosive modded Pox still gave out its innate toxin procs.
  • The Akstiletto Prime and Vaykor Marelok were both completely unaffected at all, giving out both corrosive and cold procs no matter how much power strength was used.

All tests were conducted in the simulacrum vs a level 145 Heavy Gunner Eximus. Tested weapons were Tigris Prime, Strun Wraith, Soma Prime, Amprex, Ignis (and Wraith), Akstiletto Prime, Brakk, Vaykor Marelok, Mara Detron, Synoid Gammacor, Twin Grakatas, Dark Split-Sword (both dual and greatsword stances), Dual Ichor, and Zenistar.

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3 minutes ago, Germoney_Hipster said:

i have see everyones cases of this bug and im now 100% sure it has to do with rivens, i only use riven modded weapons with chroma and it seems they deal 0 damage with grey zero's 

without riven it deals the normal amount.

Does your Riven add elemental damage? Is your Fury the same each time you deal 0s?

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5 minutes ago, Prof_Blocks_007 said:

Does your Riven add elemental damage? Is your Fury the same each time you deal 0s?

my riven adds multishot + status and no it only bugs when fury hits the 299% str  cap of 623% then either start dealing grey 0's or the defualt dmg with the weapon.

e.g with 623% fury and riven modded hema i deal only the base viral dmg (43 viral)

with less than 623% fury i deal all the dmg modded on my hema + vex armour buff

EDIT :  i just took my riven off and the bug still occurs....  not rivens that are doing it. Vex armour the ability is bugged.

Edited by Germoney_Hipster
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same problem here... the bug seems to happen randomly, im not sure what triggers it.

Im testing now with the akstilletos prime/corrosive status+crit build(primed mods) without rivens and sometimes i deal way less damage than i should, there is something wrong with vex armor for sure.

Edited by minidelight
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I've been having the same issue. 

In the simulacrum, once Chroma hits the max damage buff from vex armor (for me it happens to be 401%), your weapon acts as though it has no mods on it. My twin grakatas that were hitting in the 1000s were all the way down to 99 dmg per bullet.

In normal missions, the effect doesn't seem as severe, but when I was at 267%, I hit with 770 dmg (twin grakatas) and at max 401%, it was a mere 240 dmg.

I tested multiple weapons, from the rakta cernos to the braton prime. Others have found the same thing (using the ignis) where they hit with almost no damage.

The beautiful new chroma skin has gotten me excited to play the character more, but this glitch really puts a damper on my excitement.

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43 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

A few of us have spent the larger part of this morning going through ways to fix this for Chroma. Stay tuned for more details as we work our way through!

I'm sad about chroma being mostly unusable (You know half of his usfeul abilities doesn't work) I would like to point that also Mesa's Ballistic Bullseye Augment doesn't work with hitscan weapon, and it might be a similar bug...

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48 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

A few of us have spent the larger part of this morning going through ways to fix this for Chroma. Stay tuned for more details as we work our way through!

The only other thing we can really ask for is dev communication about the issue, which you've also just provided us.

I look forward to seeing it fixed, and can be understanding in the meanwhile. 


Now that I'm stuck fixing bugs for a living, I feel an abnormal compulsion to try and lean more about the issue, especially for such a seemingly strange case as this one.

Edited by Hydal
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On 7/4/2017 at 3:05 PM, Akrocius said:

All tests were conducted in the simulacrum vs a level 145 Heavy Gunner Eximus.

Arson/Caustic Eximus units project a fire resistance aura their allies nearby, which nullifies all Heat b Fire damage, this aura also extends to combined damage and will nullify the Heat b Fire damage of combined types utilizing it.

Arctic Eximus units projects a cold resistance aura their allies nearby, which nullifies all Cold b Cold damage, this aura also extends to combined damage and will nullify the Cold b Cold damage of said combined type.

Shock Eximus units project an electric resistance aura on their nearby allies which nullifies all Electricity b Electricity damage. This aura also extends to combined damage and will nullify the Electricity b Electricity damage of said combined type. 

Venomous Eximus units projects a toxin resistance aura their allies nearby, which nullifies all Toxin b Toxin damage, this aura also extends to combined damage and will nullify the Toxin b Toxin damage of said combined type.

Source: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Eximus

Had you considered this, right? Was not it better to test on not-Eximus units?

Edited by Lele.
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