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Update 9 Was Rushed And I'm Not Happy With It


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I was under the impression that Update 9 was a general patch that would improve the core gameplay experience. I was a bit surprised when I heard you were going to release it so early. So you did, and what we got was only a half-assed patch with the title "update 9" strapped to it.


Where's the promised UI overhaul? You gave us a half-tested foundry portion that you then took away because it didn't work properly. The in-game portion suffered no changes. It's ridiculous that after 6 months of playing this game I still have to consciously find an empty space on the floor with no drops on it whenever I want to see whatever resource it was that I just picked up. How hard is it to fix this one nagging thing? The energy bar and notation is STILL small as hell. You still can't see your sentinel's stats, and now with the inclusion of "hardcore mode" I have to suffer constant red flashes on my screen as my health is draining.

Sure, the planets are nice. Congratulations. But how about fixing what's actually broken?


Where are the damn presets already? In the last livestream you hinted at a "remove all mods" button coming "very soon". Where is it? More importantly, where is the basic functionality of not having to sit around for 2 minutes whenever I want to switch weapons or warframes? I now have to scroll through hundreds of mods and almost a hundred pages whenever I want to apply mods to a new frame. And I don't have NEARLY enough mods as some other people out there. Why do you think it's fine to drag people through these chores for months on end? This is basic stuff.


Where's the retroactive changes to warframes? Mag, Rhino and Volt weren't the only ones in need of a review. Did you know Frost and Ember have 2 sub-par skills each? And are you really going to leave Ash's teleport with the band-aid fix you put on it a few months ago? What about Loki and his crappy ultimate? What about Psychic Bolts? You think that's working as intended?


What was your lore guy doing all this time? I can write 4 paragraphs in a day no problem, especially on a fantasy sci-fi topic I like. Give me a few months and I'll write an entire novel. This is all you have in regards to lore? Pretty sure there's more on the website, and there's definitely more on the wiki.


What is the point of all those useless bloody mods? Warm Coat? Flame Repellant? Have you even looked at them before "shippin' it"? You expect the players to just find a use? They won't. Why clutter your mod load, it's already inflated.


Is that the best you can do about the melee crit mods? Pull a Jay Wilson and double it? What viability will this bring? What about pistol crit mods? Are there any pistols worthy of them? Shotgun crit mods? What, we're just supposed to pretend they don't exist?




Let's put all of the controversial changes aside, they're gameplay deisgn decisions that players will get used to. What I want to know is: why did you release update 9 so early when there's still so many things wrong with the game that you could have taken the time to fix right now? I understand the clan changes were urgent, but did they really require pushing into a major patch?


Please tell me some of these are on the burner, at least. I don't want Steve's lightbulb to turn on and invent another supermassive feature for update 10 while forgetting all about everything that's wrong with the core gameplay. Right now the patch team is miles behind the content team in terms of work. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Edited by krisp
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I guess they needed to fill up the treasure coffins after E3 so it got pushed out.

Warm coat and etc mods were added before update 9, but yes noone can take those seriously.

What i liked about this update:

Nightmare mode, something new the 1% health tick is quite amusing for me.

The mission lobby screens, nice touch.

Dojo costs reduced, about time

And that's it.

What i didn't liked:

Nightmare is not optional quite often it will block your progress if you want to complete map and the very first mission on mercury is also nightmare mode-"ish"? Your new players will love it i'm sure.

Vor, his "tesla" coils have rather huge range i mean even Vauban is jealous. Otherwise i'm fine with him.

Aura slot, why does it use the energy from slots instead of having separate slot? It doesn't make yourbuild less linear it only makes you crave more Formas.

Raptor, hide behind container or ask frost for snowglobe and shoot it till it detonates, my my a lot of thought has been put in to this encounter.

Changing U.I every single update is getting annoying especially if it's not tested and still has tons of bugs.

Was adding extra layer of difficulty for lower level planets necessary? i'm fine if it's Pluto/Eris/Europe but having all other following this pattern? Again i only see more pressure for potatos and formas.

Edited by Morgax
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Obviously, you have followed this game far closer then i have, yet we've been playing for the same time. So in my naive point of view, i want to address perhaps the most dissapointing, and, well, frightening aspect of this.....update.


I logged on, and couldn't wait for this new, "experience" yet, when i had a quick look over the market, i threw my head back and laughed. BUYING resources? BUYING credits? Not only does this make me hang my head in shame, to the extent you aren't rewarding any of the seasoned players, when a 10 year old with mummies credit card can have all the same stuff i have. I'm a student, i'm proud of my leisure spent on this game, but i feel like nothing in this game matters anymore, what's the point of farming plastids or rubedo, when a person can just buy 600 with a few platinum?


Alas, this is not the "frightening" part....That part, is the DECISION, you made to put it in-game, the OPTION you gave for individuals to purchase this crap. This is dangerously close to the kind of tactics Microsoft threw into the Xbox One, i'm scared out of my brains that you are turning into another money hungry company!! Bungie managed a huge fanbase and had millions of screaming fans, yet; this is already subsiding on this fantastic game and community you've created.


Too reiterate the gentleman's points above, it's like half of the people designing this game don't even understand what the game is about, or the concepts, or even sat down and played it. I mean, 90 (i think) platinum for 30,000 credits? is that a joke? I can run a T2 and get half that, which takes me 5 minutes? The excessive amounts of bugs, the .....WEIRD LOOKING EVERYTHING. It's like the designer was tripping on acid with half of the helmets!!! And Nova looks like she had a head collision with a slinky.


Rushed, Overloaded. Dissapointed. Create a game where individuals will love, so they will throw money at you, don't install money making techniques so people are forced to make purchases just to have what the rich kids are having. Students have no money, low income owners have no money, don't rob people of satisfaction because of this.

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Nightmare is not optional quite often it will block your progress if you want to complete map and the very first mission on mercury is also nightmare mode-"ish"? Your new players will love it i'm sure.


For this I would like to see an option like this;  Nightmare Mode: On/OFF    Level Scale: On/OFF, So we get a chance to level up our new items and not get killed by lvl 50 on Mercury.

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I logged on, and couldn't wait for this new, "experience" yet, when i had a quick look over the market, i threw my head back and laughed. BUYING resources? BUYING credits? Not only does this make me hang my head in shame, to the extent you aren't rewarding any of the seasoned players, when a 10 year old with mummies credit card can have all the same stuff i have. I'm a student, i'm proud of my leisure spent on this game, but i feel like nothing in this game matters anymore, what's the point of farming plastids or rubedo, when a person can just buy 600 with a few platinum?

Chill out, crafting isn't a competition and the idea of paying to spend less time is fundamental to a free2play system. The credit costs are laughably high anyway, and the resource costs seem to be as well.


Like I said in the OP, this isn't about the controversial changes, whether they were as Hitler Nazi Holocaust as the Xbox One can be discussed in like a million other threads.

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Possibly a little overtly-critical but I am 100% behind the lore thing. For months now, they've been talking about the lore. Promising it's coming. Months!? And this is all we got? One of the lore passages even has the nerve to say "coming soon" or something? How is that even possible. As for the mod UI and presets... well, I've been asking for those for a long, long time now.

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Why do you want to know what material you picked up? We are now at a point where everything is needed.

Back in the day when there wasnt a lot of stuff to drop it on knowing what was on the floor was useful to not waste time but it's not the same.

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Im happy they delayed this alliance update thing.


From what i learned DE was about to ship alliances in without an alliance chat or any type of functionality


Basically splitting clans and putting an alliance sticker on it.  - Half &#!



Although this update is actually good for me, My performance went up, and we got some new things.


Although I don't think people should take the updates so seriously,


So what if this update was small


At least they brought us stuff 

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I logged on, and couldn't wait for this new, "experience" yet, when i had a quick look over the market, i threw my head back and laughed. BUYING resources? BUYING credits? Not only does this make me hang my head in shame, to the extent you aren't rewarding any of the seasoned players, when a 10 year old with mummies credit card can have all the same stuff i have. I'm a student, i'm proud of my leisure spent on this game, but i feel like nothing in this game matters anymore, what's the point of farming plastids or rubedo, when a person can just buy 600 with a few platinum?


so people are forced to make purchases just to have what the rich kids are having. Students have no money, low income owners have no money, don't rob people of satisfaction because of this.


You need to be fair. DE needs to earn money. We have had it pretty good, try to see it from their point of view.

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You need to be fair. DE needs to earn money. We have had it pretty good, try to see it from their point of view.


I actually like the materials, It let me buy a few things more quickly without having to spend 300 platinum on a new warframe :p

Kinda defeats the purpose of buying the warframes when you can just buy the materials for half the price and wait for it to build.


The point here.


Is that now that I read this thread, I do remember them talking about so much stuff, That is not here yet.


Like where is all the stuff they said they would add?  Like the grineer desert maps and all that.


I dun-see it.


This is NOT update 9 this needs to be a tenno reinforcements 

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You need to be fair. DE needs to earn money. We have had it pretty good, try to see it from their point of view.

If the market prices weren't so freaking ridiculous that most people only ever go in there to buy blueprints, Potatoes, Forma and the occasional color pack, they'd be raking in PLENTY of money every new content updates.

I have seen it from their point of view. I have paid my way into Founder status trying to get to Master/Grand Master to participate in their design council. I have given them the price of the average modern game's worth of money to get the Founder status I have now. I have a bevy of weapons that have been potato'd through the market just because the Catalysts are so freaking rare in the alert system. I have bent over backwards trying to be supportive of a product I KNOW is a grind, in hopes of content overhauls like U9 being a step in the right direction instead of a near complete flop. And they STILL can't get the things that need to be done NOW done, instead only asking for more cash for their next big bug ridden disappointment.

Other successful games have done so much more with so much less. "They need to eat" is NOT an excuse I will hear after dumping over 80$ on platinum packs. There are others out there that have done the same as I that will agree wholeheartedly, to say nothing of those that have spent more than I on what we have right now. Ridiculousness has its limits.

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It's ridiculous that after 6 months of playing this game I still have to consciously find an empty space on the floor with no drops on it whenever I want to see whatever resource it was that I just picked up. How hard is it to fix this one nagging thing?


I dont agree on everything, but this thing, its mind-boggling how it hasnt been fixed yet.. do i really need to know that my pistol ammo is full? i already bloody know, and even if i didnt, i wouldnt friggin wanna know! I do wanna know, however, if the materials i just picked up was my 72th thousand nanospore, or something i actually need.

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Why do you want to know what material you picked up?

Call me crazy but I want my UI to provide feedback on the drops I just got instead of telling me that my ammo is full before happily brandishing the whopping SEVEN CREDITS for a good 3 seconds (if I don't step on something else).


It's the principle of the thing. If I open a container, I want to see if that thing I just got was a Gallium or a Plastid. And I want to see it sooner rather than later. Why is this even an argument, holy S#&$.

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I dont agree on everything, but this thing, its mind-boggling how it hasnt been fixed yet.. do i really need to know that my pistol ammo is full? i already bloody know, and even if i didnt, i wouldnt friggin wanna know! I do wanna know, however, if the materials i just picked up was my 72th thousand nanospore, or something i actually need.

Agreed and agree with the one point you're agreeing with. They really should have a slide out menu like the "team health" menu that slides out when pressing "Z" that indicates what your mat drops are so far in the mission.

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Call me crazy but I want my UI to provide feedback on the drops I just got instead of telling me that my ammo is full before happily brandishing the whopping SEVEN CREDITS for a good 3 seconds (if I don't step on something else).


It's the principle of the thing. If I open a container, I want to see if that thing I just got was a Gallium or a Plastid. And I want to see it sooner rather than later. Why is this even an argument, holy S#&$.


I dont think video games function on principal. I'm not saying they cant change it, if they have the time and resources they should go ahead, i was just saying that this isn't a game breaking thing. All resources are needed for something at this point... what tremendous change will happen during gameplay knowing what you picked up?


You are flipping out over several minor things on people that are building a game as we speak. The Lore wasn't even implemented yet, chapter one hasn't even been release yet. Calm down and politely ask for this during streams or in the feedback sections. It's not the end of the world that you have click on two things to change a weapon and give yourself an easier time by having each Warframe with their own set of mods so you just switch one or two around instead of all of them. The game gives you enough copies of these things.... use them. And you are talking to a dude who was asking for presets because i change the colors around for Frames, weapons, and Sentinels ALL THE FREAKING TIME.

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I was under the impression that Update 9 was a general patch that would improve the core gameplay experience. I was a bit surprised when I heard you were going to release it so early. So you did, and what we got was only a half-assed patch with the title "update 9" strapped to it.


Where's the promised UI overhaul? You gave us a half-tested foundry portion that you then took away because it didn't work properly. The in-game portion suffered no changes. It's ridiculous that after 6 months of playing this game I still have to consciously find an empty space on the floor with no drops on it whenever I want to see whatever resource it was that I just picked up. How hard is it to fix this one nagging thing? The energy bar and notation is STILL small as hell. You still can't see your sentinel's stats, and now with the inclusion of "hardcore mode" I have to suffer constant red flashes on my screen as my health is draining.

Sure, the planets are nice. Congratulations. But how about fixing what's actually broken?


Where are the damn presets already? In the last livestream you hinted at a "remove all mods" button coming "very soon". Where is it? More importantly, where is the basic functionality of not having to sit around for 2 minutes whenever I want to switch weapons or warframes? I now have to scroll through hundreds of mods and almost a hundred pages whenever I want to apply mods to a new frame. And I don't have NEARLY enough mods as some other people out there. Why do you think it's fine to drag people through these chores for months on end? This is basic stuff.


Where's the retroactive changes to warframes? Mag, Rhino and Volt weren't the only ones in need of a review. Did you know Frost and Ember have 2 sub-par skills each? And are you really going to leave Ash's teleport with the band-aid fix you put on it a few months ago? What about Loki and his crappy ultimate? What about Psychic Bolts? You think that's working as intended?


What was your lore guy doing all this time? I can write 4 paragraphs in a day no problem, especially on a fantasy sci-fi topic I like. Give me a few months and I'll write an entire novel. This is all you have in regards to lore? Pretty sure there's more on the website, and there's definitely more on the wiki.


What is the point of all those useless bloody mods? Warm Coat? Flame Repellant? Have you even looked at them before "shippin' it"? You expect the players to just find a use? They won't. Why clutter your mod load, it's already inflated.


Is that the best you can do about the melee crit mods? Pull a Jay Wilson and double it? What viability will this bring? What about pistol crit mods? Are there any pistols worthy of them? Shotgun crit mods? What, we're just supposed to pretend they don't exist?




Let's put all of the controversial changes aside, they're gameplay deisgn decisions that players will get used to. What I want to know is: why did you release update 9 so early when there's still so many things wrong with the game that you could have taken the time to fix right now? I understand the clan changes were urgent, but did they really require pushing into a major patch?


Please tell me some of these are on the burner, at least. I don't want Steve's lightbulb to turn on and invent another supermassive feature for update 10 while forgetting all about everything that's wrong with the core gameplay. Right now the patch team is miles behind the content team in terms of work. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Rubedos or i cry :D

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