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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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Quick Thinking is the only way I survive the cooldown between dashes at lv20.  Energy refills quick, but the bar still has to be big enough to take it all in a go.  I know how to maximize survivability, but I haven't found it to be enough except for grinding forma.

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Issues I am mainly having is trying to play him like the new him I.keep trying to hit banish while in the rift and keep trying to rift surge for greater damage .....It just doesn't feel to synergistic is more like a building process still were I need the 1st skill or 4th to do anything I felt good fighting one enemy before with old limbo  but not I have trouble with one however it feels good fighting many enemies and it doesn't feel.like an issue like the old on had


Edited by Leavith
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I personally am alright with the changes made to Limbo, but I'm not alright with how so many people that played him as an assassin and S#&$ were screwed over without warning. He was clunky, and I love most of the changes, but the way his playstyle drastically shifted is not something I appreciate.

I understand that the lack of banishing in the rift was implemented for balance. If he can just stay in the rift forever, it would be busted to be able to pull any group he wants without giving a damn as to energy and stuff. But my recommendation would be


Hold the Banish key (Default 1) to shift targets in an area off of Limbo's current plane. Tap Banish (Default 1) to shift a single target between planes regardless of Limbo's positon. This ability can be used in the Rift, albeit with a higher cost.

I believe that if Banish worked like this, the reception for this rework from more veteran Limbo users would be more tamed and positive. I appreciate the hard work you've put into this DE, but I think considering those that play the Frame you're changing should be taken into serious consideration if the Frame isn't overpowered as is.


A Fan

Edited by KoherJavenal
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27 minutes ago, hazerddex said:

no the rift slide works really well with replacment roll you can do it just as quickly as a roll. your not supose to be in the rift 100% of the time with perma inviciblity that was the problem with the old limbo. and with the new roll you dont spend seconds going back into the rift each time. leaving you open to getting shot dead.

banish first of all i dont think de like it being used to make hostage or the defense target untouchable so even if they reverted it to the old banish it probably would end up not having the ability to work on them. only problem is how you cant banish when inside the rift but this could be seen as balancing keeping you from staying in the rift all game.

time stop is his best ability now 

i agree with surge it does not do anything any more.

cataclysm is the same but with the time stop it makes it a very good shield now since all enemies entering it get frozen in place.

"i dont think de like it being used to make hostage or the defense target untouchable"


He can still banish hostages, he just will also banish any enemies in the AoE aswell.


Limbo, was THE frame above all others.

He could be anything, tank, distraction, support, scout, decoy, assassin.

He was perfect, well, except his ult, which was lackluster compared to others.

But he didn't need his ult.

He could solo anything if you use his powers right.

Now? Well, without that universal rift mode buff, and damage multiplyer,

he's probably unable to solo sortie mission anymore.


Rift stop, is cool, there is no doubt on that, but still, it's worse then his old setup.

With status, you can stop enemies, fire a clip at them, then start again, getting a ton of hits.

Great for auto fire weapons, only. If it has a short duration.

But with his old setup, riftwalk, be unkillable,

surge for damage multiplyer, then banish the guy you want to kill, then kill them in one shot.

Old setup is simpler, easier, and faster to kill things.

Sure, now you can banish and stop multiple enemies at the same time, which will make melee weapons his new best,

but he was at the time of his creation, a sniper.

His weapon, of choice, is the Opticore, it's the weapon he came with.

I'll tell you, if you took a sniper's rifle away, then gave him a sword, he'd be very angry.

Which is why i'm angry.

Because I mained him with his Sniper build intentions.

Now he's a auto-fire, melee, shotgunner, just like everyone else.


Limbo worked 100% as intended.

Now the only cool thing about him is what could have been the focus of another time based warframe.

We won't be getting a Chronos warframe anymore. wooo.

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2 minutes ago, Rhundis said:

Eh, limbo is still the king of mobile def and rescue.

Yeah, but that mandatory AoE banish just makes the escape sections a tab more annoying.

What if the hostage is right next to enemies when banish wears off? You most likely will banish enemies too.


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I'm discovering its far easier to use cataclysm for banishment most of the time now.  I didn't use Limbo all that much prior to the changes but now its a lot riskier banishing with his 1st ability in stressful situations.  

Easier to hit 2, then 4, everything freezes.  His 1 is a lot more situational now than I'd have thought.  Enter rift, run into enemies, leave rift, probably die before hitting 1.  Or just hit 2 and 4.

I think the problem is maybe that slight delay between leaving rift and being able to activate ability 1.  

Based on quick tests in sortie mission today whilst solo.

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Just now, General_Durandal said:

Yeah, but that mandatory AoE banish just makes the escape sections a tab more annoying.

What if the hostage is right next to enemies when banish wears off? You most likely will banish enemies too.


Then pause the rift.

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Another thing I've noticed is that it can be quite detrimental to run slightly ahead of a limbo into a group of enemies.  Was doing a quick exterminate and Limbo would cast banish at enemies ahead of us both, I would get got in the crossfire constantly and need to roll to remove it, only to have it applied again and again.

Either that or he was trolling the hell out of me because I was killing things before he could?  Either way.

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33 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

"i dont think de like it being used to make hostage or the defense target untouchable"


He can still banish hostages, he just will also banish any enemies in the AoE aswell.


Limbo, was THE frame above all others.

He could be anything, tank, distraction, support, scout, decoy, assassin.

He was perfect, well, except his ult, which was lackluster compared to others.

But he didn't need his ult.

He could solo anything if you use his powers right.

Now? Well, without that universal rift mode buff, and damage multiplyer,

he's probably unable to solo sortie mission anymore.


Rift stop, is cool, there is no doubt on that, but still, it's worse then his old setup.

With status, you can stop enemies, fire a clip at them, then start again, getting a ton of hits.

Great for auto fire weapons, only. If it has a short duration.

But with his old setup, riftwalk, be unkillable,

surge for damage multiplyer, then banish the guy you want to kill, then kill them in one shot.

Old setup is simpler, easier, and faster to kill things.

Sure, now you can banish and stop multiple enemies at the same time, which will make melee weapons his new best,

but he was at the time of his creation, a sniper.

His weapon, of choice, is the Opticore, it's the weapon he came with.

I'll tell you, if you took a sniper's rifle away, then gave him a sword, he'd be very angry.

Which is why i'm angry.

Because I mained him with his Sniper build intentions.

Now he's a auto-fire, melee, shotgunner, just like everyone else.


Limbo worked 100% as intended.

Now the only cool thing about him is what could have been the focus of another time based warframe.

We won't be getting a Chronos warframe anymore. wooo.

de was reworking him so everyone could enjoy him not just ONE play style

they succeed in this he now more enjoyable then before rather then being a boring  frame. also you can easly solo sorties with him still

also weapon they came with =/= weapon they should use. and whats wrong with him using a shotgun or even melee?

the thing that makes a warframe good is when they are NOT limited to 1 weapon only.. also his new cataclysm lets him clear out more eneimes. and i don't know where your getting the faster thing from with bainish 1 person at a time to kill them. also you dont have to make a space every time you make a sentince.



Edited by hazerddex
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Got to say I'm not that keen on the rework to limbo, it just seems that it's excessively high energy use for a setup that requires us to use one ability before the others actually work...

I can live with the transition mechanic of 'dodge' but I want to be able to pull enemies into the rift when I'm already there (think fighting that one heavy unit while not worrying about the other enemies) and it just won't let me do it which is annoying.  Because limbo basically lives in the rift this ability is basically pointless as we can't use it without leaving the rift and during that time we could die.

Stasis seems like it needs to put the target into the rift as it is now it's a double cost ability which (ignoring efficiency) basically means 150 energy because 2 followed by 4 is the most efficient way to use it...

Rift Surge... I'm sure theres a usage scenario but it has the same issue of needing the enemy being in the rift so we either need to leave the rift, press 1 on the target(s) and then press 3 which is again another double cost ability or what is more likely press 2, followed by 4 followed by 3... thats 200 energy (ignoring efficiency)

Cataclysm... at least this didn't get messed with too much although I do wish if I enter in rift I would leave in the rift..

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Limbo now become suck, especially since he randomly cast banish on enemy without input, exiting rift on his own without rolling out, entering rift on cataclysm even make it worse.

Shotgun make his 2nd non existent aside for the mini pause

Operator abilities also limited since some of it doesnt work at all at rift

Glaive sometime bounced of the rift then frozen

Zenistar disk sometime freeze sometime just return

Edited by TheFalseEclipse
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Basic jist from playing reworked limbo...

go into rift, ignore ability 1

Find group of targets, press 2, press 4, shoot a lot, press 2...rinse repeat

You can if you want tie in 3 for an extra bit of explosion.

Problem is it gets costly on the energy front and completely removes and 'surgical' removal of targets.

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This rework feels like it's trying to please potential new Limbo players with very little regard for the current Limbo players and how they like to play the frame.

1 - Banish. Limbo now has to exit the Rift, Banish enemies, then re-enter the Rift to use it. This is some major exposure for a warframe that cannot handle it (In a significant level of content at least). And once you have them all banished what are you even going to do with them? It's not like you get more damage from Rift Surge (That's what I heard. I'll get to that.) Stasis could be a reason to use banish, but is that really worth the exposure? Before, you could banish and un-banish enemies as needed. That's important because free enemies are a problem for a warframe with like 700 modded hp.

2 - Stasis. This ability is flashy and seems to have decent crowd control, but it doesn't seem very practical. I'm not sure yet if enemies in cataclysm are frozen, but if only banished enemies are affected (Which is what it seems like in the description) this seems too clunky to be worth it.

3 - Rift Surge. Don't get me started. If what I've heard is true, this ability no longer buffs damage. Why. This quite possibly could have been the strength of the frame before. Apparently now it chains to some enemies outside the rift now, right? Whatever. It doesn't buff damage anymore apparently. Why.

4 - Cataclysm. So it staggers enemies on activation now, right? Seems good. Also, there's a mechanic that deals damage based on enemy eHP scaling. That seems pretty good. Also, now that banish is...questionable...this might be the new go-to for targeting enemies while in the rift. I actually kind of like what's happening with his 4. But now that Rift Surge maybe doesn't buff your damage, is it even worth using actually?

There are 2 main problems going on here. 1) Banish targets only enemies in your plane. 2) No Rift Surge damage increase. These 2 changes are obvious hard nerfs. It seems unnecessarily harsh to the frame. Essentially the old Limbo playstyle isn't really viable now. Like I said, that gives little consideration to current Limbo players. I think the worst thing you could do in a rework is make current players quit the frame.

Now he's essentially a really complicated crowd controller with too many button clicks to set up his stuff. Wasn't the point of this rework to reduce the amount of complication in bringing enemies into the rift?

I'm a Limbo main. I'm on PS4 so I haven't been able to try Limbo's new abilities out yet. So yes I'm not fully credible. I might be wrong about things because I haven't been able to find a source of specific information. I could be misinformed about some of his mechanics, in which case these are the ramblings of a misinformed, confused man.

Edited by (PS4)Jedi_Arts_
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I've had very limited playtime with the rework thus far, but I have one main concern. While the dash mechanic to get in and out of the Rift is interested, and I actually like it, taking away the roll slows me down quite a bit. Normally, when running, I alternate between rolling, bullet jumping and sliding to keep my momentum up. Now, I'm shifting in and out of the Rift by accident, or moving slower than I normally would because I don't have that roll. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how that could be resolved, or what alternative there might be.

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7 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

Basic jist from playing reworked limbo...

go into rift, ignore ability 1

Find group of targets, press 2, press 4, shoot a lot, press 2...rinse repeat

You can if you want tie in 3 for an extra bit of explosion.

Problem is it gets costly on the energy front and completely removes and 'surgical' removal of targets.

not really costly at all since limbos selfcificant 

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3 minutes ago, Calvyr said:

I've had very limited playtime with the rework thus far, but I have one main concern. While the dash mechanic to get in and out of the Rift is interested, and I actually like it, taking away the roll slows me down quite a bit. Normally, when running, I alternate between rolling, bullet jumping and sliding to keep my momentum up. Now, I'm shifting in and out of the Rift by accident, or moving slower than I normally would because I don't have that roll. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how that could be resolved, or what alternative there might be.

Add a passive speed buff while in the rift?

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

1 - Banish. Limbo now has to exit the Rift, Banish enemies, then re-enter the Rift to use it. This is some major exposure for a warframe that cannot handle it (In a significant level of content at least).

It is, but they probably did it so people can't camp in/out of the rift the entire time. This is especially considering his new rift walk mechanic has no timer on it whatsoever. Without this restriction, it would be easy enough to just sit in the rift the entire mission, drag a small group of enemies in, activate Stasis, and absolutely obliterate them -- all without any risk of taking damage yourself.

Though I'd honestly rather they revert the Banish change and shoot for a different sort of restriction; one that still discourages massive camping, but doesn't turn an essential part of his skillset into a clunky mess.

12 minutes ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

And once you have them all banished what are you even going to do with them? It's not like you get more damage from Rift Surge (That's what I heard. I'll get to that.)

Rift Surge itself was turned into a direct damage-dealing ability, while its augment now increases your damage based on how many enemies are currently affected by it. Without the augment, it's still pretty useful for blowing stuff up and banishing enemies without having to waste any extra energy.

12 minutes ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

2 - Stasis. This ability is flashy and seems to have decent crowd control, but it doesn't seem very practical. I'm not sure yet if enemies in cataclysm are frozen, but if only banished enemies are affected (Which is what it seems like in the description) this seems too clunky to be worth it.

Enemies in Cataclysm are affected by Stasis, so don't worry about any of that.

Edited by Roachester
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