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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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16 hours ago, Ketec said:

perhaps lower the 10% and greatly increase the rift entry/initial damage.

This would defeat the purpose of putting the enemies into the Rift. It would just kill the lower level enemies and also doesn't scale well for the higher level ones.

6 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

this is the best thing ive seen in this thread especially about stasis. for cata there is nothing wrong with 10% damage scale. removing the mechanic to collapse it early and its dumb shrinking radius (because the augment doesn't maintain its radius just its duration) is the better way to go about it.

and to those totting that idiotic "filthy casuals" mentality. limbo has no learning curve. the powers are way easy to understand and use. this is a horde shooter not a tactical one.


As a Limbo player, I really agree with it.
"Stasis could allow the enemy to move but their projectiles would freeze - and be forced to melee." - this would make it no different from Loki's Radial Disarm, and not much point in using against infested. The tactical element wouldn't be there. Limbo being a squishy frame and being indirectly forced to use melee or close range weapons is not a very good way to go. There are not much use in freezing projectiles and how so would it benefit Limbo or any other players? Especially there are restrictions when in Rift plane.

As for "removing the mechanic to collapse it early", it would be reverting back to the same problem that Limbo had, a few years ago: Unable to cancel Cataclysm.

"limbo has no learning curve. the powers are way easy to understand and use." - this just makes you very superficial and ignorant. Rift mechanic itself is sophisticated and resulted in people being confused and unable to fully understanding and utilizing it. With this new Rift Surge, some people still unable to understand how it works or are still figuring it out.

"this is a horde shooter not a tactical one." - sure, it is why not a lot of players played Limbo, why I don't usually recommend using him to players who just want to slaughter enemies and play by myself or with my friends.
Same can be said for players who enjoy using Sniper Rifle, Semi-Auto, Single Shot weapons instead of AOE, rapid fire weapons.

6 hours ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

Maybe Cataclysm's 10% calculation should only apply to enemies affected by Rift Surge. Enemies that aren't Surged will only get the normal 300 damage from rift transition. This curbs its spammability and will require the Limbo player some set up to spread the Surge effect. I wouldn't mind it.

My opinion still stands that DE won't nerf it though. At least as long as Limbo is still statistically the least played warframe.


Agree. It just makes me sad, as a Limbo player, that people who don't even main Limbo or understand him, trying to turn him into something he is not, a nuker.
I hate it when people are using him as a nuker and not because they like his intended tactical playstyle and personality.

It is ok for some frames to be statistically least played, it is better than breaking and ruining those frames while trying to make them more "played".
I mean, see how many players actually played Zephyr because they really enjoy using him? Instead of "using" her with Tonkor like how many players "using" Mirage with Simulor.

5 hours ago, malekas said:

After a week of the new Limbo, I can't play pug groups with a Limbo in it. I'll leave every time. A new Limbo player will do one of two things:

1) Trap a lot of enemies in the rift with Rift Surge and Cataclysm, leaving everyone else standing around waiting because they can't do anything.

2) Spam a max range Cataclysm, making my eyes bleed thanks to the constant flashing of their bright energy color.

The rework failed miserably to address Limbo's biggest problem. He is the most anti-team frame there is. While there are some frames I'm not a fan of seeing, Limbo is a frame I hate seeing.


Playing with Limbo requires a lot of communication between squadmates. What you stated are people misusing him and most likely people who don't main Limbo.
Limbo playstyle is not for everyone, thus the rework seems to fail miserably. But for me, the rework emphasized and make his playstyle more polished and fun to execute.

And to be honest, not a lot of players played as a team in public groups, where there are not much communication, mostly only expected "roles" in the team.
You know? Like Rhino is the tanker, Trinity support with EV, Crowd-Control frames like Vauban, and other roles like loot-frames and attacker frames.
Players tend to speed/rush the mission, with the intention of getting the mission rewards. Therefore, all the Mirage+Simulor, Ember's WoF or anything that can get things done ASAP.

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You can't even use this in fast missions. It's a slower version of old Saryn's nuke build and it's weak against enemies with armor. It got nothing against pre-nerf MiraMulor. Did you even use MiraMulor or played a lot with one in the team? You literally just race to the objective while pressing the trigger. This is much closer to post-nerf MiraMulor, where you have to press a button again to deal the damage and make sure you got the orb/power at the right spot for detonation.

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3 hours ago, Ditto132 said:


im sorry but unlike you i dont think the average player is a moron. superficial? ignorant? give me a break. i dont MAIN anything because they are all easy to play that is not to say i dont have frames i prefer playing. limbo is not hard to play or spec and he isnt the only one that can isolate (hydroid, and vauban can also isolate). people have the same problems with the rift as they do with hydroids undertow which has nothing to do with complicated mechanics. it is a problem of controlling how others play. limbo is not a team player hasnt been and will not be. CC on top of CC? stasis was taking it too far.  

when has DE ever said "guys we want you to move slow but here is a parkour system to move fast but dont use it". speeding through trash is not an issue wanting to stay in a mission that is already over is. no need to stay in exterminate after objective is completed, no need to stay in capture, MD, Sabotage etc. faulting anyone for being able to move fast through missions meant to be done quickly is wrong. have a problem with it? take it up with DE because as it stands its working as intended.

Edited by EinheriarJudith
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Limbo is amazing ! His new abilities makes him take a look from a another perspective .

Although i like to play him myself i dont wanna play with him in a group anymore - More Annoing than Prework Ash's Blade Storm ( at least it took some time. This is insta death cuz it scales so well ) . Heres whats wrong with it : 

SO IMO: DE need to tweak scaling just a tiny litlle bit .Heres my propositions to change that:

a.) 10% of total HP turned into damage upon collapse is  OP.

                              Maybe decrease  it to 3-5% ( its harder to get 30-20 enemies in it than 10 [10x (of same enemy type) x10% = 100%] and any lower percentage would increase number needed to achive that (100% of dmg) significantly more  ) so it would decrease hp but wouldnt kill them instantly .- at least not tougher enemies cuz they dont spawn in big quantities of 20 like above normally.

b.)  making it so its affected by power strenght

c.) BOTH things above. ( for example: basic damage 2% [needs 50 enemies ] and with 200% strenght turns into 4% [needs 25 enemies] ) 

d.) maybe making his passive affected by duration and energy AGAIN would force some people to replan modding 


Disclaimer : I am not the creator of those videos.

Edited by pawlodiablow
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22 hours ago, Ketec said:

Stasis could allow enemy to move but their projectiles would freeze - and be forced to melee.

Nope that's a bad idea. It will be "just another version of Radial Disarm" and will be totally useless against infested who have little-to no projectile attacks.

If anything should happen, groups of projectiles must move at once.

16 minutes ago, pawlodiablow said:

SO IMO: DE need to tweak scaling just a tiny litlle bit .Heres my propositions to change that:


a.) 10% of total HP turned into damage upon collapse is  OP

Yes and No. As a spammable damage yes it is OP and fun-killer for teammates.

But if DE changes it to a duration- based damage (each second of active cataclysm increases collapse damage, starting from %1 HP so spamming  Cataclysm would be meaningless) it would be a tactical play as intended.

Or Cataclysm damage can be changed to a DoT damage. (Self explanatory)

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1 minute ago, DinendalMinyatur said:


But if DE changes it to a duration- based damage (each second of active cataclysm increases collapse damage, starting from %1 HP so spamming  Cataclysm would be meaningless) it would be a tactical play as intended.

 thats another way to tweak it but it would be STILL A NUKE. Im not a supporter of a Press-4-to-Win 

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13 minutes ago, pawlodiablow said:

 thats another way to tweak it but it would be STILL A NUKE. Im not a supporter of a Press-4-to-Win 

How come it will be a press-4-to-win? To deal some moderate damage like %20-30 HP  you have to maintain cataclysm for 20-30 seconds.

Also I meant for %20-30 HP damage to each mobs inside,  It wont be multiplied by number of the enemies inside cataclysm.

Just killing mobs with your rift surge-powered weapons is way faster than waiting for x seconds to nuke them

Edited by DinendalMinyatur
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People have been asking for a scaling ability for a long time. Now that they have it, they don't want it? What were you expecting? This is what a scaling ability looks like. The stronger or higher the enemy's levels are, the harder the ability hits. It doesn't matter if the enemies are level 145 or level 9000, all Limbo needs to do is clap and their gone.

He's not the only one with a scaling ability, Octavia has one too and its her 1. It infinitely scales. Instead of nerfing, why not ask DE to make changes like these to all warframes in future reowrks?

Limbo is statistically the least played warframe. No one plays him. And if no one's playing him, DE is gonna stick in a reason to make people play him. They nerf him now, no one's gonna play him ever and I don't think DE would want that.

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5 minutes ago, DinendalMinyatur said:

How come it will be a press-4-to-win? To deal some moderate damage like %20-30 HP  you have to maintain cataclysm for 20-30 seconds.

20% is a lot. Just let it cap off at 10 seconds for a good 10%. You can keep the bubble up longer than that but its not gonna go higher than 10%. From what I've seen, at least against no armor enemies, it doesn't need to.

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10 hours ago, (PS4)Seabastion25 said:

Yeah you're right. I thought about it today it would be better if they it kept or made it into a single that can turn into a aoe banish. They should've let banish stayed single target this way he could still have a way to take out high priority target but that's just my opinion.

Honestly they should have made it so that it's an AoE when they are on your plane and a single target when they are in a different plane

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10 hours ago, MudShadow said:

Just give it up and play a better Warframe. Limbo is S#&$-tier and has badly designed mechanics which brings the quality of this game down.Every time I play a map with a Limbo player in it I want to uninstall Warframe.

lmao you have incredible bias if you think Limbo is bad. With the rework he has become a lot more useful as well as the best defense frame there currently is. He is also one of the best if not the best frames for stealth and spy missions as well rescue and excavation.

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22 minutes ago, DinendalMinyatur said:

How come it will be a press-4-to-win? To deal some moderate damage like %20-30 HP  

u clearly didnt watched a any of those videos i linked ....

! ITS 10% of ALL HP (sum of all enemies hp  inside  cataclysm ) that is TURNED INTO DMG !    -   so they can receive much more dmg that they can take  if theres big amount - so its ALL ABOUT AMOUNT CHECK in SIMULACRUM .

Where did u see 20/ 30 % ? ( Butt-hurt WARNING ) Its not a fact . ! STOP GIVING MISLEADING INFORMATION ! .

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10 hours ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

As someone who loved old Limbo, this new Limbo just upsets me. I honestly dislike it. No longer can I sit on the safety of the Rift and deal with enemies singularly, it HAS to be a group thing or not at all, which is stupid for how squishy he is. 

Overall, I feel he's more balanced. However, DE 100% did not stick true to how Limbo felt before and if anything he's MORE clunky to play now that you can't Banish from the Rift, which I think was a massively stupid change. They should have made the range small like Titania's 1st ability and let it work both in and out of the Rift. 


Banish is actively worse now. It used to be a way to drag someone into the Rift with you and allow you to single them out. If you wanted to play a bit riskier, you could stay in the material plane and single them out so they can't hurt your, your team, or the mission objective (if you're on that kind of mission, that is). Banish used to be something I actually used. And to expand on why it's dumb, I'd like to point out that almost every single other ability in Warframe works on enemies outside of the Rift. Seriously, there might be 10 out of all the powers on all the frames that don't, but for some ungodly reason one of Limbo's own powers - one that used to be vital for his survival - no longer does. That makes absolutely no sense.  

Rift Surge is convoluted and frustrating now. Running a max-range Limbo can really screw your team up with this, especially in endless missions. It can make Rift pockets that trap enemies in them. Nice for CC, bad for teamplay. 

Stasis is the only big change I like tbh. It's a pretty solid ability, though it sucks that it freezes your own bullets along with enemies. I use melee a lot anyways so it's not actually a problem, but it can get irritating at times if I don't feel like whacking something in the face right then.

Cataclysm is basically the same. I like that they made it more damage-oriented than before with the scaling damage when it collapses. 

Also, rolling into the Rift was a bad decision. It's a cool concept, but not something that should have been done. Anyone who ever learned to use parkour effectively in Warframe knows that rolling is pretty integral in keeping your speed up. With that being his way in and out of the Rift, it's both slower and more annoying to use than it has ever been. 


To use the current version of Limbo, you basically throw everything about old Limbo out of the window and re-learn it so that this one is bearable or makes sense at all. The worst part is that he wouldn't need big changes to be better, just some common sense ones that would make him less frustrating to play. 

For me it has been a blast to play as Limbo

The Banish change has made it one of the least used abilities for Limbo yes, but the old Banish even though safe, was EXTREMELY slow and inefficient. Yes I could single out an enemy and take them out but it was super slow to use, by the time you would finish the process your teammates could have taken it down, it could be very clunky to use when there is a huge mob of enemies resulting in banishing the wrong enemy. Yes it was safe but like I said it was not very effective.


I've played with a few Limbo players as well as me playing as him and never have I ran across someone complain about the rift pocketing from Rift Surge. 

Rolling into the rift for me was one of the best things since I can quickly enter and exit the rift at no cost. Not only that but for me it improved parkour since the dash is quicker than the roll so you can move around quicker. Personally I really like the rework and has given Limbo a lot more options as well as made him a lot more team friendly.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

People have been asking for a scaling ability for a long time. Now that they have it, they don't want it? What were you expecting? This is what a scaling ability looks like. The stronger or higher the enemy's levels are, the harder the ability hits. It doesn't matter if the enemies are level 145 or level 9000, all Limbo needs to do is clap and their gone.

He's not the only one with a scaling ability, Octavia has one too and its her 1. It infinitely scales. Instead of nerfing, why not ask DE to make changes like these to all warframes in future reowrks?

Limbo is statistically the least played warframe. No one plays him. And if no one's playing him, DE is gonna stick in a reason to make people play him. They nerf him now, no one's gonna play him ever and I don't think DE would want that.

Limbo is scaling gone wrong. DE gave him an instant, scaling, map clearing nuke.


Equinox scales, but needs to do some damage first. Octavia scales, but needs enemies to attack first. Nidus scales, but needs to build up a lot of stacks first.


Limbo needs nothing for his scaling, not even power strength. Press 4, press 4 again, and everything just died. DE has always hated abilities like this. It will be nerfed, it's just a question of how.

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23 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

A nuke that takes adequate time to set up is intune with Limbo's current kit. The current ultimate is nothing like that, it encourages mindless spam. Limbo is suppose to be a complex frame, spamming 4 is the opposite of that and that aspect deserves a nerf, yes it should nuke but it should require more setup nd better synergy with his other skills.

Bruh even before the rework limbo's ult could nuke at low lvl if you built for power strength which wuz ironically the build most players used because of rift torrent augment. It still cant even kill all the stronger enemies at higher lvls even with it's buff to dmg but it can thin the herd by killing the weaker enemies, and lets not forget that each faction has an aspect that can mitigate the dmg or just outright nullify it. Grineer with their armor, Infested with their disrupters and healers, and corpus (who ironically would be the faction cataclysm would be the most affected by it) with their nullifiers, bursas, scrambus/combas. 

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1 hour ago, pawlodiablow said:

u clearly didnt watched a any of those videos i linked ....

! ITS 10% of ALL HP (sum of all enemies hp  inside  cataclysm ) that is TURNED INTO DMG !    -   so they can receive much more dmg that they can take  if theres big amount - so its ALL ABOUT AMOUNT CHECK in SIMULACRUM .

Where did u see 20/ 30 % ? ( Butt-hurt WARNING ) Its not a fact . ! STOP GIVING MISLEADING INFORMATION ! .

and you clearly did not read my comment. I suggest you to re-read it.

It doesn't say %20-30 HP on anywhere. It is my suggestion. I suggest that it to turn into %20-30 HP damage to each enemy inside the cataclysm based on duration of Cataclysm bubble (I assumed 20-30 seconds of sustained cataclysm bubble) . In my suggestion Damage dealt will be not a sum of all hp. Cataclysm will just deal  x% HP damage to every enemy, propotional to their own HP (not sum of all HP), inside Cataclysm if Cataclysm is sustained for x seconds. Of course damage dealt will be capped at %30-40 HP damage

Well guess that's a little bit confusing so maybe just changing into a DoT damage or removing scaling damage completely and adding something else (status procs inside rift maybe?) would be better.

Edited by DinendalMinyatur
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2 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

im sorry but unlike you i dont think the average player is a moron. superficial? ignorant? give me a break. i dont MAIN anything because they are all easy to play that is not to say i dont have frames i prefer playing. limbo is not hard to play or spec and he isnt the only one that can isolate (hydroid, and vauban can also isolate). people have the same problems with the rift as they do with hydroids undertow which has nothing to do with complicated mechanics. it is a problem of controlling how others play. limbo is not a team player hasnt been and will not be. CC on top of CC? stasis was taking it too far.  

when has DE ever said "guys we want you to move slow but here is a parkour system to move fast but dont use it". speeding through trash is not an issue wanting to stay in a mission that is already over is. no need to stay in exterminate after objective is completed, no need to stay in capture, MD, Sabotage etc. faulting anyone for being able to move fast through missions meant to be done quickly is wrong. have a problem with it? take it up with DE because as it stands its working as intended.


Since when and where did I label any average player as a moron?
Where as you said this:

14 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

and to those totting that idiotic "filthy casuals" mentality. limbo has no learning curve. the powers are way easy to understand and use.

I stated "superficial" and "ignorant" because what you said shows that you don't fully understand Limbo personality and playstyle with the Rift.
Especially since said that you don't "main" anything and considering that my playstyle is Limbo's playstyle, my experience with Limbo would be more thorough and accurate than yours.
Claiming that the Rift mechanic is not complicated is like saying that Time-Space manipulation, Quantum Physics, and other related fields are not complicated.

There is nothing wrong with rushing Extermination missions or any other short missions, which is why I don't complain about Ember's WoF or Mirage+Simulor much, I can understand that. That is not my playstyle, but I don't shout "nerf WoF, Mirage+Simulor, Tonkor".
Personally, I find it pointless to deprive other of their playstyle and enjoyment. Similarly, I dislike that my slow, deliberate, tactical playstyle that I have been enjoying is being deprived just because some players feel that Limbo doesn't suit them.


54 minutes ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

People have been asking for a scaling ability for a long time. Now that they have it, they don't want it? What were you expecting? This is what a scaling ability looks like. The stronger or higher the enemy's levels are, the harder the ability hits. It doesn't matter if the enemies are level 145 or level 9000, all Limbo needs to do is clap and their gone.

He's not the only one with a scaling ability, Octavia has one too and its her 1. It infinitely scales. Instead of nerfing, why not ask DE to make changes like these to all warframes in future reowrks?

Limbo is statistically the least played warframe. No one plays him. And if no one's playing him, DE is gonna stick in a reason to make people play him. They nerf him now, no one's gonna play him ever and I don't think DE would want that.


What an irony, isn't it? Complaining not having scaling ability and then complaining scaling ability being too "OP" after requests to make ability scalable.
The issue that people are having is that they are comparing with other abilities that are yet to be reworked to be scalable.

As for scaling ability being "OP", that is expected, that is what scalability is about. You and the enemies are on the same "level".
Any optimal usage would be deemed as "OP". That is why some abilities that are considered CC are scalable and feel "OP".

Personally, I would rather Limbo remain being the least played than people trying to ruin him trying to make him more "accessible" to the public.

23 minutes ago, pawlodiablow said:

u clearly didnt watched a any of those videos i linked ....

! ITS 10% of ALL HP (sum of all enemies hp  inside  cataclysm ) that is TURNED INTO DMG !    -   so they can receive much more dmg that they can take  if theres big amount - so its ALL ABOUT AMOUNT CHECK in SIMULACRUM .

Where did u see 20/ 30 % ? ( Butt-hurt WARNING ) Its not a fact . ! STOP GIVING MISLEADING INFORMATION ! .


I think you misunderstood his post.
He is suggesting changes:

58 minutes ago, DinendalMinyatur said:

How come it will be a press-4-to-win? To deal some moderate damage like %20-30 HP  you have to maintain cataclysm for 20-30 seconds.

Also I meant for %20-30 HP damage to each mobs inside,  It wont be multiplied by number of the enemies inside cataclysm.

Just killing mobs with your rift surge-powered weapons is way faster than waiting for x seconds to nuke them


My perspective:
Those videos only show Limbo in the controlled environment(Simulacrum), it doesn't depict the actual situation and encounter in missions.
It is far more chaotic in actual mission and unlikely to play like that.
Not to mention that not everyone is using Naramon, and in an actual situation without Naramon, Limbo would more likely already ended up dead.

What the videos do show is that being invisible is far more scalable(or "OP" that some people would claim) than any other things.
That is why people tend to play Loki, or use Naramon and Shade to stay invisible.

Just like Loki, my Limbo usually dies from accident and risk-taking while traversing between Rift and Material planes, deactivating Stasis at an inappropriate situation and careless mistakes when the ability goes away.
Ending up dying in some hilarious moment such as being grappled by an ancient and dragged into a group of butchers and then being cleaved while standing up.

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2 hours ago, pawlodiablow said:

u clearly didnt watched a any of those videos i linked ....

! ITS 10% of ALL HP (sum of all enemies hp  inside  cataclysm ) that is TURNED INTO DMG !    -   so they can receive much more dmg that they can take  if theres big amount - so its ALL ABOUT AMOUNT CHECK in SIMULACRUM .

Where did u see 20/ 30 % ? ( Butt-hurt WARNING ) Its not a fact . ! STOP GIVING MISLEADING INFORMATION ! .

So if something with armor walks along it wont die. Scrambus/disruptors will mess with it, healers will reduce its damage, nullifiers will kill the bubble.

That and it being a controlled environment makes it stronger than it really is in natural events.


That and naramon...invisibility is god mode no matter what.


Youre not the first person posting this video type with 10 or 20 of the same mob instead of mixing mooks with lancers and bombards.

Edited by (PS4)psycofang
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48 minutes ago, malekas said:

Limbo is scaling gone wrong. DE gave him an instant, scaling, map clearing nuke.


Equinox scales, but needs to do some damage first. Octavia scales, but needs enemies to attack first. Nidus scales, but needs to build up a lot of stacks first.


Limbo needs nothing for his scaling, not even power strength. Press 4, press 4 again, and everything just died. DE has always hated abilities like this. It will be nerfed, it's just a question of how.

Believe it or not, before his rework, Limbo had always been one of the best scaling warframes around. Nobody used him so most people didn't know. It was a Limbo Rift Torrent build. It hardly required any set up at all. You just need a bunch of enemies in the rift, press 3 and instant +1000% damage on all your weapons.

There were other warframes that could do it too but required set up like Chroma who needed to risk taking damage or Banshee who needed to hit weak spots on the enemy. Even Equinox needed to build up a charge. Limbo's Rift Torrent wasn't as exciting and was kind of treated like a Rhino roar by most people that didn't understood how it worked but it was there and it scaled super hard.

Few paid attention to it back then because few knew Limbo's mechanic was centered around scaling. You bring enemies into the rift and you use their numbers as your power. Cataclysm having this mechanic is completely in line with his kit and theme. I bet people are paying attention now.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)mahoshonenfox said:

Believe it or not, before his rework, Limbo had always been one of the best scaling warframes around. Nobody used him so most people didn't know. It was a Limbo Rift Torrent build. It hardly required any set up at all. You just need a bunch of enemies in the rift, press 3 and instant +1000% damage on all your weapons.

There were other warframes that could do it too but required set up like Chroma who needed to risk taking damage or Banshee who needed to hit weak spots on the enemy. Even Equinox needed to build up a charge. Limbo's Rift Torrent wasn't as exciting and was kind of treated like a Rhino roar by most people that didn't understood how it worked but it was there and it scaled super hard.

Few paid attention to it back then because few knew Limbo's mechanic was centered around scaling. You bring enemies into the rift and you use their numbers as your power. Cataclysm having this mechanic is completely in line with his kit and theme. I bet people are paying attention now.

Well, it still works that way, if you're talking about Rift Torrent and not just Rift Surge. The difference is that Limbo now actually has the crowd control he needs to deal with those numbers. He didn't, before, which is why I always stuck with Banshee and didn't even bother building Limbo. But I like his rework. I just wish they'd fix/clarify how Rift Surge is supposed to work.

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1 hour ago, DinendalMinyatur said:


Well guess that's a little bit confusing so maybe just changing into a DoT damage or removing scaling damage completely and adding something else (status procs inside rift maybe?) would be better.

u right ive read only: "20%-30%" and got triggered sorry about that :D 

well  i think limbo should stay as he is now.... just tweaked . So its maybe more depended on strenght cause everything depended on duration would make him just like some other frames : with just one correct build and i dont want that .  Damage dependend on strenght kinda makes sense . Im not saying that ur wrong : we aboth want this "nuke build " to be nerfed/tweaked [cuz it takes out challange out of game] i just like idea/mechanic that is dependend on amount of enemies in rift .

so i though  it could be tweaked just by changing value from 10% to anything less or equal to 5% heres why  :

10% : u need about around  10 enemies of one type to  achive dmg equal to 100% of their health + dmg on cast = current state

5% : u need about around  20 enemies of one type to  achive dmg equal to 100% of their health + dmg on cast

4% : u need about around  25 enemies of one type to  achive dmg equal to 100% of their health + dmg on cast

3% : u need about around  33.(3) enemies of one type to  achive dmg equal to 100% of their health + dmg on cast

2% : u need about around  50 enemies of one type to  achive dmg equal to 100% of their health + dmg on cast

keep in mind that usually u dont see more that 30 enemies of one type in a room and tougher enemies dont even spawn in that quantity 

that could get rid / decrease hp of weaker enemies without making thougher enemies doesnt matter anymore. that way he can provide some debuff ( but not neccesary what we know already i mean viral status procs)  and make him use more energy to cast it again ( to eventually run out if he spams it)

Edited by pawlodiablow
lack of explentaion of quote
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2 hours ago, malekas said:

Limbo is scaling gone wrong. DE gave him an instant, scaling, map clearing nuke.


Equinox scales, but needs to do some damage first. Octavia scales, but needs enemies to attack first. Nidus scales, but needs to build up a lot of stacks first.


Limbo needs nothing for his scaling, not even power strength. Press 4, press 4 again, and everything just died. DE has always hated abilities like this. It will be nerfed, it's just a question of how.

The thing is even though it scales if the enemy has armor it won't do much at all besides maybe take out trash mobs. That is what Cataclysm can mostly do from my experiance, get rid of trash mobs, and even that requires you to have quite a few strong enemies in the Cataclysm.

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