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[Update 20] Limbo Revisited Feedback Megathread


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18 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

His 4th doesn't scale well against enemies with armour it should scale with 10% of their armour too to bring it in line with the other factions and how they take damage from this ability.


Just now, AzoreanEve said:

The problem isn't Limbo, it's the armour scaling. Every single warframe has the issue of abilities working better for Infested/Corpus than Grineer, unless said abilities do finisher damage.

I asked for 10% armour scaling :)

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7 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

And then solo?

Continue playing as normal, using your weapons and the other unique battlefield controlling tools that limbo has to your advantage.


annnd I got ninja'd.

Edited by rapt0rman
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1 minute ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Use the rest of his abilities since there isn't team mates flaming at you for playing LImbo. Honestly, if you are only using his 4 to spam damage, you're playing him wrong.

So you're harassing people based on their playstyle? :) Code of conduct dictates you aren't allowed to tell people how to play.

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Honestly i rly like him the way he is now.

Was cool before but now he is just wow !

I dont think he needs that much of a buff( he is super strong compare to a lot of frames). Trap hurting you in the rift yeah thats a bug ^.^


Edited by trunks013
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1 minute ago, main_antagonist said:

So you're harassing people based on their playstyle? :) Code of conduct dictates you aren't allowed to tell people how to play.

Never said I did, so take a read again, but it isn't rare at all to see people calling me an idiot for using limbo on public defense missions.

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that would mean that you would have to stop all warframe abilities also then. No more WOF, Not more bastille/vortex, warcry, roar, mend/maim, etc. you get the point.

I agree with the nullifier bubbles, but the auras i dont think should stop. its an aura, not an ability or an action

Edited by shadow0727
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2 minutes ago, main_antagonist said:

Confirmed that being in the rift does not work at protecting companions if you are a client, if you are the host your rift walk protects your companion.

I often play Limbo as non client and have yet to see such a thing happen. Even going through radiation hazards, my dog will take no damage.

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So Ive been thinking a lot of people want limbo's cataclysm to be nerfed since its kinda spammy so i might have a pretty good solution here making the spammers kinda stop but making veteran and legit players just fine so i came up with if enemies come out of the rift from cataclysm make them staggered instead of getting damage make them open to finishers for a period of time affected by power duration the maxed rank 30 limbo will probably be 10 secs or 5 secs which is balanced and scales with power duration with dat people wont be spamming 4 anymore since its pointless and the players that dont spam doesnt get downed or depressed

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1 hour ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

we can discuss this as long as we like, i think it's safe to say cataclysm will be changed regardless, judged from usage statistics alone. (some good suggestions were made already to leave it's basic mechanic intact while reducing spamability)

i'm honestly a bit disappointed in DE. this vitriol ("nerf-mentality" vs. "crutch-brigade") could have been so easily avoided with just minimal effort of playtesting before release, but they obviously didn't even bother in the least. i mean it's basically shield polarize all over again, something they could and should have learned from... now people will inevitably be frustrated by the coming nerf / change.

tbh. that carelessness is just so blatant it's hard not to suspect it to be a calculated move for some hype / plat sales. then again limbo isn't even that hard to farm. i don't know...

just don't get it...

But what if they playtested it?

What if they run some matches with different setups against different level of enemies and decided that its all good and fine?


They have released a reworked frame and were sitting in their chairs, that everything is good the rework is success then suddenly they meet the Salt gang who just cant take it if a frame has scaling damage since its "unfair" and "overpowered" and started to call in the nerfbrigade.


I mean this is not a new frame what could have bugs and things what got overlooked this is a rework where they had to consider what could such things cause.

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On 4/4/2017 at 9:31 AM, Shadu said:

It seems Cataclysm has been nerfed or it is currently bugged. You no longer get energy for kills that you get by collapsing Cataclysm so you can't constantly cast Cataclysm and get enough energy back instantly to use it again. Normal kills still count though.. so I guess they made it that as you collapse Cataclysm the units are no longer considered being in the Rift and thus don't count? The skill had to be nerfed though, but wish you would still get some energy for it..

I can't see a change to this spell anywhere in the patch notes, damnit DE make your notes proper..

I also feel that we went from 4 useful skills: Banish to banish a single target on either plane, Rift Walk to get into the rift, Rift Surge to get a huge damage boost, Cataclysm to Banish a whole room and any enemy that enters afterwards. We ended up with now 2 useful skills: Stasis so we don't instantly die in the Rift from enemies we brought in and Cataclysm but now that the energy return is gone on that one.. Cataclysm basically hasn't been changed much. Rift Surge is only really useful with the Rift Torrent augment and Banish is just inferior to Cataclysm now. So not a great change skill wise.. even though he is more viable in different missions now.

I believe Rift Surge would be less bad if it would instantly bring targets into the Rift as soon as they are affected by it.. so that you can use it to constantly be putting enemies into the Rift.

Well when you close cataclysm you bring yourself out of the rift. You get only get energy for kills in the rift  so we can't really complain about it.

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48 minutes ago, Brachion said:

Companions are brought into the Rift with you.


38 minutes ago, AzoreanEve said:

Your companions always go into the rift with you if they aren't already rifted. So if you dash at the same moment you exit cataclysm then yes, your companion will probably still be in the cataclysm and won't follow you into the rift again.


12 minutes ago, AzoreanEve said:

I often play Limbo as non client and have yet to see such a thing happen. Even going through radiation hazards, my dog will take no damage.

I have footage of it now upon futher investigation it is a client side bug, if you are the host or playing solo this doesn't seem to happen.

In the footage it shows the moment I enter the rift and the moment I exit, before I've exited the rift you will see that my Sentinel is dead. I am shooting the floor to stop Prisma shade from cloaking my warframe and itself while drawing enemy argo to sustain damage to prove that this indeed a bug that needs fixing. I've had to type this twice because in the middle of submitting my reply my topic got merged and I got taken to a forum error page haha!


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Just now, Fallen_Echo said:

What if they run some matches with different setups against different level of enemies and decided that its all good and fine?

then this decision was curiously at odds with numerous recent ones, like reworking shield polarize, bladestorm, miasma, AOE weaponry like tonkor and s. simulor...

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4 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

then this decision was curiously at odds with numerous recent ones, like reworking shield polarize, bladestorm, miasma, AOE weaponry like tonkor and s. simulor...

Thats what i say, we just had the weapon balance pass. One would think that they actually realized that making highly powered tools/skills make a lot of people salty here.

They either dont do tests on anything at all and push out the changes blindly or they release changes what they thought are good but cant handle how badly the forums react to them.

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