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No Chroma Rework =( +suggestions included


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22 hours ago, -N7-Leonhart said:

Even though toggle for Vex Armor would be very convenient, it would also be dirty OP (yes, more than now, go figure). And I don't want Chroma to get shifted to the very core of the meta, if you catch my drift. I always thought it was balanced that you have those awesome buffs for a while and needing to always getting them back. It adds to the risk and lessens the convenience. Too powerful might mean impending nerf also.

P.S. I never ever do self-damage for Vex. The rule of thumb is that if you don't get damaged enough, then it's not difficult enough to need the buffs.

Chroma? OP? lmao.


By what scale exactly? He is hands down the only frame that needs to get damage to perform while any other frame aims to or doesn't have downcuts from avoiding damage, what of course reflects in theyr kits and works perfectly fine on the given envirement -one that scales infinite. For Chroma to avoid damage means that he does have to harm himself, what should not be a thing at all and has been nerfed several times what may give insight in the devs oppinion on this matter, still possesing no integrated means to make up for the damage in any scenario what forces him to trickery like the hema, furis or generally melee, only to do about the damage any excal, wukong, atlas, mag, valkyr...quite literally any damaging frame can pull off the fly, without having to drain an average of 6 hard earned formas into them.

All the mentioned frames even have some kinda Cc, heals or valid defense to back them up..

The same frickin state he is in without all the bull****ery surounding it really doesn't sound too shabby.

I would appreciate some buffs to all the elements except ice tho before elemental change would even make sense.... For fire to actually restore damage (life drain aka valk), for shields to be replentished not only on cast for electric (%ual milestones of health for example - and maybe to not beein so darn relyant on range) and for toxic to not only buff reloading and weapon change would be more then adequate for how "op" he is.

I mean the deluxe package has been avaiable for about a day now...have you in this time actually witnessed a chroma wielding the new GS skin? I'm not on PC but in several fangroups and all i've seen so far are screens of the sword skin 🙄 Cause that seems to be what even sold the package at all.

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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1 hour ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

Chroma? OP? lmao.


By what scale exactly? He is hands down the only frame that needs to get damage to perform while any other frame aims to or doesn't have downcuts from avoiding damage, what of course reflects in theyr kits and works perfectly fine on the given envirement -one that scales infinite. For Chroma to avoid damage means that he does have to harm himself, what should not be a thing at all and has been nerfed several times what may give insight in the devs oppinion on this matter, still possesing no integrated means to make up for the damage in any scenario what forces him to trickery like the hema, furis or generally melee, only to do about the damage any excal, wukong, atlas, mag, valkyr...quite literally any damaging frame can pull off the fly, without having to drain an average of 6 hard earned formas into them.

All the mentioned frames even have some kinda Cc, heals or valid defense to back them up..

The same frickin state he is in without all the bull****ery surounding it really doesn't sound too shabby.

I would appreciate some buffs to all the elements except ice tho before elemental change would even make sense.... For fire to actually restore damage (life drain aka valk), for shields to be replentished not only on cast for electric (%ual milestones of health for example - and maybe to not beein so darn relyant on range) and for toxic to not only buff reloading and weapon change would be more then adequate for how "op" he is.

I mean the deluxe package has been avaiable for about a day now...have you in this time actually witnessed a chroma wielding the new GS skin? I'm not on PC but in several fangroups and all i've seen so far are screens of the sword skin 🙄 Cause that seems to be what even sold the package at all.


Regarding the skin thing, in my clan there were lots of players, me included, that shared fashion frame sessions with the new Chroma skin. So it's just as successful as any other Deluxe skin so far.

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All i want is a masive rework for 1,change elemental in battle,new passive,new efigy and some "love" for electric,poison and fire element(buff or changes)

Why he have 4 elements if only 1 is it good?

Chroma need a lots of love!!

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I'm late but meh;

This is what I'd like to see, for Chroma:

  • Passive: Elemental Mastery - Elemental Status Effects on Chroma are reduced in duration (needs to be stack-able with Rapid Resilience), and have a chance to proc an Elemental boost. Ideas for the Elemental boosts:

Heat, Regenerate 1 health for duration of Status Effect.

Electric, Shield Recharge rate is boosted for a short duration

Toxic, chance to absorb and/or disperse/dissipate Toxic Clouds.

Cold, chance to be unaffected by Status Effect and proc Freeze on melee attackers

The Passive could use some tweaking, I was just trying to find minor auxiliary effects that are different from Ember, Volt, Saryn and Frost but could sorta mimic and fit within what Elemental Ward does.

  • Spectral Scream - instead of being a channeled ability, it takes on the Afterburn capacity as a Burst ability. As the projectile travels can leave an AoE trail behind the burst that works like the basic channeled ability. Obviously the math on the ability will need to be tweaked, as well as the initial cost to use. Could also have Duration leave a lingering cloud, mimicking Naplam type visuals that would match the chosen Energy Color.
  • Elemental Ward - Add the ability to change Element during a mission, using the tap/hold functionality. Maybe increase base Aura Range.
  • Vex Armor - Since Warframes use Ferrite Armor type currently, Vex Armor adds a base 50% Puncture Resistance to offset Puncture's +50% boost against Ferrite, if Warframes continue to use Ferrite. Also, Instead of when the timer runs out, the whole amount of boost is lost, allow the percent values to decay at some rate until recast, and stop decaying once Vex Armor is reactivated.
  • Effigy - Either reduce the energy drain on the ability or give Effigy a duration like Rumblers, and allow it to mimic the new Spectral Scream firing bursts as described above.

Augment Idea for Effigy - Gives Tap/Hold functionality to have Effigy work as it does now or allow it to follow Chroma like a Bodyguard, ala Tenno Specters and Clem.

That's more or less the direction that seems sensible for Chroma to me. And so the onr thing that bugs me is whether to have that Puncture Resistance be built into Vex Armor or not, since I would actually rather have a new Tenno Armor type for how that Attribute works on all Warframes.

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22 hours ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

Last but not least effigy only has a credit buff...

YOu only get a 60% chance of getting more credits IF effigy's weak aoe actually lands a killing blow on an enemy, otherwise you get no credit boost at all...... which is what typically happens.

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17 hours ago, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

I'm late but meh;

This is what I'd like to see, for Chroma:

  • Passive: Elemental Mastery - Elemental Status Effects on Chroma are reduced in duration (needs to be stack-able with Rapid Resilience), and have a chance to proc an Elemental boost. Ideas for the Elemental boosts:

Heat, Regenerate 1 health for duration of Status Effect.

Electric, Shield Recharge rate is boosted for a short duration

Toxic, chance to absorb and/or disperse/dissipate Toxic Clouds.

Cold, chance to be unaffected by Status Effect and proc Freeze on melee attackers

The Passive could use some tweaking, I was just trying to find minor auxiliary effects that are different from Ember, Volt, Saryn and Frost but could sorta mimic and fit within what Elemental Ward does.

  • Spectral Scream - instead of being a channeled ability, it takes on the Afterburn capacity as a Burst ability. As the projectile travels can leave an AoE trail behind the burst that works like the basic channeled ability. Obviously the math on the ability will need to be tweaked, as well as the initial cost to use. Could also have Duration leave a lingering cloud, mimicking Naplam type visuals that would match the chosen Energy Color.
  • Elemental Ward - Add the ability to change Element during a mission, using the tap/hold functionality. Maybe increase base Aura Range.
  • Vex Armor - Since Warframes use Ferrite Armor type currently, Vex Armor adds a base 50% Puncture Resistance to offset Puncture's +50% boost against Ferrite, if Warframes continue to use Ferrite. Also, Instead of when the timer runs out, the whole amount of boost is lost, allow the percent values to decay at some rate until recast, and stop decaying once Vex Armor is reactivated.
  • Effigy - Either reduce the energy drain on the ability or give Effigy a duration like Rumblers, and allow it to mimic the new Spectral Scream firing bursts as described above.

Augment Idea for Effigy - Gives Tap/Hold functionality to have Effigy work as it does now or allow it to follow Chroma like a Bodyguard, ala Tenno Specters and Clem.

That's more or less the direction that seems sensible for Chroma to me. And so the onr thing that bugs me is whether to have that Puncture Resistance be built into Vex Armor or not, since I would actually rather have a new Tenno Armor type for how that Attribute works on all Warframes.

I like all of your suggestions. They would make Chroma a lot more appealing. I do however think that Everlasting Ward should just be added to the main ability and get a replacement augment. It would make Chroma more team friendly.

Maybe even alter Everlasting Ward to something like Eternal War. When Chroma kills (or maybe procs) his chosen element it adds X amount of seconds to Ward's time.

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On 4/7/2017 at 0:15 AM, SPARTAN-187.Thanatos said:

Vex Armor - Since Warframes use Ferrite Armor type currently, Vex Armor adds a base 50% Puncture Resistance to offset Puncture's +50% boost against Ferrite, if Warframes continue to use Ferrite. Also, Instead of when the timer runs out, the whole amount of boost is lost, allow the percent values to decay at some rate until recast, and stop decaying once Vex Armor is reactivated.

I'm a big fan of Chroma and I think this change would be the single biggest QoL change that Chroma could get. I'd also like to see that effect added to Elemental Ward, since the bonuses of Vex Armor are added after EW's bonuses. In my opinion, either there should ve a decaying effect on the buffs from Elemental Ward and Vex Armor, or make those abilities recastable. I wouldn't even mind if there was a window added to that recast, like maybe 10-15% of the duration. The big thing, as others have stated, is having to build those buffs back up. That's when and why I die in high level missions, when I have to recast EW and VA and rebuild my buffs because my armour dropped from thousands to base and I got one-shotted by a Bombard or something while I was trying to get my abilities recast and build my buffs back up, Scorn can be especially difficult if you're under consistent fire because you'll likely have little to no shield to lose to rebuild it once VA is cast.

I also agree that Spectral Scream really needs to have another look taken at it. In its current state, it's not very useful. I like the idea of a projectile that leaves a trail behind it, rather than the channeled breath. Or perhaps combine the two and have the channeled breath attack leave a patch on the ground that applies status effects to enemies based on the element used.

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I remember buying chroma when he came out and was very disappointed in his play style. I thought he was powerful but also redundant. Why get hit to get armor if I can just dodge? Why let my health take damage to get more damage if I can just dodge and kill the enemy anyway? Just felt like boring passives that took me longer to get the job done. Rhino I feel like is more enjoyable. He can be a mobile tank, potentially less tanky then chroma but at least I can play like a ninja. What I would like is if his 4 had an option where I can actually become the dragon like his turret does. And for people who like the turret leave that in as an option, its a good distraction ability. 

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