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Nyx rework concept


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I have been playing Nyx basically since I started play the game back in 2013, she is my most played Warframe, and I can keep up with her up to this time, and as mentioned above, augment making her somewhat tanky, it is my panic button to revive teammates, or solo some of the annoying missions without dying at all.
Not generalizing, but I guess what "hurts" people that she is not a damage dealer, never meant to be, and people want to see numbers on the end score, not the fact that, for example, they did not die at all, comparing to the rest of the team.

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18 minutes ago, (PS4)EmilsTekcor said:

Oh because there was a huge forum of people complaining about it, so I thought why not just start a fan concept for a rework.

There were, are and will be a lot of people complaining because everyone thinks one's special snowflake and the game is made specifically for said person. Anyway there's of course a place for improvements. There's however no dramatic need, at least in my opinion, for Nyx. If you'd ask me the Zephyr is the first frame I'd rework...

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)EmilsTekcor said:

A lot of people have been complaining that nyx can no longer work in game so I made this to sort of crowd source a rework concept.

Nyx works just fine, problem is people get easily spoiled by unintended glitches in the game that make their warframes very powerful and when its fixed they think the frame was Nerfed/Broken and not worth playing with anymore.

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2 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Nyx works just fine, problem is people get easily spoiled by unintended glitches in the game that make their warframes very powerful and when its fixed they think the frame was Nerfed/Broken and not worth playing with anymore.


I tried ot explain that to people in several threads about this, but they reacted toxic and called me of that i am the one beeing angry.

Seriously it was not intented and she is defintly not worthless, as you say, they got spoiled by something unintentional.

Even it it will bea feature in the future, there is no need how them demand it aggresiv wise in those countless threads.

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Rework? Maybe not. Rebalance? Probably.


Personally, I think that her Passive needs to rework how it procs. Mind Control needs to not proc. Psychic Bolts does F*** all for damage, so a higher proc chance for the passive, plus possibly more bolts. And Chaos, same as usual.


That said, while I'm thinking about it, maybe make Psychic bolts a double press. First press puts you into a targeting mode, where you select as many targets as you like. Second press releases the bolts and as evenly as possible divides them between all targets chosen. If no targets are chosen, it acts as it does now.

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10 minutes ago, Darkfeather21 said:

Rework? Maybe not. Rebalance? Probably.


Personally, I think that her Passive needs to rework how it procs. Mind Control needs to not proc. Psychic Bolts does F*** all for damage, so a higher proc chance for the passive, plus possibly more bolts. And Chaos, same as usual.


That said, while I'm thinking about it, maybe make Psychic bolts a double press. First press puts you into a targeting mode, where you select as many targets as you like. Second press releases the bolts and as evenly as possible divides them between all targets chosen. If no targets are chosen, it acts as it does now.

I whould say, the passive is mostly fine but should only apply as a chance if Chaos or Mind Control runs out on on its own, maybea rare chance of them killing themself or so.

So if you remove Mind Control yourself it should not, becasue you want to take over it again probably.

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Nyx 2 Rework;

Psychic Bolts

Nyx targets specific enemies, assaulting their minds with telekinesis

Explanation: Instead of shooting radiation at enemies, you hit them with a telekinetic blast in their mind, temporarily disabling them. Applies 100% Status Proc of the weapon you're currently holding to the enemies hit as well as causing them to "shutdown" (Unable to move/ fire for 6/8/10/12/14 seconds)


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1 hour ago, Lored said:

Why? Mind Control - works fine. Psychic Bolts - do it's work. Chaos - works great! Absord - works great too, and with augment make Nyx mobile but slow CC tank.

I think Mind Control is really her only super solid ability now unfortunately. It's a great way to take a high value target out of the fight while sometimes getting a powerful ally. Why do I say sometimes? Well, a lot of times the target just stands there like an idiot and doesn't do anything, which is unfortunate. Plus, and this might just be me, the target gets disarmed a lot. Her passive really shouldn't affect mind control. AT ALL. It's super irritating when I mind control a Corpus Tech of a Grineer Napalm and they drop their gun. 

Psychic Bolts is just bad. Damage is piss poor and the thing seems to miss a lot for me past about ten meters. If it was a guaranteed disarm or something it would be better, but currently I rarely use it. Just seems to be a waste of energy with the way it is now. 

Chaos is cool and all, but I've found that lately I prefer Loki. When doing higher end missions, me and my clan-mates have found that an Irradiating Disarm Loki just seems to work better. Makes the enemies kill each other, but also disarms them so that any left over are severely weakened compared to before. Plus, Loki has his four times damage multiplier from melee when invisible, allowing him to dish out some really hefty damage. 

Absorb is up there with Psychic Bolts. Damage is bad to start with, doesn't scale well AT ALL, and friendly fire is and always will be a bad mechanic. I don't use Nyx much in public lobbies, but when I do, I avoid using this power like the freaking plague. The augment makes it more useful, but I still run into that dam friendly fire issue a hell of a lot more than I'd like to. My biggest issue is that with out the augment, it's only good as a knockdown. Which is kinda sad since it's her ultimate. 

Could Nyx use some work? Hell ya.

Does she need a full blow rework? I wouldn't be opposed to it, that's for sure. 

Would I be alright with just some simple re-balancing and tweaking? Ya, that would be cool. 

I'm not gonna lie, the Assimilate 'fix' upset me a little. It feels a lot like the new heavy sword skin glitch and the Zenistar. It's fun, harms nobody, and people liked it a lot. Why did they get rid of it? Who knows, I've given up on trying to figure DE out. With how slow you move using Assimilate and that fact that you can't use mobility, you could still very easily die at higher levels. It definitely wasn't full blown invincibility or anything, Corpus Techs reminded me of that pretty frequently...

But what is said is said, and what is done is done. It doesn't appear that DE will change their minds on this, which is unfortunate, because friendly fire mechanics have never been enjoyable for me. Period. The real sad part is allies shooting you really doesn't help it scale all that much better either...

Honestly, Mind Control is still pretty good. They just need to make it to where it's unaffected by her passive. It always pisses me off that Nyx's passive can actually be DETRIMENTAL to her survival. 

As for Chaos, I wouldn't mind them adding something to it now that Irradiating Disarm is a thing. But at the same time, I wouldn't really care if they changed nothing. It's still pretty good in the long run.

As for Physcis bolts? Scrap it. Rework it. Do something with it. Dam thing is pretty useless as it stands now. Outclassed by so much stuff, doesn't function well at all, and only feels rewarding when the passive goes off with it.

With Absorb, I wish they would just chunk friendly fire all together. It'll never be a good idea to me. It's just too unstable in public lobbies. Honestly, they should probably add more to it as well, because as I mentioned above, without Assimilate it's pretty dam bad. Damage is horrendous as endless missions goes on and the knockdown is a pretty poor form of CC. As for a panic button? Great, you're floating in the air, what now? Pop the bubble, get the knockdown, and then run? It just feels awkward to me. 

That's just my two-cents on Nyx. I hope DE at least looks into her kit in the near future.

She's an old frame, and it's starting to show. 

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18 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

I whould say, the passive is mostly fine but should only apply as a chance if Chaos or Mind Control runs out on on its own, maybea rare chance of them killing themself or so.

So if you remove Mind Control yourself it should not, becasue you want to take over it again probably.

This is actually a really good idea, because currently that passive can REALLY get on my nerves. 

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1 hour ago, Sangoma said:

I have been playing Nyx basically since I started play the game back in 2013, she is my most played Warframe, and I can keep up with her up to this time, and as mentioned above, augment making her somewhat tanky, it is my panic button to revive teammates, or solo some of the annoying missions without dying at all.
Not generalizing, but I guess what "hurts" people that she is not a damage dealer, never meant to be, and people want to see numbers on the end score, not the fact that, for example, they did not die at all, comparing to the rest of the team.

I stopped using it to revive teammates in public lobbies now because it often times leads to me losing a TON of energy or possibly my Assimilate all together. 

I pretty much only revive clan-mates with it now.

And that's assuming I use her in a lobby to start with.

I mostly use her as a solo frame now. 

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1 hour ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Nyx works just fine, problem is people get easily spoiled by unintended glitches in the game that make their warframes very powerful and when its fixed they think the frame was Nerfed/Broken and not worth playing with anymore.

I feel that there really isn't anything wrong with how Nyx works, but that what she does is growing old and showing its age.

The game is evolving, and Nyx is being left behind to a degree. 

She could use re-balancing, and maybe a rework to just one or two abilities.

But the frame as a whole is still okay. 

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Well personally if I was to rework nyx I would hace mind control work on multiple enemies lets say five it can change later. Also give it constant energy drain instead of duration.

Then the second ability be able to buff those that are mind controlled if cast so you'd get extra darts for each mind controlled enemy.

I'd give 3 a bit more range 

And the 4th I'd have ally damage raise energy instead of adding to damage.

But I don't main her much anymore so I'd like to. Also she should have a larger energy pool

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2 hours ago, Soldier1312 said:

There were, are and will be a lot of people complaining because everyone thinks one's special snowflake and the game is made specifically for said person. Anyway there's of course a place for improvements. There's however no dramatic need, at least in my opinion, for Nyx. If you'd ask me the Zephyr is the first frame I'd rework...

Yes zephyr and hydroid need reworks too. Personally I'd like to have a forum post that people can have ideas for frame reworks.... also atlas.

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i would only rework it's  2nd ability, everything else seems fine, and the 2nd ability is just as: cast on allies, and if they hit an enemy, the first 5 shots will grant a 100% radiation effect

or something like that, but i'm fine with all other abilities

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On 2017. 04. 09. at 1:10 AM, (PS4)EmilsTekcor said:

Yes zephyr and hydroid need reworks too. Personally I'd like to have a forum post that people can have ideas for frame reworks.... also atlas.

amm, i like atlas as it is, high damage 1st ability, good wall 2nd ability, 3rd ability is good for looting if ore gaze is equipped, and 4th ability is pretty awesome, 2 giants or 1(augment) and they destroy everything.

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