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Swazdo-lah, just a MR 16 Aussie looking for a clan to call home.

IGN: taylorjohn2000

Discord: taylorjohn2000#7492

Left a friends ghost clan wanting to be a part of something greater, I've taken an interest in what you lads offer and hope to become well acquainted with your community in due time.

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On 12/17/2017 at 8:50 AM, taylorjohn2000 said:

Swazdo-lah, just a MR 16 Aussie looking for a clan to call home.

IGN: taylorjohn2000

Discord: taylorjohn2000#7492

Left a friends ghost clan wanting to be a part of something greater, I've taken an interest in what you lads offer and hope to become well acquainted with your community in due time.

Hello! I have sent you a friend request on Discord. Once you accept, please send me a PM and we can get started on your application process. Thank you for your time

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On 12/17/2017 at 4:56 PM, BanjoPlayer11 said:

Hey i'm a lvl 23 mr3 volt, have 100+ hours of warframe and I'd like to join in DM, but don't know how to do this in game, can you guys help me?


Hello! Currently, your post does not follow the application format. Please resubmit a properly made application and we will get back with you as soon as we can. If you need a reference, there is one posted at the first page of this forum post. Thank you for your time

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  • Male,24 next January, casual gamer, play smite along side warframe been back to warframe for a week now (left for 4 months due to masters exams)
  • IGN MA09
  • Discord name ⭐MA09⭐
  • Want to jump on discord and voice chat & play with ppl that are respectful with no hate speech and bigotry, and thank you :), my goals in this game is to have a decent build to make me a viable team player
  • Mr 11
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  • Intro: Hey my names Dylan. Been playing warframe on off since 2013. No i don't have excal prime. Did not think i would play so long. I enjoy an active clan and my fav frame is volt prime.
  • IGN: dylchung 
  • Discord: dylan #9730
  • I am looking for an active clan that always has members willing to play matches and assist clan mates.
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11 hours ago, inasti said:
  • Intro: Hey my names Dylan. Been playing warframe on off since 2013. No i don't have excal prime. Did not think i would play so long. I enjoy an active clan and my fav frame is volt prime.
  • IGN: dylchung 
  • Discord: dylan #9730
  • I am looking for an active clan that always has members willing to play matches and assist clan mates.


11 hours ago, TheReluctantDoctor said:

Hi, names Doc (at least thats what im called), ive been playing warframe for about 4 months (after playing halfway through the tutorial a long time ago and then quitting), and completely immersed myself. made it to MR 11 in this short time. Im mostly a loner IRL because most people cant handle my anxiety, and that ends up carrying over to my games. I have decided to open up more and become part of a community and Descended madness sounds perfect for me. I love helping people even though sometimes its hard for me to, and i have been craving some help myself. i like to laugh and make jokes and there are sailors with better manners than me, but i will keep things under control if asked to. im very easy going and very logical, so if im doing anything that is upsetting someone, they need only tell me and i will take steps to change said behavior.

IGN: TheReluctantDoctor


i hope to gain a community of friends that will be helpful and i hope that i will at least eventually have something i can contribute in kind.

also i wanna kill eidolons....i mean yea who doesnt.


im currently in a clan but i can easily leave if accepted, just pm me please.

also, located in america, but im normally active between 6pm and 6 am GMT -7


18 hours ago, MA09 said:
  • Male,24 next January, casual gamer, play smite along side warframe been back to warframe for a week now (left for 4 months due to masters exams)
  • IGN MA09
  • Discord name ⭐MA09⭐
  • Want to jump on discord and voice chat & play with ppl that are respectful with no hate speech and bigotry, and thank you :), my goals in this game is to have a decent build to make me a viable team player
  • Mr 11

All pending

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Hello future clanmates.

I am part of the madness we call life for well over 30 years now (31 and a bit to be precise) but since boys just grow old, never up, I luckily enough never lost the love for gaming, especially in and with a nice community and after discovering this beautiful game I once again fell in love.

Unfortunately I am well over the age where making love alone is sufficient and am therefore looking for partners in crime to really enjoy and build the experience that online gaming is meant to be.

My account is fairly new with just MR 4 and currently fighting my way through Ceres but I spent enough time playing, reading and debating with myself to be sure now, that Warframe will indeed be my game for the foreseeable future and that I want to find a community that brings fun, camaraderie and cooperation to the table, thus making Warframe more than just a game and after reading quite a lot of clan presentations I am confident that your are exactly what I am looking for.

I am from Germany (living in switzerland though) but I have a mic and am not afraid to use it (and my english while not being the best is certainly good enough to write and talk with others on discord, ingame or whereever needed), getting me to shut up will the real struggle when I feel at home.

Should you have further questions I am more than happy to help you with anything you need to know but the important information is as follows:

IGN: LePrussien
Discord: Nevyn#6943


Thank you for your time and consideration with my best regards,



P.S.: My better half is playing as well and is the one who got me started in the first place but is still in the "do I really want to play this game excessively". In case of a yes (a very high probality I might add) you might find yourselves with a crazy albeit lovely little witch banging at your (our?) door and turning off the music and trying not to make any noise won't make her go away, so beware!


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11 hours ago, mopishcross17 said:

hello im a 16 year old bloke from Australia deciding to get back into warframe again after a long break. im looking for a friendly and active clan to join

Discord: mopishcross17#4187

MR- 16

IGN: mopishcross17

hi I've sent a discord friend request accept and pm to start your entry.

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1 hour ago, LePrussien said:

Hello future clanmates.

I am part of the madness we call life for well over 30 years now (31 and a bit to be precise) but since boys just grow old, never up, I luckily enough never lost the love for gaming, especially in and with a nice community and after discovering this beautiful game I once again fell in love.

Unfortunately I am well over the age where making love alone is sufficient and am therefore looking for partners in crime to really enjoy and build the experience that online gaming is meant to be.

My account is fairly new with just MR 4 and currently fighting my way through Ceres but I spent enough time playing, reading and debating with myself to be sure now, that Warframe will indeed be my game for the foreseeable future and that I want to find a community that brings fun, camaraderie and cooperation to the table, thus making Warframe more than just a game and after reading quite a lot of clan presentations I am confident that your are exactly what I am looking for.

I am from Germany (living in switzerland though) but I have a mic and am not afraid to use it (and my english while not being the best is certainly good enough to write and talk with others on discord, ingame or whereever needed), getting me to shut up will the real struggle when I feel at home.

Should you have further questions I am more than happy to help you with anything you need to know but the important information is as follows:

IGN: LePrussien
Discord: Nevyn#6943


Thank you for your time and consideration with my best regards,



P.S.: My better half is playing as well and is the one who got me started in the first place but is still in the "do I really want to play this game excessively". In case of a yes (a very high probality I might add) you might find yourselves with a crazy albeit lovely little witch banging at your (our?) door and turning off the music and trying not to make any noise won't make her go away, so beware!


Hi a discord friend request waas sent accept and pm to start your entry.

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Afternoon guys,

I'm Steve, started playing about a week ago, just at MR 4 right now. Looking for a great community clan, based around the Australia time zone if possible.

Would love to join, my IGN: Stevek99

Discord: stevek#0237



Edited by stevek
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Wassup! I'm Anonynja, currently a dual master's student trying to do some good in the world. I'm MR13 and currently in a tiny inactive clan I was randomly invited to. One of my besties IRL is in this clan and I'd love to join. 

IGN: Anonynja

Discord: Anonynja#1250



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On 12/24/2017 at 5:04 AM, stevek said:

Afternoon guys,

I'm Steve, started playing about a week ago, just at MR 4 right now. Looking for a great community clan, based around the Australia time zone if possible.

Would love to join, my IGN: Stevek99

Discord: stevek#0237



Hello a discord friend request was sent accept and reply when you are ready to start your entry.

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21 hours ago, Anonynja said:

Wassup! I'm Anonynja, currently a dual master's student trying to do some good in the world. I'm MR13 and currently in a tiny inactive clan I was randomly invited to. One of my besties IRL is in this clan and I'd love to join. 

IGN: Anonynja

Discord: Anonynja#1250



Hi a discord friend request was sent accept and reply when you are available to start your entry.

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Hello DM'ers

Long time gamer, with a business and family I'm relegated to the 'casual' player ranks these days.   I have been looking for a game like Warframe for awhile and it just never hit my radar, but better late than never I'm really enjoying it and I look forward to loading it up after the family is in bed for some down time.

I'm Australian, I like pineapple on my pizza, and pie>cake.   All your base are belong to us.  Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! The Dude abides.   This should tell you a lot about me and if you understand it it's likely we will be friends. 

IGN:  BrazilianJiujitsu

Discord: if you could pm me here I'd rather not give out the name on a public forum.

Why do I wish to join a clan:   I play online games to play with people, otherwise I'd play solo games.  I enjoy shooting pixels with others, and getting to know new people.  

Cheers and happy new year


- Tin

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On 12/31/2017 at 3:08 PM, BrazilianJiujitsu said:

Hello DM'ers

Long time gamer, with a business and family I'm relegated to the 'casual' player ranks these days.   I have been looking for a game like Warframe for awhile and it just never hit my radar, but better late than never I'm really enjoying it and I look forward to loading it up after the family is in bed for some down time.

I'm Australian, I like pineapple on my pizza, and pie>cake.   All your base are belong to us.  Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! The Dude abides.   This should tell you a lot about me and if you understand it it's likely we will be friends. 

IGN:  BrazilianJiujitsu

Discord: if you could pm me here I'd rather not give out the name on a public forum.

Why do I wish to join a clan:   I play online games to play with people, otherwise I'd play solo games.  I enjoy shooting pixels with others, and getting to know new people.  

Cheers and happy new year


- Tin

Hello, add Sheepwrangler#6456 when you see this and pm to start your entry.

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Hey  All,

I'm a Air Force Vet, living in Sunny California. I've been playing Warframe off and on for about 4 years. My favorite frame is Loki Prime. I would say I'm a novice player. Haven't adjusted to the parkour element of the game. When not working, playing games, or watching anime, I am in my garage making sawdust. I've been in a few clans, I left them when I became the only one online. I'm looking for a clan to do content with, to complete the solar map with, and to use up my relics with.

IGN: rlatrelleg

Discord: Raymon (rlatrelleg)#4075


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1 hour ago, rlatrelleg said:

Hey  All,

I'm a Air Force Vet, living in Sunny California. I've been playing Warframe off and on for about 4 years. My favorite frame is Loki Prime. I would say I'm a novice player. Haven't adjusted to the parkour element of the game. When not working, playing games, or watching anime, I am in my garage making sawdust. I've been in a few clans, I left them when I became the only one online. I'm looking for a clan to do content with, to complete the solar map with, and to use up my relics with.

IGN: rlatrelleg

Discord: Raymon (rlatrelleg)#4075



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Hey there

I'm a 31yo German, currently living in Switzerland and I started playing Warframe only a few weeks ago.
I am searching for a nice and helpful community, with like-minded people , who want to explore the universe with me :)
Since my boyfriend joined you a few days ago and is very happy with DM I think that you are the clan I have been searching for.

MR: 6 
IGN: SquirrelGirl
Discord: Sina#0096

Best regards 



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