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Do Titania Mains Exist ?


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I hardly ever see them , I remember when she was first revealed people were really excited about her now I hardly see them . I saw one last month in Mot but that's about it . So yeah do you think she fell off from being one of the popular frames ? And do you think this happens to all warframes ? Cause to me it seems nidus' fame is still going . 

Edited by (PS4)Akuma_Asura_
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I remember getting really excited for Titania, wih her bringing in an already existing mechanic into the normal tileset. Her 4th ability is really, really good. Unfortunately, her CC is very unpredictable due to her making enemies float away (Effectively hindering her 3rd ability as her Lantern floats up and away from enemies). The augment doesn't do the poor girl justice, I tell ya D:

I still take her out for a spin every once in a while, but she needs a rework to make her CC more reliable.

Edited by Beggining
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8 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

All of the Titania "mains" I ran into were the type of players that would continuously run headlong into oncoming bombard or napalm attacks while forgetting they have CC.

The problem with her cc is that it is unreliable AF, so I usually fly around in her 4 the whole game while trying to keep buffs up somehow... and sure, I throw out the occasional cc, but in games where you need it you usually die in one hit, and in those where you don't die in one hit the enemies usually do.

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Very few as far as I can tell.

People usually "main" a frame because the said frame matches their playstyle(aggressive or defensive), offers unique tactical function(healing, stealth, energy restore, etc.), or advantage in certain aspects(chroma for sheer strength, vauban for crowd control, etc). Most importantly, provides easy passage in most situation and mission types.

What we can get from Titania is proc immunity, a few combat buffs, light crowd control, flight capability and a pair of unlimited dakka with above-average damage. She is totally capable of handling Sortie situations, but she is not the type of frame that allows you to literally pause the game with a single ability cast or fight high-level enemies head-on without any trick. This is probably why she gains less favour compared to other popular choices.

Personally, I found her being very useful in the Ayatan Hunt and certain Boss fight, which is a good reason to use her.

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I don't even think having main is a thing. I have different "main" every week. I return to some frames more cause they are efficient. I lke some frames more then others but I like lot of frames. You pick a tool for a job. 

As for titania - Titania is as popular as archwing is beloved. There. 

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26 minutes ago, ArcusVeles said:

Why would you main anything in this game?  Frames are situational.  Sticking to one for the vast majority of your playtime is a self-nerf.

Nonsense. It's fun to learn a frame so well you can take them anywhere regardless of meta. I consider myself a Mag main. Of course I play other frames, but Mag is clearly my favorite and I use that frame more than any other.

Some players don't care about the meta and cheesing the system and just like to play the game to have fun.

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I generally try to play all of my frames as frequently as possible.  But I admit she is kind of in my "but I'd rather play ___" pile when looking at frames to play.  I think it's mostly because her CC is kind of unpredictable, juggling her buffs is kind of a chore, and her ultimate's feels kind of sluggish to me.  If the CC target was stationary instead of floating or even if it just meandered around on the ground it'd be an improvement.  If the buffs weernt target dependent, but a flat increase that could be bumped up to its max after hitting 'X' number of targets, and just being able to maintain the time with each successive cast it'd be less work.  I think the ultimate is just a personal thing. I'm not sure how others feel about it.  

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I actually had two people RAGEquit after screaming on the mic their distaste with my choice in frame when I went out wearing my Titania suit. Not even Limbo got that much flak and people would (or at least used to) outright ignore you if you went down as a Limbo.

Overall she's pretty decent as a frame but her abilities leave much to be desired. Her cc abilities are hit or miss, and razorwing is way too energy hungry.

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1 hour ago, ArcusVeles said:

Why would you main anything in this game?  Frames are situational.  Sticking to one for the vast majority of your playtime is a self-nerf.

I main Excalibur. Which only meant I use him when the mission requires no specific type of frame and I just feel like using him. By no means I am best when I'm using Excal, just that he's my go to when the job is "whatever is fine". I'm a bit bored with him after all these years though, so I'm using Inaros more now. Basically I main frames that I enjoy the gameplay the most, and usually frames I enjoy using most if not all of their powers.


30 minutes ago, Gelkor said:

My clanmate switched from Trinity-main to Titania-main because they just have more fun with it. 

He got the right idea. You use whichever you find the most fun. And bring appropriate frames for SRS B33ZN33Z missions.

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I main Titania and she is great. She shreds mobs level 100-150 with little trouble. The only thing is her skills are either buggy or just not worth using over her 4. 

Do not make the mistake of modding her weapons for crit. They have 10% base crit and 25% status. How anyone can think crits the way to go is beyond me. 
Take a shotgun, mod for status and just deal disgusting status damage. 


4 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

All of the Titania "mains" I ran into were the type of players that would continuously run headlong into oncoming bombard or napalm attacks while forgetting they have CC.

This is a issue people run into. Alot of people do this. Not forgetting she has a CC, since while it's decent its nothing compared to her 4.  However running into groups mobs and getting smashed like a bug is the issue people have with her. They think that just because she has a 50% evasion rate in her Razorwing that she is fine to do things like this. She's not. Once you get to higher level S#&$ this is just not a good idea. I admit when I first started playing her I did this a bit, I played Valkyr alot when I first started this game so it was abit of a old habit. Once I broke that though and started being more aware of what was around me and prioritizing targets better staying alive wasnt a issue. Even in Sortie 3s, and even in annoying Sortie 3s such as Raptor assassination she does fine. 

Solo play as her I will admit is a bit rough. She is made of paper and if you focus on her 4 the rest of her skills are pretty useless because you either have no range, or not enough energy. And if you try and make her 1-2-3 usable while in her 4 you sacrifice so much to make it happen that its not worth it. She doesn't need a rework really, she needs her skill costs reduced, and her energy pool increased by at least 100. Also lanterns needs fixed. Make it like a tether on the floor and make it so it actually does its damn job and attracts mobs to it instead of "maybe every couple mobs for a few moments" Some small tweaks to her.

Also this augment made me want to slap someone. Seriously, they could have made her a good asset to a team if they simply made it "all mobs effected by lantern take 100% damage" Not Melee damage but all damage. Why.. why give her a melee mod... Even in her 4 , her melee is seriously not worth it, even with 100% damage increase on targets. 

She is very viable, and very fun. Is she exactly easy to play in higher levels? Not compared to alot of other frames. She does take a bit of effort to keep alive. But it's very possible and she is very fun. 

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I stopped playing titania regularly once the riven mods arrived on the scene. Keep in mind, her 4 has damage output modified by melee and primary weapon mods, for her choppa and dakka respectively.

The riven mods don't apply their bonuses to her 4, so you're left with the unenviable position of either having to gimp your primary weapon, or gimp her 4. While this wouldn't be such a big deal, had we more weapon configuration slots, i don't like having to reorder my mods and reconfigure my weapons each time just to use her.

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3 hours ago, ThreeFeetOfMagic said:

She is very viable, and very fun. Is she exactly easy to play in higher levels? Not compared to alot of other frames. She does take a bit of effort to keep alive. But it's very possible and she is very fun. 

Totally agree.  I would not say I main T, but she is hella fun.  I mean who does not love Demon Wasp Tiny-Sword Mini-Gun Archwing-of-Death Girl?  A few tricks I recently discovered with T: 1) Get your efficiency up to 175%.  HUGE diff in the ability to spam her powers like the Tributes, leave them everywhere for your party to grab.  Also allows you to do her 4th often and for a long time.  Her minimum EPS on the 4th is 1.25, which is not bad at all.  2) Lantern - use and explode pretty fast.  The floaty-uppy thing really makes it pointless past a few minutes. 3) She is one of the few frames that genuinely seems to benefit from Natural Talent.  Combined with efficiency at 175% and Duration high enough to get that 4th to 1.25 EPS, she is a "spellcaster" of great ability, spamming spells left and right while darting in and out and all about.  She is impeccable for Ayatan runs too.  Also totally agree about choosing weapons that best compliment her 4th melee & guns.

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1 hour ago, Ryunokage said:

I stopped playing titania regularly once the riven mods arrived on the scene. Keep in mind, her 4 has damage output modified by melee and primary weapon mods, for her choppa and dakka respectively.

The riven mods don't apply their bonuses to her 4, so you're left with the unenviable position of either having to gimp your primary weapon, or gimp her 4. While this wouldn't be such a big deal, had we more weapon configuration slots, i don't like having to reorder my mods and reconfigure my weapons each time just to use her.

Tigris Prime. It's not gimped without a riven by any standard. You need a fairly specific riven to really make it fit into the Tigris P build. 

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