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The reason why people should pay more than 15k credits for a research

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I'm sure most of you know that, when you are in a clan, after a research is completed and you wish to take the blueprint to build it the item for yourself, the cost of this blueprint is usually 15 000  credits aleast it is in most cases. The point is that this is a low price to pay for the clan effort and again in most cases is ok, because this is a benefit for every clannie, but when we have researchs like ignis wraith things are different.

For starters, people can purchase this blueprint and then trade for platinum or other. behind this ignis wraight there was an effort from many clanmates that grinded the event until they got the sweet 10% so it doesn't seem fair to me that a newcomer, purchase the ignis wraith bp and then giving it away for free in the trade chat or worse some, clan leechers that now think is funny to give away something unique in their clans.

So my suggestion is to make people pay more than 15 000 credits, that way they can not just make blueprints back and forward all day. something reasonable for ignis wrait would be 1 000 000, one million credits aleast, in this case if people still wants to give them away they still can. If DE still wants to make event rewards, like ignis wraith they should work this out.

Edited by -VV-mago_de_muerte
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9 minutes ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

I'm sure most of you know that, when you are in a clan, after a research is completed and you wish to take the blueprint to build it the item for yourself, the cost of this blueprint is usually 15 000  credits aleast it is in most cases. The point is that this is a low price to pay for the clan effort and again in most cases is ok, because this is a benefit for every clannie, but when we have researchs like ignis wraith things are different.

For starters, people can purchase this blueprint and then trade for platinum or other. behind this ignis wraight there was an effort from many clanmates that grinded the event until they got the sweet 10% so it doesn't seem fair to me that a newcomer, purchase the ignis wraith bp and then giving it away for free in the trade chat or worse some, clan leechers that now think is funny to give away something unique in their clans.

So my suggestion is to make people pay more than 15 000 credits, that way they can not just make blueprints back and forward all day. something reasonable for ignis wrait would be 1 000 000 million credits aleast, in this case if people still wants to give them away they still can. If DE still wants to make event rewards, like ignis wraith they should work this out.

While I do agree clans should have NEVER EVER (screw those people) give away the ignis wraith for free. DE should at least not allowed the bp to be traded. That way the extra bp you got from the event (only these can be traded) can get a good value down the line.

But I don't agree with your idea to ask for a lot of credits just to get a crit version of the same weapon.


-Yours truly... A fellow Trader.

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12 minutes ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

If DE still wants to make event rewards, like ignis wraith they should work this out.

I vote for not doing this again. Leaderboard and a gold trophy (that's actually difficult to obtain) should be sufficient motivation for clans to do events if the event is fun.

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Honestly don't think this would have all that much of an effect, precedence is that wraith weapons come back relatively often so if anything the benefit of the clan having the permanent blueprint is the ability to sell the blueprint. This isn't some Excalibur prime level of exclusiveness, just a bit seasonal. And besides that, I've never even seen people in trade chat attempting to shill these. Seems like nearly a nonissue to me.

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I understand the dilemma but can't bring myself to agree to your solution. However there have been questions raised against the coherence of charging for blueprints in the dojo, so in regards to that and addressing your point I suggest the option of taxing instead of flat cost. So if a clan wishes to give away blueprints they can go 0% and if another wishes to overcharge them they can do a 425% or more!

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Perhaps if it bother you so much that someone else is gaining from your effort then you shouldn't think of having "new people", it is clear that is not your playstyle. Maybe let others enjoy the pleasure of sharing?

By the way:

10 minutes ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

it doesn't seem fair to me that a newcomer, purchase the ignis wraith bp and then giving it away for free in the trade chat or worse some, clan leechers that now think is funny to give away something unique in their clans

When the Ignis Wraith came out a lot of the biggest clans decided they were going to give away the blueprints for free cause it was a huge bs that it wasn't obtainable for everyone. Can't find the original posts but here is a newer one, prove that these people are not leechers, new commers or anything like that. They are just guys in all their right to give away something they think should be free for everyone.


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wow guys what an exclusive idea, please we are a community and i think everyone should have the chance to get everything in order to enjoy the game like everyone else, so if someone wants an ignis wraith or something else he should get it without any trouble or without spending millions of credits for a weapon, excalibur prime and all the founder sigils are enough, in my opinion, and freaking out for being the cool guy that has something that noone could get is kinda egoist!

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I'm not too sure about the idea of increasing the cost of replicating the BP. In a way you're right that it is not fair for a clan that went and contributed to reach top 10% and then have a new clanny that didn't participate in the event to replicate the bp for 15k creds.

I think the main problem is not knowing who contributed to the clan's reasearch. If DE implemented a system that allows Warlords/Vice Warlords to know who contributed to their clans then maybe just maybe you can implement some sort of tax (whether it be resources, more credits) for someone to replicate a BP. (I can already sense some people complaining that the resource requirements and credit cost is already too much to replicate and make the equipment.)

We'll just have to see whether DE decides to let Warlords/Vice Warlords monitor who contributes in our clan. 

Edited by Slythrower
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32 minutes ago, beppe93 said:

wow guys what an exclusive idea, please we are a community and i think everyone should have the chance to get everything in order to enjoy the game like everyone else, so if someone wants an ignis wraith or something else he should get it without any trouble or without spending millions of credits for a weapon, excalibur prime and all the founder sigils are enough, in my opinion, and freaking out for being the cool guy that has something that noone could get is kinda egoist!


By this logic clans don't have any sense, all these research should be in a relay and any competitivity at all. I hope this never happens to warframe . I'm not against a clan giving it for free if you read the post you will know my opinion.

Edited by -VV-mago_de_muerte
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On 17/04/2017 at 11:01 PM, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

I'm sure most of you know that, when you are in a clan, after a research is completed and you wish to take the blueprint to build it the item for yourself, the cost of this blueprint is usually 15 000  credits aleast it is in most cases. The point is that this is a low price to pay for the clan effort and again in most cases is ok, because this is a benefit for every clannie, but when we have researchs like ignis wraith things are different.

For starters, people can purchase this blueprint and then trade for platinum or other. behind this ignis wraight there was an effort from many clanmates that grinded the event until they got the sweet 10% so it doesn't seem fair to me that a newcomer, purchase the ignis wraith bp and then giving it away for free in the trade chat or worse some, clan leechers that now think is funny to give away something unique in their clans.

So my suggestion is to make people pay more than 15 000 credits, that way they can not just make blueprints back and forward all day. something reasonable for ignis wrait would be 1 000 000, one million credits aleast, in this case if people still wants to give them away they still can. If DE still wants to make event rewards, like ignis wraith they should work this out.

The thing is, you took ignis wraith example alone and made a title saying to increase ALL research. You used one example to somehow crush every single newcomes of geting any other blueprints from a dojo. I don't even agree with the ignis thing.

On 17/04/2017 at 11:13 PM, NecromancerX69 said:

While I do agree clans should have NEVER EVER (screw those people) give away the ignis wraith for free. DE should at least not allowed the bp to be traded. That way the extra bp you got from the event (only these can be traded) can get a good value down the line.

 By the way, I'm aparently one of those clan leechers that gives away ignis wraith for anyone that wants it. So we clear, my clan reached the hardcore tier that was absurdly set on all moon clans, so I can and will give it away to anyone that wants it. 

If it was a fair event across all tiers and ignis wraith would be obtainable again on a near future, maybe I would hold a conservative view on it. Considering it wasn't really fair, and most people that have it didn't really deserve it to begin with either by just being or later joined in clan that reached 10% without any effort put in.

Besides DE made it tradeable, it's either given for free or let scumbags charge plat for it. 

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13 minutes ago, ---RV---Maniac said:



Congratulations, you are one of the many reasons now the market prices are all messed up, hope you are proud of yourself.

After all, everyone deserves stuff for free right? Next thing you will be asking for Rare Prime Parts to be sold for 1 platinum or full warframe prime sets for 10 platinum.

[I won't answer you back, but just to be clear, the only scumbag in this community is people like you]

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Just now, NecromancerX69 said:


Congratulations, you are one of the many reasons now the market prices are all messed up, hope you are proud of your self.

After all, everyone deserves stuff for free right? Next thing you will be asking for Rare Prime Parts to be sold for 1 platinum or full warframe prime sets for 10 platinum.

[I won't answer you back, but just to be clear, the only scumbag in this community is people like you]

you were actually trying to get plat for ignis wraith and you are the one that gets offended?


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9 minutes ago, ---RV---Maniac said:

you were actually trying to get plat for ignis wraith and you are the one that gets offended?


Don't you know? Only special snowflakes like him are allowed to get Ignis Wraith. It was event reward, so it should be event exclusive. /sarcasm.

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@Gamma745 @---RV---Maniac I don't see people giving for free rhino prime sets, so the love of the community does have a cap,  why ignis wraith gotta be different? is just because is really easy to get. if you think 1 000 000 is too harsh, maybe DE should set so you can only claim one bp from the clan or you can only have one in your inventory. How it is right now, people not appreciating an item is just working against further events. Are you going to do an event, if the awesome weapon reward, would be given  for free to you a week later?. To finish I just want to say, that I want to see more events in the future...

It is with this post that I understand how hard being a game developer is.

Edited by -VV-mago_de_muerte
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1 hour ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

@Gamma745 @---RV---Maniac I don't see people giving for free rhino prime sets, so the love of the community does have a cap,  why ignis wraith gotta be different?

Well, a few difference:

- Rhino Prime set, or any other Prime set, need to be collected one by one. Even when you have the relic, or got it beforehand, the supply will still be limited. Ignis Wraith, with just a few Dark Sector Run, can be made by the associated clan in piles of tens within just a few minutes.

- Prime set need to be farmed with a limited key / relic, while Ignis Wraith can be duplicated endlessly with just Credits.

Event weapons have always been available on a later date. Ignis Wraith made available to trading. My question would be, why other event weapons can be farmed eventually and Ignis Wraith have to be Platinum locked?

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11 hours ago, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

@Gamma745 @---RV---Maniac I don't see people giving for free rhino prime sets, so the love of the community does have a cap,  why ignis wraith gotta be different? is just because is really easy to get. if you think 1 000 000 is too harsh, maybe DE should set so you can only claim one bp from the clan or you can only have one in your inventory. How it is right now, people not appreciating an item is just working against further events. Are you going to do an event, if the awesome weapon reward, would be given  for free to you a week later?. To finish I just want to say, that I want to see more events in the future...

It is with this post that I understand how hard being a game developer is.

ppl give away prime sets to friends and newbies all the time and they take alot more work to get than a ignis wraith. If ignis wasnt supose to be given away, then they should have made the blueprint untradable and that's all we need. 

Making ignis wraith only one blueprint per player, could work. That I don't have much of an issue. However it's too late now, too many ignis spreaded around. Maybe on next Event weapon.

As long as the ignis wraith is as easily obtained as it is and people keep scamming newcomers or people that took breaks from the game, I'm gona make sure to give it away as much as I can to stomp on those scammy people that's all.

Also people should do the event for more reasons than just one weapon, otherwise DE are going to get away with creating the most crap events and just giving shiny items to cover it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was really S#&$ty to allow the IW to be traded. It's like, if you couldn't hack it in the event, you don't get the weapon. Too bad, so sad. There are a couple weapons that I'd like to get but can't cause they're exclusive or taken out of the game...

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On 4/21/2017 at 10:55 AM, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

@Gamma745 @---RV---Maniac I don't see people giving for free rhino prime sets, so the love of the community does have a cap,  why ignis wraith gotta be different? is just because is really easy to get. if you think 1 000 000 is too harsh, maybe DE should set so you can only claim one bp from the clan or you can only have one in your inventory. How it is right now, people not appreciating an item is just working against further events. Are you going to do an event, if the awesome weapon reward, would be given  for free to you a week later?. To finish I just want to say, that I want to see more events in the future...

It is with this post that I understand how hard being a game developer is.

I'm a little late to the party, but several differences: 

Ignis Wraith was a one time thing. Only 10% of the player base got an unlimited stash of it when it came out, and it isn't something hidden on player's profiles like Excalibur Prime is when one doesn't have it, it's visible regardless. When items are hidden from profiles, theyre for exclusive things that players will never get again. If Ignis Wraith is visible AND tradable, then I'm sure it was intended to be given to others.

As for "giving away a Rhino Prime set" vs Ignis Wraith. Rhino Prime was once farmable for an extended period of time and is now no longer available, but he will still continue coming back. If players want to buy him sooner instead of wait, that's on them, but there was no absurd requirement for getting him in the first place, and 90% of players werent locked out of getting him.

On top of that, newer players can farm Rhino Prime whenever he's available. Can't exactly do that with Ignis Wraith

Edited by Houndoominite
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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to origin, the research cost must be charge to each clan member.

The system should be inverted: to get BP into dojo lab DE could add special type of mission cap-scan new weapons,in order to get BP into dojo lab, then clan would research it using credits, only.

When research is done - ready to copy, every clan member would have to pay with "X" resources, the same cost for everyone.

DE will bypass all unfair clan tiers rates in this way.  (talking about Hema every1 would pay 500 mut.mass alone)


Also there will not be so many free give aways, because this extra copy BP cost

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19 hours ago, -VV-ODiN said:

Back to origin, the research cost must be charge to each clan member.

The system should be inverted: to get BP into dojo lab DE could add special type of mission cap-scan new weapons,in order to get BP into dojo lab, then clan would research it using credits, only.

When research is done - ready to copy, every clan member would have to pay with "X" resources, the same cost for everyone.

DE will bypass all unfair clan tiers rates in this way.  (talking about Hema every1 would pay 500 mut.mass alone)


Also there will not be so many free give aways, because this extra copy BP cost

How is that different from a market where you pay in resources? This idea removes the whole "community" side of it.

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3 hours ago, zzzNitro said:

How is that different from a market where you pay in resources? This idea removes the whole "community" side of it.

it doesn't, people can still give away all their stuff if they want, what It does change is that they won't be able to give away other people stuff... clan researches are the property of the clan not of a single tenno.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 25.5.2017 at 0:19 AM, -VV-mago_de_muerte said:

it doesn't, people can still give away all their stuff if they want, what It does change is that they won't be able to give away other people stuff... clan researches are the property of the clan not of a single tenno.

Just wow. Go by your own words then and accept that there are other clans, who chose a different path. I was quite close on getting the BP for mine and I certainly would've offered it for free.

Your comparison with primes lacks entirely. Anything other in the game needs to be grinded and obtained through RNG or a timewall. For the Ignis Wraith BP you just visit your dojo and grab a copy. The only reason you want a higher credit cost is to push your own agenda and enforce that people who don't want to strip others from their platinum wont be able to/wont be as willing to give away those blueprints for free.

How about you just change your threadtitle to what it is: "I want more plat for something that all clans should've gotten to begin with!"

You go try to extort more money from players now, no need to reply.

Edited by ScribbleClash
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