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The Tonkor, really??


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24 minutes ago, RetiredEdgeLord said:

I saw a saryn and ember kill those in 2 shots. The heck are you watchin?

Someone with a completely crap build apparently.

Course it's likely a YouTuber who is semi popular but is bad at builds and reviews.....

Like I've seen one say the new Tenora was garbage but when they showed the mode on it I was cringing and saw why they thought it was bad.

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i maxed tonkor and simulor both i think 7 forma each.. simulor i never liked its super boring wepon i used  tonkor a lot.. but hey... its ok to switch... wepons a bit....its not good for game u have 3 simulor in game..tonkor is still ok

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)Dawg009 said:

Did you really have to mess with it and make it total garbage????? its already not in conclave, now my favorite weapon is just crap and your worthless forma and booster, is not even remotely worth the horrible changes, Ash is another garbage change you made. you're becoming just as bad as WoT, just can't leave a good thing alone. Like a bunch of annoying immature toddlers. Can't leave it be, got to mess with everything. WORTHLESS CHANGES!!!!!!


The Forums are (as more than a few in the game described) Warframe Cancer. The Cheese and Wine Lobbyists are like the minority rule over the majority, when South Africa used to be ruled under Apartheid. I agree with you but yes the games is run by The Cheese and Wine Lobbyists almost as bad as AIPAC. Don't you love the snarky responses as well? You reply with something as Snarky and you get the ban. So yeah I come on here sometimes to ask questions or post my ideas but usually it's more of a fun Psychological mind game I play with them.

Edited by MattM01
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The problem with tonkor was the lower skill requirement needed vs the reward. It was a easy weapon to craft, and it was obtanaible in early levels, people would simply oneshoot everything until the end of starchart without killing themselves, and u can do that with 3 mods on, 3.

now self damage balance things out, it's viable but it require skill to use, it doesn't break the flow of the game, and the flow it's searching always new stronger weapons.

7 minutes ago, MattM01 said:

The Forums are (as more than a few in the game described) Warframe Cancer. The Cheese and Wine Lobbyists are like the minority rule over the majority, when South Africa used to be ruled under Apartheid. I agree with you but yes the games is run by The Cheese and Wine Lobbyists almost as bad as AIPAC.

then why the reputation for balance comment are higher than "PLZ DUN NERZ MEH WEAPON" comment? or are u saying math is a opinion? or maybe all the whiners are here ready to upvote said comments!!!!! Right. >_>

Warframe forum is what made it grow until now, it's fine u have ur opinion, but if u think ur opinion are right because they follow your logic, then ur logically wrong.

I saw this game grow and the forums played a big part in it. Now u can stay blind to numbers,opinions,fact,whatever the reality trow at u, but don't expect to be listened if u don't have the courage to question ur belief. I was a dude "buff only" and "why nerf in pve" too. But then i saw what it does, and i questioned my belief making my own opinion on REAL OBJECTIVE logic.

Edited by Sirfol
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I'll throw my opinion just to point out some wierd logic with DE.

- People invested a lot in their Tonkor because they liked the weapon and took the time to do so. Result: DE nerfed it without respecting people who invested into their Tonkor.

- People invested a lot to get the ressources to research the Hema and took the time to do so. Result: DE wants to respect those who invested into the research.

From a certain point of view, it's weird to see the inconsistencies of DE's decisions when it comes to a mistake they've done. The fact that the Tonkor was a very strong weapon (nearly OP) is a mistake from DE at the end. I am not against the Tonkor change, in fact, I'm just surprised they did not just reduce the damage and the crit multiplier instead. Leaving the Tonkor its unique factor of doing some rocket jump. Maybe I like that aspect of that weapon because I've played too much Team Fortress 2 in the past, but fun weapons are great because they feel unique. Now, sure, it's still a strong weapon, but feels like just another rocket weapon, with a very bad accuracy.

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Come on, the formas only cost 70p (or maybe less if you just crafted), assuming you 6 formad da launcher + 20 for the bluetato. Not that expensive. I'll also assume you draco'd/bere'd/hydron'd dafuq out of it aswell. The nerf was justifiable, where's the fun if you'll gonna be only using tonkor when there are ton sh1t weapons out there. Use the tigris, still a fuking beast if you badly want insane damages.

Whoops of course, the mods. You can still reuse them on other weapons, so your investment on the tonkor wouldn't be in vain.

Edited by KeroroDo
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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

Someone with a completely crap build apparently.

Course it's likely a YouTuber who is semi popular but is bad at builds and reviews.....

Like I've seen one say the new Tenora was garbage but when they showed the mode on it I was cringing and saw why they thought it was bad.

Hint hint, someone quiet and not so shy.

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55 minutes ago, Crawd127 said:

I'll throw my opinion just to point out some wierd logic with DE.

- People invested a lot in their Tonkor because they liked the weapon and took the time to do so. Result: DE nerfed it without respecting people who invested into their Tonkor.

- People invested a lot to get the ressources to research the Hema and took the time to do so. Result: DE wants to respect those who invested into the research.

Hema was an outlier even compared to decision before and after it, so comparing any changes to it is worthless. Did you know anything about Viver, Draco, Synoid Gammacor, Excal's Radial Javelin changes? And that's just what I can remember.

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18 hours ago, (Xbox One)Dawg009 said:



I agree for the most part it's silly to be nerfing or buffing old guns,with rivens around.

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2 hours ago, Crawd127 said:

I'll throw my opinion just to point out some wierd logic with DE.

- People invested a lot in their Tonkor because they liked the weapon and took the time to do so. Result: DE nerfed it without respecting people who invested into their Tonkor.

- People invested a lot to get the ressources to research the Hema and took the time to do so. Result: DE wants to respect those who invested into the research.

From a certain point of view, it's weird to see the inconsistencies of DE's decisions when it comes to a mistake they've done. The fact that the Tonkor was a very strong weapon (nearly OP) is a mistake from DE at the end. I am not against the Tonkor change, in fact, I'm just surprised they did not just reduce the damage and the crit multiplier instead. Leaving the Tonkor its unique factor of doing some rocket jump. Maybe I like that aspect of that weapon because I've played too much Team Fortress 2 in the past, but fun weapons are great because they feel unique. Now, sure, it's still a strong weapon, but feels like just another rocket weapon, with a very bad accuracy.

The weapon was obscenely overpowered. That's what people liked about it.

DE acknowledged this and took action to slightly reduce it's effectiveness. This nerf doesn't take away from the countless enemies players have slaughtered with this weapon. Moving forward it just adds a risk to holding something with this much power.

There's too many players who want rewards without risk. Power without struggle. Enough already. There's literally no argument that justifies the idea that Tonkor and it's allies should have not been nerfed.

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15 hours ago, Heckzu said:

Latron Wraith, Soma Prime, Quanta Vandal, Dex Sybaris, Torid, Attica, and Zhuge, just to name a few.

4 of those weapons are not that easy to get. Soma is vaulted and will cost you 100-150 plat on PS4.  You might have gotten the Dex for free or been like me, who started playing after they were handed out last year so maybe it was easy, maybe not.  Latron is not that easy nor that good IMO and the Quanta you have to wait for and have the ducats or plat to get.  I've not used the Torid, Attica or Zhuge that much so can't speak to those being as useful as the tonkor, but how many of those weapons are high level viable without certain, hard to get mods like argon scope or other acolyte mods?  You also need access to a dojo for the Torid and Attica.  IIRC, the tonkor needs serration, point strike, vital sense and split chamber then fill in the rest as you get the mods, most of which you pick up as you play.  

NONE of those weapons are as good as the tonkor at CC nor as fun.  Tell me it's not at least a little fun watching infested bodies fly across the map from a well placed tonkor round.  Out of the box and for the mods you have, the tonkor was a fun weapon to use at mr5.  Eventually it will fall short against bosses and certain enemies so you move on and it probably helps when you start acquiring frames that are good at CC and you don't need your weapon to clear the field.  Having not seriously used 3 of those weapons, I can't speak to their effectiveness but as for acquisition I'll disagree with you.  Many of those are not as easy to get or use as the tonkor especially if you don't have the mods for them.    

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Tonkor was my first main weapon that I forma-ed... Thanks for the 1 forma... but I have 5 on it, soo not much compensation.

They should have gave forma back for the amount you put in.

I feel like Tonkor was a waste of time now, same as the crappy penta.

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3 minutes ago, Warfoxzero said:

Tonkor was my first main weapon that I forma-ed... Thanks for the 1 forma... but I have 5 on it, soo not much compensation.

They should have gave forma back for the amount you put in.

I feel like Tonkor was a waste of time now, same as the crappy penta.

How about DE gives you all your forma and catalyst back and you in turn give back all the experience and rewards earned while using the weapon?

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18 hours ago, (PS4)zeltwang said:

I think nerfing the tonkor this much was a mistake.  It's the first really good weapon you can get in the game and go do sorties and be somewhat useful.  I've been mr23 for several months now and I think it's easy to forget how much of a grind it is early in the game to get all the things you need.  Resources, credits, farm prime parts, get the good mods, there's a lot to do and a good way to get some of those things is to go do higher level missions.  What other weapon can one get at mr5 that provides anything close to the power of the tonkor right out of the box?  The Hek, maybe?  Even for that weapon you need the scattered justice mod to make it pretty good.  The synoid is now toast so that leaves sancti tigris or tigris prime at 12 and 13.  Is there another primary in there that one can get at mr5-mr8 that is anywhere near good enough to take into a sortie, without a riven mod?  

I wasn't a big fan of this game until I got the tonkor and could do things and I had a TON of help from friends either giving me stuff or helping me farm resources.  If not for the tonkor, I'm not sure I make it past mr8 before I lose interest. And I haven't touched the tonkor for several months now so this nerf doesn't really bother me, I've got other weapons.  What weapon do the current mr7's have at their disposal that are really that good without a pretty good riven?

Lik Beg said the Zaar, Mr 7,  and with decent modding can fight sortie 3 enemies 

11 hours ago, Beggining said:

We should talk more about this: The old Tonkor was easily accessible for newer players, and killed absolutely everything with little to no risk for them at all.

Of course DE had to change it: the old Tonkor was not just hurting gameplay, it was hurting the 'new player experience'. Sure, some might settle down and try out other weapons, but there's a big chance that they'll still stick with the "If I can't kill with one-shot, it's crap" mentality.

Also, don't use a launcher like a shotgun :v @(Xbox One)Dawg009 I suggest you try out Zarr to know what distance determines what mode (shotgun/launcher) should be used.

I think he meant that too

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Shodian said:

Funny thing it that it's still a good weapon. You just have to be more skilled and pay better attention to how you use it now.

Yup, it's just not a noob tube anymore.

And everyone can see why it was called one.

I may have to start using it now the stigma's gone.

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6 hours ago, Silvus-Sol said:

Yes, really.

I do want to say something about self-damage though. I'm fine with it, but it shouldn't 1-shot you. Maybe cap it off at something like 33% of your EHP, that would be a little more sane as it would allow for a mistake or two. Not just on the Tonkor but for all explosive weapons. Except for the Kulstar, if you pop a clusterbomb in your own face... then you dead son.

I decided to pull the pin from a grenade and hold it in my hands, close to my chest, it should only blow my hands off! Anything more would be insane!

If you fire off an explosive at point blank range, it should kill you.

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16 minutes ago, Warfoxzero said:

Im okay with that...

You're full of it.

It's your second most used weapon and has accumulated over 11million xp. The weapon has carried you through content and now you've come to the forums to cry that your crutch has been taken away. If they took ever bit of exp, Endo, mod, reward from you while you were using that weapon you'd probably have nothing. Be grateful for the opportunity you had with it not having self damage and move on.

Or man up and accept the weapon has a weakness now but we all know you're not going to do that considering that the weapon that carried you was a "waste of time".


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36 minutes ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

You're full of it.

It's your second most used weapon and has accumulated over 11million xp. The weapon has carried you through content and now you've come to the forums to cry that your crutch has been taken away. If they took ever bit of exp, Endo, mod, reward from you while you were using that weapon you'd probably have nothing. Be grateful for the opportunity you had with it not having self damage and move on.

Or man up and accept the weapon has a weakness now but we all know you're not going to do that considering that the weapon that carried you was a "waste of time".


You need a hobby.

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