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Is there any way to stop leechers?


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I never get them.
Why? Two words.
Party. System.
Be in a clan. Not in one? Go into the LFG. There are PLENTY of friendly players in the LFG chat that you can hook up with and even friend for future sorties and events.
No more random pug leeches.

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I've seen a good number of leechers on sorties.  My partner and I can do the missions fine with or without other players contributing.  Sometimes we just continue with the mission and ditch the leech immediately after.  Other times we would just quit that session and reform the group.  Depending on how bad was the leech, sometimes I would report them and other times I don't bother.   Recently we noticed that rescued hostage doesn't teleport to the player closest to extraction so having a leech could be detrimental to the success of the team.

Not sorties, but during the recent high level GotL alert, we had a Limbo that just ran to extraction and hid in the rift while the rest of us were killing enemies and activating life supports.  That Limbo almost caused the mission to fail because all the spawned enemies were surrounding him and he did literally nothing.

Edited by xiaodenden
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No, there is nothing to stop it.  Why complain?  They don't directly affect you. And most of the time, the reason they're leeching is cause they're new to the game. If you really need all four of your entire team to do well, then maybe you shouldn't do sorties.... Maybe they're too hard... 

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I have to point out an inconsistency.


3 minutes ago, Arniox said:

Most of the time, the reason they're leeching is cause they're new to the game.

Does not make sense if you understand that OP is talking about Sorties (accessible to MR5 - not exactly green - who had already explored Lua enough to gain drift mods)

5 minutes ago, Arniox said:

Then maybe you shouldn't do sorties.... Maybe they're too hard... 

Now, aside from that, I agree with your opinion that OP has no reason to complain in General Discussion other than to vent their anger. I assume that OP is also trying to prevent this kind of behavior by spreading the word, but it is unreasonable to think about stopping leeching (especially for good), for it is a player behavior and therefore something they have to realize by themselves (like AFK, scamming, etc.)

Anyway, what really doesn't help is that the in-game mechanics actually encourages leeching: letting your teammates kill lets you level your loadout faster than just focusing your exp on one weapon. Of course, the fact that this system is build in the first place due to the fast pace of the game makes it more complicated than it sounds.

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5 hours ago, SaltyPopsicleZWZ said:

You are a good person, I am not, relatively speaking. I hate people that does nothing and gets rewarded. Life isn't fair, but I think we should do as much as we can to make it as fair as possible.

I don't think you're a bad person just because you have a specific viewpoint in something. It definitely makes sense to hate people who get rewarded for nothing. I technically said I dislike those people too, since if someone leeches and doesn't help, then I'd just leave the squad.

A change that would help would be a level requirement for your Warframe and a level requirement for at least one weapon in the Sorties, to ensure that players can help out, since leeching would be useless if you already have leveled up items.

You can't exactly blame leeches if you're playing on Public mode, especially in something like Akkad. People jump into there to level things all the time, and some newer players probably taxi there too.

Besides leaving the squad, your best bet is to find an active or large group of people in which you can play with and have fun with in squads, or just use the recruiting chat.

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13 hours ago, SaltyPopsicleZWZ said:

Play solo? Really? that is what we should do? Let the leecher get their way and we as decent player should tick toes around them? What has this world become to? Where leechers gets rewarded and us normal player should suffer because of them? It doesn't make sense!

You can play with people you know too.Its pointless to complain about leechers they exist in pretty much every game and there isnt a way to stop them.If you are that angry at the leecher just quit the mission and restart it with other people

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I hate to tell you this man, but there isn't a solution that would solve this problem without creating 1 or more problems in the process. And if there was, it likely wouldn't fix anything anyways, because it would upset the more vocal folks, and DR would have to do something to fix that fix. 

If you are playing in a group of friends, problem solved. If playing solo, also solved. If you go into a pub game and get this, just -CLEM!-ing deal with it, as that's all one can do. 

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16 hours ago, SaltyPopsicleZWZ said:

Just come back after talking a break from this game. Do sorties everyday and there is at least 1 leecher guarantee, and they dont even try to hide it. What is wrong with this game now. I really wish DE can do something. Some of you might not even give a damn, but I am not that nice, I hate it when there is people leeching off other people's effort.

You are relaying on others to complete the mission for you jet you complain about leeches? It sounds like that to me when someone complains about this. If you take a proper frame and weapons into the mission, if you go into the mission not depending on other players, you shouldn't have these problems or leechers shouldn't bother you.

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11 hours ago, WindigoTP said:

I never get that leechers drama.

What gives? Doesn't really matter if there's some rando is chilling out somewhere? Sometimes it happens that the 4th member never joins the game and you end up running the mission in a 3-man squad. Essentially the exact same thing. The only difference is that with leecher in team you have to wait a minute before extraction, but in that regard I am more irritated about waiting for Ivara, who CAN get to the extraction fast, but just WON'T.

So, what gives?


yeah, that's basically my view on the issue as well.

i mean seriously the game is so freakishly easy all the way up to sorties teamplay is completely non-essential anyway.

i don't mind carrying people. i play the game because i enjoy doing so. if someone else doesn't and is only in it for the loot for whatever reason: whatevs, be my guest.

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Is it weird I never care about one or two leechers? I can solo sorties, but playing solo is boring and nerfs spawn rates. Leechers, by virtue of being present, give me more things to kill, which is why I play the game.


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Only time ever "Leech" is on sortie spies especially grineer, my friends and their clans have banned me from entering the rooms because I'm like a raging dragon when I enter and trigger everything in one fell swoop and idk how it happens, so I usually equip a zephyre run to c and clear any annoyances out and stand by besides the c in case our team mate goes down and pop the tornadoes and since zephyre can cross lasors without taking damage with her 1 hopefully make it and revive em, while popping energy pads a bit everywhere for those loki's in energy reduction debuff maps especially


Then again idk if doing that is leeching tbh


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It is my opinion that a votekick system would help dealing with leeches and overall with people whom most of the squad doesn't like for any or no reason.


SeaUrchins has joined the game.

Some player: It's that jerk who advocates votekicks, let's kick him!

Other two guys: Sure thing!

SeaUrchins has been kicked.

Yet I think that it is still better to have one than to have none and cultivate leeching with perma-riftwalking Limbos.

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22 hours ago, SaltyPopsicleZWZ said:

Just come back after talking a break from this game. Do sorties everyday and there is at least 1 leecher guarantee, and they dont even try to hide it. What is wrong with this game now. I really wish DE can do something. Some of you might not even give a damn, but I am not that nice, I hate it when there is people leeching off other people's effort.

report them then leave squad that's what i do

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3 hours ago, AlphaTheFinalBalance said:

Only time ever "Leech" is on sortie spies especially grineer, my friends and their clans have banned me from entering the rooms because I'm like a raging dragon when I enter and trigger everything in one fell swoop and idk how it happens, so I usually equip a zephyre run to c and clear any annoyances out and stand by besides the c in case our team mate goes down and pop the tornadoes and since zephyre can cross lasors without taking damage with her 1 hopefully make it and revive em, while popping energy pads a bit everywhere for those loki's in energy reduction debuff maps especially


Then again idk if doing that is leeching tbh


You are trying to be as helpful as you can while knowing your limitations when it comes to spy. Personally, I much prefer a little bit of that type of borderline leeching, or even straight up leeching, as opposed to someone who just tries to yolo the spy vault in a PUG and triggers the alarms. 

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