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Heavily abused for just playing the game


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do what you want make that ignore button your best friend

i know because hes mine ;D


i like limbo in his current state and screw all that dont like it.its a game a GAME PEOPLE
and there is an easy exit button if you don't like it!

Edited by .Fire_Fly.
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3 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

Limbo is seen as cancerous everywhere on the starchart, but bring him to Merrow, Sedna to fight against Kela de Thaym (or Sortie Kela) and apparently everyone is shouting praises and kissing at your feet.

Seriously, peeps can't make up their damn minds.

I think that isn't an inability to make up one's mind, that's just recognizing that Limbo has like 2-3 missions where he's more help than hindrance, and should only be trotted out for those specific things. 

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3 hours ago, Kierlak said:

... Had a Navy SEAL just totally flip out on me. Guy apparently has over 300 confirmed kills, was part of the team that took out Bin Laden, and is the best sniper in the entire US armed forces...


...and no one mentions the old "Navy Seal Copypasta?"

"What the F*** did you just @(*()$ say about me, you little *@##$? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target..."

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2 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

Pretty certain that OP just went to a popular node to be a d-bag, because he is salty about nerfs. He is taking it out on random people because he is hurt and wants others to feel his pain. This victim act is a cover, he is the same person that said:

Because he was salty about the Telos Crutchace nerf.


Wow man. I've got an ex Navy SEAL sniper possibly aiming to snipe me to death and you're trying to throw smear. Do you tea bag old ladies having heart failure as well?


2 hours ago, aligatorno said:

In your case, it's nigh impossible to meet 9 players that have a problem with you in a row. You must have done something that upset them. 


Just playing my Limbo as a support/control frame, like he's supposed to be played. all those people that played him as a nuker were doing it wrong, and they should feel bad.


28 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

If however you kill way faster without abilities, if you stand still and make the game substantially longer for teammates, then i sugest you gain some common sense and start looking at what you're doing.

There are limbos and limbos, some improve the gameplay for the entire team, others simply like to use their powers with no point to it, draging the usually average efficiency on akkad to a near dreadfull ineficient experience.


I refuse to believe that there is a 'right' time and a 'wrong' time to use a warframe ability. DE is one of the best game developers around, they aren't going to have an ability that's going to have a negative effect on your team mates, no matter when you use it. I trust DE 100% on this, because it would just be silly for a CoOp to have anything like that, and DE...well they just aren't going to make a dumb mistake like that.

Or more plainly said: It's always time to stop time.



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Ever think about what you been doing in the mission?

Limbo is the unique frame which affect other players very heavily in terms of skill cast

People hanging around Akkad just for leveling or quick money gain

If you keep banishing player/enemy into the void, freeze weapon bullet, catastrophe spam, for no reason, no wonder the result

but it's all my guessing.

After all it's not usual for ppl to even spit some words when AKKADing, they are all in a hurry to finish current game, and move on to next round

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I used to love limbo I still do....then the rework came and I really loved him...now I've put him to sleep for a while *sob* I don't know if I'll ever use him again after the nerf *weep* HE'S EVEN WORSE NOW THAN BEFORE THE REWORK!!!!! *breaking down*. I guess I'll say good bye to Oberon before they "rework" him. Oh yeah and while I can't say I can understand the situation you were in I can say it certainly isn't normal for people to get that triggered even with a limbo on field.

Edited by Terminus634
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I wouldn't say Warframe is fairly toxic. It's not even barely toxic.

I've been through the gauntlet of it all from your shooters like CoD and BF through MOBAS to your F2P MMOs of every kind. And Warframe toxicity is not even in my top 100 of the most toxic online games.

The little BM I see in the game is downright cute. It's like a child repeating a dirty word they learned in school.

Also, managing to piss off 9 people in a row is a feat most trolls can't pull off yet you succeeded without even trying OP. You're a natural, kid, ever thought about career in politics?

Edited by LocoWithGun
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7 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

Eh... you know, I'm not the oldest player around. I only really started playing the game on 2014. But hell, I remember a time where Warframe's community was considered one of the best.

Was. I personally observed its decay. 

To know it seems to be common knowledge that the community is, now, "fairly toxic" is depressing at the very least.

Warframe community was considered one of the best that's friendly, helpful and more forgiving to everyone they meet. The time that jokes like the pink shorts, Greedy milk and potatoes came into existence. Design Council actually meant something. And lastly, playing a game that was considered stable. The time where people were genuinely having fun and pretend to be space ninjas, yelling how RNG was unfair in the process.

Ah... The good old days....

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43 minutes ago, RaiuLyn said:

Warframe community was considered one of the best that's friendly, helpful and more forgiving to everyone they meet. The time that jokes like the pink shorts, Greedy milk and potatoes came into existence. Design Council actually meant something. And lastly, playing a game that was considered stable. The time where people were genuinely having fun and pretend to be space ninjas, yelling how RNG was unfair in the process.

Ah... The good old days....

Off topic a bit, but can I ask for an explanation of the pink short meme? I know of Greedy milk (from Gradivus Dillema) and potatoes, but I never actually knew of this until the Glyph is even out.

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Guess I'm lucky. In just over 2 years spread between PS$ and PC I've only been given crap once and it was for killing a synthesis target because at the time I had no idea what it was. Rather than explain what I did to get him angry he just cussed and quit. 9 people in a row in one night wtf were you doing?

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33 minutes ago, Gamma745 said:

Off topic a bit, but can I ask for an explanation of the pink short meme? I know of Greedy milk (from Gradivus Dillema) and potatoes, but I never actually knew of this until the Glyph is even out.

Steve wore pink shorts on a stream once.  It was a hit.

Edited by MagPrime
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There are games that are way more toxic than Warframe, but if you play long enough, you'll find some toxic individuals though I find more here in the forum than in game.  With that said, if you were being abused by nine players in a short amount of time, chances are you're the one who messed up or caused trouble.  While a lot of people think Limbo = Trollframe, they're not going to curse you out immediately.  They either tolerate your Limbo's presence or they leave the session immediately. I completely understand and feel the pain and frustration when I'm in a team with a player who doesn't know how to use Limbo properly.  Limbo can really disrupt the entire team's game play if they're not careful.  

I've been using Limbo more lately to test his post rework abilities and I've never gotten any complaint.  My SO and I have taken Limbo to mission similar to Akkad and, again, we've gotten zero negative feedback.  In fact most times people stayed to 20 waves with us.  

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The following two events have happened to me within the past 24 hours.

I was doing Assur survival and some limbo player kept following me and trying to prevent me from killing enemies. The whole mission was ruined for me. I blocked him in-game.

I was doing the infested axi fissure interception and a limbo player kept doing something to the infested so that I couldn't kill them. I still smoked him in kills with my Saryn though. :)

I insist, Limbo is not the problem. Why are there so many psychopaths and mean-spirited people? Oh, and leave me alone, swinging the Galatine is therapeutic for me!

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11 hours ago, (Xbox One)CarpeNoctem365 said:

oooh very aggressive for a "victim", the jury doesn't seem convinced of your "victim' status

Dude, I'ma put this bluntly for everyones sake: Just shut up. Dang son, you be looking to accuse people for no reason. You're a perfect example of what OP is talking about. If you have nothing to say except spout irrational accusations for no reason then say nothing at all.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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