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Invincible, Invisible Enemies in endless missions [Fixed]


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Me and my friend were playing mission Io trying to get MESO F2 relic on Jupiter. And when we finally got it the one enemy bugged. My teammates couldn't but i could. I was shooting him, using abilities but he was invincible. I culdnt kill him. Told my friend to use ults and still did 0 dmg. We are still in the game because we dont want to lose F2 Relic but I guess we most there is no other option. I hope this gets fix.

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This is a pretty weird bug, and do to various circumstances very hard to explain, but I'll try.

Doing a Fissure defense mission. On wave 15, the last enemy bugged out, how it did is kinda hard to explain, because well, it was invisible to everyone but the host.

What was certain was that nothing could kill it, not my Ember Prime's Fireballs or WoF, not the Nova's Antimatter Drop or void stars, nothin'.

Anyway, here's where it get's kinda weird; we were very lucky in getting two rare prime parts the first two cycles, and everyone was freaking out about losing out on them. in order to prove that the game will make sure you don't lose the relic choices you made specifically for cases like this, I forced a DC so I could come back and say I got the parts. When I did come back, I could see the enemy, and it was ragdolling all over the place like it was already dead... but it simply wouldn't die. 

And then the host left, and the last wave started all over again as if nothing ever happened, and I got to leave with my void traces... at the host's expense.

Considering the freakyness, you'll probably need some sort of an EE log, will make a support ticket with that ASAP.

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In the currently running fissure defense in Jupiter, me and a squadmate went for ten waves tops, at wave eight, the final enemy which happens to be a corpus osprey corrupted, suddenly turned completely invincible, nothing harmed it from weapons to abilities. Final enemy at wave eight, rendering whole mission unfinishable. So that's nice.

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@Zinkaiser Please update the title to something more useful. See the following thread for suggestions. General Bug Report Guidelines - Please Read And thank you for posting this bug with video. It's good to see proof that this is happening to others (replication improves the chance that DE will be able to repair the defect.)


I also experienced this bug-- I didn't get a video of it but here are a few screenshots.

Pictures: [1][2][3][4]


Party Members:

* Maziani

* Slaunchpuppy2

* IheartTES



Io - Jupiter - Defense Mission - Wave 11

Four players in party, one party member dropped at Wave 10 conclusion.

At conclusion of Wave 11, one mob becomes invulnerable and cannot be killed.

One of the party members claimed that the mob was invisible to them.

Mob can attack and do damage (and kill you) and never becomes vulnerable.



None. Forced to disconnect/abort from session. Loss of all rewards.



Attack with primary

Attack with secondary

Attack with melee (fast attack, combo attack with melee equipped, sliding attack, flying attack, ground pound attack.)

Attack with Frost powers (1, 2, 3 then hitting snow globe with 1, 4)

Attack with Operator (E & left click)

Died & revived & attacked again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in a random group playing the Void fissure Taranis, Deff.. Void  AXI mission. on wave 12 the game would not end do to a ancient healer that went invincible to the rest of the team. I was able to see the outline of the ancient healer . I tried numerous ways of killing it with weapons and abilities and it would not take any damage. since i was the host i had to dc for the team to be able to continue. Upon doing this it fixed the problem and was able to rejoin the team, unfortunately i lost all my rewards prior to this happening. Which dose not make me happy at all.

I lost the reward of Carrier prime system bp  and also the akstiletto Prime Barrel.. This needs a look into it and a hotfix. I would also like to be rewarded the items I lost due to this bug.













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Hello DE.  I wanted to leave this here in case anything could be learned on how to fix this bug.  Final enemy of a rift defense wave suddenly went invincible near the end of his health bar.  We tried basically everything to kill him for about 10 minutes including shoving him off of a ledge into a void which merely respawned him from a random door.  I have video of the end of the incident which fixed itself after the host decided to leave but still it would be nice if stuff like this didn't happen to begin with.  Thank you.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, my Team and me had the same issue with an Corrupted Arid Lancer in a Lith Defense.


around  11:45 (GMT+1) 17.02.2017  we started a Lith Defense on the Mars Tileset.

The Members of the Squad:




vinz_clortho (me)


it happened in Wave 9

further Details:

Buddastampfer was in Team Speak with me, he could neither see the Enemy nor could he scan it with Simaris Scanner. But he saw that his Companien was shooting  at something.

The Enemy took neither damage through a revive wave (I got myself killed by it (it dealt damage) to test if the revive wave would knock him down or damage him, but it did not.)

We tried for around 8 Minutes to kill him. after that 3 people left the squad I tried to summon a Phase specter (which used an AoE attack (world on Fire) which did not deal any damage to the Enemy).

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Location: Uranus, Stephano?

Mission: Defense, Neo Fissure

Tileset: Undersea Grineer, Orokin dig site

Host: ghunt123

On wave 20 of the Defense mission an invisible Corrupted MOA spawned that was only visible to the host and proceeded to attack the defense target unhindered while we tried to figure out what to do about it and tried find a solution.

Overview of the MOA's features:

  • Visible to host, invisible to clients
  • Audible to all players
  • Visible on radar to all players
  • Sentinels correctly locked on and attacked it's location.
  • Intangible to all players and their sentinels, unaffected by weapons, powers or explosives.
  • Could attack the host and server-side objects such as the defense objective.

In the final moments before the defense target was destroyed, the host tried the radical move of disconnecting to try spare the other players, which resulted in the MOA vanishing, but wave 20 also respawned at all once.

Unfortunately the defense target did not reset it's critically low HP, and was destroyed before most the team could even load in following host migration to me, resulting in mission failure and everyone losing all 45 minutes of progress (Opened relic rewards, the relics themselves, bonus XP, loot...)

Edited by RyuujinZERO
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Update 22/2/2017

Location: Sedna, Rusalka

Mission: Capture, Axi Fissure

Tileset: Grineer spaceship

Host: RyuujinZERO

During the capture the party ran into a small dead-end corridor tile to intercept a newly spawned group of corrupt coming from their portal. After killing the enemies, I realized that there was an invisible corrupted MOA in the room just like last night. It was invisible to all of the party (Including the host this time) and intangible, our sentinels were firing at it's purported locations, it was visible on radar, was audible to all present and it was attacking me (And connecting hits)

Unlike yesterday this posed no threat to us completing the mission, but I think this might be a more persistant problem.

Edited by RyuujinZERO
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Hello fellow gamers !

Today when i was in a "void fissure" to open some of leftover void relics, i was unfortunate to face an invincible corrupted heavy gunner.

Short video of the suspect : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUIiDnUIxoM

BEWARE : video framerate is not that great ! Still, we can see the invincible enemy.

I was in a squad of four and two already left before i made the video. Abilities, weapons... nothing worked on him. But when i used my melee, i still gained some combo (without doing dmg). We pushed him off a cliff but didn't work.

I saw another post about some people having the same issues but he did not record a video. If that could help other players not encountering some invincible AI it would be great !

Hello from France.

Edited by Jyss
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This has happened twice to me and a friend today, once during a void fissure, an ancient healer became impervious to damage, did not really affect the mission however.

Not too long afterwards in Io, both a standard moa and an osprey became invincible, causing an un-completable wave and therefore mission.

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location: casta, ceres during meso fissure

a currupted lancer was visible on blockbadgers screen but not attackable, for everyone else we saw our maggots and kubrow attack thin air and we were being hit by nothing, the enemy showed on the mini map but never moved on the mini map and the mission was unwinable

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Void fissure defense on the corpus ship tileset.

A corrupted butcher became invulnerable to all damage.
We tried guns, we tried abilities, we tried void lasers.

The enemy was only visible to me but it prevented the round from ending and was attacking the cryopod.
If I stood almost between it and the pod it would begin damaging me. (and only me) And if I stood directly in between it and the pod it would stop attacking.

We finally had to let the enemy kill the cryopod as there was literally no other way to end the mission (without abandoning the prime equipment we had received from relics).


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So I was doing a defence mission with some friends, and for some reason there was an enemy that only i could see but i couldnt damage it. after trying to somehow kill it for over 10 minutes i decided to leave so that my teammates could finish the mission. not a gamebreaking bug really but quite annoying

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So today I got into a group of randoms on a neo defense run. We got to round 19 and got some decent rewards along the way until we were stopped. After killing all but one enemy we could progress no further. There was a grineer shield lancer that could attack us just fine, but we could not inflict any damage to it. As a frost I could freeze him and there was a vaubon that could catch him in a vortex, but no matter what we couldn't hurt him. We spent a good 5 minutes just trying to kill him and collect our winnings, but nothing changed. This isn't the first time I have seen this issue, but I haven't dealt with it in a very long time. The bug caused a huge waste of time and I would like to know if anyone else has had the same problem in the past. If this could be patched that would be a big help. Also, if it matters we were on uranus defense.

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I was doing a meso defense on PC with a frost named Shyly on Mar. 30 at 9:30 CST.We almost finished the 8th wave when an invincible heavy gunner came along and stopped us from progressing.

This is the first time I have encountered this issue. Screenshot of problem: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894975320

Eventually we had to abandon the mission, so I hope to get our items back. (This is the first report I've done for Warframe, so I may be leaving out some information.)


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