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Sortie Penalty


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There should be a penalty for people who pick a frame that actively makes the sortie more difficult or join without having the appropriate mods and gear to get the job done.  If there's a penalty for leaving I'll just join and expect the rest of the squad to carry me while I hide in a corner somewhere since they'll be penalized if they leave.

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Leaving a game is a personal choice and do note that quiting is something that gets added to your profile, so if they quit that will be marked, leave to often because of rank or warframe and you may be an unreliable player for other types of content.

Also, if it makes you happy, players that rely on rank or warframe choice made by other players aren't really going to help you much in the current mission, so what he did is very helpfull as it clears a slot for another player to help you out.

Trust me, effort regardless the warframe does most of the work, do not think that a player that thinks otherwise will be of any use to you, what happened to you was a good thing and players shouldn't be penalized for actually helping you.

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16 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Also, if it makes you happy, players that rely on rank or warframe choice made by other players aren't really going to help you much in the current mission, so what he did is very helpfull as it clears a slot for another player to help you out.

Trust me, effort regardless the warframe does most of the work, do not think that a player that thinks otherwise will be of any use to you, what happened to you was a good thing and players shouldn't be penalized for actually helping you.

first leecher detected

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I wouldn't like this.

I only leave in certain conditions which are:


Low mastery ranks using frames like Rhino and Valkyr - I get it, they are your favourite frames or something, but they do very little to aid the team in a level 100 survival or defense, VERY little, also experience - almost every low level player (10 and below) seem to do something horribly wrong, they'ld go into a spy vault and trip the alarms without checking if someone else is in there for example, sure there ARE exceptions, but most of the time those are rare to find.

Extreme lag - This is a big one, I don't want to sit through 300 ping connections.

Leeching - It happens to all of us, you'll get that one person who doesn't do anything to help the team in anyway, He won't kill or do anything.


All in all, bad idea to give out penalties for things like this, an easier solution would be to increase the Mastery Rank requirements - you'd get far less quits then in general.

Edited by Latiac
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No, we really don't need this. Sure, IMO it is silly to leave a sortie super early if you are going to PUG it anyways (isn't the point of PUG'ing randomness anyways?), and some people leave so early it is absurd, they really haven't taken the proper time to understand if the people involved can handle it. After all, someone could have a frame you think isn't good for it, and gear you think is "bad" and they could outperform you. However, that being said, there is still no good reason to do this. If someone decides that the gear a squad member is using is a problem after watching them use it, they should have the right to back out of the mission. If they start playing and realize the other players suck and this is going to be a really long haul even carrying them, they should have the right to leave the mission. If they start playing and realize some of the other players are leechers, or spamming chat being toxic about others playstyles, etc. There are lots of good reasons to leave and we should always have that right. 

Like I said though, I think some people should at least try the first couple minutes of a mission before outright bouncing if they don't like the loadout someone has, and see if they are really going to be contributing or not. However, we don't need to be policing this. Warframe has always been a game where you abort if you want, and it always should be. It will be reflected in people's stats if they quit a lot of missions... that's enough. 

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I am mostly on the same page as KIREEK about it. If people have issues with your rank and frame before they even look at how you play they are not really a big help to you. I for myself never had issues to carry MR4 or people without fully formaed snipers/bows through a sorti. Simply because I am aware that it is with the gear at MR4 a next to impossible task on your own and some people might not have weapons they in general do not like or use fully formaed. Then again I rarely play them in pugs this days, given the very high amount of afkers and leechers that drive me crazy, so I just solo them most of the time.

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On 23.4.2017 at 9:37 PM, Latiac said:

Low mastery ranks using frames like Rhino and Valkyr - I get it, they are your favourite frames or something, but they do very little to aid the team in a level 100 survival or defense, VERY little, also experience - almost every low level player (10 and below) seem to do something horribly wrong, they'ld go into a spy vault and trip the alarms without checking if someone else is in there for example, sure there ARE exceptions, but most of the time those are rare to find.

Rino is very good as far as CC and damage buffs go if properly played. The problem is most of the newer players only use Iron Skin(same as new players with Loki that never use disarm). Valkyr, while not that good of a choice in a defence type mission by the lack of CC can be very solid for both damage as well as utility(like reviving a CC frame that got one shot killed) in survival, as long as the player likes and understands how strong the frame actually is for melee the damage is also incredible good. The problem again is most people that play the frame do not really like melee and mostly only use it for the god mode.

I could probably still solo a sorti defence with valkyr(given that you can just revive the defence target) and it would not be difficult at all with Rino.

Since the rescue is not a big deal, here is todays L80 90% ips resist sorti interception done solo with rino and the weapon I used my first catalyst and forma on, the almighty Tiberon(what I got at MR4 and invested into as new player 3+ years ago).



The starter frames or all the common new player options are all usable at high levels and can contribute a lot, similar as weapons that are low MR and considered incredible poor can pull her weight in sortis if the player invested into them and is familiar with her use, it just comes down to the player and how well he utilize his tools, that might not be the best tool for the job, but will get the job done if you put a bit of effort into it.

Edited by Djego27
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One of the biggest problems can be that without their focus sorted, even with an energy siphon, a frame without potato, formas and a full complement of appropriate mods, can have such poor duration, efficiency and strength, that it simply burns through energy too fast trying to keep abilities up to survive a sortie (especially when the player is a crawler, rather than a jumper, and is constantly in the middle of AoE and enemies).  That less geared player can end up sucking up almost all of the energy orbs, just trying to stay alive, that the better geared CC and damage frames could be using to actually contribute to the mission.  Sure you can drop pizzas, but who wants to stand still next to one in a sortie?

The other issue is how much you can be putting yourself at risk constantly having to revive them.  The mission type might not always warrant the kind of frame with the stationary survivability to do that.

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No thanks, that's a terrible idea. Sometimes people drop out of the squad because they simply can't connect to the host properly and it has nothing to do with them not liking your frame or rank. Also, I wouldn't want people to be punished for exercising their personal choice.

If a lot of people are leaving the squad after they see your rank or equipment, maybe the problem is you and not them. Most of the time I don't judge people by their equipment or rank because we can and will carry the team. On the other hand, if someone brings a selfish or fairly useless frame for that particular mission AND the only weapon they brought with them is some unranked junk weapon, we will leave because they make their intention of being a leech known loud and clear. My SO and I sometimes bring unusual weapon and frame combos to test or have fun, but we know what we are doing and we have synergy between our combined equipment. 

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I disagree with this notion. I refuse to play with anyone who relies on cheese or refuses to communicate in english.

What the OP suggests is requiring us to play with any and all comers regardless of what sort of stupidity they might foist upon us. If we are going to have to take a penalty for leaving a sortie, i will never agree, not until i get a kick feature that allows me to control who i might be stuck with.

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9 hours ago, (Xbox One)KyleJazz253 said:

I think there should be Penalty for leaving a sortie because I notice on Xbox Warframe that people will leave a sortie if they don't like your Warframe or Rank and the penalties should go as this First offense no more sortie until reset second offense is 24 hour wait and so on but I want your opinion on this 

You are not Team Leader. You showed up and asked a bunch of random people to do something with you. It's no different then posting on a forum "hey people, I own a volleyball net and ball, let's show up at the beach on Saturday mornings and play some volleyball" then complaining and calling the whole gig off later because the poster played at an A Grade level, and really wanted people that could play near their level to show up while what actually happen was that people that just wanted to "play some volleyball for the lols" showed up, and could barely return proper serves in many cases.

I will tell you what I told that person:

"You should have been more damn specific in the first place".

You want "control"? Then assemble a team. Don't ask for random people and then expect anything but random results, because it makes no sense to do so, and THEN even demand that random people should be penalized because you can't be bothered to get your act together.

Edited by DSpite
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9 hours ago, Latiac said:


Low mastery ranks using frames like Rhino and Valkyr - I get it, they are your favourite frames or something, but they do very little to aid the team in a level 100 survival or defense, VERY little, also experience - almost every low level player (10 and below) seem to do something horribly wrong, they'ld go into a spy vault and trip the alarms without checking if someone else is in there for example, sure there ARE exceptions, but most of the time those are rare to find.

Both roar and stomp can be very useful at any level.

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yeah, punish me because i left the Mission due to: someone is AFK, another Player is AFKFarming, and the last Player didn't put Mods on any of their stuff or Et Cetera.
or because the Host lives on Mars, blah blah.


instead, if you want a specific result from the other Players in your Session, don't use Matchmaking. if you're Matchmaking you're accepting that you're playing with 'who knows', 'anon a mouse', and 'somebooty'.

Edited by taiiat
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16 hours ago, (Xbox One)KyleJazz253 said:

I think there should be Penalty for leaving a sortie because I notice on Xbox Warframe that people will leave a sortie if they don't like your Warframe or Rank and the penalties should go as this First offense no more sortie until reset second offense is 24 hour wait and so on but I want your opinion on this 

Sorry but I have to disagree.
Too many times have I started a sortie without realizing that I had a dragon key equipped, and your idea would just punish me for wanting to remove it from my gear wheel so that I could actually be useful and helpful to the team instead of moving only at a quarter speed or deal next to no damage.

Second, what happens if I join a match with say 500 ping or greater?  I'm just supposed to suffer through it and sit through a horribly laggy mess knowing that if I quit to find a better host I'll be heavily punished for it?  How is that good for anyone?

Third, what if I join a mission with a squad that legitimately won't be good for the mission and I don't want to carry the entire team?  I've joined sortie defense and mdef missions where everyone in the squad had only R0 weapons and less than decent frame choices.  I'm not going to carry an entire squad like that, and yet with your idea in place I would be harshly punished for not wanting to carry people.

Pretty much all your idea does is punish people for not wanting to carry leechers (after all, if you leave you wont do the sortie so you had best just carry the AFK leecher to victory), or punish people who join a sortie with a dragon key or something equipped and who want to change it so that they can participate.

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21 hours ago, (Xbox One)KyleJazz253 said:


I think there should be Penalty for leaving a sortie


I can only give you one advice.Go in solo or invite only and make you're own squad.Don't try to change how random works and how you think someone should play.

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I like how when I do decide to pub a sortie as Ivara or Oberon, people leave, but I end up doing like 40% of the dmg anyway. 

Don't you people get tired of seeing the same 4 frames and weapons? I actually do want to see randomness if it works. 

But god forbid you join as Limbo. That's the only condition I ever instantly abort. 

Edited by Xaxma
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On 4/23/2017 at 9:54 PM, (Xbox One)KyleJazz253 said:

I think there should be Penalty for leaving a sortie because I notice on Xbox Warframe that people will leave a sortie if they don't like your Warframe or Rank and the penalties should go as this First offense no more sortie until reset second offense is 24 hour wait and so on but I want your opinion on this 

Let me tell you something about bad; hosting. I got a 1tb/s bandwidth with unlimited download, and yet somehow i get connected to a host that makes my game play out at 1 frame per stellar cycle, all the enemies teleport, i can't move or die every whatever seconds... pass, i'd rather leave! There should be no penalties for leaving sorties, i solo most sorties anyway and sometimes unlock to the public to carry newbies. You don't like people leaving? learn to solo, no one can leave you if you are alone! 

Edited by Ryk_Rengan
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