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Cycron feedback


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2 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

Quanta V and Convectrix are good too. Just need work on them. Flux Rifle is weak.

Convectrix good?.. Can you put up a screen of your build?.. i have never been able to be satisfied with my giant laser scissors.

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Most beam weapons will be terrible based on two simple factors

a) ammo consumption

b) status per second

Beam weapons should either not gobble up ammo like [insert grotesque yet amusing analogy here] or status chance needs to apply per ammo consumed not per second.

Other 'decent' beam weapons aside, quanta is the only weapon that at least has the beam ammo part right.  Beam weapons should do exactly as they suggest, make beams.  They should be continuous laser like weapons that allow for a constant stream of attack.

Most do barely any damage at all and become useless in end-game or hell just anything above lv50 because the status portion, of which most beam weapons depend on, literally applies a single status proc per second.  A second is a very long time in terms of firing a weapon.

Other weapons with normal bullet/status can exceed 10 or 20 or more status chance/procs every second.  Weapons like soma can crit up a storm (while eating armor with corrosive proc) in the time it takes atomos to apply 2 instances of fire or gas proc.

Simply put all beam weapons are going to be mostly junk until they fix beam weapon mechanics in general.

No I'm am not including the "but I have a riven that ... !!!" because sure I have a riven which turns spectra into a beast that can take down lv100's in a a second or two.  Doesn't change much though.

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6 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

Most beam weapons will be terrible based on two simple factors

a) ammo consumption

b) status per second

I'd love to see Beam weapons 2.0 or see this addressed in damage 3.0


7 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

quanta is the only weapon that at least has the beam ammo part right.

Do not forget the spagetti gun.




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24 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

Quanta V and Convectrix are good too. Just need work on them. Flux Rifle is weak.

Converctrix is not good nor can it be saved by a Riven. Trust me. I tried. I collect rivers for weaker unappreciated weapons. So far. Only Corpus gun I have got a riven for that actually turned it great. Was the Dera Vandal. +Puncture & multishot. Actually made it Sortie viable. 

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Who wants to make bets that despite the sheer amount of negative feedback this weapon is (and will after research time is up) getting, it will not get changed at all.  At best we might get a minor buff on it sometime in 2018, maybe, alongside a few other lackluster worthless weapons they haven't touched in years.

I pray for a Beam Weapon / status per second overhaul but I just can't get my hopes up, sadly DE seems content with how absolutely awful most beam weapons are.

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23 minutes ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

Why do all the good-looking weapons suck arse? :( DE pls

Same thing I thought when that new corpus gun came out. Seems like the weapon is not made for primarily using. Seem like you would waste ur ammo on an enemy spreading status and then just change ur weapon to finish em off. I kinda like the idea behind the weapon. 

Edited by (XB1)Cash201293
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9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

So far. Only Corpus gun I have got a riven for that actually turned it great. Was the Dera Vandal. +Puncture & multishot. Actually made it Sortie viable. 

Huh, I actually have a dera riven with puncture and multishot.  I will have to take it for a spin later.

I also found a riven that really helped the spectra though, it removes puncture completely and triples the overall damage (300%), it really helped the weapon a lot.

However, I really dislike the dependence that rivens are pushing on people.  Find a weapon you really enjoy mechanics wise, appearance wise or just theme wise and pray you find a riven for it, then pray harder you roll amazing stats.

IMO that is not what rivens should be for.  Rivens should do as they were originally described.  That is changing how a weapon plays and works, making it the same weapon yet with subtly different.  Not 'get the exact right stats to make useless weapons mostly not as useless, probably'.

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13 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

Converctrix is not good nor can it be saved by a Riven. Trust me. I tried. I collect rivers for weaker unappreciated weapons. So far. Only Corpus gun I have got a riven for that actually turned it great. Was the Dera Vandal. +Puncture & multishot. Actually made it Sortie viable. 

I dunno. I run with Viral rad 100% status and performs quite well. I dont use it much, because I recently finished my Kohm.

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The worst part imho is they wasted a real cool design on a really bad weapon, but gave the really good secondary recently released (Pandero) a (imho) terrible model. I propose we just switch the look around and everyone (me) is happy. X) Well there is still hope; even the Ballistica/Rakta Ballistica got a buff in the end, even if it took a while.

Edited by ShikiRen
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16 hours ago, Tsukinoki said:

And yet its MR9 that requires the Spectra (and therefore Dera and Prova) research in order to make it.

DE could easily fix this weapon by either:
A) Having it be a continuous recharge instead of a recharge delay (E.G have it recharge 4 ammo per second and have it start recharging the second you stop firing vs having to wait 5 seconds before it starts to recharge)
B) Cutting the recharge delay down to 2 seconds or so.
C) Massively increase the magazine size

Otherwise this weapon will just stay trash.

It's just too slow and clunky to use otherwise.

You forgot "make it not a beamweapon or fix status/second".

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21 hours ago, X_Zenit said:

Add a secondary firing mode. Allows  use warframe's energy to charged and then cast the disc. Forming a wide range of injuries. The amount of damage depends on the energy absorbed.
Or , Allows  use warframe's energy act as bullets.

From what I can tell, it doesn't need a buff. It really needs to be MR3 and require no prerequisites.

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You literally have access to better secondaries before MR9. If this thing is MR 9 shouldn't Lex Prime be MR 14? Pandero is MR7. Atomos is MR4. Synoid Gammacor is MR6. So what if it has CC? You know what has better CC and can one shot enemies? Sonicor.

It should be MR9. Went to a friends house and he put 2 forma into it. It was a fun weapon to run with and he had the mods to make it work. But it doesn't deserve to be MR9. Lower MR weapons do everything it does, better. Way better.

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Remove the pause time of 5second and turn it into 5ammo/second instread. Also make it has 0 recharge time so atleast we only have to wait for 4seond for it to be full mag.

with this idea, It would be treat more like burst-beam pistol

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7 hours ago, Xekrin said:

Who wants to make bets that despite the sheer amount of negative feedback this weapon is (and will after research time is up) getting, it will not get changed at all.  At best we might get a minor buff on it sometime in 2018, maybe, alongside a few other lackluster worthless weapons they haven't touched in years.

I pray for a Beam Weapon / status per second overhaul but I just can't get my hopes up, sadly DE seems content with how absolutely awful most beam weapons are.

I believe you're right, regarding the bolded part comboed with DE's legendary reluctancy to buff things that desperately need it. The day they readdress the Cycron is the day I buy plat without a discount. Preferably before the start of June.

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Recently, DE changed the UI for Archwing guns with reload now actually showing the reload delay.

But there is ANOTHER stat which is very important here. And that's how much ammo is recharged per second. If that could be tossed into the UI too, that'd be great.

Now, for the buffs, there are 2 guns that needs heavy improvements in these regards:

1) Corvas

  • It has a 3 second reload delay. The closest to that is Fluctus and Velocitus with juse 1 second delay. The Corvas would do so much better with also having just 1 second delay.
  • The other "hidden" reload feature, the recharge speed, is on top of that, an dreadfully slow 5 ammo second. Compare that to the Fluctus and Grattler with 10 per second (Grattler could use a tiny buff here to, to like 12 - 15 per second). Corvas could need a small buff here too, to around 8 - 10 per second.

2) Cycron

  • 5 second relady delay. 5 seconds. That's ridiculous. Archwing is less fastpaced in terms of combat, and the currently slowest weapon to recharge, the Corvas, feels downright atrocious to use there. Now give a ground combat weapon a 5 second reload delay and imagine how that is like in practice... With reloadspeed mods, yes, that means it's about on the same level as the Corvas, but that's a lot of wasted modslots for a far too punishing QoL issue.
  • On the other hand, the actual recharge speed is incredibly swift, like 20 ammo per second. It would've been ok if these two effects were the opposite. I.e, you have a near non-existant delay (like 0,2 seconds), but a moderate recharge speed (like 5 ammo per second). That'd feel far less clumsy. That'd also mean, reloadspeed mods would need to affect the rechargespeed instead, but not necessarily affecting the delay.
Edited by Azamagon
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23 minutes ago, mccreeperify said:

honestly  fixing the reload delay wont save the cycron, it needs either a more round capacity or allow players to mod it for it to actually be useful, the stats on it already can make it a great gun but its not firing long enough for it to show it


Honestly, I think what I have suggested (minimal to no delay, but slower recharging speed) would make it very workable with no other changes. Because then it rewards you for using it in bursts and/or for letting its innate heat-proc do some of the work, rather than just spraying everything wildly. And spraying the whole mag wildly, all in one go, is actually what its current uber-delay encourages! That, because since the delay is always 5 seconds, no matter how little you have shot with it, and because the actual full recharge is very quick and thus adds very little to the total waiting time, the gun thus simply screams "why not empty it completely every time you pull the trigger?!"

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6 hours ago, Kevlareater said:

I believe you're right, regarding the bolded part comboed with DE's legendary reluctancy to buff things that desperately need it. The day they readdress the Cycron is the day I buy plat without a discount. Preferably before the start of June.

Man - I just looked over some of the abusrd tweaks DE has made in the past. 

Took a good while for Spectra to get buffed.Then they released Nukor, followed by Gammacor, Synoid Gammacor got buffed and then Atomos and Synoid Gammacor got nerfed.

Craziest buff change-log in my opinion, was Velocitus: People complained about it not hitting where aimed with reticle. DE responded by buffing the weapon damage not once, not twice, but 3 different damage buffs before finally addressing the aiming issue.


I am most likely going to do my best to replace Spectra as my most used Gun (not just Secondary) with Cycron and hope it gets a future buff.

I was a 7 Forma Spectra user back when Spectra was 8 base damage*

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