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The purple damage (or purple crit?)


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Can occur when a game is lagging and a corpus osprey is destroyed, the extra shields stay as overshields on opponents.



hit their overshields = purple

Crit their overshields = purple

Hit their shields = blue

Crit their shields = blue

Hit their health = grey

Crit their health = yellow

Redcrit their health = red

Stealth attack = yellow

Edited by Elvangreen
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43 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

its status oriented and in this case purple its all electrical/magnetic crit which happens with corpus or shock eximiis.

Nothing to do with status at all, those units just have the capability to have overshields.

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still if you use electrical weapons on corpus or  shock eximis youll see purple crits quite as often like red crits, most notably on synapse, gammacor, heliocor etc... ive tried really hard with dread and other high crit weapons and the deciding factor(s) is the electrical/magnetic status of the weapon and the enemies. you wont achieve this with other enemies that has poison or fire etc.

overshields maybe a factor too idk, but from playing exp. it happens quite often with the electric based enemies than normal ones.. and yes it doesn't take a lot of or high multipler to get purple crits just the enemy to be an electric/magnetic type and you using an electric based weapon like simulor etc.

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