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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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3 hours ago, Music4Therapy said:

Alright everyone, I've read through all the top threads, watched rework videos, and read through the posts of all these and have gathered all the most well received suggestions and requests for Oberon. I'll update as more threads/popular suggestions are made.

First off, with Limbo being released overtuned I can understand why DE would be cautious with Oberon considering the backlash they received from the Limbo rework. I am of the belief DE either knew already or knows now that Oberon is undertuned and is looking for feedback from us to make further changes and in what direction these changes should be in. That is why this thread exists. That said, let's get started!

Reckoning: The most well received ability in his kit and the one I will start with.

1) The one thing Oberon players, including myself, seem to unanimously agree with is that Health Orbs should have a chance to drop from enemies hit by Reckoning when they die rather than having to land the killing blow with it.

2) A common complaint is the short range. A popular suggestion was raising the blind radius and duration, which seems to be an afterthought in its current iteration.

3) There has been some talk about the size of the armor debuff itself, though the community seems to be split on it with opinions ranging from "its impractical because it takes 10 casts to remove armor from a heavy gunner" to people that are just happy to have the ability to strip armor. Maybe this can be a topic if discussion?

Renewal: Oberon mains were delighted to see that the heal over time effect didn't drop once their health was full. This was an awesome QoL change, though there have been complaints about the lost range, it's nice that we have the persistent heal now. I'll speak about Iron Renewal with Hallowed Ground.

1) The one major complaint is its inverse relationship with duration. Change that and you'll make a lot of players happy. My personal recommendation? Remove the heal cap after the initial heal and make it a flat heal per second afterwards that lasts longer with duration. <---- A similar concept made it to the patch! No more inverse relationship with duration!

Hallowed Ground: The most highly debated ability, the one which all his synergies are based. Cutting out the total armor % in favor of a flat armor buff was a popular request from the community, that said here are some popular requests:

1) A topic of conversation has been changing the flat armor buff to a flat damage reduction buff. A popular thread made by @MarrikBroom suggested that all enemies on Hallowed Ground have their damage reduced rather than raising our damage reduction, and another popular thread made by @Rekkou suggested the % of flat DR we receive scales with power strength starting at 30%. I personally am of the belief that if Oberon is going to be able to compete with other frames such as Trinity or Mirage that can provide 75/95% DR to their squadmates, this change is necessary. Leave the flat armor buffs to Cold Chroma, his Vex Armor makes it work.

2) The community is split as to whether or not Hallowed Ground should be an aura, so I will mention it here.

3) It's been a very popular suggestion to have Hallowed Ground work as a circle around Oberon, always at 360 degrees, and having range effect the size of the circle, rather than having a cone and having range effect the angle.

4) Due to how energy hungry Oberon is and his low energy pool for a caster, a popular suggestion has been making kills on Hallowed Ground grant Oberon some energy.

Smite: The community is largely split on this ability. Many, not all, aren't happy about the damage output but at the same time many players were concerned about Oberon being capable of spamming his 1 to clear full rooms of enemies with ease. That said, here are the most popular suggestions thus far:

1) @Rekkou Suggested that the orbs increased the damage enemies took instead of dealing damage. If no enemies were range of an orb, it would return and refund energy back to you.

2) The 20% health taken from the first enemy should be dealt to all enemies instead of being split. <--- I personally am of the belief this would be too power vs the infested and Corpus due to their lack of armor.

3) The 20% health should continue to be split, but all enemies should also take the same flat damage the first enemy took. <---- This suggestion made it to patch, woo!


Passive: The community is split on this, but I'm a fan. Its a nice boost for those that it applies to and it fits his theme. There are definitely frames with worse passives (I'm looking at you, Ember) That said there was a popular thread in which the OP that suggested a passive.

1) Enemies killed by Oberon have a higher chance of dropping health orbs, or some variation of this.


Alright, so, here come my suggestions. Keep in mind I have used Oberon since he came out and I've a 31% use-ratio on him, so I think it's fair to say I know what I'm doing.

Smite: Either restore it to what it was, or do the following: The projectiles should deal 20% of the target's maximum health each, or deal a shared 20% but deal true (finisher damage/armor ignore/shield ignore) and apply a radiation proc instead of the puncture one they do now.

Hallowed Ground: Scrap the ability. Instead, Renewal will combine with a new second ability that involves a new passive. This new ability will be an Aura around Oberon that would be as large as the Affinity share range, just like Trinity, and unaffected by range mods. Allies within it are healed every second for a % of their maximum health, and take a % reduced damage while within range. Allies in range share the benefit of Oberon's new passive, Perseverance. Allies within range are immune to status procs. 

Renewal: Moved to "Hallowed Ground", makes room for Reckoning as a third ability. 

Reckoning: Becomes Oberon's third ability and works in a frontal cone much like the new Hallowed Ground does after the rework. Enemies take the same damage as they would now, but they will drop a healthorb upon being hit and will be Radiation proc'd permanently. Multiple casts on the same enemy will not yield multiple healthorbs, only one can be dropped per enemy. Armor is permanently lowered by 30%, scaling with powerstrength.

A new ultimate will be in place, but I can't really think of a good one which won't receive a bunch of hate.

New passive: Perseverance. While in combat, Oberon gains a stack of Perseverance every 5 seconds. Every stack provides Oberon a 1.5 health per second regen, and a flat 10 armor (applied after Steel Fiber and such) up to 10 stacks. When out of combat, the stacks decay at the same rate as they were gained.

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1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

The wording is confusing, but in practice it works out to almost never doing anything of note. It needs straight up buffing imo, less cooldown, ability to act on the same warframes multiple times during the mission, and maybe even an extra effect where if a squad member goes down, and Renewal isn't up, you can cast it, and use a charge of Phoenix Renewal to revive them with half health. That would make it way more useful. 

Agreed I think it should give Oberon a decent chunk of survivability given that it's basically sacrificing a mod slot. Maybe generate overshields throughout the invulnerability period based on the damage taken and reduce the cooldown to 30s/40s.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello Tenno,

We gather here post Update 20.3.0 to speak on Oberon and his recent changes.

As of right now, we have changes and fixes coming in a later Hotfix based from your feedback and suggestions. 

Current list of Changes coming include:

  • Added base damage to Smite projectiles. With the damage of Smite scaled into its projectiles, this will give Smite more punch when facing lower level enemies.
  • Removed Heal Time from Renewal. Renewal will remain active for as long as you have Energy or until you toggle it off. *Please note that Trinity's Energy Vampire will not give Oberon Energy while Renewal is active.

Current list of Fixes coming include:

  • Fixed Renewal bleedout buff being removed when entering bleedout.
  • Fixed Hallowed Ground being impossible to see with low particle quality setting.
  • Fixed a script error with Hallowed Eruption Augment upon deactivating while another Oberon has Hallowed Ground active, resulting in the FX to remain forever.
  • Fixed Hallowed Ground & Hallowed Eruption Augment not hurting ragdolled enemies.

The team is also working on more improvements to the visibility of Hallowed Ground.


cant we just get our firery carpet back? Im kinda bummed without it. it was perfect, you knew were it was,it as easy to see its area of effect,and now it makes more since with being able to actually PROC something.

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i totally thought applying radiation to everything with a max range hallowed ground was going to be awesome

then i saw the status chance

then i tried hallowed eruption, but it doesnt appear to proc radiation at all??



is it just me, or does hallowed eruption have 100% chance of your base 15% chance to proc radiation??

edit 2:



Edited by continue
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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello Tenno,

We gather here post Update 20.3.0 to speak on Oberon and his recent changes.

As of right now, we have changes and fixes coming in a later Hotfix based from your feedback and suggestions. 

Current list of Changes coming include:

  • Added base damage to Smite projectiles. With the damage of Smite scaled into its projectiles, this will give Smite more punch when facing lower level enemies.
  • Removed Heal Time from Renewal. Renewal will remain active for as long as you have Energy or until you toggle it off. *Please note that Trinity's Energy Vampire will not give Oberon Energy while Renewal is active.

Current list of Fixes coming include:

  • Fixed Renewal bleedout buff being removed when entering bleedout.
  • Fixed Hallowed Ground being impossible to see with low particle quality setting.
  • Fixed a script error with Hallowed Eruption Augment upon deactivating while another Oberon has Hallowed Ground active, resulting in the FX to remain forever.
  • Fixed Hallowed Ground & Hallowed Eruption Augment not hurting ragdolled enemies.

The team is also working on more improvements to the visibility of Hallowed Ground.


why did you put a range on Renewal?

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Since DE merged Oberon stuff into a messy thread (again), I'll repost my thread's original post here for visibility:

Yes, I'm one of those that are heavily disappointed with the reworks. Not because it didn't help him out (it did, a tiny bit), no, but because it's done POORLY.
* Skill niche overlap, partly also due to radiation proc overuse
* Synergies being forced (which is fine with MINIMAL use)
* Passive going from situational to pidgeonholed

And, about his theme. Some say he is a Faerie King, some he is a Paladin, some he is a Druid. Seemingly, you are ALL right. He is Oberon, the Fae Paladruid!
And I believe that he CAN be all those things, at once. With more natural synergy. And with more distinct powers.

The overall idea I have here, is to make him a truly supportive tank-caster, where all his abilities and even his passive will aid one another naturally. Let's get to it!


So, DE wants something "pet"-related here, to abide to the Druid / Fae side of him. Thus, I give you:
Enchant - If Oberon aims (or block/wallgrasps) while looking at certain "lesser sentient" enemies for 3 seconds, he will convert them to his side (This counts as a "kill-convert", to not break missions like Defence and such). He can max convert 2 enemies at a time. You cannot convert new ones until the old ones die first. Convertable enemies are:
Grineer - Drahks, Hyekkas, Rollers
Corpus - All robotic enemies (except Bursas, and obviously Bosses)
Infested - Chargers, Infested Moas (both types), Infested Ospreys
Widlife - Any
Corrupted - Same enemies as on the regular factions. So, mainly the robots.

Why animals and ROBOTS? Well, as I mentioned, I was thinking that he could only convert sentient enemies who had the least "sentience", so to speak, and robots seems like they have a low form of sentience in them. And you know, because Void Space Magic :)

I think people could accept this passive, no? It's strong and unique, yet also not TOO powerful (no?). And while I haven't truly "centered" his kit around this passive, the entirety of his kit WILL still be able to aid your enchanted minions, in very simple ways...


Smite's current incantation just doesn't ... FIT, or synergize well, with his kit. It has (meager, but still) scaling damage on its own. What for? It's role is "to kill", even though (as of now) Reckoning is the one you wanna kill stuff with for health orbs. Nothing makes sense here. Also, it doesn't really help your pets or allies in any way either, not directly at least. Thus, I propose these changes:

  • The scaling of the seeking projectiles is removed, and are reverted to deal flat damage again.
  • However, the main target is also weakened for X duration, suffering 100% more damage taken from all sources and gains VERY high aggro (which helps redirect your Enchanted allies to attack it too). Projectile-struck enemies also suffer more damage taken, but only 50%. These damage bonuses are affected by Power Strength!
  • Augment: Untouched. It's good as it is.

And there you have it, a simple "focus fire"-like effect, useful and versatile for a first ability, which aids EVERYONE on your side (even your enchanted minions), letting you all kill stuff quicker. It also counters the whole puncture-proc on enemies a bit (which weakens their damage-output), so they still can kill the main radiation-proceed target more easily too.

Hallowed Ground:

This ability could be TRULY awesome, if a whole bunch of quirks where just simplified with it.

  • Make it a full circular area, at base. The radius then scales with power range. If needed, tone down the base range a little.
  • Tapcast is a stationary patch, Holdcast puts it up as a smaller-radius (half the radius?) aura on Oberon. The holdcast aura can be refreshed at any time.
  • Oberon and allies (including enchanted minions!) who are on the ground have status immunity, as well as a hefty damage reduction bonus, of, say, 60/65/70/75%. Not only that, but the damage reduced is redirected back at the attackers, this damage is amplified by 25/50/75/100%! (The amp is affected by Power Strength, the damage reduction is NOT). Leaving the patch retains the buff on them for a brief while.
  • Casting Renewal while Oberon is on Hallowed Ground, causes the Hallowed Ground effects (Status immunity, DR and reflect) to also be apply to all allies buffed by Renewal, for the duration of Renewal. (Note: Iron Renewal, the armorbonus synergy, is a BASE effect on Renewal instead!). I kept this kind of forced synergy mechcanic on it both to give him some leeway in positioning, and also as it is actually an interesting synergy-mechanic for these two abilities. EDIT: Too strong of a synergy
  • Enemies on HG suffer damage over time and have a chance to be radiation proc (just like now).
  • Augment: Changed into "Hallowed Growth" - Enemies will be slowed down a bit (only movement), for more and more slowdown the longer they are on a patch (additively), to the point of becoming entirely immobilized if they stay too long on it (imagine the patch also adding a kind of "growing root"-flame). Slowdown amount per tick is affected by Power Strength. Further, if enemies are knocked down on the patch, they will also take way longer to stand up too (fighting the root-esque flames). The stand-up-slowdown effect is also affected by Power Strength.

This make Hallowed Ground your main protective ability on yourself and allies, and retains it as a radiation-CC ability. The "reflect" thing is something that fits for both his Paladin AND Druid style. The roots (if used) fits his Druid style. Also, keeping enemies distracted (or held via the augment) is great for your enchanted allies to more easily hit them!
Further, distracting enemies (or holding them in place via the augment) would make them easy targets for you to Enchant with his passive (and enchanting one under the HG-effects releases them from the slowdown effects instantly).


Oh boy, is this (still!) a mess. What this ability needs, is a MASSIVE simplification. Here's what I had in mind:

  • Is now a singlecost ability, of 50 or 75 energy (whichever is balanced), and simply lets loose a healing wave with no additional energycosts.
  • The wave has an unlimited range, but the speed of the wave is affected by Power Range.
  • When an ally (including any minions, such as your enchanted ones!) are hit by the wave, they are buffed up. The buff grants an instant amount of healing, a healing-per-second-effect, and some flat armor for X duration (Yeah, Iron Renewal is thus a basic effect of Renewal, not a forced synergy). Power Duration affects the duration of the ability in a NORMAL fashion (not in the severely flawed inversed way), and Power Strength affects the healing effects and armor amount.
  • For faerie and druid flavor: The buff could be displayed by small wisp-like orb orbitting the target :)
  • Augment: Untouched, due to Power Duration now working in a non-bonkers way.

Tadaaaa! A simple, yet effective and non-complicated ability! It helps Oberon, his allies and minions... a solid and simple ability all around.


The ability that has always been kind of ok, due to its utility. But... it needs a unique identity, rather than just behing a damaging and armorreducing Chaos.

  • A possible (but not necessary) idea would be that its casting mechanic is a 2-stager: First cast = Lift enemies up (for max 3/4/5/6 seconds). Second cast (or upon expiration) = Slam enemies down (This second cast is not onehanded, but it allows you to move). This would aid its hard-CC mechanics, but might be a bit much when all other buffs are considered. Lift time would be affected by Power Duration. If you wanna use it like now (just lift and slam instantly), holdcasting the ability could do just that.
  • Enemies lifted are instantly debuffed for X seconds. This debuff causes the enemies to deal 10/15/20/25% of their damage taken, in a moderate radius around them i.e., they become splash-damage targets! Note: This also works with damage-reflection, such as that from Hallowed Ground! (But the debuff's splash won't further splash again from other Reckoning-debuffed targets, to prevent infinite loop damage).
  • Also, if they are killed while still debuffed, they release a healing pulse in a moderate radius to heal nearby allies (includes your Enchant minions!) and have a chance to spawn a health orb.
  • However, the armorreduction-, blind- and confusion-effects are all REMOVED! *GASP* I know right? Why remove one of the stronger features of Reckoning?! Well, Reckoning's splash-debuff, its possible lift-time-extension, along with Oberon's massively boosted survivability from the rest of his kit (and the radiation-procs still actually existing in his kit via Smite and HG) means that it would simply overlap too much.
  • Augment: Untouched, but the grounds have the same effects as your basic Hallowed Ground does (which means, they can still be rad-procced with an augmented Reckoning!)

This gives it a bit more CC-potency, and better healing potential (which would help your Enchant minions more than anything else, but also any meleeing ally/Oberon). Its debuff would also add something unique, without making the rest of his kit obsolete, instead heavily synergizing with the rest of his kit, including his passive.
Also, holding enemies up make them easy targets to Enchant with his passive (and enchanting one under the Reckoning-effects releases them from Reckoning's lift and debuff-effects instantly).


So, potential synergies?

Reckoning = Enemy will splash its damage taken onto other nearby enemies. Add the Smite = The damage taken is now amplified. Now, add Hallowed Ground, which makes you tank better, then reflect damage taken: That is now also splashed and amplified! Throw in Renewal to keep yourself from dieing from being attacked.

Or:  You have your Passive minions, attacking enemies with amplified damage (via Smite) and that damage then splashed (via Reckoning). The minions can then reflect THEIR damage taken back at enemies (via getting the HG buff), which is also amplified and splashed, along with them being kept up from heals (via Renewal and killing Reckoning-debuffed enemies)

Or this simple one: Hallowed Ground's augment makes enemies slower to stand up and both Smite and Reckoning can knock enemies down.

Overall, loads of synergy and playstyles would be viable with these changes.



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2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Hello Tenno,

We gather here post Update 20.3.0 to speak on Oberon and his recent changes.

As of right now, we have changes and fixes coming in a later Hotfix based from your feedback and suggestions. 

    Current list of Changes coming include:

    • Added base damage to Smite projectiles. With the damage of Smite scaled into its projectiles, this will give Smite more punch when facing lower level enemies.
    • Removed Heal Time from Renewal. Renewal will remain active for as long as you have Energy or until you toggle it off. *Please note that Trinity's Energy Vampire will not give Oberon Energy while Renewal is active.

    Current list of Fixes coming include:

    • Fixed Renewal bleedout buff being removed when entering bleedout.
    • Fixed Hallowed Ground being impossible to see with low particle quality setting.
    • Fixed a script error with Hallowed Eruption Augment upon deactivating while another Oberon has Hallowed Ground active, resulting in the FX to remain forever.
    • Fixed Hallowed Ground & Hallowed Eruption Augment not hurting ragdolled enemies.

    The team is also working on more improvements to the visibility of Hallowed Ground.


    Earlier today we stated the above coming changes to Oberon.

    These have been further tweaked and are now live: 


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    5 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    Since DE merged Oberon stuff into a messy thread (again), I'll repost my thread's original post here for visibility:

    Since DE did this again it means the same as last time, they don't care, they won't take our opinions just like they didn't changed anything on the Oberonerf since the devstream.

    So what will happen is that Oberon will remain the mess that he is now way worse than what he was and DE will moveon to **** up, I mean rework Zephyr or Hydroid.


    I seriously hope they get a brutal hit on the wallet when Oberon Prime access gets released to the point where the chinese meat suplier owner of DE sends a guy in a suit to ask them why aren't they making profit and maybe then they'll be forced to rework Oberon.

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    2 minutes ago, NeonNemesis said:

    Since DE did this again it means the same as last time, they don't care, they won't take our opinions just like they didn't changed anything on the Oberonerf since the devstream.

    Just wanted to point out real quick that putting in a megathread does not mean they are ignoring you or don't care. It doesn't necessarily mean they will listen to every majority opinion either, but putting it all in a megathread is so that they can actually be sure they are seeing all of the feedback. If it was spread over dozens of threads do you think the devs would have any hope of reading it all? 

    I get why you are upset, but let's be reasonable here. Megathreads are not designed to squelch discussion and stop your voice from being heard -- quite the opposite. 

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    12 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    Since DE merged Oberon stuff into a messy thread (again), I'll repost my thread's original post here for visibility:




    So you want Oberon to do almost everything Trinity does, while also deal damage, and offer better protection and offer crowd control and offer a way to debuff foes. I am honestly surprised you did simply not add something that also offers energy to the team at this point.


    My thoughts?

    Way over the top.

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    52 minutes ago, NeonNemesis said:

    With 53% of usage of Oberon I know what I'm talking about, I didn't ride the wagon when I heard about a rework, I know the shortcoming and benefits of the orbs, also lol at the sense you are making they are bad design because of the travel time and yet the wave also has travel time so by your definition it is also bad design?

    Dude you can't compare the previous travel time with the current one, the time needed to be healed gets to basically 0 if you stay between 35 meters. It took much more for the balls to get to you...

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    1 minute ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    Just wanted to point out real quick that putting in a megathread does not mean they are ignoring you or don't care. It doesn't necessarily mean they will listen to every majority opinion either, but putting it all in a megathread is so that they can actually be sure they are seeing all of the feedback. If it was spread over dozens of threads do you think the devs would have any hope of reading it all? 

    I get why you are upset, but let's be reasonable here. Megathreads are not designed to squelch discussion and stop your voice from being heard -- quite the opposite. 

    Like in the previous one it would have been way better to open a new megathread from the start close all the others and redirect in the last post to the Megathread, this MO is more dump all the garbage in a single place.

    Also speaking in MO, what I stated was what happened last time they shoved everything in a necro thread and no changes were taken since the devstream, wanna resume this conversation after the next Oberon changes happen to see how much changed from input from this thread and from what is posted in Megan's post?

    4 minutes ago, Melkia said:

    Dude you can't compare the previous travel time with the current one, the time needed to be healed gets to basically 0 if you stay between 35 meters. It took much more for the balls to get to you...

    Unless the wave in the new renewal is for show, you know you can outrun it? I never managed to with the orbs.

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    3 minutes ago, NeonNemesis said:


    Well, they have already departed a bit from custom in that oftentimes there are no changes after a rework, they "listen" and then don't change anything. This time they have already changed some things, just a few minutes ago in fact, so I have some hope they are indeed, actually listening. They have proven it by already making some changes, after we complained, after the rework. 

    And yes, it would have been smarter for them to have had a megathread prepared from the beginning, but merging everything after the fact is not to censor you, it is to organize the feedback for easier viewing. Better late than never, IMO. 

    I am hoping to see yet more changes to Oberon still. 

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    22 hours ago, Momaw said:

    Oberon 284% power strength

    Direct damage 1420,  +20% of target's HP on 17 projectiles

    Level 20:  Heavy gunner + elite lancers
    18 observed damage per projectile  (306 extra damage after armor)

    Level 100: Heavy gunner + elite lancers
    242 observed damage per projectile (4114 extra damage after armor)

    Expect much bigger numbers if you strip armor first.



    Ya, I watched a video where the guy stripped armor with a pox. Didn't do shit. 

    Edited by (XB1)Weesil xD
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    19 minutes ago, Hellmaker2004 said:


    So you want Oberon to do almost everything Trinity does, while also deal damage, and offer better protection and offer crowd control and offer a way to debuff foes. I am honestly surprised you did simply not add something that also offers energy to the team at this point.


    My thoughts?

    Way over the top.

    You know, the combo thing I did with the HG and Renewal does indeed make him a damaging Trinity without energy-replenishment, which yes, is likely quite a bit over the top. I'm gonna remove that combo (so his defensive bonuses actually require being on the HG patch or in his small aura).

    Alternatively, the DR could be reduced, but removing the forced synergy seems like the better choice here.

    But, the fact that he'd actually be going to Trinity-tier... that at least would mean that those changes would be along the lines of what he needs!

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    People should try the latest version of smite. The damage went up by a bit and is now in the somewhat decent range. I do not think it's useless anymore and is decent for a 1 with a quick knockdown.

    That toggle for renewal made Oberon somewhat tanky with the right setup. I like this a lot and it might be viable for some builds

    Edited by LazyKnight
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    8 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    You know, the combo thing I did with the HG and Renewal does indeed make him a damaging Trinity without energy-replenishment, which yes, is likely quite a bit over the top. I'm gonna remove that combo (so his defensive bonuses actually require being on the HG patch or in his small aura).

    Alternatively, the DR could be reduced, but removing the forced synergy seems like the better choice here.

    But, the fact that he'd actually be going to Trinity-tier... that at least would mean that those changes would be along the lines of what he needs!

    Diversity has to come at a cost, or there would be no need to use specialized Warframes.

    There is no doubt that Oberon needed a severe tweak however, and although i have not tested him after the rework. I know that he was lacking before, and it currently sound like a lot of issues and/or bugs have surfaced for him. But have no doubt that DE will iron those wrinkles out as long as people help to report them.

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    I really like the rework. simply stated.

    The powers feel like they do something now, 

    smite kills mobs effectively

    renewal is wonderful and I think the toggle +power drain was a excellent resolution to the power. 

    Hallowed ground is a good frontal cone now which makes it far more effective and useful

    overall I find myself enjoying oberon now in a way I didn't before. 


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