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Oberon Feedback 20.3.1 and beyond


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Another thought,

When iron renewal is active - gain energy + deal additional damage to rad proc'd foes

Side that with a tap and hold mechanic for hallowed ground.

Tap - as it is now

Hold - longer lasting (3-5x) personal aura

Both can be used in tandem

Bring it and reckoning's range up to 20m and we're set

Edited by Phyrak
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20 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Don't forget that it isn't just his abilities that need changes. He needs more base armour, and more energy, or a way to regain energy. Even Saryn has this. He's supposed to be more of a caster frame, and requires multiple ability casts, but we have to deal with a very small energy pool.

INB4 Prime and the arguement of "just buy prime access then"

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To summarize OP:

"I don't like the DnD style Paladin that DE designed Oberon to be, I'd prefer a WoW style paladin.

Let me suggest a complete overhaul that completely destroys his current identity, because so long as current Oberon exists, the Paladin theme will be filled with a frame I don't find very Paladin-y."


I sympathize, I felt the same way for a while. But I eventually came to accept that DE has other ideas for who Oberon is.

Might I suggest how I personally coped? I used Inaros as a substitute paladin. He's not perfect, but he does have:

  • High durability
  • Can heal allies with his 2 and 4, his 2 making them invincible in the process.
  • Melee focused, but not restricted to it.
  • Lots of CC effectively acts as Damage reduction for allies.

You just have to get past his looks (which isn't too hard, given enough customization), and the fact that his healing comes from life-stealing, so he's kind of a dark paladin.


Another suggestion would be Everlasting Ward fire Chroma.

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i agree that nerf thread is ridiculous.

On hit health orb drop chance would be nice for reckoning. (be it just on hit, or on kill in x amount of seconds or while the rad proc is active) As it stands i plan to make a tank build for oberon that uses health conversion but i need to get my hands on rage first.

Smite seems fine now after the recent patch.

Renewal is great and while yeah sure i want to see the reverse duration change the interaction with hallowed ground is amazing. 

Hallowed ground needs to be a circle and I'm convinced it's damage got nerfed so while I want to do a hallowed eruption build it just feels like a waste now, more than it did before.

Passive seems fine, I would have loved the originally talked about, cdr on companion active abilities but that could have gotten really broken really fast. 

side note: it's amazing I don't have rage yet at Mr 15. i need to do more void missions.

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Being condescending and or nitpicking is not helpful to anyone. If you have actual arguments and suggestions, post them. If you don't, then go start a feces-flinging contest in a different thread. I have posted real feedback here (mostly things suggested by a great portion of the community) and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

Also, I'm always the paladin in DnD. :smile:

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Giving enemies damage reduction is actually a really good idea. If Reckoning give damage reduction and hallowed ground give damage resistance, then using Reckoning inside hallowed ground will give both of them natural defensive synergy.

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A new kit mostly

Also side point are we need to really talk about the visuals on HG. Like why does nidus's ravenous look visually more appealing than HG? Nidus is infested. How is that possible and oberon was just looked at?

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2 minutes ago, Darkvramp said:

Honestly i have no clue why Oberon has hollowed ground as his 2 and renewal as his 3, they are not strong enough on their own to do what new do now. Renewal and hollow ground need to be rolled into one ability, now that it works with an expanding ring, healing as it does now, applying hollowed ground to the floor as it passes, giving people regen, status immunity and Oberon's armor value + power strength when they stand on the hollowed ground. As soon as you leave the hollowed ground, you loose the status immunity and armor buff, but keep the regen for a duration that is affected by duration mods.

Then he could have reckoning move to his 3 and a new ability replace as his 4. Because the kit he has now is not good enough on its own, the recent changes have shown that, he needs a real look at his powers not like mag or saryn but like volt and excal. He is, since the rework, the worst frame in game at this moment, even below hydroid, because his kit is all over the place even if he is a jack of all trades. He has one good thing about him ,and that is status immunity, but thats it, everything else is on another frame, done better, and has greater scalebility than anything he has now.

He needs more DE, dont cop out, cuz......


Haven't I seen this in another Obs thread?  Aren't you just spamming your post now?

You have no idea why his 2 and 3 are different abilities?  1 is a armor debuff and damage dealer, totally killing trash and low lvl enemies on contact.  The other is a regen and armor buff alongside a revival enabler.  Should I expect to see you on the equinox thread suggesting that mend and maim be combined into 1 ability active at the same time?

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38 minutes ago, n_0x said:

A new kit mostly

Also side point are we need to really talk about the visuals on HG. Like why does nidus's ravenous look visually more appealing than HG? Nidus is infested. How is that possible and oberon was just looked at?

That's already been addressed. They're working on the visuals though that can mean anything.

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59 minutes ago, robbybe01234 said:

Haven't I seen this in another Obs thread?  Aren't you just spamming your post now?

You have no idea why his 2 and 3 are different abilities?  1 is a armor debuff and damage dealer, totally killing trash and low lvl enemies on contact.  The other is a regen and armor buff alongside a revival enabler.  Should I expect to see you on the equinox thread suggesting that mend and maim be combined into 1 ability active at the same time?

no i dont want mend and maim to be together

his one doesn't debuff armor, his 4 does, and not very well at that.

And neither his 2 or 3 are satisfactory abilities on their own. Combining them in this way would make it a wonderful ability, while staying thematic and balanced, his 2 doesn't do a lot of damage and its silly that we have to press 2 abilities to give survivalbility. it also allows him to be more mobile and gives him a small niche in my opinion.

Also yes i have been reporting this, i dont want to retype it and i like the ability and video.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

That's already been addressed. They're working on the visuals though that can mean anything.

That is correct. What people don't like is the scaling is so low it's non-existent, Hallowed Ground may be wider range but offers LESS utility (bonus armor was removed), his base stats are still too low (seriously, a little Armor and Energy would go a long way), and his Reckoning + Hallowed Ground remove from current armor and not total. 

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10 hours ago, Melkia said:

He might need some more tweaks, but he's in no way worse than he was.

Yes, yes he is...Oberon already had some energy issues, now because of the synergy he has more energy problems and less range.

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Still crap tier. maybe a smidge better than zephyr but not by much. Heal in endgame does literally nothing. 300 power str or 100, youre still going to be killed in 2--3 seconds of jumping out of cover, his cc isnt very good and to make it at all viable, you have to throw on over extend which reduces his healing abilities. 1 isnt worth using, and 2 is still not an aura, and therefore not good enough to waste the energy on unless doing defense, and if youre doing defense, youre taking a frost or limbo and therefore will not be getting hit, and therefore will not need a healer. He needs to give some sort of flat damage reduction. bless trin is only so effective due to flat 75% damage reduction, and im not saying give him the same amount, maybe around 30-40 MAX would be reasonable, since with trin you can pretty much just ev and heal an enemy over and over and indefinitely keep everyone within affinity range (another good thing about bless trin is she requires 0 range mods) at full health and 75% damage reduction. trading this for more of a lazy version of the ability would still make oberon a master of nothing, and i think most people want to see him become a decent healer with moderate cc, since out only real healer atm is trin. And you can say "well that might make him op", but having infinite energy and 75% damage reduction with only a small amount of more button pressing i think is worse, and you dont see a trin nerf anytime soon. plus on top of trin youd have cc frames, who would also have infinite health and energy, who would all be doing a better job than oberon. 

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Please consider the following:

1)Hallowed Ground regains its armor buff that is able to stack with that from renewal

2)Buff Reckoning's range

3)Make the armor stripping consider total and not current armor

4)Smite projectiles ignore armor

5)Add a way for Oberon to regain energy, such as spawning energy orbs from irradiated enemies

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1 hour ago, Phalian said:

That is correct. What people don't like is the scaling is so low it's non-existent, Hallowed Ground may be wider range but offers LESS utility (bonus armor was removed), his base stats are still too low (seriously, a little Armor and Energy would go a long way), and his Reckoning + Hallowed Ground remove from current armor and not total. 

Bonus percentage armor on HG was removed in favor of Iron Renewal which is much much better as it gives a flat base bonus armor rather then percentage increase and now HG has radiation status procs innately within it's radius. So I disagree HG is more useful now. It has a wider range covers more ground, more benefits/synergies, wide and continuous radiation proc distribution and everything the first had including status immunity it's only missing the armor buff which was moved to renewal which you're gonna be casting the most anyways. The old 20% armor buff of the old HG was completely negligible and did little to nothing, more so nothing. Even with power strength it was no where near worth it. The new armor buff is a different story.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

Bonus percentage armor on HG was removed in favor of Iron Renewal which is much much better as it gives a flat base bonus armor rather then percentage increase and now HG has radiation status procs innately within it's radius. So I disagree HG is more useful now. It has a wider range covers more ground, more benefits/synergies, wide and continuous radiation proc distribution and everything the first had including status immunity it's only missing the armor buff which was moved to renewal which you're gonna be casting the most anyways. The old 20% armor buff of the old HG was completely negligible and did little to nothing, more so nothing. Even with power strength it was no where near worth it. The new armor buff is a different story.

Yes he has more utility but it's just the "utility" comes at a HUGE energy cost which is extremely hard to keep up, his armor shred is made pointless if your team mates use Corrosive Projection (because in a team based game, having abilities and mods which can be detrimental to team mates is such a good idea), and Smite's "Scaling" is nullified when you remember ARMOR EXISTS. 

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3 minutes ago, Phalian said:

Yes he has more utility but it's just the "utility" comes at a HUGE energy cost which is extremely hard to keep up, his armor shred is made pointless if your team mates use Corrosive Projection (because in a team based game, having abilities and mods which can be detrimental to team mates is such a good idea), and Smite's "Scaling" is nullified when you remember ARMOR EXISTS. 

Well im much more optimistic of his potential. You should be running Zenurik for any caster frame honestly which helps severely with energy upkeep. Stack that with energy siphon and efficiency. Also with renewal being a toggle now you can run rage feeding his energy very effectively and keeping his armor buff up which actually gives you more armor default without any power strength then a maxed out steel fiber would. With a maxed steel fiber you'd get 315 armor. With iron renewal base you'd get 350 armor as it gives a flat plus 200 base armor and that goes up with power strength. So you could get even more. So slap a steel fiber get that 315 then mod some decent power strength I'm guessing you could get iron renewal to buff you by like another 370 base armor that's 685 armor plus health Regen he's capable of being tanky now. Not to mention you can also give that armor buff to the team helping the squishy frames out A LOT and giving the Tanky frames even more of an edge. His reckoning strips 30% of the enemy's current armor. That goes up with power strength so if you can get it to strip 75-80percent off bat on first cast you should make a huge dent in their armor even stripping completely in like 3-4 reckonings. Honestly Oberon is a very strength heavy frame now and a lot of ppl are missing that. His HG status chance, armor buff, heal/HoT, armor strip, etc all go up with power strength. If you get his power strength up their he's very decent. The biggest issue is energy upkeep so efficiency, Energy siphon, Zenurik energy overflow, and rage are your best friends. I don't think that many ppl have farmed the focus to have Zenurik energy overflowed maxed that's probly the main issue. Thats mandatory for Oberon IMO he's gonna be very hard to manage otherwise.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)destroyerchris1 said:

Well im much more optimistic of his potential. You should be running Zenurik for any caster frame honestly which helps severely with energy upkeep. Stack that with energy siphon and efficiency. Also with renewal being a toggle now you can run rage feeding his energy very effectively and keeping his armor buff up which actually gives you more armor default without any power strength then a maxed out steel fiber would. With a maxed steel fiber you'd get 315 armor. With iron renewal base you'd get 350 armor as it gives a flat plus 200 base armor and that goes up with power strength. So you could get even more. So slap a steel fiber get that 315 then mod some decent power strength I'm guessing you could get iron renewal to buff you by like another 370 base armor that's 685 armor plus health Regen he's capable of being tanky now. Not to mention you can also give that armor buff to the team helping the squishy frames out A LOT and giving the Tanky frames even more of an edge. His reckoning strips 30% of the enemy's current armor. That goes up with power strength so if you can get it to strip 75-80percent off bat on first cast you should make a huge dent in their armor even stripping completely in like 3-4 reckonings. Honestly Oberon is a very strength heavy frame now and a lot of ppl are missing that. His HG status chance, armor buff, heal/HoT, armor strip, etc all go up with power strength. If you get his power strength up their he's very decent. The biggest issue is energy upkeep so efficiency, Energy siphon, Zenurik energy overflow, and rage are your best friends. I don't think that many ppl have farmed the focus to have Zenurik energy overflowed maxed that's probly the main issue. Thats mandatory for Oberon IMO he's gonna be very hard to manage otherwise.

But what I am saying is that you shouldn't NEED to have all this energy regeneration to use Oberon. Saryn can pop her own spores, Limbo and Octavia can regen energy passively, Nidus can get energy with his 1, these are warframes which are very combo heavy. They give energy and reward you for using their abilities together, so why not Oberon? I am an Oberon main, heck, he was one of the first Warframes I absolutely loved playing. But energy was not the only problem, I believe that there should be more of a reason to stand on Hallowed Ground other than "I need healing". 

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I'm sure we can agree now that the biggest problem Oberon faces now is with his Hallowed Ground, and that Reckoning can be tweaked.

Hallowed Ground:  This is not a strong ability on its own, and I believe that's the major issue with it. The most comparable ability to it in the game is Nezha's Firewalker, which can last long periods of time, has much higher chance of proccing status effects, deals much more damage, synergizes with his kit, follows him, provides speed, and the status effect immunity. Hallowed Ground on its own is nowhere close and I feel the key to this rework is making it strong independent of the synergies it provides. Edit: I would suggest enemies that die on Hallowed Ground or while Iron Renewal is active give energy to Oberon, and it should return the total armor% buff in addition to the flat armor buff from Iron Renewal.

Reckoning: Needs to spawn health from enemies hit by it and some range, preferably to the blinding effect.

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I'll leave this here:

I'm sure we can agree now that the biggest problem Oberon faces now is with his Hallowed Ground, and that Reckoning can be tweaked. Smite and Renewal are both strong abilities on their own and synergize greatly with the rest of his kit. That said, the other abilities are not and will require tweaking. Oberon also is an ability spammer with no way to gain energy or reduce the cost of abilities in his kit.

Hallowed Ground:  This is not a strong ability on its own, and I believe that's the major issue with it. The most comparable ability to it in the game is Nezha's Firewalker, which can last long periods of time, has much higher chance of proccing status effects, deals much more damage, synergizes with his kit, follows him, provides speed, and the status effect immunity. Hallowed Ground on its own is nowhere close and I feel the key to this rework is making it strong independent of the synergies it provides. I would suggest enemies that die on Hallowed Ground or while Iron Renewal is active give energy to Oberon, and it should return the total armor% buff in addition to the flat armor buff from Iron Renewal.

Reckoning: Needs to spawn health from enemies hit by it and some range, preferably to the blinding effect.


Edit: The total armor buff % would synergizes greatly with the flat armor buff from Iron Renewal, and the energy regain would help him significantly as he is a caster with a small energy pool. The added range to his Reckoning in addition to the consistent stream of Health Orbs would open up more build paths with Health Conversion an Equilibrium and would be a small yet massive buff in conjunction with the Hallowed Ground change mentioned and would go a long way.

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What will we do with a drunken goatman
What will we do with a drunken goatman
What will we do with a drunken goatman
Early in the morning!


... Ahem.

1) Passive isn't something that defines the frame. In the cases of some frames, the sudden absence of a passive would likely be left unrecognized by the masses at all (the dude on my avatar)

2) Rejuvenation. GET RID OF THE INVERSE DURATION, DAMMIT! Why not make it a simple HP regen buff that extends in continuity with higher duration and restores the higher amount of hit points per a second with modified power strength. The instant healer niche is already occupied by Trinity, so why not to make oberon not a field surgeon but a combat medic? The inverse duration messes up with the phoenix renewal augment, so there should either be no more inverse duration or a new, functional augment for his healing ability.

3) The smite ability was ok in its pre-rework form. Why fix what's not broken?


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52 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:

What are hte positives of Oberon's kit as it stands as of 20.3.1?

1. The Iron Renewal Buff and Renewal itself make Oberon extremely tanky when used in tandem with each other and HG.

2. He hasn't lost any of the decent CC that he already had.

3. HG can now CC and has a much bigger range.

52 minutes ago, MarrikBroom said:


The powers themselves have to be in the same order (smite, hallowed ground, renewal, reckoning.)

They have to visually function in a similarish manner to how they do now. That is to say Smite damages a guy that then spawns orbs that damage other guys, hallowed ground makes this wedge of farie fire that Does Stuff, Renewal Heals, and Reckoning slams people.

However maybe Renewal has innate armor buffing instead of depending on hallowed ground, or hallowed ground's main job other than spreading radiation, is to double what the other powers do.

We need to come together as a community and make a single set of changes that while maybe we're not each happy with, we can all generally see as positive.
To that end: What are hte positives of Oberon's kit as it stands as of 20.3.1? It's easy to just stick nose up and go 'he's trash.' It's far harder to go 'OK smite has an interesting mechanic where it knocks a guy on their bum and everyone around them runs the risk of going bonkers.' We need to identify Oberon's strengths and try finding ways to improve that.

Since it seems that you're asking for change suggestions, hear are mine:

1. Smite-Keep all of it's CC and Debuff Procs

Damage on projectiles is the full 35% of enemy health and shields instead of being divided by number of projectiles for each mini projectile.

To make damage scale even more, you could make it based off of EHP so that Armor is factored in also.

Smite Infusion: Keep the same


2. Hallowed Ground: Base Ability is pretty good, but maybe something additional like proccing a slow on enemies standing on it.

Could also restore armor buff from past iteration at around 40% Armor Increase or a flat increase of 100 without mods.

Could also stagger enemies going through it.

Augment: Make new one called Hallowed Aura. Basically this happens with it:

Lose AoE damage and proccing

Still keeps all other features

HG is aura around you

With this augment, you could easily get Iron Renewal on all of your allies and be a mobile status proc clearer.


3. Renewal: Increase Base Range to 50 meters to around where Trinity can cast her heal.

Make it so that only the casting Oberon has to be on Hallowed Ground for all in range to get Iron Renewal.

Besides that, it's good as is right now.

Phoenix Renewal: Reduce Cooldown timer to 30 seconds

Make cooldown timer scale with power strength with diminishing returns


4. Reckoning: Change Health orb chance of spawn on enemies killed to on enemies hit.

Reduce chance of Health orbs to 25% or 20% from 50% to account for change

Increase Base Range to 20 meters from 15

Increase Base Armor Strip from 30% to 40% so that with at least 250% Power Strength, you can strip enemy armor completely.

If the armor strip has diminishing returns, then remove them because the armor strip would not be very worthwhile for building towards with diminishing returns.

Hallowed Reckoning: Good, Keep


Only graphical change would be to make HG more visible. Some ways may be to make it less flat and transparent by making it look like a cone/angle of Holy Fire sort of like how Fire Walker's fire looks, but holier.


I personally feel like he needs more energy, but he probably won't get stat buffs till his prime comes out. So here are there stats I want for his Prime:

375 Health>375 Health

300 Shield>300 Shield

150 Armor>250 Armor

150 Energy>225 Energy

1 extra D polarity


Passive Change: Like I said earlier: 

"When Oberon kills an irradiated enemy they release a small healing pulse of 10 hp/have a 50% chance of dropping a health orb."


Hopefully I answered your questions right.



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any combination of the following: what he has now, but also for sentinels, built in rapid resilience (status effects wear off 75% faster), a flat 25% damage resistance for oberon and all teammates in affinity range, +15 energy for every enemy that gets a radiation proc within 30 meters


- either remove the "scaling damage" or make it actually do something worthwhile

- make the orbs also knock enemies down in addition to the single target knockdown it has now

- make the orbs always proc puncture and radiation 100% of the time

- make the orbs only seek out targets that don't have a puncture and radiation on them

Hallowed Ground

- make it a circle

- increase radius to 20 meters and make it 2 or 3 meters tall so slight inclines don't block it


fine as is


- increase the blind radius to 8 meters from 4

- enemies drop health orbs on hit rather than on death

- increase the armor stripping synergy with hallowed ground to 75% so its easier to mod for and requires less spamming

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Recently I used my 5-formaed Oberon in LoRNM, using decent stats w/ max range w/ Phoenix Renewal (plus Zenurik + Rank 3 Arcane Energize)

- Smite is fine and meh, just make sure the initial target will have guaranteed radiation proc. And/Or make that puncture damage to slash damage.

- Hallowed Ground, the old graphic effects is more visible. I hope the new fx will glow more and/or have more uplifting aura effect. It would be better also if the area affected w/ this ability is guaranteed affected w/ radiation proc, but w/ 40% power str is not overkill and just as enough damage to do crowd control.

- Renewal is better as an ability with decent duration like Trinity' Blessing. That "Energy per Target" really sucks on Oberon and they should remove that, especially Oberon only have 425 Power. If 7 people are being buffed in LoR so [ 7x3=21 ] plus the energy per second, that's just too much nonsense energy drain per second.

- Reckoning is fine for me, but I suggest to put "reducing 0.5 to 1 HP in Oberon per reckoned enemy" to synergize w/ Equilibrium mod.

- Overall usage of abilities of Oberon, even I use Energy Siphon + Zenurik + Arcane Energize, especially if he's just standing only to stick on one location, he uses energy too much so i suggest reduce the base energy consumption to -30% to -50%

- Oberon's passive is a joke doing raids. Players don't tend to use pets in raids coz it's a pain reviving them when they're stuck somewhere esp. in bugged areas, and there's no "Vacuum" or "autoloot system" on pets. Or add "2x HP, shield and armor for sentinels" will be fine. Or a passive like "Oberon's charged attacks will give a health and energy orb"


Those are all suggestions thou. Probably devs don't care if I posted this anyway :v (Devs are currently working on some Oberon fixes. Anyway I hope Oberon will be better than this soon)

Edited by ChronoJXF
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