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Every Single Type Warframe inside the Orbiter.


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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

That's cool but also looks kinda lonely.  It is not an assembly of friends that stands before you, but just empty suits of armor vacantly staring back at you.  You, the product of the abyss itself.

Reminds me of my 3 story house of power armors in Fall Out

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38 minutes ago, (PS4)Final_Dragon01 said:

That's cool but also looks kinda lonely.  It is not an assembly of friends that stands before you, but just empty suits of armor vacantly staring back at you.  You, the product of the abyss itself.

Like Tony Stark... but with less expendable money.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

From here, you have three options:

- Put them on the walls of the Operator's room, Tony-Stark style.

- Put them in chronological order.

- Put them with their respective noggles.

Putting them on walls would be such a sick option honestly.

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8 minutes ago, --Q--XFA said:

Photoshop :D

Damn, I had a feeling it was photoshop...

But I'd would be nice if we could actually set our owned Warframes on the Orbiter as decorations, I would put mine in the Transference room and while being in Operator mode I would think, "Hmm, what to wear today..." :P

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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

Putting them on walls would be such a sick option honestly.

I'm secretly hoping that the remaining locked room of our Orbiter is some kind of closet with all your Warframes appear (yeah, either a big closet or something where you can set ~5 setups to be shown).

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