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Thanks for Watching Devstream #91!


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Thank you very much for the stream <3


2 minutes ago, ZenDash said:

Will the wraith and vandal weapons be colorable like you said few dev streams ago?

This, I'd like to know as well. Why make a poll, which yielded very unanimous results, and not apply the changes?

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Thanks DE, but this 120 Juggernaught shows everything that doesn't work in Warframe.

Hitting on a wall that OS everyone in the group during 1 hour with the hope of getting one Catalyst ? Nope, won't do that.

Edited by Chewarette
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I wanted a search tab for mods, but found out there's already one today. ;P

Search tab in trade looks awesome, I just wonder how far will it search in the chat... Speaking of search tabs, will it work in Recruit chat as well? To assemble parties for Trials and Relic opening it would be gold.

3 years to animate a bird? Sounds like there is more to it... But if it does something cool, I am down with that.

I spoke in an old post about Archwing rewards and I did suggest Nitain, sadly Archwing in kind of taboo in Warframe community these days. Thank you for bringing the "old" controls back do, I can fly and kill much better now. Speaking of Archwing, that needs to be implemented in Captura. Still in Archwing, Corvas shotgun needs to work exactly like the Drakgoon (please).

Endless Kuva is not my greatest desire, however I am curious why there are no "consumable itens" that require/use Kuva since we can drink it in the quest... That or a decoration would be nice.

About the Oberon rework I'm just gonna say it did not make me want to go back and play with him again... He is still very mellow. I was thinking he was going to have an ability to make animals fight for him (a bit like Nyx). Tricky against Corpus, I know, but if that Eagle was implemented in the Corpus planets it might work...

Enemies from the Clan Assassination look really cool - Jafar Helios made me LOL :)

The shotguns (the pumpup and this new one) if they are going to be Grinner and Corpus, you could make then drop from specific enemies. I am thinking Bombards or Heavy Gunners and Burstas... maybe?

Ambulas new boss fight seems challenging, but what I really want is a massive boss like Lephantis were we also have to take out is parts and then he reveals is final form... Please make this happen (Corpus and Grinner deserve a Boss like that of their own).

It was a nice stream. Thanks everyone.

Edited by (PS4)leonidasx666
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10 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

Okay, who's the idiot who thought a level 120 Juggernaut at the end of the alert was a good idea? Failing the mission because of complete BS one-shots is not the kind of "challenge" these alerts should be based on!

"Lul, let's give them an enemy that is a pain in the &amp;#&#33; to even hit in melee, and can one shot frames with projectiles that don't even need to hit."

Sounds like DC bs alright.

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)ceejmr333 said:

We can't really blame DE for the challenge catalyst alert.  It was designed via the Design Council.  Not really of DE's original construction.  

DE approved an alert that forces us to fight a broken enemy with broken one-shot kill hitboxes with melee only (which I don't know if the issue of most melee weapons not being long enough to reach the Juggernaut's weak points has been addressed), so they also take part of the blame.

I just hope this alert brings two issues to light for them:

  1. The DC challenges need to be challenging, yet possible for anyone with the proper build, not cheese methods (looking at you, mister/miss "I did it easy with a Limbo and my Mesa")
  2. The Juggernaut is in SERIOUS need of a rework. Huge health pool, only two of its attacks open it up for real damage, one of those attacks constantly one-shots players (even if they're playing the heaviest tank 'Frames), and that one-shot attack has some of the worst hitboxes imaginable. Standing behind the Juggernaut when it launches the attack? Dead. Ten feet to the left or right of the attack? Dead. Hiding behind a wall? Dead. Dodged past the attack? Dead as soon as you get back on your feet. I honestly feel bad for whoever it was that designed the original Juggernaut, 'cause what we got couldn't have been what they had in mind.
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Is it just me.. or does anyone else feel alittle short changed on the digital Tennocon Ticket concerning Baros inventory? I mean.. I can't speak for others but I own probably everything he has to offer. I feel a cosmetic like a exclusive syanada for indivduals who purchased the digital ticket to commemorate Tennocon 2017 wouldnt of been out of the question. 

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