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Weapons to use post simulor nerf

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So, i grew out of tonkor a while back, but my fave gun, like many people, was synoid simulor, as it was great for crowd control and killing up to lvl 100s pretty easily. Now, i got my bows, or tigris or vaykor hek and other stuff to kill high lvl enemies now, and ignis for all lower lvl stuff, but what can i use to replace the simulor when doing like, a grineer survial for like an hour, where you get sortie lvl enemies in big numbers. I know other stuff i have can kill them, but im not a fan of shottys or bows or anything, and definitely not launchers. Basically, what is a good simulor replacement?

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1 minute ago, Rawbeard said:

simulor was not nerfed, stop spreading lies and start to use secondary fire.

What you've just said is objectively false.

But I use Tigirs Prime, it gets the job done very well for me.

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You are not really going to find something that does exactly what the Simulor did and how easy it did that. Because that is the reason why they nerfed it in the first place. So yeah. You have to tone down your expectations most likely.

Edited by Airwolfen
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2 minutes ago, (PS4)balanceguardian said:

i mean, anything to point, shoot, and all enemies die in an aoe within a reasonable time up to sortie level, is that too much to @(*()$ ask for

Yes, cheese is most definitely too much to ask for.

Re-voting for Tigris Prime. Use Punch-Through to deal with large groups.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)balanceguardian said:

So, i grew out of tonkor a while back, but my fave gun, like many people, was synoid simulor, as it was great for crowd control and killing up to lvl 100s pretty easily. Now, i got my bows, or tigris or vaykor hek and other stuff to kill high lvl enemies now, and ignis for all lower lvl stuff, but what can i use to replace the simulor when doing like, a grineer survial for like an hour, where you get sortie lvl enemies in big numbers. I know other stuff i have can kill them, but im not a fan of shottys or bows or anything, and definitely not launchers. Basically, what is a good simulor replacement?

i mean i know you didn't say launchers, but you really have no choice, use zarr, it gets the job done

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3 hours ago, (PS4)balanceguardian said:

So, i grew out of tonkor a while back, but my fave gun, like many people, was synoid simulor, as it was great for crowd control and killing up to lvl 100s pretty easily. Now, i got my bows, or tigris or vaykor hek and other stuff to kill high lvl enemies now, and ignis for all lower lvl stuff, but what can i use to replace the simulor when doing like, a grineer survial for like an hour, where you get sortie lvl enemies in big numbers. I know other stuff i have can kill them, but im not a fan of shottys or bows or anything, and definitely not launchers. Basically, what is a good simulor replacement?

Use Drakoon, Telos boltor, Quanta Vandal, kulstar, Lex prime.. you have a big variety

Or simply rely on yr ASH-Buster

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Or you could just use it correctly since it's stronger now. You know, Alt Fire Boom boom?

They reworked its stats, and nerfed it's primary fire to prevent constant spam, now you get the stacks then detonate for EVEN MORE DAMAGE.

But then again, that's just my two cents on the matter. There's plenty of good guns though, in case you're just absolutely dead set on it.

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Oh come on it's not that bad now and certainly not like using a piece of damp lettuce. Use the alt fire. Try Quanta vandal. It's very good and versatile: ammo efficient, good single target damage and aoe with cubes.

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"I can't play the game anymore by not aiming, not paying attention, and not making any effort anymore with weapon X. Please tell me what the next mindless weapon is".

And when people complain the game has problems, they get yelled at.

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6 hours ago, Airwolfen said:

You are not really going to find something that does exactly what the Simulor did and how easy it did that.

You mean something that can kill massive amounts of enemies while you stare at the ceiling? They still have that melee button don't they? lol

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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Getting really tired of rep farming, nonsense comments...

6 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

simulor was not nerfed, stop spreading lies and start to use secondary fire.


1 hour ago, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

Or you could just use it correctly since it's stronger now. You know, Alt Fire Boom boom?

Either you haven't even tried it after the rework at all or you went: "Wow, my alt fire could just oneshot a lvl 20 heavy gunner. It's better than before!111". Yes, the damage got shifted to detonating. And guess what's faster in dps...detonating a fully stacked orb or just keep merging stuff? DPS is LOTS less now and no amount of "I'm special and say it's buffed so you are all wrong" will ever change this fact.



@(PS4)balanceguardian You can either start appreciating the quanta vandal or start accepting that you gotta be more active yourself than just spam-clicking LMB. There are so many weapons that can go WAY longer than synoid simulor ever could. Since you don't seem to like any primary weapon as can be seen in your 2nd last sentence, you could give melees such as orthos prime a try.

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as i said i have no problem doing anything with my melees esp with naramon, but that gets boring, but whats the point of using a primary now if its will either kill you, only kill whats in front of you, or just cant dish out enough damage to be viable. Mind you I know i can use ignis and ignis wraith but they are only viable til around lvl 50 enemies

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