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I was doing a sortie couple of days back with a group of randoms, and one player MR 6 i guess was doing the spy mission with Saryn

(fine, he is low level and may not have Loki or Ash)

and the final mission was survival or assassination (please forgive an old man for the lack of memory).. he switched to Loki..


It is in my understanding that Loki is a spy frame, why Saryn ? Strange no?

When i asked him why he did not reply.

Did any of you guys had a similar strange situation?

Just trying to understand here the mind of that player

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It's not strange. Loki is not at all a spy frame since every frame can do spy missions easily. He's very good even in survival mission, probably he just prefer to not be seen by the hordes of high level enemies.

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1 minute ago, Drufo said:

It's not strange. Loki is not at all a spy frame since every frame can do spy missions easily. He's very good even in survival mission, probably he just prefer to not be seen by the hordes of high level enemies.

I understand the survival case, but on a sortie spy, i guess it is logic to use Loki when you have it,, no?

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Some people like taking unnecessary risks by "speed-running" (read: blundering their way through literally every obstacle on the map) Spy missions with frames like Rhino, Valkyr, Saryn, basically anything that's more combat-oriented, and the slower the better, as opposed to a stealth- or mobility-focused frame, or at least one with a useful ability or two like Mirage, Limbo, or Nova.

Most of the time they either end up screwing up fantastically, or loitering around the insertion point while the guys who wanted to make a serious attempt but forgot to switch to private matchmaking do the mission for them, but on low-level nodes like Cambria, it can technically be more efficient.

Now, it's of course possible to meet someone who's actually competent at Spy and does this when they want an additional challenge, because Stealth is kind of an all-or-nothing affair in the game's current state, but most of the time it's just some self-styled elite trying and failing to imitate someone they view as a "pro."

Edited by Dreddeth
Typographical error.
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20 minutes ago, Dreddeth said:

Some people like taking unnecessary risks by "speed-running" (read: blundering their way through literally every obstacle on the map) Spy missions with frames like Rhino, Valkyr, Saryn, basically anything that's more combat-oriented, and the slower the better, as opposed to a stealth- or mobility-focused frame, or at least one with a useful ability or two like Mirage, Limbo, or Nova.

Most of the time they either end up screwing up fantastically, or loitering around the insertion point while the guys who wanted to make a serious attempt but forgot to switch to private matchmaking do the mission for them, but on low-level nodes like Cambria, it can technically be more efficient.

Now, it's of course possible to meet someone who's actually competent at Spy and does this when they want an additional challenge, because Stealth is kind of an all-or-nothing affair in the game's current state, but most of the time it's just some self-styled elite trying and failing to imitate someone they view as a "pro."

Those wonderful moments when i take my Ivara to do a perfect spy run, enter the vault slowly dodging all obstacles when suddenly a nidus rushes in dodges traps like they are not even there and pulls the data before anybody else could even get data at A and B.

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Just to be this guy, but personally I can do any vault with any frame without setting off the alarms everytime. Once you are able to do that, the benefit that Ash or Loki gives is minimal. That, or they knew their abilities were not up to par so they let others do the vaults whilst they just fought/survived.

It is human nature to question what we don't understand, but spies are cake with anyone <3

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If it's a Spy, not a surprise.

If it was an assassination, there's 2 things that could be a factor.

1) He doesn't want to be seen by the enemies but still participate/run around until the boss is dead.

2) Disarm all the enemies to help you out.

or there's always the other 2 options.

3) Combo of both

4) Just felt like running Loki.

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17 hours ago, (Xbox One)Oussii said:

I was doing a sortie couple of days back with a group of randoms, and one player MR 6 i guess was doing the spy mission with Saryn

(fine, he is low level and may not have Loki or Ash)

and the final mission was survival or assassination (please forgive an old man for the lack of memory).. he switched to Loki..


It is in my understanding that Loki is a spy frame, why Saryn ? Strange no?

When i asked him why he did not reply.

Did any of you guys had a similar strange situation?

Just trying to understand here the mind of that player


Loki is not the only frame for spy. I use ash, loki, ivara, wukong, octavia, equinox, vauban, nova.....

Almost every frame can be used.... except hydroid. No one wants a hydroid :P

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I can manage spy missions without a 'spy' frame.  It just takes being aware of your surroundings.  They literally all function the exact same and the increase in difficulty is minimal at best.  Sure it's optimal but not necessary.   Except Lua.  Screw Lua.  

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8 minutes ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

I can manage spy missions without a 'spy' frame.  It just takes being aware of your surroundings.  They literally all function the exact same and the increase in difficulty is minimal at best.  Sure it's optimal but not necessary.   Except Lua.  Screw Lua.  

How can you evade all the lasers and radars on a spy mission on kuva fortress? because most of the time, all i see players being detected and activating the alarm

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12 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

Invisibility isn't an absolute for spy runs.   Makes them easier, but needed to do it. 

It's also kind of a handicap kind of? Not at first but if you get over dependent on it and bring a frame like Rhino, or you're in the presence of an all majestic activated nullifier.

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Saryn is one of my main frames and while I prefer Ivara for spy missions (duh!), she's totally fine at them if you just blitz through. I can just run through it and spores will passively kill stuff while I focus on hacking. If I drop molt before starting the hack, I got a few seconds of peace to hack too. 

Both works, both fun even if Ivara's more effective. Fun is what ultimately counts, and sometimes you just want to run around like a monkey on LSD rather than a stealthy spy ;)

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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