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Melee is OP?


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Yes and no.
Melee weapons even with the Red Crit build and what not still fall short of the damage output from guns.
Even secondary weapons have greater damage output most of the time.

Melee can churn out a lot of damage though, and if you're dedicated to it you can do the most damage.
If you are melee you're likely playing on a Frame with melee abilities so you will be using abilities, maybe not a lot depending on your build. (like my Eternal War build on Valkyr that makes me a very very angry beyblade)

To be consistent with damage on melee though you kinda need to keep your Combo going for as long as you can, even if you don't have Blood Rush for the red crits, the damage multiplier is still something you want.
If you drop your Combo in high level missions you start to feel like you're beating a brick wall with a bag of tissues.

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Sometimes. When you are swarmed by lighter units at close range, melee is going to be a better option. But when confronted by a bombard or heavy gunner at high levels, it's still faster for me to put an arrow in their face and one shot them than wail on them 6-8 times with my Galatine Prime.

Edited by Gelkor
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It depends. A well built DPS frame can easily outdamage a well built melee. When it comes to Infested, Melee in general will perform much better because they are really compact and come to you in swarms. With Grineer and Corpus is harder because they tend to be more spread out and can damage you from afar while you are stuck in combo animation. 

However melee is not OP, it's just a powerful alternative to powerful way. 

Edited by aligatorno
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14 minutes ago, duhadventure said:

Melee does more because you have to get in close to enemies.

Mmm by that logic gunfire should be more powerful because aiming is harder than getting close and hitting enemies...

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melee is a lot more easier to use than ranged since generally you just have to be close and the game will auto target to melee if you have it set up in the options


with guns you actually have to aim, and if you are using a standard rifle then you kill enemies one at a time. Which explains why in pubs it's more common to see melees getting much more kills.


you can confirm this for yourself, buy like an mk-1 bo and an mk-1 braton. DO NOT put mods in them. go do a level 1 earth defence. note how it's substantially easier to beat everyone up with your staff than to clear with the braton.

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6 minutes ago, Obviousclone said:

melee is a lot more easier to use than ranged since generally you just have to be close and the game will auto target to melee if you have it set up in the options


with guns you actually have to aim, and if you are using a standard rifle then you kill enemies one at a time. Which explains why in pubs it's more common to see melees getting much more kills.


you can confirm this for yourself, buy like an mk-1 bo and an mk-1 braton. DO NOT put mods in them. go do a level 1 earth defence. note how it's substantially easier to beat everyone up with your staff than to clear with the braton.

Yeah and that is really bad, i mean they are basically neglecting skill in the game (another game that does this) having good aim is not rewarded and just getting close and mashing buttons is...


Whatever, good to know since i now will not take the damage % seriously AT ALL.

Edited by Zherot
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2 minutes ago, Obviousclone said:


you can confirm this for yourself, buy like an mk-1 bo and an mk-1 braton. DO NOT put mods in them. go do a level 1 earth defence. note how it's substantially easier to beat everyone up with your staff than to clear with the braton.

Starter melee weapons are less terrible than starter primaries. But how starter weapons perform without mods has nothing to do with endgame weapons and builds. Mid tier and endgame primaries are better than melee weapons without the combo multiplier.


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I would say it can depend on the frame, WFs like abting link trinity and spore sayrnn or endless war valkyr will naturally do more melee damage than say a mag, mesa, or rhino. But magnetize mag, peacemaker mesa or roar Rhino will do more gun damage than the first 3 I mentioned. In the end it all equals out.

Edited by (XB1)FCastle74
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Melee combat has it's pros and cons:

+ not having to rely on ammo or precision to deal damage

+ can be reliable since you don't worry so much about headshots.

+ looks badass.

- requires getting very close to enemies, which is risky with non-tanky frames.

- other squad members may get kills quicker than you with certain weapons.

- some bosses cannot be meleed effectively (Lech Kril & Sargas Ruk)

melee is not Overpowered at all, because it is not a solution to everything. in fact, guns could be considered closer to this, since they allow you to keep distance and still deal damage. ranged combat is almost always the preferred option; that's why humanity invented the Bow, and then the Firearm.



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Like i said that is not the experience i have seen 100% of the time when there is a melee user it will outright have more than cuadruple the damage of non melee users and i have not seen any scenario in which this is not true, bosses?, well i only have fought 1 and the melee guys pretty much oneshoted it... and before that attempt i did a previous run in which i was only with other 2 ranged guys and we were doing terrible damage to it, we were killing him but slowly, then at some point the boss kinda bugged out and we decided to abandon, then the next try 3 melee guys with me, as soon as the battle starts they all attacked non stop and the boss was dead like in 3 seconds...

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It's a give and take. Melee has no reload, and with the right mods weapon and stance you can really lay into hit combo's. The draw back is if you can hit them then they can hit you for the most part. So yeah if you focus in on Melee and mod well with a good weapon that your familiar with you can really lay in the damage.  Is it OP? No it's just another method of dealing damage. You can get just as much returns as guns for the most part.  Personally I find it really good at killing hordes of weaker enemies since you don't have to worry about reloading and keep up the killing.

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12 minutes ago, Zherot said:

Like i said that is not the experience i have seen 100% of the time when there is a melee user it will outright have more than cuadruple the damage of non melee users and i have not seen any scenario in which this is not true, bosses?, well i only have fought 1 and the melee guys pretty much oneshoted it... and before that attempt i did a previous run in which i was only with other 2 ranged guys and we were doing terrible damage to it, we were killing him but slowly, then at some point the boss kinda bugged out and we decided to abandon, then the next try 3 melee guys with me, as soon as the battle starts they all attacked non stop and the boss was dead like in 3 seconds...

Oh, so you are playing at lower levels.  Well, then it's no wonder people with good mods and good melee are outdamaging you. Once you get to higher levels and have access to better mods for both warframes and guns, things will shift. 

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33 minutes ago, Zherot said:

Like i said that is not the experience i have seen 100% of the time when there is a melee user it will outright have more than cuadruple the damage of non melee users and i have not seen any scenario in which this is not true, bosses?, well i only have fought 1 and the melee guys pretty much oneshoted it... and before that attempt i did a previous run in which i was only with other 2 ranged guys and we were doing terrible damage to it, we were killing him but slowly, then at some point the boss kinda bugged out and we decided to abandon, then the next try 3 melee guys with me, as soon as the battle starts they all attacked non stop and the boss was dead like in 3 seconds...

How many hours you have in the game? How many frames you have? Trust the veteran players, your experiences don't mean S#&$ if you just started to play the game and don't have that much knowledge about moding, frames, weapons...


You have to learn how to properly mod your frames and weapons. This way you can outperform melee users as you have bigger range. You can overshadow melee users until you come to very high lvl enemies, than melee weapons are more used in my opinion. People rather pick tank frames so they don't get one shot and use a combo build so the dmg output increases with the enemies killed. I'm talking about enemies above lvl 60. And even than you have some primary and secondary weapons that still deal nice dmg.

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2 hours ago, Zherot said:

It is exaclty the same...

not even

OP means OVER Powered. with this that means such item, skill, etc is beyond that of anything in said place and cant be topped.

better means yes greater but not by much. 

melee is not OP and at time yes better to use than gunfire but also at times is the worst route to go so gunfire is better.

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3 hours ago, Zherot said:

Just wondering... seems like the people doing the most damage are the ones that mongo melee everything rather than using abilities or gunfire.

 It kind of has to be better, because the risk has to equal the reward. Melee you have to get up really close to engage the enemy, so your weapons have to be strong enough to match. Guns may not be quite as powerful, but you can safely kite them if you want. 

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3 hours ago, Zherot said:

Mmm by that logic gunfire should be more powerful because aiming is harder than getting close and hitting enemies...

That is a ridiculous statement. Yes, aiming takes some skill (although with a lot of ranged weapons lol actually no it doesn't). But the point is that using melee is more RISKY, please don't be deliberately obtuse. Of course its not hard to aim when you are right up in someones face, but to get right up in someone's face, you have to, and I am purposefully being redundant, get right up in their face -- with all the associated risks. 

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