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Tracking objects through 3D space: Bombard missiles

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One of the most crucial skills in gaming is to be able to ascertain the exact location of something in the world.
Not just the object's position on screen, but determining it's depth is just as vital. Without the 3d benefits of our natural binocular vision, we rely on other visual cues to determine distances; size, parallex, and light/shadow are instrumental in filling the gaps left by the monocular vision of most video games.

However, what happens when the object projects no light or shadows and is so small it is merely a speck at almost any distance? The ogris' rocket happens.

The problem is exacerbated in the middle of a firefight, where the player's senses are otherwise occupied, being surprise attacked by a rocket as it lazily wanders over to you from the other side of the room.

The solution to the problem is one that can be applied to many of life's problems: fire.

Behold my exquisite computer artistry!


(you may be shocked to hear, but when i offered to re-paint the Sistine Chapel i was rejected. A travesty, i know!)

And just so you know, i don't envision this fire as a puffy series of particles that get left behind like the smoke effects, oh no! This flame, to have the desired effect, has to move WITH the rocket. Think like the fiery muzzle flash at the end of your gun, but it doesn't flicker on and off.



That settles the detecting-the-rocket problem, what about the ascertaining-the-location-of-a-moving-object-in-3D-space-problem?

By utilizing an underused feature of the engine: dynamic lights.

Not only will this allow the rocket to broadcast it's location in the room, it looks good too!
A bright object casting a glow onto any nearby geometry always solidifies it's presence and has been used in games since quake, even before!


P.S. it would also help to make the ogris rocket a little bigger, it's seriously the size of a field mouse, it has wiskers and everything!

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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