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What do people think is a fair reward for DC challenges?

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2 hours ago, Callback said:

If there was a write-in option on those polls we would all vote for Primed Chamber.

Well people will mostly vote for what they need (but not always) and since catalyst is the most needed thing...

I wouldn't even care about primed chamber


my argument would be ... why potato is not enough as a reward? it's still among the most useful resource and u cant get in in conventional mean outside of plat. A lot of both new and old player still need it and was glad we have a chance of double the guarantee potato-per-month now (u know, 2 devstream per month). And for veteran player, a chance to do challenging mission is already a reward by itself. So, again, why must something else be rewarded instead of a potato?

5 hours ago, FireSegment said:

my argument would be ... why potato is not enough as a reward? it's still among the most useful resource and u cant get in in conventional mean outside of plat. A lot of both new and old player still need it and was glad we have a chance of double the guarantee potato-per-month now (u know, 2 devstream per month). And for veteran player, a chance to do challenging mission is already a reward by itself. So, again, why must something else be rewarded instead of a potato?

already explained in the very fist post.


I didn't bother with the alert, simply because I didn't find the reward worth the effort.

During the voting process, I voted for an Exilus Adapter.  While not that amazing of a reward, it was a change of pace for vets and newbs alike as far as rewards go. 

On 5/1/2017 at 4:23 PM, Wrum said:

sigils would be cool but i suspect they will be doing a lot of these so it will probably be impractical.

make it like a stratos emblem. Everyone gets an emblem and the more D.C. challenges they do the more marks they get.


As an endurance runner I could really care less about the rewards.

After all,  if I cared then I wouldn't be an endurance runner.


To answer the question in the title from my own opinion, I believe that the reward was simply just beating it.

It may not have been a huge challenge for some and completely on the opposite side of the spectrum for other players. The point is that it was a challenge and you received a nice little bonus for it. I cling to the idea that not all games and side-missions should be constantly rewarding players with tactile rewards. While it can be a nice incentive for general game-play and design, having challenging bonus missions that spring up from time to time are nice to have. Should they have a small reward? Yes. Does that reward need to be crazy? Not really.

Sometimes the fact of beating a 'challenge mode/mission' is a reward in of itself and players don't need crazy bonuses tacked on.

I think the challenge alert was fun and rewarding for what it was.


Emblem with a number counter like the tactical alert emblem. 

Just that. Anything more would be too much for newer players and anything less would be too insignificant to veterans.


I don't think permanent rewards are good for this because I think there will be a lot of these.  Frankly just making them a pile of credits would be fine with me.

I also don't think appropriate rewards was the point to being with.  These were meant to be a challenge for those crying for tougher missions.  

All the really need to change is to list the challenges before players start the mission.  Finding out 10 waves in that you brought the wrong loadout was not great.

I am not really concerned with the new player argument on this one because the challenge was not meant for new players.  Congrats to those that did it, but that was not the point.

Once we get a more substantial high level system then that will need appropriate rewards.  But the DC stuff is just meant to be fun (weather or not they succeeded on that with this challenge is a different question).  It's one mission every two weeks with a drop in the bucket reward.  If it's not fun don't do em.

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