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Please make Wraith and Vandal Skins customizable

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Nothing kills fashionframe like weapons you can't change the color of. Especially when the weapons base color is an absurdly edgy black and fire engine red, such as is seen on Strun, Karak and Latron wraith. Even the less offensive metallic green-blue of Dera, and Snipetron Vandal just doesn't jive with many players preferred colors.

I don't know why this hasn't happened yet. Prisma weapons were designed with the right approach. They have a unique texture that's easy to recognize with almost any assigned colors. So why must my Strun Wraith be forever cursed with the mark of the Edgelord? 

Weapon skins are not a good solution. I don't even like the Shock-Camo skins, but I have to use them to color my Corpus Vandal weapons. And no such skins even exist for Strun or Latron Wraith. 

Please just make them colorable already. They should have been colorable from the start. 

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3 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

They mentioned they'd be looking into this for the future. With the new event coming up, we might get a surprise :)

I must have missed that. Was that in a devstream?

Edited by Plasmaface
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11 hours ago, Plasmaface said:

Devstream 89 mentions ignis wraith but not color customization. 

Any Commods know something about this that I'm missing?

Basically Rebecca asked about this to Geoff/Steve and both were like "well, back in the day we made this decision, but we can totally look into it"

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Steve asked Geoff if they actually had a reason why the Wraith and Vandal weapons have no color options. Geoff said he doesn't remember. So they decided to make them tintable but Geoff will need his team to make the maps for old weapons. Probably why the Supra Vandal is tintable since it's a new weapon.

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