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Mods not showing during trade


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I cant find my mods (specifically intensify,flow and continuity) during a trade. When I search it in my arsenal its there, but if I set up a shop at Maroo and search for the mods its not there, and the thing with my mods is it can only reach a maxed rank of 3 and all my mods reach that maxed rank, is it because of that wich makes it untradable? anyways please help me im a noob with a mastery rank of 3

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Damaged mods are the starter mods that you get during the very early part of the game, and have a "cracked" surface.  These mods are not tradable by design.  Later on in the game you will run into the undamaged versions of these mods which will be tradable regardless of if you ranked them or not.


To give you an example, Intensify, is supposed to go to max rank of 5 and have a +30% impact for the warframe. while its damaged starter mod goes only to rank 3 and can only impact power strength by +12% max.

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32 minutes ago, Isagon09 said:

Ohh okay thanks, i was wondering why i could not trade them and its super embarassing lol. Thank you! :)


I'm like 90% sure at least some of them used to be tradeable, I know a guy who was collecting broken magazine mods as a way to keep track of how many noobies he'd helped out.

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