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@DE, on May 4th, please buff the Plasma Sword!!


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OK, so the title says it all.

I think it would be wonderful if DE would hotfix in a buff to the Plasma Sword on May 4th.

Now I'm not really a fan of the "hur dur hur, may fourth blah blah blah" meme that seems so popular these days,
 but the Plasma Sword really could use a buff.

So what better time than May 4th?!

Let's be a little silly and give a bit of a boost to a not-great-but-could-be melee weapon all at the same time!

Hek, even just giving it an Augment mod that provides the boost would be something (looks at Mire and Skana)

It doesn't need to be equal to Broken War, just "up there" with Dakra Prime and augmented Prisma Skana.

Maybe boost its Damage to 75 and increase the Attack Speed to .85

Then Dakra and Prisma would still be faster but the damage overall would be closer, so we'd have options.

And an Alert Weapon worth getting, building and keeping!

Whose With ME?!



Image result for jedi kid gif

Image result for jedi kid gif

instead of

Image result for jedi kid gif




Edited by Rolunde
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15 minutes ago, Crimson-Tenno said:

buff braton prime ; _;

With lasers.....uh I mean may the 4th...something something darkside....just add a freaking lightsaber like weapon (or prisma gram?)  to warframe already DE...please;)

Edited by RoninJed
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28 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

sure, one day is more than enough time. and doing it last minute sure shows how important the topic is to you. :/

Ah, DE could make a quick change if they wanted to, don't sell them short! 
(sure going the Augment Mod route would take time, art assets all that, but tweaking a few stats, they've shown plenty of times they can make much more involved changes than that in a small amount of time!)

And yes it only did occur to me this moring, like i said, desipte riffing on the "May The Fourth" meme here it's not really something I really sit around and wait all year for because I think its just so cleaver. =p






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