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[Kubrow/Kavat Concept] Pet interaction (Play Time?) UPDATED


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So, first idea, is multiple active pets at a time. Even if you have to buy active pet slots with platinum, make it happen, because it would be amazing to watch my Kubrow and my Kavat interact with each other.

For starters, there could be random ship interactions involving the pets (much like how they lay down, or walk around ect.) except certain animations are restricted to certain pets personality types. These personality types would most likely be tailored by Breed, but not completed restricted to such.

Having a Kubrow and Kavat at the same time could also trigger random interactions between the two, such as a Kubrow chasing a Kavat around the orbiter, or a group of Kubrows play wrestling together, or even just two kavats having a nap on top of one another. Very cute simplistic things that just makes companions feel more worth it.

Next would be, a special Relay or Dojo room where players can bring their Kubrows and Kavats to fashion frame and socialize. A Dog park if you will. Places like this could sell pet exclusive items, cosmetics, ect. and just be a place for players to show off their carefully crafted companions. (this could also be an operator only relay, instead of bringing a warframe, the tenno themselves goes. Maybe even the Operator can use these places to help further tailor their companions personality traits.)


Then also being allowed to buy toys for the companions, even for plat. Like, maybe a large beach ball you can place in the orbiter, that the kubrow or kavat would randomly decided to play with and chase it around the orbiter, possibly even being integrated into daily interactions with your companions. Maybe you're walking around the orbiter, and by walking into the ball you automatically kick it, causing your kubrow to chase it? You could improvise a game of kick ball with your pet.

The balls could also have different skins, like a stripped ball, lotus themed, Clear ball with an oro inside, ect. And maybe a special edition Clem version that makes a Clem noise every time the player or companion boops the ball.

Edited by Makuta_Nazo
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having two companions would be really nice but that might be a little to powerful, there would have to be some type of drawback like replacing you melee weapon for the second companion, I would like to see multiple companions around the ship even if you cant take them all on missions though, Ordis may hate you forever but its probably unhealthy for an animal to be in stasis for that long lol.

Edited by Helios1414
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2 hours ago, Helios1414 said:

having two companions would be really nice but that might be a little to powerful, there would have to be some type of drawback like replacing you melee weapon for the second companion, I would like to see multiple companions around the ship even if you cant take them all on missions though, Ordis may hate you forever but its probably unhealthy for an animal to be in stasis for that long lol.

I was only referring to active, not taking two into the same mission :D. Just something to have on the orbiter with you. It would be adorable anyways.


(This also makes me think we need a Kubrow/Kavat park)

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ah okay, I always see these broken tenno relays on the navigation, perhaps they could fix one into a kavat / kubrow park like you suggested, might also be able to change your companion without going through the stasis but only in that area, you would still have to go through stasis to change for actual missions, doing this might also allow your pets to gain a personality that can slightly modify its attack patterns or stats.

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2 hours ago, Helios1414 said:

ah okay, I always see these broken tenno relays on the navigation, perhaps they could fix one into a kavat / kubrow park like you suggested, might also be able to change your companion without going through the stasis but only in that area, you would still have to go through stasis to change for actual missions, doing this might also allow your pets to gain a personality that can slightly modify its attack patterns or stats.

Would you mind if I took some of your suggested ideas and added them to the post with more depth? this is really good stuff.

Edited by Makuta_Nazo
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