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More Weapon Variants and Tech: "Hybrids" and "Augmentors"


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For Tenno we have re-purposed Grineer and Corpus weaponry(Wraith/Vandal) and Primed weapons. We have infested Corpus and Grineer weaponry(Torid, Mutalist Quanta, Paracyst etc.). We have Dex weaponry(Lotus signature weapons). Syndicate weapons too but it stopped there for a long time.

How about we get more variants like:

  • Infested Tenno Weapons
  • Smuggled Corpus tech equipped/integrated/merged on Grineer weapons
  • more Orokin hybrid weapons like Seer
  • Civilian improvised weapons
  • or even further new tech "Augmentors" that requires new resource/batteries that allows Tenno to equip Archwing guns and melee on the ground as long as it's fueled(much like pet stabilizers but instead uses new resource: "Augmentor batteries").

what do you guys think?

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